Wednesday 26 June 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 113 - oops, I mean 213

Explanantion of WOYWW to be found here, and how to do the link thing can be found here.
This is a scheduled post because I'm messing about with the publish timings again; it shakes up the list and means the overseas players get a bit of a break!  The photos were taken on Tuesday late afternoon.  The sun made an appearance about 2 o'clock and the temperature soared to 19C!  Oh my what a summer. Rhymes with bummer.

two views today..because I can!  Glasses and only one pair of scissors suggests that I've actually tidied up a bit (I have) and possibly even tidied between finished cards (I have) which leads you to surmise that I've spent time at my desk making stuff (I have). Hurrah!
There was a deadline see, but no matter - the source of the inspiration doesn't mater does it! You see the Page Maps card sketches on the old deckchair stand?  They are the inspiration - me and the Shopkeeper Gal are each doing a workshop to demonstrate how interpretative sketches/maps/recipes can be.  We're both using the same sketches as each will be very interesting...hopefully the workshopeers will see some differences!  
The ovely big tin that is languishing upside down is a gift from Sara J via LLJ. They are lovely stickers, glittery and with a vintage feel and journaling space - lovely, they are.
Now then, time to bare all - show us your workspaces, even if like Brenda, you're going to show something truly alarming -we can handle it.  See, Brenda's post is an attempt to scare me because I scared her with the state of my desk last week.  Aha, but I don't scare that easily...I don't think! 
Join in then, post to your blog, link it here and make some visits.  It's fun free and erm, not really very fast!  


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Love the earlier time. Gives me a chance to visit you and lots of others.

I think this is the first time I've seen your bunting in the "lounge?" Not sure what you call it. I'd call it a dining room if it has a dining room table (grin). Regardless, it's nice to see green. I'm so used to brown here (hot and dry with many grass fires due to wheat harvest) it's nice to see green. Oh, and your desk looks like you've cleaned it, too. More than just your word for it, too.

Brenda B said...

That's at least the second time since last week that you've called me out. Twice in one post today, so just for that, I have your favourite season on my desk. Again. Nice to see a bit of wood on show and I do love a good sketch myself.

Brenda 2 (Elizabeth beat me to the punch)

Unknown said...

Thanks for the early time. I guess we both cleaned our desk since last posting. Have fun with the goodies you rec'd. Happy crafting #5

Helen said...

Not sure why I woke just after 2am on my birthday and even less sure why I came to check if your post had gone live... but here I am!! Your WOYWW week number threw me a bit for a while but I linked anyway,. lol. will LOOK at your post properly later in the morning, lol!! xxx Helen, 7.

My name is Cindy said...

I really should be in bed by now.... but just couldn't resist posting when I saw it go up. My desk is scarily empty this week though I've certainly got a lot to get done. Deadlines are calling me left right and centre just now so am trying my best to get organised - they do have a way of focussing the mind don't they? Summer/bummer - that made me smile!! Happy WOYWW Cindy

RosA said...

I've not yet seen a desk on WOYWW that could scare me, it's just not possible :)
Have a good week Julia, and thanks for posting early. I won't have to hang around at work this afternoon. I can go home early :) :) Hooray :)
RosA # 11

dottielottie said...

Well! thought I would do my WOYWW post as there seems to be a pack of dogs going beserk outside and sleep is impossible, didn't expect to be able to link up at this time though lol.I didn't know your desk was brown lol, don't you feel good though when you've had a good ole tidy up!
Hugs Lottie #7

Krisha said...

Love getting the post earlier, still Tuesday night here, but I'm not trying to keep my eyes open to link up.
Thanks Julia (making a very low bow to you) LOL

voodoo vixen said...

I am impressed Julia, the desk certainly looks as though you have had a tidy up... we can actually see parts of it!! Glad you are sorting your new routine to include time for craftiness. Annette #6

Nikki said...

Julia you have a desk under all that stash does it feel nakid lol
your space looks fantastic hugs Nikki 9 still have some candy going on too :)

Unknown said...

Love how your desk can be busy and tidy all at the same time! Your workshop sounds so fun--enjoy! Sandy Leigh #14

Ginny said...

Julia, I want to thank you for creating such a wonderful place to visit. It seems like everyone is such good friends and are so supportive of each other. I am fairly new but already look forward to participating each week.

