I was talking to LLJ on Monday about a team challenge I’m in; a layout version of a Chinese Whispers. Wednesday is the day that I have to pass on the LO for the next person to interpret. And that I have been a bit uninspired and feel that Tuesday would make a particularly inspiring deadline. And so it was!
There’s more important news than the mess on my desk though, so for once, I shan’t justify my dreadful working methods.Gentle Desker, our friend Shaz Silverwolf is in hospital again, seriously ill. Her devoted husband has been allowed to stay with her and via Facebook I’ve asked him to whisper our love in her ear.
So in our usual but fairly unusual way of supporting each other, please share your work space by linking your WOYWW post here for general viewing!
I kept waking in the night (nothing new there then) and catching Doug's updates. My heart is breaking for our beautiful Shaz and her devoted Doug. Sharing my enabling desk in sadness and hope today .
Oh sad news about Shaz, but the hospital is the beast place for her. I do hope they can sort it out and she can get home soon. Glad Doug can be with her via FT but it’s a poor substitute.
I agree! The day before as a deadline sounds VERY reasonable!
Have a great WOYWW !
Mary Anne
Mary Anne, they've let Doug in the hospital, he is with her
Morning Julia. Am praying for both Shaz and Doug , and have been overnight. Like Helen, I kept waking up - but can't know Doug's FB updates as I don't do FB.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #4
Devastating news about Shaz, Julia. I am so thankful that Doug has been allowed to be by her side. Stay safe Sarah #5
I too don’t see updates on FB, dear Julia except on blog, but saddened to hear she’s back in hospital since Sundays post, I just pray with all my heart that they sort out the issues that brought her there soon!
Am so glad Doug can be with here now, if you know more I’d love to know but will pray irrespective of updates as you can’t do it without Doug and Shaz’s okay. Rough road indeed.🙏💜🙏💜🙏💜🙏
Love your layout Julia you certainly rose to this challenge wonderfully well. Mind you I’m very partial to blue and sea scenes so maybe a tad biased! 😂
Thanks for Sharing, God bless and keep you safe, and all those you love, prayer hugs Shaz in Oz.x #7 I think.
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Can you remove me as no 3 - for some reasons the post I did last night has not published correctly. The bottom half is missing and the top is covered in white. Cannot remedy it - tried. So done it again (6)
So upsetting about Shaz, just glad Doug is like he is and has got to be with her. They both need to be together right now.
At first thought you and Jan had been discussing a challenge for the deskers, then i read it properly. Doh.
Hugs, Neet 6 (or 3) xx
Such sad news about Shaz, Julia. Glad that Doug is allowed to be with her. Beaming best wishes to them.
Stay safe and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 8
Such a sad day, remonstrating with the Man Upstairs . . . .
Love your layout, sea and sand . . .forgotten what they are like . . .
With love
Christine #11
Oh no, I thought Shaz was doing a bit better - this must have happened quite recently - the last bit of news I read was that she was getting her hair washed at home. How worrying that she's now in hospital! I do hope she gets better soon! Hang in there, Shaz! The Chinese Whisper twist on scrapbooking sounds intriguing - I can't even imagine how that works! I'm back today, but haven't got my post up yet - will get cracking right now. Hope you're doing well, Julia, xx
Hello Julia, today am number 13 🙄. Not that I am superstitious, but I will be careful today! As you will see my room is in a right pickle! Your layout looks lovely, but I am not sure what happens with it next, do you have to post it to someone else or is it like a sketch for someone to follow?
I am so sorry to hear that Shaz is in hospital, she has been through so much. I shall be thinking and praying for both of them while waiting for updates. Angela #13
Your words said exactly how I'm sure we will all be feeling today. Such a devoted couple and such lovely people. Life is so cruel. I'm so glad they saw sense and let him be with her.
Annie x
I’m joining your little army Julia of folk praying and thinking of Shaz and Doug.
Thanks for updating us.
I imagine she would laugh if she pictured us all sat round her bed crafting away
Lynn xxx. 15
I feel for Doug and Shaz, so much as it's not long since we were in the same position with my father but at least he can be there with her because I can tell you not being allowed in is far worse but we have to stay positive and hope for the best. Sending you all my love and hugs, Angela x18x
It really is devastating news about Shaz, but I am so glad that Doug can be with her and they are in a quiet side room together. Like several of the others I have been waking and praying on and off all night. Happy WOYWW. Take care and stay safe. With love & God Bless, Caro xxx (#20)
Hello, Not seen the updates about Shaz and guessing its not good, Where can i find the updates,
Have a good week all and stay safe
Lilian B #11
Morning Julia, thank you for the updates on Shaz. It's such a terrible time for them but I'm so glad Doug can be with her.
The desk is looking busy and the Chinese Whispers sounds intriguing!
Hugs, Diana xx #21
Thanks for the update on Shaz. I'd stopped following everyone on FB but have changed that now for Shaz. Prayers for them both. BJ#19
So sorry to hear about Shaz. My thoughts are with her and Doug...
