Wednesday 22 February 2017

What's On Your Workdesk? 403

I was away at the weekend, a scrapbook retreat with the Coven. When I got home, I half unpacked. And as I had left my desk in a semi clear state, it didn't look too bad at tea time yesterday when I took this photo.
Obviously I'm not going to show you (all) the layouts I made - I need those as decoy photos for later posts when I'm inevitably whining about not getting anything done. So instead, here's a desk and a building site. The beginnings of goodish weather are starting to bring changes that don't involve snowdrops! The empty cereal packet will be transformed - covered - and re-purposed as a box in which to put post. The system in our house is that you open post, and then put it in a pile to deal with at some point. Well, I got sick of the pile, so now we have a converted cereal box on the wall in the kitchen. And I promised a friend I'd provide one for her when I had the right cereal box. You wish you hadn't asked now, don't you! In the best tradition of revelation, there's a curly-wurly on top of two inkpads at right, with a bite taken from it. I'm nothing if not fussy about snack food hygiene. And there's my thumping good Bluetooth speaker. More on that soon, I expect; I like a brag.
So please show and tell a little about your workspace. Put WOYWW in your post title and link it here. Its fun, its free and its very friendly.


Helen said...

lovely to see some daylight through your windows.. and looking forward to seeing the results of your weekend away; glad you got something done this time! Not had a curly wurly for ages, haven't they got small!

Melissa said...

Oh, a scrapbook retreat sounds FUN! And better weather is definitely the time for a building project. We have some yard maintenance to do around here in the next week or so,too.

glitterandglue said...

Morning Julia. Daylight - wonderful. There's not a lot of it around here at the mo. The Welsh is "Mae'n pystyllio mawr" - pretty expressive, huh? It means it's pouring!!! Glad you had a good weekend away - and lookout, you are likely to be getting orders for your newly invented post holder.
Take care. God bless.

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ah yes, the afternoons are starting to give out now. I'll be really happy when I'm not leaving in the dark in the morning though. I'm with you on the post. I could do with a better system too. It's usually at the bottom of the stairs or on the kitchen table.

BJ said...

When you say you'd not show "all" the LOs you made, did you mean not "any". Shame as I love scraping. Nice box though, can we see a photo of the one on your wall perchance. Gosh I'm getting a tad bossy aren't I? PS I adore all our snowdrops! BJ#10

Annie said...

A cereal box to make a letter holder with and no sticky backed plastic? It made me smile and I can't wait to see how it turns out so please do a show and tell at some point.
Have a great week.
Annie x

Kyla said...

Ooh upcycling at yours too-nice.
More on the speaker please! I am looking for one (though not Bluetooth) as hubby bought me one for chrimbo and it was inconsistent so took it back then the replacement wasn't great so looking for recommendations 😀

misteejay said...

Very interesting - hope you do a reveal of the finished letter holder.
The days are starting to get a bit longer but this milder spell over the last few days has really got the weeds springing up - good job I can't see them from this room LOL
Toni xx

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

I've never tried a curly-wurly! I feel I'm missing out for some reason! Must remedy that! I haven't even started on my WOYWW post, but hopefully I can throw something together in a jiffy! That's a mammoth of a cereal box there!

Bernice said...

Oh I know what you mean about the post Julia - we had two filing drawers incorporated into our kitchen when we built an extension some years ago - and even now the post ends up in several piles of pages and envelopes all over the place! Glad to hear you had a profitable time at your weekend away and got lots of layouts done - you'll show us all in time I trust.
Bernice #17

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia, I'm so jealous. Wish I could get some weekends away like that. Cereal packet sounds like a good idea, hope we get to see it completed and your layouts. Have a great woyww. Off to the Gym now so see you all later, Angela 18.

Sue said...
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Sue said...

Hi Julia, Glad you enjoyed the retreat. Looking forward to seeing what you did.

I love Curly Wurlys. I put them in the freezer as then they are suckable:) LOL

Sue #20

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Decoy posts? Lol, all mine are like that especially at the moment when I have no interesting crafting to show! The wheelbarrow outside caught my eye - anything interesting happening with the extension?
Hugs, LLJ 13 xxxx

Kathyk said...

Happy WOYWW, I am so missing visiting you all but my wrist is still troubling me so I'm maintaining a lower online presence and don't feel it's fair to enter my desk if I'm not prepared to visit a lot of you.

Your desk looks great Julia and snack hygiene is over rated!!!


Sarah Brennan said...

That cereal box idea is a good one for post. Unfortunately in our house you would need a bigger box lol. Happy WOYWW Sarah #23

Tilly Tea Dance said...

Oh I love the sound of the cereal box post holder! What a revelation to not have the un-opened/partially opened mail slipping between the gap between the fridge and the coffee machine as is the way in Tilly Tea Dance Towers! I must try this out once we have an empty box! Thanks for sharing, Max #24

Lynn Holland said...

I have a filing tray that is constantly full. You would think that after 40+ years of doing admin I would have got my head around filing.
Well a big fat NO I haven't. To me it is like housework - an evil necessity. No matter how hard I try to train myself into some sort of routine its not happening. So if you come up with an idea how to conquer it before Julia please make sure I'm the first to know.
I'll even pay you for the answer haha.
Have a good week
Lynn xx 25

Unknown said...