Anonymous said...

well I love to see your desk messy, its OK neat but more interesting messy, lol, have a great week!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

ha,ha I agree, Brenda's desk is truly alarming!

Unknown said...

I haven't been able to get a post up for months.. So excited to be back!!! Lots of back posts to read through!!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Oh Julia so wodnerful for us downunder to have an early post, as I seem to miss out commenting till nearly weekend as Thursday and Friday are busy here and Wed nearly over when post pops up..

- however am totally impressed with both desk shots and interested to see you stamped on vellum as did that for first time for ages on two cards not posted yet, one I cant and one not around to it.. must do so!!

happy WOYWW and thanks for making time for it in your schedule, too you are a trooper! Shaz in Oz.x #16 I think...

Sandy said...

The little shoe is cute. Great that you have done some cards and been busy..
Sandy :)

Sue from Oregon said...

Quite honestly the first thing I notices was your lovely green yard out the window! You must have a lovely "lawn boy"! I love sketches too-they can add so much inspiration!

Jacqueline said...

I am a bit earlier with my post too this week. Off out with my mum today.

Always good to see a creative desk Julia :D


Jackie x


G'day Julia
I am back after a few weeks break and was just doing a post to put up when yr link went up and realized it was already up LOL. Good for you to do the scheduling thing and good for us here in Oz. I never do sketches so have fun with that. HHHmmm are you sure you have tidied there and that there is indeed a desk under the stash LOl
Annette In Oz #22

The Taming of the Glue said...

19c, you're lucky! I don't think we reached that heady temperature yesterday here in Dover. Great idea scheduling the post and giving different people a chance. Loving the desk, the stickers sound lovely. Hugs. x

Sarah said...

The Prodigal Crafter returns.... well not quite so epic as that but glad to be back amongst the world of disorderly order...

Lunch Lady Jan said...

So glad that you've had time to sit down and play! Keep it up ;-)
Hugs, LLJ 31 xx

Bridget Larsen said...

I dont even try to clean my desk some days, yours seems really busy today but all good things come out of mess
Bridget #3

Darnell said...

Thank you giving us west coasters the early-bird-worm, Julia! Your desk is tray inviting and it is obvious that great events have occurred since I was last here in the Production Department!

I think your workshop subject of how sketches take us all to different places will be wonderfully enlightening and entertaining! Well done!! And thanks, as always!! Have an awesome week!! Darnell #31.

(I clicked off to B's site and then back again to comment and it showed I wasn't entered, so I entered again. I'm so sorry if that means I show up twice. If so, please delete one of me.)

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh some lovely creative time, I am envious. Love your big windows. I'm off to visit before I fade away.

ike said...

Oh dear !! What a shame about your weather... no Summer eh ?!! I am currently sweating my goolies (if I had any) off at 39 degrees !!! As they say in UK...."Phew - what a scorcher" !!! LoL
Thank you for a looky at your desk - I always enjoy my visit :-D
IKE xxx

ike said...

Errrmm ... aren't we on 213 ? :-)

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Julia
sneaky eh! but it would seem you cannot fool a bunch of blogger as easily as changing the time... especially Helen. I am slightly confused by the number.... 113? but then I am half asleep

fairy thoughts said...

Hi Julia
sneaky eh! but it would seem you cannot fool a bunch of blogger as easily as changing the time... especially Helen. I am slightly confused by the number.... 113? but then I am half asleep

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Ad there was me thinking I was early today! Card class today, but will be back later for a proper read x

Create With Joy said...

Lovely desk, Julia - and quite calming after tonite's FIRE SCARE in my complex (yes, you read that right!) Interrupted my WOYWW post and by the time I came back, I was so frazzled, ended up publishing the post before I was done...

So, didn't get all of my photos in tonight - but if you want to read about my adventure - I"m #42 on the list!

Create With Joy

misteejay said...

Only one pair of scissors Julia? What have you done with the rest or have they gone for a walk like mine seem to be fond of doing LOL.

Toni xx

Sue McDonald said...

working from sketches are fun and I love to see what other people come up with from the same sketch.

happy woyww

Sue #38

BJ said...

Well you certainly threw the curved ball at me with the number this week! week #113 indeed - I get it week #212. Anyway glad to see you have had time at your desk, and I spot a little silver shoe today too, how cute. BJ#46

shazsilverwolf said...

