Wednesday 8 January 2014

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 240

Oh do join in.  If you're new to it, there are instructions on separate pages accessible by clicking along the tabs up top.  ^^^^^
Meanwhile, sing and hang out the bunting...I've actually made time at my desk for a bit of crafting.  Well...if you count stickers and thickers being employed on a canvas that I bought last month.  It's destined to go to my beautiful Niece for her birthday.  Better than a card, prolly not as good as a present, but eminently post-able!  So my desk looks very 'right now', to me.  I bought the alphas at the Shopkeeper Gal's on Tuesday morning (there is a sale), and not with this canvas in mind at all..I just can't resist a bargain.  I bought three sets of the black. Piggy. So the rest is easily explained..empty mug of diet hot chocolate and a pack of tissues.  I have a cold and wanted comfort.  Double Piggy.

So 2014 arrives with a WEATHER attitude.  Please y'all - stay safe, warm and dry.  Pictures from both sides of the mighty Atlantic are really a test of belief right now.  Hold fast and be sensible. Ask for help if you need to...from whatever source...if you need help, you need help.  
Meanwhile, because there's so much to think about in terms of empty diary spaces, Jan has booked the hall for this year's WOYWW Crop.  Or, last year, as it nearly became -  the longest ever meet and greet!  Join us do, if you can, on Saturday, May 24th.  Same location and of course, loads more info and blahdy blah to follow.  You don't need to commit right now, pencil it in and I'll ask you again nearer the time.  Jan will be catering and others will bring cake.  If that's not a good enough reason......
OK, get joining in people. If you can...despite the HTML code being there, the Linky thing isn't showing on preview, so I don't know if it will appear.  If it doesn't, be patient, I'll load it manually as SOON as I can.  
Turns out the whole thing is troublesome today...I was right to think that Blogger was having a laugh...


Ginny Maxam said...

Hi Julia!! Oh I wish I could go to the WOYWW Crop! How fun would that be!! maybe I should do one locally!. Your desk looks very creative and I hope you feel better! I think you should have two Hot Chocolates!! I think I will go have one now!
Have a great week, Ginny #1

Kyla said...
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Annie said...

A May meet up .....I really hope we've moved by then lol Would love to join in this time so really hope nothing gets in the way. Sorry I've been out of the link a couple of weeks....Life just got in the way!
Annie x

KatzElbows said...

Nice letters. I have such a weakness for letters I'd probably have bought more! I'm crazy ought I come to the crop again, but I'm also determined to organise one for us Northerners.

Have a lovely day,
Rachel #8

Kyla said...

Just checked holiday weekend crop! Need to rethink plans as I cannot miss this!

Jackie said...

Would love to come to the WOYWW crop , your a long way away though however will have a chat with a fellow WOYWW and see what we can plan!
I do hope all our friends in the cold cold USA are ok
Jackie 7

ria gall said...

I am finding your desk very interesting this morning Julia and the sound of the meet up would be fantastic where will it be?
Have a great WOYWW today and enjoy the rest of your week
Hugs Ria #6

Darnell said...

I'm sorry to hear you found a cold, Julia, but I see a happy creative desk in spite of it ~ go you!! And, of course, sale goodies are always fun to see!! Have a wonderful week and feel better soon! Hugs, Darnell #12

lisa said...

Loving those Thickers, Julia, gorgeous colour. Your canvas is looking good.
Will do my best to get to the crop this year, crossing fingers and toes.
Stay dry
Hugs Lisax #17

Andrea said...

hope you feel better soon would love to go to the crop but as dont drive think will be unlikely ! hope you feel better soon Andrea x #18

BJ said...

Just thinking, if Helen can make it to the WOYWW crop, then why can't I? Hoping to have a better year healthwise (time of the month - NOT!) so maybe just maybe......
Love the canvas it is just right. Hugs for the cold to get better soon BJ#21

Twiglet said...

Hope we can make it in May! Take honey and lemon for that cold - get well soon. x Jo

Claire Grantham said...

OMG I have just started getting into using Thickers, I keep finding them at TJMaxx on offer. LOVE THEM. I love the bustle of your desk. Weather here in NYC is EXTREME!! I am not built for actually -14 feels like -24..keep warm. Cx #25

Mrs.D said...

Happy New Year Julia, and that is more than I can say to Mr Linky. Posted my name twice, but neither one works. Needless to say I have checked the URL, but you did say there were probs this am so will havev to wait and see if you can wve your magic wand over it.
Would love to join WOYWW crop, but will be elswhere, that is an extremely poplular date. Maybe next time.

Your Alphabets look good, could have used those for a little girl's fisrt birthday card.
Chris # 22 and 26!!!!

