Wednesday 24 May 2017

WOYWW 416 That's 8 Years, then

Well done, gentle desker. Whether you've been here once in a blue moon, or every week for some time, you have contributed to what has become a great part of my life; I hope, yours too. And that's the circle of friendship that you meet when you join in here. Everyone who has ever shown us their workspace, work desk, worktop, - make what you will of the middle W in the acronym - everybody will meet warmth and support and good old friendship. It's so much more and so much less than just a work desk thing. If you're game, we'll go on with it. It remains here, and as simple as ever. No blatant advertising, we're interested in the way you work and what you're currently doing. We'll ask if you've got a toy that we need to know about, do not fear.Please, in your comment, tell me what 'pulls' you to WOYWW. The most impressive thing to me continues to be  the tidy desks. If I were Sue, for example I would spend a deal of time trying not to look at the workdesk that I publish each week, I truly think it must make her want to scream!
Today is no exception. I'm trying that 'five minutes here and there' technique. Quite frankly, it's pants. Those little bits of coloured foil....extremely essential brain food. Inspirational chocolates. Honest.

Now remember, today is RAK day. If you have an ATC to mark this huge anniversary and don't mind posting it to someone, when you link your blog here, include an * after your name. Then we'll know you're participating. The name with * before you will be in touch  for your address, and likewise, you need to contact the next person with an * against their name, for that person will be your recipient.
If you are the last * on the list, send your ATC to the first *. Easy, innit.

Do not worry about having to link twice because you forget the *, I'm going to be on hand to do some deleting where necessary. (Only I can do this, for I am all powerful in JuliaDunnit world).
Do not worry or have a guilt thing about not participating. It's meant to be fun and it's not if there is an obligation attached to it.
DO contact me via the email link at left if you'd like to receive one of my ATC attempts.

Try to remember the asterisk thingy then********!


Helen said...

wow, early bird for the anniversary! I am pulled to WOYWW for someone who usually has a messier desk than mine... although given mine spreads across the whole room that's not really true... I like what I am seeing on your desk today (not only the chocolate wrappers!) so i hope we see the finished piece soon... thank you for 8 years of brilliant fun and genuine friendships. Helen xxx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Happy 8th Anniversary, dear Julia.

What pulls me to WOYWW is YOU and your generosity, kindness, and always caring attitude. I have come to accept that your desk and mine will never look the same. I've come to the conclusion that you stamp and I don't (at least not much). But I do know that no matter how often or little I visit, you are always there to greet me with that very British dry humor that always makes me laugh. So keep it up for the next 108 years, please!

Kyla said...

What pulls me? Initially it was because I am nosey, love to see storage solutions and how people use products. Now it is still that but also friendship both virtual and physical-you created a great place to be.
Kyla #7

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I hope that there's an inspirational gin as well as chocolate after the weekend 😉 It's not even the crafting that draws me each week, it's all about the people 💖 Thank you for keeping the link going.
Hugs, LLJ 10 xxx

Claire said...

Happy WOYWW, dear Julia! I'm so glad I got in touch last week, so I could join in this year's ATC swap :) I managed to make 4, which is quite a feat for me! I just love the fun, thoughful community of folk you have gathered over the years... You are THE hostess extraordinaire Ms Julia - ALL HAIL!!

Robyn said...

that folks take the time to photo and post about themselves, and then a few minutes more to vistothers who have done so- for no gain- just pleasure, community building and curiosity.
this is what Peace looks like!!!
thanks you Julia! longline WOYWW.
ATC coming your way soon!
Robyn* lucky 13!

glitterandglue said...

Morning Julia. I didn't make a comment as soon as I posted 'cos I wanted to think about what to say... I came across WOYWW quite by accident some years back - can't even remember when or how - in the days before I had my own site. I used to put comments on folks' posts and then suddenly won one of Patsy's gorgeous paintings. That was when I decided to join properly by having me a site! I have loved being a part of this fun, friendly group. I have now met quite a number in real life, and enjoy seeing what everyone is up to. You all put up with me wittering on about blankets from squarish squares, bags and life. When John was so ill for those two years this group was my window on the world, as I couldn't go out and leave him. After he died and I decided to come to last year's crop, I don't think I shall ever forget the friendship you and Jan offered, as you met me at my B&B, took me for an evening out, and generally pampered me. THANK YOU.
Take care young lady. May God bless you as you share each week and give of yourself in keeping us all in order!!
Margaret #6 I think

Twiglet said...