Me thinking I'd be a fairly early bird too! 113- completely confused me, I thought I'd titled my post wrong, :)Loving the (almost) tidy desk, off for coffee, a sleep, then visit later. Hugs,Shaz #48

Silvia said...

Morning Julia, had me quiet confused with 113???!!!! Love your messy Desk,Im happy to know Im not the alone with mess.
Hopefully I will remember to add my number this week when I leave comments

fairy thoughts said...

Ah that's better am awake now. glad to see you have been playing... Opps sorry doing serious planning work on your show the difference in the cards when they are done that is always interesting

Jenny Marples said...

Need to look out those PageMap sketches Julia as I'm loving my new dies from this range. Happy WOYWW, hugs Jenny #54

KatzElbows said...

The power of the deadline can never be overestimated. Let me know if you need me to set you random deadlines; I promise to be demanding and very disappointed if you miss them! Also, I noticed the lovely kraft card with a damask print on it. Where did you get that?

Have a wonderful WOYWW,
Love Rachel #53

Debbie Frost said...

Morning Julia! A busy desk as always I see. It's interesting to work from a sketch isn't it? My fellow Woodware design team members & I have a sketch challenge each month & we couldn't be more different! Have a great day maybe the temperatures will rise to the dizzy heights of 21 today!!

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

like the look of those sketches... happy woyww, jenx

glitterandglue said...

Deadlines - hmmm, know lots about those this week. Still, we soldier on and get through, don't we?? Many thanks for your comments on Mrs D's blog last week. Sorry you can't get through on mine. If life EVER settles down I'll see what I can do - but thanks for taking the time and trouble on my behalf.

Jackie said...

Will be good to see how the sketches come Out. I hope to see both of the sketches next week To see how different they are.
Jackie 29

Annie said...

Desk looks fab Julia and I was guessing that there was only one pair of glasses cos the other pair was on your face :-)
A x

mamapez5 said...

I like the idea of the sketch day. I sometimes see challenge entries that to me bear no resemblance to the sketch provided, so I don't know how closely you are supposed to stick to them. I rarely use one, but they can be helpful when I am stuck for am idea. half of us seem to think it is week 212 and others say 213, so I am now confused! But either way it is good to be doing the rounds of desks again. Yours looks very productive this week. Kate x #52

Twiglet said...

Glad you are managing to squeeze in a bit of crafty time. x Jo

Julie Lee said...

Those stickers sound lovely! And what fun to do a workshop with someone else and for people to see two different interpretations of the themes - wish I could join in! Your desk looks busy and interesting and I like that little glimpse of the bunting! OOh and I just thought, where are my glasses?! Have a great WOYWW! Julie Ann xxx #65 (I think, if it doesn't change.)

sara j said...

So glad you like the tin the and stickers. I thought they were fun when I found them and then Jan and I got to chatting and well I was so happy to hear that you might like them as well! It was great to be able to do something nice for you. Yippee!!
Brenda's desk is well.....I'm sure Brenda is a very nice person!
I do kind of like the approach as a beat the heat endeavor tho.
I looked up the temperature conversion and we are usually quite happy with something in the 19 degree range, but today it was more in the 29 degree range. Really amazing...
Puts everyone is a good mood. So that and time in the fun room and I'm pretty much thrilled these days ....hope you are too!

sara j said...

whoops sara j #57

Anne said...

Well, your desk is far more creative than my one but I have been creative in the garden this week! I'm happy to join in with my third WOYWW even though I said I would only join in once in a blue moon because of time restrainst. Guess this is addictive....! Happy WOYWW folks!

susibee said...

Am I going mad or is it WOYWW 212 not 213
Sketches are a great starting point and it is amazing how two different people will interpret them and the result will be completely different. I hope you show us your finished page.

Happy WOYWW. Susi#73

Candace said...

The desk doesn't scare me but I scare myself sometimes with my desk (the times even I can't share)!

PS can you remove #41 as I linked to the wrong post Thanks

JoZart Designs said...

Stout hearted indeed and not easily shaken (or stirred), that's our Julia! I ventured precariously to Brenda's and the worst shock was in June!
You've got a good working happy desk there... lots of love Jo x

JoZart Designs said...

ps 113? Janet Fairythoughts has got it at 111 !!!!!! Dippy pair!
Jo x

CraftygasheadZo said...

