Wednesday 12 March 2014

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 249

Here's a twofer for you, gentle deskers.  I offer it to prove that at least from one angle, there's still some free surface on which to work.

What you can't see are the cards I've made for the Card Marathon.  Teeny bits of them are shown in the last post because I couldn't contain my excitement about the beautiful Quietfire stamps.  But please be reassured that this jumble sale of a desk really does mean that I've been productive.  Am liking it too.  Playing with some old friends is good for the mojo.  Stamps are my friends see. They talk to me about things I can make.  Yes they do. 
You can't see a pair of abandoned readers this week - I'm having to use them for computer work now, so they are perched on the end of my nose as I type.  The slightly stronger ones that I was using to help me do some fussy cutting are also on my head, as a hairband. Is it any wonder that Miss Dunnit has just declined the chance to invite a friend over for supper? 

Share with us will you? How is your desk looking? What are you doing at it? helps to know what we're missing.  Put WOYWW in your post title and link here.  There's an info and 'how to' page at the top of this blog.  See you over the next handful of days then!


Deb said...

I loved the stamps you shared with us yesterday and also that cute little banner punch, not seen that before! Very clever! I am giggling at the 2 pairs of glasses as I perch my sunglasses on my head in the car when I put on my reading glasses, makes sense to me but might look a little odd!
Have a great week, Debxx

Unknown said...

Yes stamps are always good. I am always loosing my reading glasses up stairs.. never fails. Thanks for letting me peek. Roberta#4

April said...

I don't see it - the space for working that you were talking about. Maybe there is another angle. LOL

sandra de said...

I well know the excitement about a new stamp and bursting with crafty eagerness to use it on a project. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @8

sandra de said...

I well know the excitement about a new stamp and bursting with crafty eagerness to use it on a project. Have a lovely week.
Sandra @8

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

You make me feel right at home. Most days this could be my desk. Piles, Layers, and a tiny little spot to work on but it's all necessary if you are creating. Oh I lake that banner punch. Happy WOYWW and thanks for hosting.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had to laugh at Miss Dunnit's comment. Glad I don't wear glasses, except to drive. I'd never find the ONE pair I own (grin).

Now I know the secret to good stamping. Talk to your stamps and treat them like friends. What a perfect idea.

Robyn said...

Ah Yes, some of my best friends are stamps too!
Loving the idea of a stamping marathon.
Looking forward to swapping 5th anni ATC's!
Robyn 11

Unknown said...

I love this in-the-midst-of-the-action scene! You should always go to your happy place Julia, and that is your stamps! I'm learning so much more about stamps now...I had no idea all the differences in the rubber vs. acrylic and the quality differences. No wonder some of you guys have so many! But I do need one of those little banner punches! Hugs dearest. I'm off to bed and will visit the deskers in the morning.

Anonymous said...

Hi, Julia! Forgive my impatience in posting at 11:05 PM on Tuesday, just wee moments before midnight in my time zone. {slaps own hand} Glad you've been having some happy productive time to play. I've been stamping up a storm lately, too. Happiest of WOYWWs!! ~ Laura

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I'm always glad to see I'm not the only one whose desk;s surface disappears when working on a project. I love the bright shades of blue your working with. Blessings!

Eliza said...

Now that is one very productive desk, considering what you have been up to this week, glad to see you didn't tidy it up for the photoshoot.

Have a great week and Happy WOYWW

Eliza & Yoda 21

505whimsygirl said...

Hi. Julia,
Funny, I don't. see the work space. Tee hee. I kind of cheated by showing my closet.
Happy. WOYWW,
Hugs, Kay

VonnyK said...

I just love a mess and this is wonderful. There is plenty of working space there (cough, cough). Lovin those twirly stamps. I share your hassle with multiple glasses. Sometimes I get up and walk around and think I'm sick as everything is blurry but it's just the wrong glasses that I plopped down from my head. There's nothing wrong with talking to stamps, I talk to my things all the time. You only worry when they start answering back!.
Have a great week.
Von #26

Andrea said...

maybe I need to wear my glasses for pc too as I dont see that free work space! it would be odd to have your desk any other... part of the fun is what can I spy this week ...its a bit like spot the difference but more entertaining...I spy some neat stamps,I like the look of that swirly one peeking out.I hope you have great day ahead and thanks for another fab post and chance to have a good nosey around. crafty hugs Andrea #27

Jackie said...

