Wednesday 29 February 2012

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 143

Oh la ladder has claimed a victim!
 That's probably the last view of the ladder folks.  It was waiting for the van to be purchased and empty, and it was removed this weekend.  I know, a lot of you will be really relieved by that bit of bothered either way!  Meanwhile...

Oh la la!  Mess mess and more mess!  Over lit and then over exposed by flash, so all you can see really is that I am actually working.  And achieving too; if you're going to Japonica's Craft day Extravaganza in Exmouth next month, you will find yourself getting quite familiar with one or another of these cards. I've enjoyed them too, just a few notes to type up and it's a ready workshop.  Then I need to tidy up and quickly.  A workshop on Thursday morning needs preparation (like unpacking from the last one - it will help), and there's the crop on saturday.  And you know what sort of prep that takes.  I don't know whether to shout 'clear the decks' or just move to the floor...ask me again on Friday!

Oh and to get a WOYWW badge - all you have to do is be a regular WOYWWer and ask me for one - as in, email me your address.  And then be a bit patient please!  
See, here there's no shame, share your doubt the fascination for me is seeing what everyone's making, and where you do the making. Join us do - photo your desk, upload to your blog and link here. We'll visit. Slowly probably, but hey, it's what the days between Wednesdays are for!


Hazel said...

You certainly are busy, Julia. Think I'll be sorry to see the ladder go - lol! I'd love a WOYWW badge - my email is x

Elizabeth said...

That looks like a very interesting project you are working on just now. I'd love to see a closer picture. :) Happy WOYWW! x

Sherry said...

Lovely messy desk, just as we like it! Yay, I'm glad I stayed up late - I made the top ten :)

Sarah said...

I'm definitely up for a badge...might dig out my school blazer and put it next to my Duran Duran one... what apic... did you throw it! Good aim... wishing you oomph with the prepping and clear up...make that Ultra-oomph!

Anonymous said...

Yikes, I just about got trampled in the stampede! glad to see the ladder has a new home, as for the desk, I like your idea of moving it all to the floor. Or you could just come over here and use mine, I've got no use for it at the moment!

Brenda 2

PS. Like the WOYWW badges very much, will email for one!

Anonymous said...

I assume you will distribute badges Saturday? I hope so :)

Oh and poor Mr Dunnit - well, actually had he DUNNIT and moved the flipping thing he might have survived. But you had a giggle staging that one LOL!

Have a lovely day!

Mary Anne

jude said...

Love the look of those cards on that creative desk.Well at least the ladder hopefully will be out of sight out of mind.Good luck with your crop this weekend.will email you for one of those scrummy badges....i deserve one this week ....why mess!!!lol

Bridget Larsen said...

You exhaust me with your busyness lady, goodluck at the show
Bridget #15

Dragon said...

Poo about the ladder - will miss it!! but glad about the badge... they are scrummy yummy so I hope I qualify... I love looking here and seeing your stuff!!
Love and light

Joanne said...

Well, if nothing else I'll miss that ladder. Must tell my friend about the Exmouth do.
Hugs Joanne xx

May said...

Julia is Mr Dunnit okay or did you have to take him to A&E in the van!! Your desk and your life sounds super busy, all those classes to prepare you brave girl Have a great WOYWW, Hugs May x x x I will email you for one of the fabulous badges x x x

Angie said...

I wish I could have got a closer shot of your desk so I could have a proper nose ...everything looks very interesting ...must remember to send the email as I really want a badge. xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I had a good laugh about the ladder. It was a great shot, too! As for your desk, I'm so, so impressed with everything you are working on. Talk about one busy gal! I know the crop will be fun and the workshop will be well worth the time.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

BTW, I will wear my badge with pride and WOYWWendy will be SOOOOO jealous!

Alyce Kit and Clowder said...

Hi! I am just new to checking out your seeing your workdesk - will have to upload mine! Your cards look lovely - can't wait to see a finished picture :)

Anne-marie said...