Fab shots and tidy too, I'm loving the page maps, I keep saving some for myself but forget I have them, must print them off. That may help! Tins and stuff to alter and those that are full of stuff are always good. Loving the light, I get it in the morning, in my room and it sure makes it nice to stay in one place and craft. I do love my Ottlite for winter though! Right I'm off to do some chores, boring washing up then it's coffee and back in here I come. Take care Zo xx 75

lisa said...

Love your sunny desk, Julia, you look very busy. Love the title of your tin, don't we all have big ideas??
I love desk hopping, the messier the better for me!!
Hugs Lisax #76

Jan said...

It looks like a very productive WD! Have a great week! xx Jan

Unknown said...

A bit of garden on show and a hint of life beyond the desk, how nice to nose a bit further!
Have a good week.

Annie said...

Your desk looks amazing Julia, as does your house/garden x



Annie x

Christine said...

Wish I could go to one of your workshops ............... maybe one day.........
Enjoy the day.
Bishopsmate #82 (at this moment, could change, by the time I switch on again it usually has!)

Gibby Frogett said...

I'm confused - is it today or is it really next week (woyww #213?) and you've found the answer to time travel Julia? and if so, can you go backwards, only if so, I'd like to go back to 1800's and ask my ancestors a few questions.
Not sure if your desk is todays or next weeks but sure looks great ...Happy WOYWW Gill x #81 (off to have a stiff drink or two after all that...9.30am or is it?

Karen said...

Love the sound of your workshops, they seem to be a laugh from the start!!! Am back to check around the workdesks and have a Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥ 84 x

Winnie said...

Our Summer started out rainy and cloudy, but it has turned wicked hot. I hate the heat, so I am praying for Autumn to come. 68 days until labor day, here...Yep, I am counting! I bet the sketch fun will produce some great work. I know you both will probably had very different pieces. I am always amazed how individual pieces look even using the same supplies or sketch. I see you have an overflow of buttons there! Winnie#86

Laura said...

Morning Julia, I'm glad you''ve spent time at your desk. I really enjoy using sketches and love the variety of designs they inspire, great idea for a workshop

Helen said...

Ok, back fully awake now, and enjoying everyone's birthday wishes. I make it 212 too, oh dear, maybe I should go back to bed!! Had a good poke around on your desk first though, thanks for leaving lots out to look at. Helen, 7. (and no sun here yet... send it my way please!)

Unknown said...

Love that - "summer rhymes with bummer". How true!! Suzanne at 90

Marit said...

To my count, we are at #212... but never mind, I linked up. You are so right - a "Bummer Summer" we have! I do hope it gets better (meaning not TOO tropical but a bit warmer than it is now) both at your side of the North sea as well as here... I did hear the weatherman prodict something like that for next week... keep our fingers crossed then!

ria gall said...

Hi Julia
I am hoping I can be let off for not having a desk to show today due to back treatment but I still want to try and get round to some people.
I am loving the two views of your desk but I am really looking forward to seeing what you have been making
Have a great WOYWW today
Ria #94

Heathers Inspiration said...

Love how people draw Inspiration from things, I think it is one of my favourite parts about crafting x
Seeing Ideas, different interpretations and thoughts :)
Hope you are having a Great week
Heather WOYWW#95

Monique said...

Your desk does look very busy, but what a wonderful place to work.

Happy WOYWW and I wish you a wonderful week.

Dianne said...

Wow Julia, you have been busy and I can see you have arranged things and doing thinks, fantastic, your desks looks great, well I'm off to waterfit then when I come home I can snoop then, thanks for hosting the best blog hop in blogland and have a wonderful day.....

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Oh, I just missed out on No.100 - if I can't get in the Top 10, then I think that No.100 is just as good! Late getting on here today - definitely lots of catching up to do. Ali x #101

Becky said...

I Would Say We Are Having An Average Summer Here, Temperature Wise. It's Always Fun To Use A Sketch And See All The Different Cards That Come Out Of It!

Rossella said...

Hi Julia, you have made me laugh, guess what word I shall be thinking of every time someone mentions Summer!
Am I missing a week or are you?
Mind you, sometimes I think I miss an awful lot!
Rosie x

Robyn said...

