Wednesday 26 August 2015

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 325

Under this little lot is a can actually see my working space! I'm quite shocked and smug! And I moved and put away the scrapbook preparation stuff I was doing before getting all the some of the Christmas stuff out.
Pretty gloomy still, huh.So you can just make out my box of gems at left, in front of my pen caddy...which I move out of the window when not using. It requires no effort - I shove it backwards until it hits something immoveable. Usually the box of scraps. I've separated Christmas clear stamps into acrylic boxes because their aren't so many of them, but it's not ideal. I'm really going to have to grow up and sort this storage thing out properly. You can also see several sizes of pre-fold cards on the iPad holder. Always handy to have at hand when making cards because I start with the image and work up...and apparently have no sense of whether it will fit on a card until it's too late. You see also my new tablet, it's a Hudl from Tesco. I have no complaints at all...except battery life is a bit short. The carefully cut out and painted Noel you can see there is destined for the's really not doing it for me. This then, is the time to stop instead of soldiering on and trying to make it work and wasting hours and more card stock. I'm definitely learning! Won't get back to this lot for a couple of days at least, so fill up my quiet times with pics of your desks will you, it's lovely to see what you're all doing. Put WOYWW in your post title and link it here. If you need further 'instructions', there are a couple of pages at the top of this page. I thank you!


Helen said...

I think the Noel looks great... but will take your word for would go in my scraps box here in case something struck me! Have a great week.

HeARTworks said...

Can't imagine making Christmas cards at this time! Love it that you said you have to grow up! Don't we all???? Especially artists and crafters! We are always playing! Happy WOYWW! patsy

MrsC.x said...

hello Julia....i agree with Helen the Noel looks good enough to go in the left overs pile you never know it maybe the most perfect thing for a project at some point.
fairly tidy desk today...does that mean Mr Dunnit is keeping you too busy to get really messy and creative?

have a great week
happy woyww
Charlie :) #6

Kyla said...

I agree with the battery life of the hudl but as I use it mainly indoors its fine for me. It's great for browsing blogs etc and once I stripped out and hid all the Tesco stuff it looks and behaves like any generic tablet (found the instructions on either the tech radar or tech review websites).
Kyla #9

Bridget Larsen said...

You're scaring me Christmas already??? I'm still stuck in last christmas. We all need to cull like you and tidy up, whats with us crafters being so messy. That ATG gun gets lots of tan going on in that window seat if only it could talk
Bridget #1

Judys Lace Creations said...

I think there are a few of us who begin Christmas making about now..usually later in Sept for me. The shops start bringing out such interesting things that are not available at any other time of year.Hope you get some cheery sun soon.
Judy #12

Cardarian said...

Oh well I guess I am learning too, sometimes things don't work and they have to go!!! Love your busy desk - mine was busy too for a change!
Lots and lots of hugs,

Annie said...

Christmas? will be a long while yet for me if I manage to make any at all this year [yep I may be forced to buy mine this year]. Oh well at least by Christmas I should have somewhere I actually could make some lol.
Have a great week my friend.
Annie x

Unknown said...

My stamps are in a shocking mess. Somehow they have all shoved themselves in a drawer and I can't see what I've got in there! Some are filed but all fall out every time I open the file up! It was going to be a project of mine for the summer holidays but hey ho, I'm back to work next week. I have started with my Christmas cards too, your Noel looks fine to me but if you don't like it… it's got to go. Have a happy week
Lynda B 16

Sue Jones said...

Well done on making a srat - I just can't at the moment i am afaid. All looks very busy and productive :) Have a great week !
Soojay xx

misteejay said...

A very tidy desk for you Julia - hope Mr D isn't keeping you too busy.
Toni xx

Diana Taylor said...

Well I just can't get my head around Christmas stuff yet, but I suppose it's not that far off really is it. I love the Noel, shame you can't rescue it somehow with glitter or more stamping. I hate throwing things away when effort has gone into them! Thanks for stopping by my desk, you were quick this morning!
Diana #23

Twiglet said...