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Here I am freezing my fingers and toes off, and you're the one with the cold. Please get better soon.

Not sure what a Thicker is, but I suspect they are the textured alpha stickers. That will teach me to keep up with new products.

I think I should give you the lecture that YOU need to ask for help if needed. Like someone to make your diet hot cocoa for you, etc. Please get better soon.

Happy WOYWW from a frozen number 5.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hullo there Julia, commiserations on the cold not nice... been bit poorly today.. but getting there. Our weather is nothing like yours, thankfully.
Now am really thick as no ideas what thickers are, even after scanning image.
Know u ll all enjoy the crop and living in Oz has one disadvantage... weather great but long way from UK.
Shaz in Oz.x several goes linking think it is#27

Carole Z said...

Hi Julia and fellow WOYWWers and a Happy New Year to you all...I haven't taken part for ages, so it's good to be back! Loving the letters on your desk Julia! Carole Z #28

RosA said...

Love the pink stickers (thickers?) and they go great with the red bus! Happy New Year! Sorry about your ghastly weather, just saw some on tele. Very mild summer here, so far. (After some early heat.)
Have a good week,
RosA # 30

Unknown said...

Hey Julia, the crop sounds fantastic, unfortunately being from Down Under it's a little far for me to travel. I'll be there in spirit. Happy Crafting & WOYWW DeDe 31

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Think almost everyone has had or still got a cold. I had it before Christmas, but only now feel rid of it. The cough was awful. Hope you can shake yours off soon.

Just put up my 2nd WOYWW. hopefully I have done it right.

You take care. Sue 32

Scrapcat 1 said...

Sorry you have a cold, hope you are better soon. Loving the canvas. I can't play this week toooooo bust working but I hope to play next week

Zoe Inkymonkimoo said...

Happy new year Julia!

Woyww crop sounds like amazing fun! I hope the crafting time helped recharge the creative batteries some.

This is my first woyww in over a year, and a new blog too. It's so lovely to be joining in again.

Zoe #39

Anne said...

Hi Julia - sorry to hear you have a cold - get well soon. Desk looks great and those stickers have given me a great idea re my journal. Happy WOYWW Anne x #41

Annie Claxton said...

Hi Julia, your canvas is really cool, I'm sure your niece will love it. Hope your cold is better soon - well done you for having diet hot choc - I'd be dunking a Flake in it! :o) Annie #42

Jan said...

A meet sounds great but may be to far for me! Love your desk xx Jan (35)

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Julia, please book me in for the Crop - I am determined to come this year and it is already in my diary. The only thing that might interfere is a possible trip to France, but I don't have those dates yet. Sorry you are not feeling too well. You are in good company as Barbara Gray has just gone down with it, and most of the presenters on Create and Craft seem to be suffering too. Hope you feel well enough to enjoy a bit of crafting with those lovely goodies. xx Maggie #24

Winnie said...

Love that stash of alphas you have! I am sure your niece will love a bunting for her birthday! Great fun idea! Hope you feel better soon! The weather is so extreme so stay safe. 3 degrees here in NYC, even had frozen pipes (but thankfully with a hairdryer and time they unfroze without bursting..). Keeping the heat so high I am in shorts when inside! Winnie#46

glitterandglue said...

Hi Julia.
That sounds like a great fun day out - but doubt if I shall be able to make it... boo hoo!
Great looking bargains being well used this week.
Take care.
Margaret #46

My name is Cindy said...

Love that canvas and the alphas are perfect for it. I do never understand why they don't do extra extra of some letters, I have a million sets with no o's, or e's or p's or y's and there are only so many letters you can turn upside down or otherwise alter. And I'm not that great at the whole mix n match thing, and anyhoo it tends to be the same letters that are missing. Was doing new diary stuff last night and the thought 'wonder when the WOYWW crop will be' flittered across my mind. You can tell I don't get out much. So timely information for me, will book the day immediately.
Cindy x

ddazzled71 said...

Happy New Year Julia and I hope you are feeling better soon......looking forward to Woywwing throughout 2014 with you and all my fellow Woywwers.

fairy thoughts said...

Great canvas mrs d. A cold eh I have finally sorted mine with vitamin C tablets seems to be working. I know dd3 wedding is next day but I might have a word with him indoors

Lisa-Jane said...

Ah that explains why I was so late and yet still in the 40s - how apt! Sorry to hear about your cold - I am very late to the virus party this year so I should be grateful but I am not - I am wallowing! Best wishes to you for the coming year and thank you so much for my mini album 0 a challenge indeed! Much love xx

Create With Joy said...

How fun a WOYWW crop would be - wish I could be there! (Perhaps we need to organize a "remote" one for the rest of us!)