I like the stamps you shared with us in a previous post and clicked on the link to have a look. There prices are normally very fair... I think Neet demos for them! Who posts here every week...
Good to see stamps on your desk, this week!
Jackie 22

Robyn Oliver said...

Oh I so love those script stamps toooo, wish they sold them in Australia ( will put them on my wish list and watch the currency rates) I think we've all been looking back over your week and love the techniques you've been teaching - funny 'cause I've been doing something similar at my desk. Have Julia, thanks for hosting WOYWW. Have a great week RobynO#24

glitterandglue said...

Morning Julia. Know the feeling - which pair of specs is where is a constant cry here, too. And how is it that whenever I am working in my "little" space - then EVERYWHERE else is covered with stuff - can't get anywhere NEAR the dining table to eat at the moment - I'm making a wedding dress - every chair is covered with patterns, fabric, pins, sewing thread - even the lounge floor was called into action as a cutting surface....
Have a great week - and those word stamps yesterday were just lovely!
Margaret #32

Krisha said...

Just a quick note before off to be, glasses perched on my nose too, but have replaced the ones on the top of my head with a clip. Glasses as headbands do not fair well in the shower....LOL

Oh yes, my stamps talk to me all the time and I answer too. DH is always saying I talk to myself more in here than anywhere else. He evidently can't hear them!!

Helen said...

Smiling at the thought of two pairs of glasses at once... could probably match you if I actually wore mine.. GReat desk -both shots- not very much free work space though is there, I had to hunt for it.. Love your stamps too... am not very good at backwards reading so spent ages trying to figure out what the word is.. please tell me!

Nikki said...

Your script stamps are beautiful took a peek at the other post what fun you will have with them. If I only had that small of a space to work with left my cat would surely be trying to sit or lie down just to get my attention. Hugs Nikki 10

Mrs.D said...

Morning Julia,
There's loads of room on your desk, just pick up the blue papers and pile them on the easel , do a sweep over the glass mat, left or right and you have the whole mat to work on.
I read your comment about readers, I've not had a lot of sleep, and initially thought you had press ganged a couple of deskers (readers) into helping you with some project on your computer. I am easily confused,
Yawn, yawn

shazsilverwolf said...

Morning Julia! Loving the stamps on your workdesk- that swirly one is awesome. And listening to the little voices when they talk to you is ok- its when you start doing what they tell you that the problems start, :)
off for a decaff before bed, will see you all later. Hugs Shaz xxx

Ann B said...

Morning Julia, and what a beautiful day again here already. Tried to leave a comment on your post yesterday but my internet connection was terrible. Love the Quietfire stamps, have a few that I got from the US but now I know Oyster stock them.....
Have a great Wednesday.
Ann B

BJ said...

Morning Julia, that certainly is a well used desk today. Can't say stamps are my friends at all, I stamped a sentiment on a card and it all went wrong so I covered the whole card up with strips of coloured papers and used diecuts NOW they ARE my friends! It's on my desk the green one with butterflies, which were formally stuck to the card underneath but prised off after the sentiment went wrong! BJ#39 oops you don't need the number but I just can't help myself!

Unknown said...

A stamp whisperer eh? Such talent! Karen #44

Twiglet said...

Looks like you have had a lot of action on your desk this week!! x Jo

Lynn Holland said...

I came across my WOYWW badge while I was having my spring cleaning session, to late for this weeks posting but I will be sure to include next time.
I was drawn to the spotty card and the blue one they look like they work well together Julia.
Ithank you for your comments last week. If you are ever in the Rossendale Valley be sure to call in for cake xx

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, I'm sure that Miss D's friends are well used to you by now......;-)
I'm nearly at the point of bifocal contact eye does close, the other long. Does this mean ill be walking around like a demented pirate (or parrot come to that)?
Hugs, LLJ xx

misteejay said...

At least you can still see a bit of your desk surface...I'm not even sure where my desk is under the 'mountain' that seems to have grown on top of it.

Toni xx

Annie said...

Two pairs of glasses on your head at once eh?....the second pair are obviously on the eyes in the back of your head that every mother has :-)
Have a great week....mine are slowly getting better and hopefully I will have news to share soon!!!
Annie x

Sherry said...