Sketches look like blueprints.
What are you dreaming up?
thanks fosr the visit!
Robyn 103

john-w said...

Hi, first time I've come to stamping ground. Following in glitterandglue's footsteps!!!!!!

MiniOwner said...

Well thta's very odd - I'm sure I linked this mornign at 81. Ah well thta'll teach me to procrastinate! Well done on the tidyign and meeting your deadline, too. Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (MiniOwner@107)

Nan G said...

Morning Julia or should I say G'afternoon. :) Is it 213 or 212 this week? Oh well lovely desk as usual .... just love your window!

betsy (pharmgirl) said...

I just love your posts Julia! It's been quite a while since I've played and I've missed it so much!

sketches are a great place to start - your workshop with Shopkeeper Gal sounds great!

voodoo vixen said...

What happened to 212 then? We just missed a week or something? LOL Typical, I normally put the actual date and decided to go with the numbering for the first time and now you changed it all!!

Morti said...

Ahhhhhhhh..... now, see..... my week off isn't a week off, per se, but a week away from doing anything remotely craft related. Although at some point I'm going to HAVE to start on my thank you cards. Thanks for being such a super guest at the reception - I'm so glad you and Mr Dunnit were there, along with Jan & Gordon. They do take rather a good photo, don't they?

Kelly said...

Goodmorning Julia! Doesn't it feel wonderful to get to play? I hope we get to see some of those sketch interpretations.

The grandbabies have gone home and I'm trying to find my house plus an extra exciting piece of news you'll find in my link this week.

Artful Blessings - Kelly

Unknown said...

I love Page Maps! I've also printed out some of their sketches! I would love to see both yours and Shopkeeper Gal's cards! We have had 23 days in a row of 100+ F temperatures. Looks like Arizona will be setting many heat records.
Happy WOYWW!
Carol N #112

Lindsay Weirich said...

well, I'll have to look at Brenda's desk first! LOL! don't you just a love a deadline? Good luck with the sketch calss;)Happy WOYWW! Lindsay #113

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, so glad to be back - it might only have been a week but missing just one week can be something of a trial - but it looks as though I'm still not quite with it - not week 212 but 213 I see. Oh well, must be jet lag :)) Many thanks for the super ATC - I just knew there was something I wanted to include on my desk!!! I'll get my act together by next week, hopefully. Love working with sketches and page maps too. Hope your day has gone well, Elizabeth x #72

PS: off to see what Brenda has been up to!

Jackie Kirner said...

I'm learning so much to get busy with by visiting all these WOYWW'er's. It's a lovely distraction!
(Not going to worry about the heat here - thanking the a/c for still working!)

Barb King said...

One of the great things about WOYWW is that I do tidy up before I take the pic, so it is a motivator for me. Missed playing along for a while, but hopefully now I am back. Barb

pearshapedcrafting said...

Some confusion about the number of the week but I have been away so I don't even know the time of day - interesting stuff on your desk - I'll have to come back to see what you're doing! Chrisx 116

Kim said...

I wish I could attend that class: I have not had much success with sketches; guess I really need to sit down and give them a honest go!
Have a great week.

Unknown said...

Will be interesting to see what you both come up with using the same sketch. Have a great week of crafting.

Unknown said...

Wow, I am number 119 this week for my first time of joining in, and my first blog hop - taught to me by Zoe at Top Floor Treasures.

I see I have a lot of reading to do now.

Rita Barakat said...

This is fun! First time participating! Thanks for doing this!

Trish Bee said...

My first time joining in, I've added linkage on Mr Linky-poo too!

Annie Claxton said...

hehehehe summer rhymes with bummer - why did I never think of that before?! Love the idea of comparing pages made from the same sketches, we do that a lot at our little craft group and it's amazing what different results come from the same jumping-off point isn't it?
OK I have to check out Brenda's scary post now! :o)xxx
Annie #119 (maybe)

Robin said...

Wow! You are busy. Everything sounds so fun! The workshop, the creations and the cool (?) weather. If we in Northern California getting ready for another 100 degree weekend could share our heat with your cool we'd all be happy, right? Although your post is so happy already, the weather is not stopping your creativity at all! Rasz (no # yet. I'll have one soon)

Claire Grantham said...

Julia you are busy this week!! Love that tin..I too did a twofer this week :) didn't realise until I came over to view your blog that you had one too...must be that kind of week. Cx #126

Robin said...