Your grass looks nice and green Julia - guess you have had lots of rain like us! (Notice how I ignored the Chri.... word!!) x Jo

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Hi Julia, just popping in to say hello. I haven't been visiting for a while, but I'm ever so grateful that WOYWW is always here waiting for us like a faithful friend. I can't believe you're already working on Christmas stuff! Then again, I remember some crafters started back in January! Have a wonderful day! Best wishes, zsuzsa #19

Sue said...

Julia, At last I can see the colour of the wood your desk is made out of:) LOL

Hope you get your various projects done.

Even I have made a start on getting Christmas stash out.

Sue #25

Debbie Rock said...

Totally get your stamp storage dilemma ... mine is not working for me yet I hesitate to go down the acetate-sheets-in-a-ring-binder option because I know that won't work either! Also completely understand your "time for the bin" light bulb moment ... have the same battle with myself all the time - work on something for AGES and eventually realise it just ain't gonna happen ... "it's a bit of card" I will argue with myself - "at the end of the day it's a bit of card and ink" and chuck it out and I try not to factor into the argument all the hours invested in trying to get it to work! Chuck it out and move on!!!! Much love to you, dear Julia! xXx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Try as I may Julia, I can't get into Christmas cards so my friend and I have agreed to start making Christmas Masterboards to swap. I am hoping this might give me a bit more inspiration to do it otherwise it may be the 1st of December as is my usual thing which I also hate. We shall have to see. Happy woyww, Angela x 28

Barb said...

Your desk certainly looks very productive Julia. I've finished all my own Christmas cards (she says smugley) just two dozen to go that I promised for charity.

I have ALL my Christmas stuff piled in one huge really useful box. It stays on the floor all year because it's too heavy to move! Everything is mixed up and goes in on top when it's been used. I certainly need to sort out. Barb#27 xx

pearshapedcrafting said...

Wow! Christmas…actually I have been thinking about it….only thinking though! I think you have the right idea about getting rid of things that just aren't working, I have a box full of things like that and I'm sure they will NEVER work!! Chrisx 31

Dotty Jo said...

Nooooooooooooooo, please don't mention Christmas! Jo x

Robyn Oliver said...

Hi Julia, I also think the NOEL looks great...definitely don't bin it. I have my Christmas stamps sorted in plastic envelopes...but wish I'd found these earlier at Simon Says They have different sizes and like myself they store them in a fridge shelf organiser. Have a great week Cheers RobynO#32

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Julia... I so know what you mean about something not working ..but also agree with others who suggested putting it in scrap images..

I made a card the other day with reject pieces that fell together and clicked well.. maybe even use gold on some of it by paper piecing it.
Hate it when you run into a brick wall tho'.

Thanks so much for sharing faithfully week in and out.
Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #34

{Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, I hate reaching the point I know I have to bin something, it grates when you know how long you've spent on it,but if it's not working, it's the only way to go. Although, I admit it usually goes into my 'odds & sods' container on my desk first, lol, 'just in case'. Mind you, the amount of stuff I file in there, it ought to be 'just in suitcase!'.Have a good week, love and hugs, shaz xxx

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I can't get myself motivated to make Christmas cards this early, so I admire how disciplined you are. Blessings!

My name is Cindy said...

So great to see an active desk! Had plans for this week but family, hospitals (mums in again) and trying to escape from work are all conspiring against me.(am seething, they rang me just now to ask why I wasn't at my redundancy interview -perhaps a) because you scheduled it for a day I don't work and b) because you didn't tell me - muppets). Next week I shall be in sunny (I hope) Spain and may join in with WOYWW if I have some internet access. Am missing everyone, but no time to do anything. Boy I need my holiday. Love n hugs Cindy xx

Marit said...

It is a good thing to have learned to step away from your work sometimes... it took me a while before I learned that myself but it pays off when you do that! Enjoy the 'spare time' and whatever you do with it! Happy woyww and a hug from windy Holland, Marit #33

sandra de said...

Sometimes it is just so hard to call it quits and bin it! I would probably still keep it in a little box for future use.... you just never know when it will come in handy. Xmas ....well I just can't face it at the moment.
sandra de @39

Sarah Brennan said...