I've two pairs of glasses too - still can't see properly out of either of them!

Your desk is nice and busy as usual. I like your glass cutting board thingy - would you recommend it - I've been thinking of getting one.

Thanks for another week of WOYWW, I'm number 51 at the moment xx

Anne said...

Hi Julia glad I'm not the only one who ends up with a desk like that when I'm on mission!!! I love stamps as well!!! Errr I have a few - cough cough! Have a great day. Anne x @ 53

lisa said...

Loving the productive chaos, Julia. You look very busy. Had to smile at the two pairs of glasses. I just have the one pair permanently stuck to my face I couldn't see my way out of bed without them!!
Hugs Lisax #54

fairy thoughts said...

The angle really makes a difference, it looks much messier from above. The thought of you wearing two pairs of glasses really made me smile.

Glenda said...

Oh yes, I love stamps too, but sadly mine don't talk to my dies are another story. They are always just chattering away about what we can make! I'm in to tri-focals so I never take them off. That way you don't lose them!
Glenda 56

Sue said...

Love your mess, I mean desk:) LOL

Stamps don't talk to me, but ribbons do. Oh and Washi Tape positively screams at me:)

Have a lovely WOYW Wednesday.

My name is Cindy said...

So much stash in here talking to me it's like the tower of Babel! But I do like to rediscover old faves, even though I am so fickle and always after the next thing. Sympathise with the glasses - I desperately need some new ones (although actually I could see perfectly in the bright sunshine of Tenerife, it's just the grey old Uk where I struggle). Love the little triangles - I sense some bunting coming along!! Have a great day, Cindy x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Seeing your desk like that makes me very happy. I visited a friend recently who had the most wonderful purpose built studio and there was no sign of anything happening. The tables were clean and empty, there was nothing on the floor, nothing piled high on the shelves and the bins were empty.
I know what I would sooner have lol! A space full of happy crafting, Angela x

Claire Grantham said...

Love the twofer Julia..I love that bunting punch..I have it and I'd say it's one of my most overused items..loved the little glimpses of things. Cx #61

Chrysalis said...

Good morning, Julia - thanks for taking the time to visit my blog, and for the kind comments. Your encouragement is much appreciated by all your crafty, net friends! Have a great week xx

Diana Taylor said...

I've fallen in love with the Quietfire stamps - thanks for the info about them - I just needed more stamps to hanker after, and then finally give in and buy!!!

Christine said...

Good foggy morning! Hope the sun comes back again, I was just getting used to it!!!
Love the desk .... pleased to know you have found time to play .. enjoy!
Bishopsmate #64 - which means I am up to early!!!

Kate said...

Love the wooden stamps scattered across your desk. Maybe I should have a chat to my stamps, they might know where my creativity has hidden itself.


Uniflame said...

I am glad to read you are enjoying yourself! Happy WOYWW :) - Uniflame #70

Carole said...

Yes a very busy desk with a bit of working room. Carole #68 I think?

okienurse said...

Great looking desk today...both pics! I am with you on the need for glasses and it is really vexing when I go looking for them and find them holding my hair back! Love the thought of stamps having personalities...I have some I use and reuse and love dearly also! Thanks for sharing. Vickie @72

The House of Bears said...

Perfect, it looks just like your stash has sneezed :)

Dianne said...

Hello Miss Julia, your desk always looks so productive,hey my stamps talk to me too and my inks never stop chattering.. I love your new calligraphy stamps Quiet fire stamps are fabulous, I don't own any but I love their company. I can't play today, have to post GD post but I'll be around to visit the other Ladies, have a wonderful day, ((( BIG HUGS )))..

Carmen said...

Oh I so think you need to post a picture of your glasses stylin' combo :D You do paint a wonderful picture with your words :D

Purl said...

A fantastic desk!

Annmakes said...

Hi Julia. I do not see much space there on your desk, but us crafters never need a lot of room do we? Ha ha ha. I know I have not been around for a while, I have been very busy and finally took some time today to pop in and share my desk. Hope you are well, and I am looking forward to checking out the other desks.

Daniella said...

Being productive and hearing your stamps talk is a good thing!