Hi again Julia! Okay I don't follow directions well. I left my comment BEFORE linking up! Got it right this time. Hugs, Rasz #127

Sarah Keerie said...

Finally, managed to get my bottom sat down for more than five seconds!

Jeanna said...

Happy WOYWW, Julia!
I'm glad to see that you found time to do a bit of cleanup. Doesn't it feel nice to find a clear surface amongst the chaos?
Have a great day,
Jeanna #129

Unknown said...

Happy to WOYWW Julia, Thanks for hosting. I had to have a bit of a tidy up for today too! x No.130

Dainty Diva said...

Thank you for hosting this great blog hop. I do enjoy viewing everyones are as many as I can (without spending the entire day on the computer) but it is fun to read the comments left. So thanks again. Enjoy your play time.

Caro said...

I can see that it is tidier! I love working from sketches and interpret them differently every time. Thanks for sharing and hosting. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#132)

Cazzy said...

I have linked and grabbed a number Julia, but will be back later to fill out details, links etc.

Rushing off now to Slimming World, well I have to get ready first!


Unknown said...

I was away last week and not had much time to play this week.
Happy Wednesday


fairy thoughts said...

now I know it doesn't really matter first you posted 113 which I comments on. But then changed it to 213 fair do's but to my mind it's 212 but then (last night)I posted 111 what is it about numbers..... what am I like... OCD or what? or maybe a menopause moment?

Artsnark said...

doesn't look that bad - have to admit I took closeups. Off to see what Brenda is trying to scare you with

Sarah Leonard said...

Linking up a look at some supplies on my desk this week. Still need to make time to sit and create.

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Michelle said...

Thank you for hosting WOYWW, this is my first link up. My name is Michelle and you all inspire me so much, thank you for sharing your talents:)

Crafting Vicky said...

Totally adore the awesome view you have to stare at!!! How fun to have sunlight directly that way. Hope one day my studio will be on an upper floor of my house!!!



Dawn's Stamping Garden said...

Hi Julia -- Thanks for the WOYWW blog! This is also my first link up -- hope I qualify! It's still Wednesday in the U.S., where I am smack dab in the middle. I also noticed your very green garden! What a lovely view! Thank you again, and I look forward to joining again!

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

Creative interpretations by different people on the same subject are most certainly fascinating to observe. Blessings!

trisha too said...

Well what do you know, wooooohoooo, lookit at me, making the list on the real-life Wednesday! (It really is still Wednesday here, seriously it is.)

As always, thank you for the party, Julia!


peggy gatto said...

Thank you for creating this place! I always learn something and love seeing the art!

Unknown said...

This is my 1st ever link up to WOYWW, I was a smidge late getting linked up, but made the list. PHEWWWW…
I've had a "crazy, not so crazy week" I'm a tad behind, so I combined my blog post for WOYWW with another challenge. Well, they were sorta combined. I hope it isn't breaking any rules. I'm looking forward to participating. Next week I'm aiming for the top 20. Hoping this finds you well.
Kimberly #145

Lisa-Jane said...

Poo! So sorry, I forgot to come back and comment yesterday! Its so good to see you scrapping again lovely lady! I'm hoping we can get together again in the summer hols when LLJ is off, waddyafink?

Unknown said...

I will be amazed if this works as I,m trying to blog from my phone and use the hotel laptop in italian!!! I love that photo and have spotted it in the background and been intrigued - lovely to see it properly!! Thanks again for this wonderful page! Sand 147 xxx

Kezzy said...

Oooooo mixing the times up, fantastic, hope that means I won't be told off for doing my post on Thursday :-( sorry :-). Wow the sheet of sketches etc looks really interesting, I bet it will be fab to see how each of you interpret it. Love the tin, what a beautiful gift, gorgeous. Happy Woyww :-) Hugs Kezzy xxx

Robyn Oliver said...

Great idea Julia and a cool way to share and visit with other like minded crafters...first time for me Cheers Robyn

Cazzy said...

I make it 212 too!

Barb said...

Hmmmm...maybe this will make me go get into my NEW room and art. Have been away from it for almost an entire year due to a vehicle accident but I'm beginning to feel my mojo comimg back.I love it that your desk looks like mine when I AM creating....LOL