A Chinese Whispers Layout sounds fun. I have played a game where cards are made using kits, passing them around the table after a minute or so for the next person to add their idea...
Morning Julia, I loved your message to Doug about whispering in Shaz's ear that we are thinking of her. Which we are. I always have to work right up to the deadline, I have always been the same. However much you notice you give me I won't do it till it becomes imperative. At least you don't have time to faff about if you leave things till the last minute. Hugs, Cindy xx
Another one here waking and wishing. I hope she and Doug can feel the love of all the WOYWW aunties. I wish it helped, she'd be tip top in no time.
I love the look of your layout there and I can't wait to see the whole thing. Like Neet said, I thought you were starting a challenge for the deskers and I was puzzled how the knitters would get on but actually how fun would it be to see how everyone's different crats interpreted some kind of prompt like that! Extra hugs all round today, Lisa-Jane #10
It’s come a lot quicker than we thought, I’m just so pleased that they let Doug in as I thought he’d be spending the night in his car. I was relieved to hear that she’s not in pain.
It made me smile to read that the deadline did its usual kick-up-the-bum trick, I’m glad you got it all finished in time!
Hugs LLJ 9 xxx
Chinese whispers I am intrigued. How does it work. So sorry to hear about Shaz and glad to hear that Doug can be with her. I have never met her, but still feel like we are one big family. ANi#16
That's such a lovely thought about whispering in Shaz's ear, it's been a tough week i'm glad to read that Doug is by her side. The idea of passing the LO's ideas to the next crafty buddy, crafter's keeping crafty together. Will be along later to catch up and share stay well everyone Hugs Tracey xx
Hi Julia, been for the jab and I'm back. The whole thing was such a lovely experience and saw my doctor there who I haven't seen for ages so it all felt very friendly and I've got a badge too Lol! Off to take my mum's stuff to the Care Home now. Have a happy and creative woyww, Angela x18x
Morning Julia.
Chinese Whispers!? I always got them wrong at school, they'd worked out it was me! I couldn't hear what they whispered,I found out later the girl that whispered to me, lied! So, how does someone join in with this secret whisper!? It does sound fun! Your desk is looking very inviting... I think I'll go and mess mine up. I'm wishing with all my heart Shaz will be ok and that this is all some dream we are all sharing. (Sending hugs)
Happy WOYWW ((Lyn))#26
I'll have to look up Chinese whispers ~ very interesting. I'm sorry to hear about Shaz ~ I'll keep praying for her and her family today.
Julia, my heart is heavy with thoughts of Shaz this morning! I am so, so glad that her hubby is allowed to be with her. So many of my friends who have lost loved ones recently sadly did not get to see their loved ones before they passed. It's so inhumane! I get it to a degree, but if the staff can suit up, so can the loved one to say that precious goodbye. I will continue to lift Shaz and her wonderful hubby up for strength and peace today. Thank you for updating us! Good luck on the LO, by the way! Blessings, Felicia #30
I cannot find you on FB would it be possible to email ne the link,
Thank you xx
The news about Shaz just seems to get sadder. I'm grateful that she's not in pain and that her beloved Doug has been allowed to be with her. Hugs, Elizabeth x #31
My heart breaks with this news. Shaz is the one who brought me to this lovely group. Please pass on prayers and blessings from 'Rainlyte'. She'll understand. I know you'll keep us updated.
Creative Blessings! Kelly #35
Julia, I think that is what the last minute is for. :) ( I almost always create things at the last minute for deadlines.) sent you an email. ~Stacy
words fail- prayers and healing light to Shaz and family and all the medical folks.
Hi Julia, So sorry to hear about Shaz. Will pop over to her blog in a minute.
The layout challenge sounds interesting. It’s too bad you are not feeling it right now, but I’m sure your mojo will return. Have a great week. Dorlene #33
Hi Julia, So sad to hear about Shaz. I've never met her but she feels like a friend none-the-less. I have been fascinated with her and her hubby since I joined WOYWW. I did leave a comment on her blog, and hopefully, if this is the end for her, that it comes quickly and not too long and drawn out. It will be a great loss to all if she doesn't recover.
Meanwhile your desk looks very busy! I used to love those swaps where you did one portion and then send it one, such fun results! Have a good week, thinking of Shaz, Lindart #32
Devastating news about Shaz, Julia. I am praying for her and Doug and all their family, for peace and strength and comfort. I am so glad they have allowed Doug to be there with her. When they came to visit us, the love and devotion they have for each other just shone out of them. I hate to think of the suffering they are going through.
Thank you for visiting, and for your encouraging words about the kitty throw! Everyone else apart from me seems to like Mr. Siamese cat and I think I shall have to make friends with him! He will join the ranks with the others.
Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #25
My heart breaks for Shaz and Doug and am praying for them both.
Hope you get your LO done!
Thanks for stopping by.
Carol N #29
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