Mr Dunnit was amused to watch me get excited over some bauble shaped drinking glasses. I asked if there was more than the one in stock. Turns out that the one I was clutching so as no to let it get away was all that could be found - they were busy and I (ok, he) didn't want me to press for searching of all their new stock and cupboards. So with characteristic graciousness, I bought just the one.
Monday, 4 December 2017
Keeping Christmas real :.purchases
Some time in October, we had a weekend away with great friends. We went not very far, to Lymington on the Hampshire coast. It wasn't as late in the year as we traditionally go away, but we were still able to do a bit of Christmas browsing. We found a lovey independent garden centre and spent too much time (according to the men) mooching the decorations and such.
Now it's December, I can legitimately use it for my beverages. I envisioned some wonderful gin cocktails amongst other drinks, and really as my mouth is still wonky, the straw was just an added candy-cane-striped bonus. Well, I'm perfectly sure that you can already tell that it is the single most impractical decorative anything that I've ever bought! You see it pictured with Fanta in it. It's not quite a full can, because annoyingly, it doesn't hold 300ml. So I had to stand in the kitchen and suck the last inch out the can with the too short straw before going back to my comfy seat in front of the tv. And this was after some effort....brace yourself. Of course, I couldn't get any ice into the bauble glass. Even crushing the ice (which I don't like) would have caused a struggle to get it through the silly neck. And if I had done, it would have reduced the amount of liquid the bauble would hold. Worse yet though - I couldn't get the Fanta to pour from the can directly into the bauble without masses of dribbling. So I had to decant the Fanta into a small jug so that the spout could pour properly into the bauble. Bored? Yep, me too. I may have mistakenly whined at Mr Dunnit about all this effort. He thanked the Creator that I hadn't bought 8 to 'look cute' on our Christmas dining table, and swore that he would not, ever get involved in making me a drink that involved the bauble glass. Of course, I had to whine, so as not to lose face. But I am glad I wasn't able to buy more. There will be other posts like this. I've decided that you need to know what a struggle my Christmas preparations can be!
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Oh Julia! I am still tittering while trying to accurately press keys on my phone! I am so glad I know you as I can 'hear'you telling this tale! I lost a day to BPV yesterday (lots of exercises seem to have sorted it) so this couldn't have been a better start to today - you know - laughing at other's misfortune!! Big Hugs,Chrisxx
I had to get out of bed to come and comment (my phone still won't let me log in to comment on blogs) - I can imagine you (and, indeed Mr D in the shop) (thank goodness for small mercies, eh) trying to fill the glass... I'd be included to fill it with something permanent and keep it for a Christmas display item. glitter maybe... cos that is SO easy to use, right!
I was laughing too hard to be bored, but I can tell how frustrating that small opening must be. My friend Sally gave me an ice cube tray that makes cubes that fit into water bottles. Not sure they would fit in your cute decoration, though.
Shame they didn't SEEM to have more of that fab shaped glass - ENJOY
Seasons Greetings
Oh ROFL! However, this is where a drinks shaker and a funnel would come in handy. Where there’s a will there’s a way....
Hi Julia, I'm sure you could turn the bauble glass into a bauble. You only need to add a ribbon around the top to hang it and put something inside, like glitter and if you can get one small enough something like a little santa, a tree, or such like.
Hope you have a good start to the week. Sue
Great post Julia - thanks for the giggle.
Oh dear I feel your pain! How frustrating! Thanks for the smile!! (and you haven't even mentioned the fun of washing it out...)
Goodness whatever is going on, that was like a 7 step exercise to leave a comment. Probably cos I jumped over from FB. But that new verification thing, keep clicking until all the pictures are gone? That was almost too much for me before my coffee, human though I am!!
Form over function - it's never gonna be easy, aesthetics matter until they cause undue effort, Mr G would stage an ´accident' upon a refill request...and live with the aftermath moaning rather than repeated suggests as to how the deign could be improved by....ah ok I hear you 💤
the words that came to mind were,,,,, the struggle is real people lol,,, its a cool glass,,,
It looks fabulous Julia but I don't think I would want to faff around like that just to be able to use it.
Thanks for the much needed chuckle.
Toni xx
LOL! the struggle is real! I promise to reveal my latest Christmas impulse purchase!
Oh heck! It does look seriously cool though!
I am literally crying with laughter! I do this kind of crap all the time and then have Mr G saying "I told you so"..Like the year I insisted on a christmas tree even though I knew one of our cats would take it down and destroy it once I left for work. Yep, you guessed it, I came home to the christmas tree half way down the stairs and tinsel and half chewed / broken decorations all over the flat. Cx
A good idea at the time! Made me smile and I had to read it to Chas as I knew it would tickle his sense of humour. Thanks for the smile this morning.
Hugs, Neet xx
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