Still sick so no dedicated post today (sorry) but stop by anyway - it's not about the desk, it's about the floor, and about my NEWEST FAMILY MEMBER - who, by the way, is wreaking havoc on my desk even as I speak...

Create With Joy 53

Christine said...

Good morning - I am staying warm and dry, the old bones don't live dangerously any more!!!
Good news about the crop - warned PJ he WILL have a day out down south this year.
Love the canvas, bright, inspirational, cheerful, I could go on ......
I'm into Alphabetily myself - love the pink ones.
Thanks for hosting every week.
Bishopsmate #52

Maisie Moonshine said...

Sorry to read you've got lurgy Julia - get well soon - good to see it's not stopped the creativity. N I C E letters. L O V E letters, mmm? MMx #54

Laura said...

Oh dear, I hope you feel better soon x
The canvas looks great :)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Oh, Missus...that sprang on you from out of nowhere! Hope you're not feeling too much like death....if you need anything, gimme a shout.
Hugs, LLJ xxxxxxx

My not so simple life said...
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My not so simple life said...
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My not so simple life said...

OK I have NO idea why i have 3 links and the first two are so random :s sorry!

Lynn Holland said...

Hope everyone is motivated to craft and now bogged down with responsibility. Thats how I feel at the minute. Consequently I'm showing somethings from last year that I made.

Dawn's Stamping Garden said...

Julia, love this canvas project! I wouldn't have thought of that. You are so crafty, even with a cold! Have you thought of a virtual WOYWW crop to join everyone together? Maybe locations other than UK can join you on the same day...would be interesting to work out the logistics for that! Anyway, hope you feel better soon!

Unknown said...

Love your canvas! I love the double decker buses. I hope you get to feeling better quickly. Hope you have a most wonder WOYWW Crop! Happy WOYWW!
Carol N # 67

Robyn said...

Warming up here. Coco and stickers very comforting.
Robyn 70

Tertia said...

Resist a bargain? Are there people who actually do that? The canvas looks great.
How I wish to win the lottery so I can join you in may.
Tertia #50

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Always fun to get a bargain. I like your canvas and your desk..It's almost like spring here ! Plus 20, A May dream...across the pond to crop. And "hot choclate,hot java, and hot toddy's" is about what we've lived on during our COLD. Enjoy and Thanks for the fun #75

Laura said...

Hi, Julia! I'd have done the same thing with the Thickers -- you know it's something you'll use, so it's a bona fide bargain. :) Your niece will like the cool canvas. Hope your cold goes away soon. Thanks for taking the time to host this party every week. ~ Laura #73

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Oh yay! Looking forward to it already.

LisaDV said...

Terrific canvas. Definitely present - able. Happy Wednesday. LisaDV#79

famfa said...

Love that canvas. Happy new year
Famfa 68

Nan G said...

Would so love to attend the WOYWW crop....maybe I could catch a ride on a iceberg. :) Will be there in spirit, tho. Maybe some would like to do an ATC swap again. Do take care of that cold, my dear. We're in the deep freeze in sunny FL too. I'm staying warm by sorting my room of stash. Happy WOYWW! Nan G #76

Angie said...

Good Morning! Love the stickers and thickers canvas! It's winter here and it's supposed to be cold, frigid is another beast all together for some! Happy New Year!
Angie #81

Princess Judy Palmer said...

When it comes to the weather we must remind ourselves that Nature is a Mother and behaves accordingly. I'm sorry to hear you are feeling poorly with a cold. It's as much of a right bugger as the weather. Anyway, have fun with your alpha stickers and thickers and cocoa.

sandysewin said...

I think the canvas is a lovely gift and can't imagine why she wouldn't like it. :-)

Hope you get over that cold soon. And could you please explain what "piggy" means?

Here in Massachusetts it's a brisk 5° this morning. I'm staying in and sewing!

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #74

Anita said...

I so enjoy checking out everyone's desks and seeing what your creating and checking out your blogs. Thanks for the beauty you bring to my day.

Cazzy said...

Hi Julia, Happy WOYWW!

You need looking after and feeding up, hope you feel better soon!
I take it the bus was already on the canvas, forgive me if I am wrong! Great idea for an almost present, I might borrow this idea for my eldest niece next time!
Hmmm, crop sounds like it might be a bad weekend for me to commit, being himself's birthday on the 22nd, the kids might come to stay! But I will keep it in mind.

Cazzy x #88 (Nice number, not been 88 before, though before I refreshed it told me I was 46 lol)

CraftygasheadZo said...

Hello! Book me in (well unless there's a miracle and Rovers get to PlayOffs) I will be there and will likely have a plus 1 as always. I love seeing you all so I shall put it in my diary now!! I love thickers and letter stickers, lots to do with them. Take care lovely. Zo xx 90-ish

sara j said...