Love the concept of WOYWW - my sister-in-law put me onto your page as she has contributed in the past.

Unknown said...

I'm simply impressed you're working on anything Christmas. But then I'm in denial that summer is technically over. I love summer. Your desk is quite productive though, and it's always good to know when something is working and when it isn't, so go you. Have a great week! Sandy Leigh

Tilly Tea Dance said...

A hive of activity Julia! Your idea to have pre-folded cards handy is genius...I am forever needle-felting pictures without measuring them up against a frame or card first. I shall snaffle this idea from you! Have a lovely week :-)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I always think it is a bit of bonus if I can see a sizeable amount of desk before I get to covering it again :) Shame about the 'noel' but sometimes you just have to admit defeat, toss it and hopefully work on something better. Good idea to have pre-folded cards at the ready too. Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth, x #46

Neesie said...

Afternoon Julia,
Yep Tail-end Charlie here late as usual.
I did wonder whether everyone would be working on the Christmas theme which although virtually weather for here... I'm just not ready.
I think your NOEL looks fine from here and I did note that you have that bright light working... think it's called sunlight!
I am busy on my desk, but I thought I'd post something different. All desk related but with the cute factor added.
Have a great week and enjoy WOYWW
Neesie #48

Kristiina said...

The first thing I noticed was the trash bin outside your window... As long as your not going to waste your time on enough projects to fill that one, tossing is a way to look at something else. A profound coat of gesso is another way to start anew, quite fun with cutouts I think. I actually just started my first Christmas-project today, perhaps it is contageous via woyww? Seen several starting theirs during the past weeks :)
Kristiina #13

Christine said...

Busy, busy ... you know that we like it that way!!!
I think the noel needs to go in the 'bits' box Next time you see it, the background will be waiting for it!!!
have a fun week.
Bishopsmate #49

brenda lee said...

Don't trash it - stick it in a scrap box for future use! I feel you on that whole organization thing. I've just put much of my stuff in (gasp! labeled) photo boxes and that's what works for me. I haven't even begun to think Christmas yet. I'm still trying to catch up from April.
Have a lovely week!
brenda lee #49

Ali H said...

Hi Julia - don't bin the noel - would be great stuck in an art journal in 4 months time - a bit of gesso & glitter glue will work magic ! Ali #10

Mary said...

I love the transition from summer to fall and winter. My room looks like something blew up in it. Thankfully it's what's on your desk not whats on the floor and counter tops! So Happy WOYWW. Hugs, Mary Mac for this week...#52.

Shoshi said...

Don't mention the "C" word to me, Julia! - and I mean the one that is on 25th December, not Cancer lol lol!!! Thank you for your lovely comment - you can't put the creative brain to sleep, can you. I will need long sleeves and cuffs for the winter because otherwise my arms will get cold - I wear thick jumpers then. In the summer I can roll them up.

I'm feeling slightly better today, I'm glad to say, and hopefully better tomorrow! So much I want to be doing.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #42

Artatag said...

As I normally don't make cards, I don't care much for that Christmas stress, LOL. Have a wonderful creative time!
Gabriele 20

April said...

I'm jealous. Very little of my desk is showing. And you're thinking about Christmas. It's less than 4 months away! :-)

Sharon Madson said...

That is what I spend a lot of time doing, sorting scraps of cardstock and such! I think that NOEL is pretty! Thanks for the peek. Sorry, I am so late today. #53

Anonymous said...

The Noel looks ok to me, why not keep it and come back to it in a few weeks.I'm going to have to start making Christmas decs soon but I cant get my head around the idea just yet.

Lizzie said...

Well, Julia, if it makes you feel better about your desk, I will tell you that I didn't even dare show mine this week. It is about a foot deep in layers of clutter - a scary sight! I only photographed what was on my small table...

I'm filled with admiration, that you are organised enough to start on Christmas cards already. I'm still working my way through Wedding stuff and some personal projects... then it's Christmas Stock for the shop... and then, maybe, some cards!

Anyway, at least I found time for some projects this week and I really wanted to join in - so here I am again!

Hope you have a good rest-of-week and a lovely weekend!

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