I've no idea why.
I wasn't born into a family of stationers or post office keepers. I'm not a journal or diary keeper. I'm not even any good at using my Filofax. The household uses a calendar (home made) and I have a diary for work..mostly because I make notes in it, and it's useful to have the dates of certain notes! There is no technology involved, just good old fashioned paper and pen.
Oh, let's talk about the notebook.
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The small collection in the workroom..... |
I'll tell about other stationery problems some other time. I have a need to go and count my staplers!
quite an impressive shelf of notebooks... just thinking I would love to put all my journals on a shelf.. but there isn't one spare.. or within reach..
I love notebooks, so I can understand your passion quite well. I also prefer them lined - makes writing so much easier. Although I make journals myself I still buy them as well when I see a really nice one that I can't resist.
ha ha love it and i am SO with you - I still look every week in tescos or asda and there is never much there.I love the feel ( and smell ..shhh) of new papers and books and note books :)
I like decorating plain notebooks, as they make good presents. Like you I also buy ones I particularly like with intentions to do something with them.
Hope you are having a good weekend. Sue
OMG we were 100% seperated at birth. It could have been me who wrote that blog post Mrs D haha
Was going to say the same as Lynn!!! :-)
I like notebooks and stationery too! Always have! In the 90's, for a while, I worked in the office at a large stationery company and was in heaven! Huge discount and loads of freebies. I used to give notebooks, staplers, punches etc to my kids and they loved them too! xxx
Julia 8 love notebooks too, I bought one last year from Michaels as it had teapots and wooden spoons on, the front, I thought it was a recipe book but it's is just a lined notebook, haven't used it yet!
Jan S
Totally agree. I'm a little ashamed that my stash exceeds yours by some way, although most were presents, doesn't stop me checking the out when shopping.
I too love notebooks but I struggle to use the really pretty ones as I don't want to spoil them LOL
Toni xx
You have plenty of company Julia!! I have notebooks everywhere, not to mention ring binders, and all sorts of folders (mostly empty as they are too nice to use!!) - I thought it was a 'teacher' thing, but have found a lot of crafters who share this obsession!!
I love stationary of all kinds - sticky notes; pens; binders; the cool, crisp sheets of a new exercise book! *swoon* I think it all harks back to that 'new start' feeling in September, as I went back to school (sharpening all of my pencils beforehand, of course.) There's so much potential in a new exercise book ....
Oh yes, loads and loads of notebooks.......and pens and pencils...
You are not alone LOL!!
Yessss! A gal after my own heart. I'm quite the fan of notebooks for lists and the like but not at all interesting in journaling. Unlike you though I just need one nice one around to use but not a selection. I do need tissue in every room though. And a waste bin (why do some people only have them in the kitchen under the sink??!!)
I love stationary. I can browse for hours in stationary departments and office supply stores. Pens are my weakness. Maybe I'll show my pen drawer on WOyWW this week.
I have notebooks of all types all over the house for various purposes.. then can't find the one I want when I need it so I start another one LOL
Creative Blessings!
I´m very much the same. I love notebooks. For wishlists, thankful today-list... everything. Or just for writing down some thoughts of the day.
I think it´s a very healthy habit. :) It can heal you from the inside out... And like in my case from the outside in, I wrote for years that on monday I will start dieting. One day I realized I just wrote it but I didn´t do it. So for this year my goal is "just do it"... LOL
Best wishes!
ooh, with you on notebooks....in a recent clear out I was horrified how many new ones I appear to have amassed!!! But hey, its ok as they eventually get used :-)
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