Happy New Year! So nice to see all these familiar names...if only I could attend the crop. Alas. Blogland will have to do! I do not consider taking advantage of a bargain piggish in any way - it shows great maturity and sensibility...we know we're going to need it one day so not only will we have it on hand, what with inflation and all we are actually saving money. Need anything else rationalized? lol. Have a good week Julia.
Hugs, Sara j #92

505whimsygirl said...

Your desk looks quite busy. The canvas looks great!

Thank you for deleting my bad link. Trying to do it from my phone at 3:00 a.m. was NOT a good idea!

Kay (42)

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I so wish I could go to the crop but sadly is just isn't going to be doable this year, perhaps next year ... fingers crossed, I live in hope :) So sorry to read you have a cold, not a good beginning to the year! Like the canvas and do not blame you for stocking up on alphas, especially black one ... they are always useful to have in your crafting stash. Hope the cold clears up and you are feeling less fragile soon. Hugs, Elizabeth x #71

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, as someone has already recommended- honey & hot lemon juice, and lots of it! Hope you feel better soon. Great news about the crop, Beloved Hubby and I are definitely coming!Looking forward to it, last years was ace. Hugs, Shaz #93 xx

Francesca said...

Hi Julia, love the red bus....Sorry to hear you are suffering, I have managed to avoid and need to due to my Mum's condition. Have a good week. Francesca #94

fairyrocks said...

It has been too long since I stopped by. I would be there to meet you all if I could. With cookies and coffee or tea as would be appropriate. Keep smiling and creating one and all.

Kim said...

Oh Please! It's hardly piggy if it's diet..or on sale! LOL!
Love the canvas, and stay warm and dry!

MiamiKel said...

Blessings to all and stay safe and warm, in all the places you are in this wonderful world :) Thanks for another great post/week Julia!!
Kelly #97

Donna Wheat said...

Hi Julia

Really late today, internet had a bit of a funny turn this morning and couldn't link in, was wondering why I hadn't had any visits. Donna #99

Helen said...

hurrah!! count me in, I'll move anything that may be there clashing!

Helen said...

just realised I was so keen to say yes please to the crop, I forgot to leave a proper desk comment!! Love your stickers - won some in a raffle at craft club last night. You must have published (or sorted the post) at the moment I signed off to go to work, so I am WAY down at 100 this week, lol!! Hope you feel better soon.

Lea.H said...

thats a lovely gift, love the pink lettering Lx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I just read the comment you left about moving to Sally's. Had to laugh because, although she has more money than god (OK, a bit of a stretch using a small g) and she buys only high end items, her house could qualify for an episode on Hoarders. She has one chair she can sit in. all the rest and the couch are filled with boxes and boxes of "stuff." You can't even get into her guest bath because of all the clothes she has hanging there. And of course, she also told me this morning that SHE was also cold, even though her house is so much better insulated than mine.

Not to worry. I won't freeze to death in the dark, because Bleubeard keeps me on my toes. After all, I have to let him out to use his sandbox. And he eats more times a day than I, also. Maybe not every 15 minutes, but between the two of us, I'm up and down quite often.

So thanks for your concern. I know how genuine it is and how sweet and thoughtful you are.

misteejay said...

Great gift idea Julia...gosh you have lots of alphas.

Toni xx

okienurse said...

Better late then never I say! I forgot it is Wednesday again! Oh well I got in before Friday this week! Sorry to hear you aren't feeling well. Stay in, drink lots of fluids, rest a lot and you will be right as rain soon. Vickie #104

JoelMcBride said...

What? Diet hot chocolate? There IS such a thing?!!

Pat said...

Feel better soonest

Brenda B said...

Bummer on the cold, hope you get rid of it soon. Bummer on the Crop too, as we won't be back in the UK this year! Maybe next year we can get our ducks in a row. I do like that canvas, I could do with that on my wall! I'm happy to report we'll have a high of -9C today and will only drop to -11C tonight, and I can't believe I'm happy about that!!


Erika said...

Good morning, dear Julia!
It always takes a while to get all the artists here, go to join :) Thanks for your kind words, it should actually be a phoenix.
Also your work table looks wonderful. Today, with a big red London bus. I just wished I could be there. I wish also for you a nice weekend, with sunshine and a lot of creativity.
Greetings from

Eliza said...

Hopefully you are better by the time you read this message, sorry I am running behind the 8 ball ATM cricket is back in Melbourne, wonder how those English chaps will do this time. So sorry about the ashes too. Great canvas and I love those thickers I have some from years ago in white and drag them out every now and again and color them the way I want to match the layout etc.

Anyway I hope you stay warm and happy and have a great week.

Hugs Eliza & Yoda 32