Wednesday, 22 February 2023
What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 716
My desk is untouched, unchanged, nothing to see, move along please. So that’s not the photograph du jour. Mind you, if my desk has been used, changed or better yet, the alphabet file and it’s contents sorted, refreshed and properly used, I will have to assume that my house-sitting family member has had a turn! We’re away, on our winter breaking sun seeker of a trip.
Accompanied as always by my two faithful past times, the stitching and the reading. Of course Mr Dunnit is here too, my easily bored let’s-do-something all the time life companion. It’s nearly 38 years so we’re well used to each others holiday requirements; indeed as I type this he’s settled with a cup of tea and some frightful sudoku. I’ve got about forty minutes, I reckon, before we have to go for a walk!
So my real desk is this towel covered sun bed. The fancy spa slippers are to stop my feet being cold on the marble (?) floors of the apartment. I really appreciate this because I hate cold feet and barefoot on these floors causes just that. Cold feet. In just 2 short hours though, I’ve discovered that these little slippers are absolutely lethal on the inside floors. So, for a while, I shuffled. But still came close to breaking myself with some impressive slip-and-recover moves, so am now silently gritting my teeth and wearing sandals all the time. So ya see, it’s not all sun and Sangria! OK it is, but the story of the slippers may save you a similar problem where your next trip involves marble or tile floors! No need to thank me, just show what you’ve been up to whilst I’ve been slumming it in the sun!!
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Well I hope you are soaking up some sun whilst sliding around your apartment, but do take care, we don't want anything breaking! Have a great time and enjoy the walk! Helen#2
Oh Julia, how I would love to be slumming it in the sun. You continue for as long as you can wearing the sandals to stop you slipping on the marble (?) floors. In the meantime just keep the fancy spa slippers by the towelled bed and put them on to make you feel ultra posh whenever the fancy takes you.
In the meantime think of us poor souls in the dull and dismal (sunless is what I mean) north of England - NO, on second thoughts, don't - just lie back and enjoy yourself.
Hugs, Neet (1) xx
We’re so different, I would love the feel of bare feet on the marble floor! Hope you’re having a lovely break, have fun!
Hugs LLJ 3 xx
Oh how lovely it would be to be in the sun right now. Your stitching is wonderful to see and it is such fun to see the progress over time. I have a similar (?) problem with The Hubster. But kinda the opposite? He can never stop working, even on holiday. A fast wifi connection is the requirement for any holiday spot - limiting for sure. Ah well. Like you, I don;t need much but a good book and my knitting to be happy. ENJOY!
Happy on-time WOYWW!
Mary Anne (5)
I managed to pop by but leaving a generic comment as too much typing is still challenging. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #4
Oh how wonderful. Enjoy your break/walks. The sewing is looking fab.
Annie x
Have a wonderful break. That stitchy pic will be amazing framed on your wall so, slow but steady and enjoy! x x Jo
Yes, I’d be with our LLJ and slippers off. Whatever makes you feel comfy and safe, though. Your embroidery is exquisite, good to see you’ve brought it. We’re off to Canterbury this morning for hisself’s dental appointment so I’ll be doing more visiting later. No, he doesn’t need his hand holding, it’s just Canterbury’s perennial nightmare parking. Have a great holiday,Julia,
Hugs, Lynnecrafts um 8 I think! Xx
Ooh fabulous, take care with those slippers though, maybe you need to be waited on 😉. Enjoy
Lucky you Julia, I could do with that but not much chance at the moment. We're off for the next meeting at the nursing home for my mum today. Do take care and have a great time whatever you choose to do. Sending woyww hugs, Angela x9x
As well as being slightly envious of you being in the sunshine, I’m very taken with your stitching project it looks amazing. Enjoy yourselves xx
Oh the slipper floor story. I'd probably be lying ON the marble floor to keep cool such is the continuing hotness of this time of life. But it is OK we don't go on holiday so I'm OK. I'm just hoping we don't have another Summer like the last one as it nearly killed me. Enjoy you book and stitching and the walks of course. Hugs BJ#12
Where have you found the sun certainly not in my neck of the woods. Always say to people visiting bring your totes slippers the rubbery things on the bottoms are great for our floors.
I'd love a marble floor as I'm running hot a large amount of the time! I do love your embroidery and those gorgeous bright colours, it must bring back happy memories of different holidays as you look at all the squares. Enjoy the rest of your break,
Diana xx #14
Good to hear you've escaped, I really am hoping it really is all sun and sangria!! You need some little socks with bobbles on the bottom. I hate cold feet too - I always take bed socks on holiday just in case!! We have booked ourselves 10 days in April in Tenerife so almost guaranteed sunshine which I am desperately in need of. Would have preferred February but I just couldn't be out of the country at the mo. Didn't seem to phase the male members of the family though, boyfriend has just got back from Ibiza at the w/e and my other half is off to Benalmadena on 13th March with some of the old farts he knows (you really can't call it a boys jolly these days, someone had a zimmer frame last time) Leaving 3 days after the due date. When the wisdom of this decision was queried (by me of course) he replied - oh it'll all be over by then. Men really are from another planet. Fortunately mine is quite good at relaxing but is also quite happy to take himself off for a few hours if I don't feel like a walk. Have fun!! Cindy xx
Hope you are having a lovely break! But do be careful in those SLIPpers!
I have terracotta tiles on my backroom floor so I know what you mean about cold feet!!!
Love that you are away into the sunshine . . .
enjoy but stay safe
Christine #16
A late posting today! How wonderful to have a holiday. If you have any elastic bands with you put them over your slippers and you won't slip. Seems your slippers have slippy soles (tongue twister!) Have a wonderful time. Angela # 18
Oh my, Miss Julia. Do be careful. Maybe let them know that the slippers, pretty monogram not withstanding, are a safety hazard. Maybe include slip-guard socks in your luggage next time.
In the words of our Timmy. You Do You. LOL and let Mr. D do Mr. D. Enjoy your time. Yeah, I don't get Sudoku either. Funny thing... When I was about 12, we used to get contest things in the mail. One of them was very similar to Sudoku and I would always solve it. Now I have no interest in taxing my brain unless a craft or quilt pattern is involved LOL
Enjoy your Vacation. We got this here.
Creative Blessings & Hugs ~ Kelly # 19
Oh to be somewhere warm and sunny right now! We are bracing for another winter storm tonight, but we can at least know that Spring is on it's some point! Have as much fun as you can, ENJOY!!!!! Lindart #19
Waving hello across the miles Julia 😊 fabuuulous alternative to your work desk ☀️ oh my to feel warm, you two soak it up and enjoy every second ⭐️ I'm running late ⏰️ had my post already then life interrupted before I pressed publish, looking forward to popping round seeing what everyone's been up tooo. Sending love and hugs Tracy #21 xxxx
Enjoy the sunshine.
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