Well here we are again! We keep coming back cos we love the fun, the crafts but mostly the friendship. WOYWWers are a great bunch - they share, care and yes occasionally swear - we love you! Thanks for being there Julia - you are a treasure. Congrats on our 8th anniversary! You will be getting an ATC from me and Annie! - sounds like a threat!! x Jo

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Happy #8 Julia, all because of you, we have such fun on Wednesday's. The pull for me is the people and new ideas and inspiration. I love people, and foreign places fascinate me. I feel comfortable as I find many desks as messy as mine.
Your desk has some fun dies today. I love the paper results of them. I always think those foil wrappers would make good decoupage. Be safe, and Thank You for WOYWW fun.

Annie said...

What pulls me? It's like a huge magnet of friendship that makes my week . I really hate to miss.the Wednesday fun so I thank you from the bottom of my heart for keeping us together. You have a lot to answer for my friend.....and most of it is good 😂😂😂
I see Jo has already threatened you about our ATCs so if you've got one spare I'd really love one but if not then please don't worry....your friendship is more than enough.
Happy celebrating.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi all, happy 8th woyww anniversary! I don't know what to say other than without this happy group I probably wouldn't have carried on blogging so thanks to you all I'm still here. Happy woyww, Angela x 20 at the moment! (PS I've got a few spare ATCs if anyone else wants to swap just let me know xXx)

Mrs.D said...

Morning Julia, I didn't comment when I posted, because I was barely awake and then only because I had a cat on my chest. But more importantly I wanted to be fully awake to plan what I wanted to say.
Although I haven't been with WOYWW from the start, and sometimes have been very intermittent in posting, the fellowship, support and prayers, I had from fellow WOYWWers, when my OH was having surgery in Papworth, was amazing and very precious. I felt the love as a tangible thing in all the cards and emails that were sent at the time (I still have them all). Thank you for initiating this wonderful fellowship of love, long may it continue.
And by the way, I love that white frame on the flowery paper, beginning of a beautiful card there.
Bless you for all your hard work.
Chris #3

BJ said...

Happy Anniversary Julia, I'd love to send you and ATC this year, especially as you designed them for me - LOL. I actually made a dozen this time as I wasn't going to be caught out like previous years with only a couple.

Why do I keep coming back? The friendship, the love of all things crafty and the ability to share and be inspired. I feel like I know so many of the lovely ladies here, yourself included, although I have only actually met one (Helen lives up the road from me and we used to go to a craft club together I have even visited her "floor" once!)

I best go find your email for the SWAP now before I forget which is quite usual these days, oh to be in your 50's
BJ currently #22 but by the looks of it will go down a few spaces when the duplicates are removed.

BJ said...

HELP - I can't find your email link "at left" BJ panicing

Lynnecrafts said...

Good morning, and happy anniversary! It is really the generosity of spirit that pulls me here and I'm wowed by your crafts and colour every week. Many thanks to you all for making this circle, and to Jan for introducing me.
I'd love to receive an ATC if you have enough, please. Have a wonderful week, everyone, Hugs, Lynne xxx (Lynnecrafts) currently #23

Sue said...

Hi Julia, You did make me smile with your comment about my tidy desk and looking at yours. Must admit if I lived close enough I might well sneak in during the night and tidy it:)

Happy 8th WOYWW. Thank you for starting this brilliant weekly event. I love seeing other peoples work areas and get loads of inspiration for new projects. Sue

Diana Taylor said...

Happy Anniversary Julia. I am pulled to WOYWW because of the friendly, kind and supportive people I meet over here. It's a fun place to be and I've loved seeing and being inspired by other people's work and stash - always a great way to discover what new goodies you need!
Huge thanks to you and here's to the next 8 years!
Diana x

Unknown said...

It's just the sheer buzz I get from meeting so many people in such a friendly place, reminds me I'm not alone... Dxxx 26 and of course it's good to know others are as messy as me...

Anne said...

Hello Julia and thank you for WOYWW - why do I visit. It's looking at others crafting( and usually having a lot of envy re the creativeness) but it's more about 'meeting' others and sharing their highs and lows. It is a very friendly and caring space out there in Blogland. I am also very fortunate to have met some of my fellow WOYWWER's last year when Darnell visited. Hope that all makes sense.Anne x # at 27 at the moment!!!

lisa said...

Morning Julia. Happy 8th Anniversary and thank you for keeping us all together and providing a place to gather on a Wednesday and share what we are up too and keep in touch with dear WOYWW friends and what friendships we have made. You really did start something special 8 years ago. Long may it continue.
Hugs Lisax #26

Sarah Brennan said...

Happy anniversary Julia, from someone who has come very late to the party. However, I must admit that this is now the first blog post on my list every week, when I'm working out what to share each day. Such a great bunch of supportive people! Thanks for WOYWW. Sarah #27

sandra de said...