Elaine Hughes said...

That definitely looks like a productive desk. :D

Can't quite believe it has been a month since I last participated. I'm sure someone has been stealing time from me...

~Elaine #73

CraftygasheadZo said...

Finally got here, took pics first thing but been busy. Love your productive desk, great stamps there and I love your pack of pens too. Very handy. Take care lovely. Zo xx 82

Unknown said...

Such a nice productive desk! Or past productive... I see lots of fun stuff you play with! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #83

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I managed to lose my reading glasses in bed, as I thought, and found them five weeks later mixed up with a pile of clothes for sorting. You tell Miss Dunnit that she is looking at her future when she spurns your invitations. She, too, could play hunt the spectacles in time. I hope you are going to show us your Card Marathon makes. Have a great week. xx Maggie

Neesie said...

Work space Julia?...hmm...I'm having difficulty seeing that. Maybe I've lost my glasses or are they on my head (just checking by tapping my own head) They turn up in the most obscure places.
My hubby threatens the chain around the neck! I think he means for my glasses but now I type that I'm not so sure :(
Happy Wednesday
Neesie #86

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had to laugh at the comment you left about the laundry. I'm such a low maintenance gal, I don't own that many clothes. Most was from the weekend: two loads of sheets, pillowcases, napkins, and place mats, all from entertaining; one load of blankets, one load of all the tea towels I own, that got wet when my coffeemaker broke and spilled water into the drawer; and finally, one load of clothes from last week and the weekend. It was so nice, I decided to wash everything in both bedrooms so I could enjoy the great scent from the clothesline. Glad I did, because the weather has turned cold again.

Nelle said...

As I was so late getting to you the last time I took part, I wanted to come here first this time. As ever a productive but organised desk Julia. It is not very often mine gets to look this organised.
Nelle 76 xx

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Those Quietfire stamps are brilliant. So many lovely quotes and I'm a sucker for beautiful calligraphy. I shouldn't have looked. Now I'll have to sit on my hands!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, enjoyed snooping through your desk today and the stamp with the swirly pattern on it really caught my eye. Oh, and those calligraphy stamps are so fabulous - like Fiona I'm having to sit on my hands :) Hugs, Elizabeth xx

Kim said...

Pshhaw...plenty of space left if you ask me!! Hmm, I just started with a 2nd pair of glasses myself; the progressives just doesn't cut it with computer use...or some music reading; haven't started keeping the alternate on my head yet, instead their always on the wrong desk elsewhere!

sandysewin said...

I'm picturing you with all that stuff crowded on your head. It definitely makes you look busy and efficient. :-)

Thanks for stopping by my blog and for the nice comments.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #2

Angie said...

Space for working..bahahaha!! That's great I see it, right er. yes okay I'll pretend that I saw it. Love the new rubber!
Angie #90

Caro said...

Space on there? Well maybe if you shove a few things up! Looks like a busy and productive desk though with lots of interesting and fun things to play with. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#91)

Unknown said...

Looks like my desk when I am in the thought process it all gets everywhere! Andrea *42

KatheD said...

I've been learning to work in a space one fourth the size I'm used to, so i have to clean as I go now - thanks for sharing yours every week!

Mrs.D said...

Julia, I am returning your visit just to say you made me laugh. After I got confused over your 'readers' and then the font was confusing, I looked back at it and can see what you mean, it does look like 43.
Hospital visit was fine, all clear, no problems at all.
Chris #35

Stacy Sheldon said...

hee hee my own hubs has taken to putting he call's his cheaters on the end of his nose past his RX glasses when he reads the newspaper now so I had to laugh that you have two pairs also.
Your work space is really shrinking.

Artsnark said...

Just look at all that creative energy! Looks good to me

Queen Lightwell said...

Well, I've been awol for some time now but I'm here this week! :) I love to see your desk when its all cluttered up and obviously being used for more than a holding place, as mine has been too much of late. Thanks for being so diligent and dedicated in getting this party started every week and keeping it going...almost 5 years now! Woohoo! :)
Deeyll #96

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Good for you, Julia, that your jumbled desk means you've been productive. My desk was just too messy to allow for any productivity so I actually tidied up yesterday, thanks to the thought of having to post an even messier desk next Wednesday! happy WOYWW!