Wednesday 14 July 2021

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 632

Hail and well met fellow Deskers! I’m in the middle of some negotiation with a bucket of water, a damp cloth and a LOT of dust.
But who cares…we have light in the workroom and more than that, it’s not light caused by a big hole in the brickwork, it’s an actual door! You may recognise it…
It’s the very same one that my desk always used to sit in front of. It’s a door and a bit because it makes getting stuff in and out easier. The ‘whole’ door is also a half opener (some call them Dutch doors?). It’s jolly useful. I’ve got so used to that room being without daylight that for the last two mornings as I’ve walked past it to the kitchen I’ve thought we must have left a light on in there! 
So that’s where the door used to be…the other side of that is now the lounge wall. So the cupboards and worktop have magically shifted to this wall, the wood mounts are back in their proper corner shelf home and I’m making my way through the cupboard shelves with a damp cloth…despite the doors being on and them being covered, they are pretty dusty! So then it’s a floor wash and the grand clear up of all the stuff dumped in the dining room can get underway. Oooh, I feel that this phase, (#63kerjillion, if anyone’s counting) may actually be ending. I might even take up card making and scrapbooking to celebrate! 
So whilst I’m cleaning and quite literally putting my house in order, please join me in showing off your workspace. Or what you’re doing, even if it’s not in a dedicated workspace. I mean, we just wanna see your stuff!


Mary Anne said...

Ooohh so exciting! I expect you will win the battle with bucket and dust and soon be back to crafty pursuits. It will be lovely with the doors open and the light and air flowing. Cannot wait for the final reveal, but I bet not half as much as you are!
Happy Woyww
Mary Anne

Helen said...

Oh how exciting to see doors again and light in your studio! Good luck doing battle with the bucket and spade (oops, I mean cloth) and restoring order!! Helen

Sarah Brennan said...

It must feel great to be able to see the light at the end of the tunnel Julia. I look forward to seeing the grand unveiling. Good luck getting everything rearranged. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Glad to hear you are on the down side of being somewhat DONE. Glad you kept your door, it gives such good light and access. You'll be all set to begin fall decorating or card making as fast as this time is going. My son said school in Germany for the girls will start Aug 23rd and they won't have their one vehicle or furniture/clothes until the week before. Such a delay. Enjoy the weekend, you should be done with the bucket by then I hope.

Neet said...

How exciting to be cleaning - really, I am not being sarcastic. It must feel as if Christmas has come now that you are at the mopping up stage with the room. It will make such a difference having natural light. Love that Dutch door (never heard of that before but it looks good). Happy crafting days ahead!
Hugs, Neet 5 xx

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Hope you get everything sorted, so you can enjoy your crafting.


My name is Cindy said...

Wow, I thought I had a lot of wood mounts but that is quite a collection!! How lovely to be able to get sorted at last it's been a while but I'm sure you'll love the new layout.
Nothing makes me happier than a tidy craft room. Well, maybe a large gin and tonic (and I can feel a few of those coming on in the next week or so). Happy WOYWW, stay safe, stay well, Cindy xx

Crafting With Jack said...

And now the work begins…..will there be a lot of sorting what goes where or will it all slot in the same? Will you have to move those cupboards again when the wall is finished off? Hope it doesn’t take too long so you can get back to crafting x Angela #7

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Julia you must be jumping for joy now your creative space now has light, what a welcome sight that door must be to you, like a loved one coming home. I bet there's a real spring in your step as you dance around dusting and washing stuff down.. Light certainly does make our crafty spaces more welcoming.
Enjoy that unboxing and displaying all that's lovely in the craft world.
Happy WoywW Tracey xx
P.S Fingers crossed with the LO's and cards.. go get em!! x

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Any time you have construction, no matter how careful you are, you are going to have dust. It's a known fact. It might even be a law in a different universe. What a difference your room looks without that incredible door and all that great light. At least you are finally seeing a bit of light at the end of the tunnel. Or maybe it's just the light from the Dutch door I'm seeing (grin).

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Wow! Julia, things are really moving on now bet you're pleased. I know the dust is never ending but it will be worth it. Bet you're looking forward to re organising your work space too, sounds exciting and all the things you'll find that you had forgotten you had or is that just me Lol!. Have a lovely woyww. Hugs, Angela x16x

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Exciting to see that you too are also getting your craft room back and in order. Ali x #14

Annie said...