I keep coming back as I love feeling connected with so many other like minded crafters. No shame if your desk is a mess, just lots of positive comments. Plus I can stay in my PJ's and chat online.... doesn't get better than this :)
sandra de @27

Anonymous said...

Happy 8th Birthday WOYWW. Typical - I remember the asterisk, but couldn't remember how to do that simple task. I put it on the end of my link at first, but of course that didn't work - and then realised it was even more simple than I first imagined and got it right the second time! It is wonderful to be part of such a long running weekly event. It has made Wednesdays a highlight of often difficult weeks over the years. Thank you for continuing to host it. Ali x #30

Elizabeth said...

well thats a long time. And what a great idea it turned out to be.
Its nice to see those desks all over the world..
Wouldn't it be nice to put in an extra element...: the kitchentabel for example?
Have a nice week.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, looking at the desks, seeing all the inspiration- and enabling-, but probably most of all, the friendship. We've met so many lovely people- yourself, and the amazing LLJ included- through this weekly blog hop. I had no idea how important it, and the people , would become in my life when I first joined in. So thank you, for all the new friends you've given me.I'd love an ATC, do you have my addy? Love and hugs to you, Shaz XxXx#7

Cardarian said...

Dear Julia!
Thank you so much for WOYWW! It got me into crafting because I discovered a new world! Also I think one of the most important things to me is the friendship that has grown over the years and of course the inspiration! I have learned so much! So thank you for all that and much more! A big hug from

Bubbles said...

Ooh...beautiful dies!
Why do I WOYWW? Hmm... so many reasons. Mainly because I'm a nosey old so-and-so lol. In all seriousness though, WOYWW is a lifeline for me. I'm agoraphobic and suffer with quite a few painful, debilitating illnesses, so I don't leave the house very often. I love watching the world from my window, and I guess that this computer screen is just like another window for me to view the world I so desperately want to be a part of. WOYWW makes me feel part of something, I feel included and as though I do matter, and what I create matters too.
So there it is... a moment of seriousness, but also of deep gratitude to you, Julia, and also to everyone else who takes part in WOYWW.

Bubbles #36

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Thanks so much for sharing your desk, yest again, dear Julia, Queen of WOYWW!!!.... and happy 8th birthday of WOYWW!
We can really say WOW to eight whole years, eh?
Why do I join... for my 208th time this week?? because of guaranteed weekly fun, friendship and learning! one of best tips I was given on WOYWW was how to rescue my ailing cuttlebug.. that was six years ago in March, now and still it's cranking over!
Thanks for your great commitment too Julia you are really appreciated.
.. did you realise our anniversary coincides with Allsorts challenge? they have their eight birthday this week, too!
Happy 8th WOYWW!
prayer hugs,
Shaz in Oz.x #32

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

Sharon said...

Thanks to Julia for hosting this wonderful group! Happy Anniversary! I enjoy WOYWW because there is great support among the participants. It's always fun to see what someone is working on, giving and receiving encouragement and advice and hugs when someone is feeling down. There is really a great community of support and everyone is so welcoming. Here's to another eight years!

Sharon K #37

misteejay said...

Happy 8th birthday to you and all the deskers...from a regular stalker LOL
Toni xx

Kathyk said...

Happy EIGHTH to you Julia and all of my fellow deskers, hope to be back with you on a regular basis but sadly, not till next week



Kim said...

Julia, Happy 8th Anniversary to you! Thank you again for leading us on this fabulous hop. I was originally pulled in, not just to be inspired, but to see other's rooms and to look for better systems to get organized, or at least be less messy (well, we've seen how that failed!LOL!) Now because I feel I've gotten to know so many of the deskers, and love to stop by and say "Hi". So thank you from bringing so many of the crafting community together. Have a Fabulous Week!
-K #40

Stacy Sheldon said...

Happy Anniversary Julia! :)

I believe at this point it is the people whose comments on my blog and their own that keeps me coming back each week.
because, sharing how big of a mess you can tolerate to work in is kind of a funny thing to share yes? I go through a flip flop of how much is too much for me and I have to do a clean sweep of my desk and start over every so often.

~Stacy #42

Elizabeth said...

Argh! I've done it again, Julia - I tried so hard not to forget the asterisk and still managed it. Sorry. Anyway, congratulations for making it 8 happy years of WOYWWing. What would we do without it - Wednesday would be just another day and I wouldn't have made so many lovely friends. I so appreciate what you do and relieved that you've not tired of it yet.

The cards taking shape on your desk are shaping up very nicely - lovely paper. Clearly the chocolate has inspired you.

I'm joining in with the ATC swap this year and, of course, have made one to send to you. You can send me one if you want but don't feel you have to - I know how busy you are.