Oh what a good idea for the post. I've never really had so much post I don't know how or when to deal with it, so I am free to deal with each bit at a time. OH, however, opens, reads and discards onto the shoe rack. Three months later, 'Lu, have you seen a really important letter?' Enough said. I shall make him one ! Thanks for sharing and have a great week - EmbroidRage #2 x

April said...

What in the world is a curly wurly? You know I love a messy desk. I hope you show the finished box on a later whiny post of course. ;-)

Christine said...

Well, it would appear that I'm not as well as I thought - Curly Wurly? Looks like a pretty border stamp to me!!!
Just amusing myself yet again!
Look forward to seeing the 'shelf', you could be on a winner here and may have to sell the design!
Take care and have a good week
Christine #28

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I've forgotten what you are having built now but I hope that whatever it is is up in no time and you don't have too much uproar in the process. I did wonder if you had taken your favourite cereal to the retreat until you explained. It's coincidence I know but we've just bought a new letter rack for just those reasons you mention. It's now on the hall table looking much more organised. Would love to see your re-purposed box when done. Looking forward too to seeing your layouts when you have something to whine about! :) Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #30 (up 5 from last week!)

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, I have to say that a huge amount of our post just ends up getting any names/addys torn off and shredded, and the rest goes in recycling. Only a very small portion makes it to the filing cabinet upstairs. There will be some more outdoor work getting done here now then weather is getting warmer and there is more light. Love and hugs, Shaz #5 xxxx

Sharon said...

Sounds like a good idea with the box. I don't have a mail system lol (no sort of orgnaising system at all) so it all gets shoved into a pile until I decide I need to find something then I scramble through it in a mad hunt. I must admit to having chocolate on/near my desk too - usually it doesn't make the photo lol.

Happy WoYWW
Sharon K #31

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Julia,

Oh, now I want to see the converted cereal box! I need to get a grip on mail also. I bought this "bill organizer" and so far I've just been stuffing things into it. Sort of like your cereal box! At least everything is in one place......

We haven't had any snowflakes since the weekend. It's starting to feel like Spring and I had a robin at the house yesterday. Very happy and singing away!


Stacy Sheldon said...

I have no clue what a curly is but, I am guessing its food. oh, YAY for the patio work being done, it will be so nice when it's all behind you. ( because, your desk moves and you can walk out that way right) :) cool.

I really need to get some things made so, your planning to save your mugshots made me grin from ear to ear Julia.
~Stacy #36

Lindart said...

Never heard of a curly-wurly, but it sure looks interesting! Great idea for the cereal box! Looks wet and rainy outside, and green! Everything is still covered in snow here. Lindart #37

Tracy said...

Not had a Curly Wurly for ages but i think I now need some :D Glad you had a good time at the retreat and the box for post sounds very interesting I hope we get to see the finished article.

Mariane said...

It is going to be great to see what you will get out of the box - I always find it exciting to see what you have done. Thank you ever so much for running this challenge

Kind regards

Andrea said...

Hi Julia
I hope we get to see the converted cereal box. I have got so many cardboard remnants from packaging etc with the view of creating something wonderful...still waiting for it to happen. I do love curly wurly's,not seen one in ages happy Wednesday
crafty hugs andrea

Unknown said...

if we are going for bragging rights I think my building site trumps yours...the box for mail sounds spiffing, we have La Poste under a genuine glass paper weight that does its best - but bounces precariously atop a teetering ever groaning pile, mostly because I have blocked the entry to the filing cabinet with a crate of craft essentials - One day I shall find time to deal with it... but not today...and I wouldn't worry about the hygiene rules it only applies to meat.. I think... Dxxx#42

Creative Cardiology said...

Wow, I'm impressed at all the visible desk space.
I haven't had a good Curly Wurly since Marks and Spencers closed down in Canada a long, long time ago. I might just have to hop across the pond to get some chocolate, errr, visit my relatives. LOL
Have a wonderful week!
Michelle (#46)

Unknown said...

Cool idea! I have a pile on my table that I am constantly working with! Some parts go to the garbage, some to the shred pile, some to the file box, and some to be paid. Most our mail goes to the shred pile, so much junk! Curly Wurlys sound interesting. Almost looks like a big pretzel from your picture! Hope you have a great week!
Carol N #29

Dorlene Durham said...

How nice to attend a scrapbooking retreat! I can't wait to see the finished project with the cereal box.

sandra de said...

Thanks for lovely comment about the amethyst. Yummy curly-wurly I don't think I have eaten one of those for years. Must see if they still sell them at our local shops ..... now I can't stop thinking about eating a curly-wurly!
sandra de @19

Shoshi said...

Hope the building site soon turns into what it was designed to be, Julia, whatever that is! It sounds exciting. Thank you for your visit and your encouragement - nice to know your wound sorted itself out and I'm sure mine will too. The district nurse is coming back today to check on it. It's going to be a long slow recovery but we'll get there in the end.

Shoshi #34

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Julia, so sorry for the reeeeeaaaaalllly late visit, first chance to play catch-up!! Totally relate to the post problem, even though nearly all our bills are paperless now, I still seem to accumulate a giant pile of stuff I don't want to deal with - great idea to convert a cereal box, I love recycling. Hope you're having a fab weekend :o) Annie C #16