I really an see light at the end of the tunnel for exciting. Turn the music up and enjoy your cleaning πŸ˜€πŸ˜€πŸ˜€
Annie x

Christine said...

Happy, Happy WOYWW! Wonderful news! You have your door back!!
Seriously, I'm very happy for you . . . .
I think you will need those doors wide ipen over the next few days, if you are to continue getting organised.
Christine #17

Diana Taylor said...

Morning Julia,
I love the door, never heard of a Dutch door before but it's a great idea - and so much wonderful light too. I do think your collection of wood mounts look fabulous on the corner shelving, I still have occasional pangs of regret that I put all mine on self cling foam!
Happy dusting and hope you have a lovely week,
Diana xx #18

Diana Taylor said...

Whoops I mean #19!

Susan Renshaw said...

I know the feeling about thinking lights are on in certain rooms - it's just the sunshine!!
Glad to see that you might be nearing the end of the tunnel...

Spyder said...

Dusting and washing?....oho! such strong swear words Julia!! But in the end if it gets the job done and you'll be able to fling those doors wide open and let the sun shine in while you craft away, then you swear as away as loudly as you can! Dusters!! Mr Sheen! Flash-Arrrh!, where's that broom!? Stay Safe, keep on crafting! Happy WWOYWW!? ((Lyn))#9

Spyder said...

oops....I'm now #15!

Kyla said...

Oooh fantastic, think i can remember your lounge from when i visited! The light will be brilliant and not long before the dusty days are behind you, he has done brilliantly with the rebuild. Great idea to celebrate with card making too!

Lynn Holland said...

I’m so excited you’ve got that lovely space, I’m grinning from ear to ear, and now I’ve got an urge to go and reorganise my space. Oh eck I hadn’t planned for that
Lynn xx 22

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Yay, finally! You'll be on Cloud 9 until you get used to it. Show us a pic when everything is in position. Stand your ground while you're negotiating with the damp cloth! They're devious little things and make you do things you didn't bargain for! The corner shelves look very useful - I should get those too to maximise the space have! Have fun this week, Julia! xx zsuzsa (linking up in a sec!)

Kelly said...

Yay!!!! I know you're getting more and more excited as you see the 'light' at the end of this very long tunnel! Truly! Look forward to seeing the completion AND some of those cards & scrapbook pages. Creative Blessings! Kelly #25

Stacy Sheldon said...

I am so excited for you Julia, the light that streams through those awesome doors is fabulous :) Love the corner display for your stamps too. ~Stacy #27

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I think I may have misled everyone with taking time away from WOYWW. I'm not going anywhere, but I've been made aware I need to uphold my Art Journal Journey responsibilities. Seems I'm doing too many blog hops and not enough art journaling. At least, Saturdays will be free after the 31st, when ICADs are complete. That's why I plan to return to WOYWW in August.

StampinCarol said...

How cool to see the room come together! Such a nice large door! And great light!
Have a great week!
Carol N #26

Shoshi said...

I am so glad things are gradually coming together in the house, Julia. It all looks amazing. I love all those corner shelves with the wood mounted stamps on them and the desk looks amazing. Dust is an occupational hazard, and even after the work is finished, it seems to go on forever! I remember it well - we had hoped that the builders would have finished by the time we moved in, but no... chaos reigned for quite a while - I remember my bath being in the bedroom, and I had to sleep in the flat till I could clear a path to the bedroom! Fortunately Mum had not yet arrived so we had plenty of space. The dust went on for weeks.

Thank you for your lovely comment and fo all your kind thoughts regarding my recovery. I am doing very well. On sleep, I can't usually get off to sleep again once I've woken up in the morning - I always have to get up first thing and deal with my bag and then I might as well get up! My sleep pattern has been abnormal for years and it's just part of life really - just worse at the moment, not being able to lie on my side, and also getting hot because of wearing the support stockings. Hopefully I'll be back to "my normal" in a few weeks' time!

I actually sat in my studio this afternoon and made a start on the card for my surgeon. It was wonderful to be sitting at my desk again! The mapping out of the design on the card took some time, but I've painted most of the top layer and it's looking good!

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #18

roffeycreations said...

Well done Julia - some sense of "normality" beckons in the near future! Have a fabulous week - Cheers Maurs xxx

Lynnecrafts said...

Thanks for your kind words
Hope your work space is back to normal soon
Lynnecrafts 13