Have a lovely week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #45/46

Monica said...

This is one of the most unique sites in web land. You created a way for crafters to share and care, express frustrations and show their creations. From this has developed a camaraderie of warmth laughter and love. The ups and downs of life are discussed help and comfort, joy and celebration. What more.

have a great week. Enjoy the northern states julie

pearshapedcrafting said...

Most impressed by whats on your desk today - looks like an elegant card in the making! It's not so much why I do join in but more how gutted I am that I can't join in more! The friendships and fun offered here are found nowhere else - I mean, where would you get a chance for a poke around someone else's desk and not get your hands smacked? Oh please do go on with it! Hugs, Chrisx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

What pulls me here? You and the community of lovely folk that you've inspired to share their work spaces every week. I've been an erratic joiner inner lately, but nobody really minds that, do they? Here's to the next least!

Lindart said...

inspirational chocolates - I think I would like some of those! Looks like a very creative desk today! What pulls me to WOYWW? The fact that it gets me blogging at least once a week, and the circle of friends that I am making, even though I live far away from everyone! I love seeing what everyone is doing, where they are going, what their gardens are like, how their pets are doing, and of course, the art that they are making. Happy Anniversary! Lindart #51

FLR said...

Happy 8th anniversary!! you´re desk seems very romantic to me this week, lovely soft colours,

Dorlene Durham said...

Wow! Eight years! Pretty awesome! What keeps me pulling back is the kind people & comments. I also like checking the desks for the simplest things like one time I saw your pink ATG gun sitting on it's "head" (handle up) and I never ever thought to rest mine that way. Now I do all the time. LOL I didn't pay attention to the ATC exchange but will have to participate next time. Happy Anniversary!

Unknown said...

Happy 8th Anniversary! I've been taking part in this for about 5 years or so. I've enjoyed getting to know people through their blogs. I'm even taking part in the ATC swap for the first time! Thanks so much for your "labor of love" and keeping this WOYWW going!
God Bless You!
Carol N 338

okienurse said...

You are the most awesome all benevolent Julia of WOYWW land...Awesome lady! Love the colored foil for inspirational chocolates...should we be wearing them on our heads?? I am one of the ones that forgot the * but jumped back in after and put a star on it. I see a lot of names on here that I hadn't seen the past few times. This is a great group for art/crafters. Happy 8th WOYWW! Vickie#52

Nikki said...

Holy smokes I almost missed this so I just snapped a picture of my messy desk and posted it I'd be happy to make up some ATC, some reason I was thinking October not now funny how quickly time creeps up on us. I have a blog button up for this event who want it. There is only one this time late so late I am ... that it looks like I'm last lol
Thanks Julia for hosting this
Hugs Nikki

Darnell said...

Congratulations on eight years, Julia! I owe so much to this little challenge of yours and I am forever grateful! You helped launch my own blog which grew so much that I couldn't keep up with commenting on my lovely followers and your ever-popular hop participants. I didn't feel like I could participant if I couldn't visit the other deskers, but in the years I could, I made life-long friendships with many of them, including you, and that's a very wonderful thing! Love you lots! Darnell

April said...

Congrats on 8 years. That's a long time in internet years. :-) Glad you brought us all together.

buterfliecrafter said...

Hello Julia,
congratulations with the 8th anniversary, that is a huge accomplishment, i'm drawn to WOYWW because of all the nice and kind people here. have a nice weekend, Vicky

Andrea said...

hi Julia a very belated congratulations on your 8th year ,i am so pleased my scheduled post worked and daughter remembered to link m eup. I had a great holiday despite no ocntact wth teh ouside world...was a teat. ..its faB to be here ,thank you for being a fabulous host and your desk wouldn't be you if it was all prim and proper love it as it is..... happy crafty hugs Andrea
would love to swap an atc but probably too late ? will email address just in case,will check mine as might still hav eyopurs big crafty hugs and heres wishing there are many more years of WOYWW my favourite weekly visit
andrea x x

Marit said...

I didn't have acces to a computer last couple of days so I'm very, VERY late visiting desks and celebrating the 8th anniversary... anyway, here I am admiring your, and anyone else's, desks... Thanks for visiting my blog last week and for keeping this fun 'woohweee' day going for eight years now!! It is so nice to be part of this lovely group of crafters. Hooray, hooray and on to another year of 'desking' and crafting! Hug from Holland, Marit #29

Robyn Oliver said...

Hello Julia... well I've just popped over to your blog to see what you've all been up to on WOYWW and what a lovely surprise to see you're celebrating 8 years and going strong - a big congratulations. WOYWW IS a wonderful circle of friends and what you've created and continue to host is very special, well done. Hugs RobynO