Friday 23 October 2020

Advantage Mrs Dunnit

At last. I can genuinely tell you that there is an advantage to not making up scrapbook pages in chronological order. Of course, as I’ve always maintained and promise it’s true, I would give up scrapbooking if I had to do it that way. I can feel myself falling asleep at the very thought.

This layout appeared on my desk a few weeks ago in a WOYWW post...I think it was assembled but not stuck down. Whatever, anyway, it’s a photograph of Mr Dunnit taken in the summer of 1984. We had only recently met and this was one of those outdoor classical concerts at a stately home that ended with us wrapped in blankets and watching fireworks. It was at Highclere Castle  - known to most of the world as 
Downton Abbey.
Anyway, the point of showing you this is to illustrate the ‘sense’ of leaving it 36 years to use the photo on a scrapbook page. See, Mr Dunnit is known as Bart. It’s not his name, it’s a nickname that evolved after  we married. See, his given name is Barry. One evening, in the pub with friends following the birth of Prince Harry, we ruminated that if Harry is short for Harold (it isn’t*), then Barry must be short for Barold. (Drink had been taken.) So, for a couple of months, we laughed and called him Barold. Then he and I went on a road trip to visit friends in Germany and they could not get their accents around the lack of consonants, so they called him Bartold. And he’s been Bart ever since. And if I had been a scrapbooker at the time this photo was taken, I wouldn’t have been able to come up with such a snappy title, huh! And that’s why chronological order and I don’t work. There is already a scrapbook page detailing the story of the name; I just think it’s important to be able to help you understand my erm, method in recording family life.

*Just in case you’re wondering, Harry is the nickname for Henry, and I don’t think I’ve ever heard of anyone actually being called Barold.


Shoshi said...

That's very funny, Julia! Barold indeed! Haha! I love these sorts of word games. Such fun.


Helen said...

Great layout,and what a great story! I always thought Bart was Bart because of the Barry thing,, kind of like it but not. As for Barold.. yes I can see how you would come up with that after one or two beverages!!

Annie said...

Love the LO and the story behind it. I love how styles and fashions change. Dod used to have long hair and glasses....when he had hair 😂😂😂
Annie x

Anne said...

I just clicked on your blog, thought I'll try again - expecting disappointed and bingo straight on. Tried about ten mins before and got the warnings lol.
Graham had longer hair back then! At the moment he is sporting a very short bit at the back!!! I may tell you more next week! Lol x

Kathryn Frantz said...

Oh! I love this story! We both enjoyed this! Makes me feel like we’ve know you for 40 years!,

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I love the story behind Bart. That's a great way to introduce us to your husband from days gone by, Like you, I create art in my altered books that are NOT in consecutive order. I like to skip around. The one time I was forced to create art in consecutive order was when I created my friend's Kings and Queens altered book. It was a nightmare and I had to have all the Kings and Queens in front of me so I didn't put one in the wrong spot or my British friends (MMM) would have corrected me. It's great to see you have rationalized something I've believed for years. Your Bart scrapbook page rocks, too.

Lindart said...

Love the story! I always try to scrapbook in order, and as you ay, it's a snoozefest and doesn't get done. How lovely to go back and remember things that happened in the past, and to relive those times again! Lindart

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Had a huge chuckle very pleased to meet Bartold in his youth.. oh those were the days, my friend! Great page too BTW,
Prayer hugs, Shaz xx

Kyla said...

Love it, always wondered why he was called that! Loving seeing the scrapbook pages.

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Love the LO. I must admit most of my scrapping has been more or less in date order, but can see what you are saying.

Hope you have a good start to the week. Sue

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

What a lovely story behind the layout! The connection to Downton Abbey is interesting too! Yes, absolutely, no need to scrapbook in a chronological order - just go with the inspiration when it strikes you!

Karen said...

I am so with you! I don't believe it needs to be chronological ~ just by theme or by events like I have a Christmas album, or by love like yours ~ Wonderful post for those who stress ~ lighten up and glue it down :)

Susan Renshaw said...

Love the story!

Morti said...

I love it! The sort of conversation you only can have with friends after a few drinks. Gems in my life include discussions on how you can measure the slow of dark (as every force has an equal and opposite and if we can measure the speed of light there must therefore be a counterpoint to that), who paints the M on M&Ms and whether or not every science experiment really should include a bunsen burner (back to the slow of dark - worked out we also needed a coffee table for that one).

Here's to non-chronological recording!