Wow your desk looks very busy, move to the floor love it thats what I do, sounds like you are a very busy lady. Have a fab week
Anne-marie no 18

Spyder said...

ohoo yes please, a badge! I'll swap you my tiny box of wooden letter stamps. (..not opened yet)fab desk though...ah, that garden folk is still there... I find myself looking for it now...Happy WOYWW

Anonymous said...

now thats a space i could create in, lots going on too! Thankyou for hosting,

JoZart Designs said...

I hope that Mr D survived his trip under that ladder. He's hanging on to that fork for dear life! Great mess you are making there and it sounds like it going to get worse before it gets better too! Will email for me badge... I love badges too so thanks ever so for that in advance. It will be great to wear when I'm demming or go to the shows.
JoZarty x

Tracey FK said...

That photo cracked me up because I didn't see it clearly when I first clicked on and then changed my glasses and saw the victim... made my morning... you have a busy time ahead and your desk always looks like one I would like to rummage around in... sure there are lots of hidden treasures in there...xx

peggy aplSEEDS said...

LOL! that's quite view of the ladder this week. my, you're a busy gal, Julia. i have no idea how you can get any housework done with all the crafting activities in your sked! so of course i think your desk is quite neat (only one layer high) considering.

happy WOYWW! and of course i want one of those badges!

RosA said...

There's a lot happening on your desk this week. Those cards look interesting. Wouldn't mind a close-up of them. I love your pink baskety things for pens etc! I presume no animals (or persons) were harmed in the making of that other pic? Good one!

voodoo vixen said...

So no more interesting pics with the ladder as a prop in the background? I am sure something else will take its place in due course!!
Your desk looks interesting, the cards look very involved... but you know me, cards scare me to death!
Will be emailing you for a badge... how cool and won't it make life easier when you are going to shows and stuff... we would all instantly recognise each other... ok.. that may have to wait for me to go to a show or actually be in the UK...

Lavinia said...

Oh dammit dunnit! I knew those ladders would claim a victim eventually...your new van like our new van can fit an amazing array of massive things in it. Our ladders are in it and they are big un's too! Your desk looks really colourful with the over exposure & to be honest with you that look really takes your eye off the fact you need a good tidy too, thumbs up eh! :)...have a good week! Oooo can I have a badge too...I will wear it with the pride it so rightly deserves..! will e-mail the details.

Katie said...

Aw, I'm going to miss the ladder!

I was in a clean the desk or move to the floor...and I took over, well, everything! I'll need to clean Thursday though, or AJ will have no where to sit when we get back from New York!

The cards look great! And it sounds like you have a lovely weekend coming up with the workshop and the crop!

Happy WOYWW!
Katie #30

sandysewin said...

At least it wasn't the pitchfork that claimed a victim, lol. Niiiiice pitchfork.

I'd love a badge! Sadly, I prolly won't be coming to any shows in the UK; but I'll still wear it proudly!

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #33

Shoshi said...

Lovely messy desk, Julia. I'm sure whatever you are making will turn out lovely! Have a great day in Exmouth next month.

Happy WOYWW and thanks for all you do!


Amy E said...

Wow! Sounds like you're a busy girl this week!! Glad to see your ladder's been know they take on a life of their own after a while...and they start attacking! Haha!!

Thanks for the peek at your desk. The cards look lovely...wish I lived close enough to come see them in person at the Extravaganza next month, but I live WAY too many time zones away!

Happy WOYWW!!!!!

Amy E. #39

Peggy said...

Hey there love the ladder pic. I truly love doing this every week and it's a big challenge to get to ALL the desks I haven't been successful yet but I'm working on it. I too would love to have a badge my email is Thanks for doing this for us!

scrappymo! said...

Well, I sure wish I lived in England to try out some of these shows I read about!
Would love if you would post a close up of the cards after your show and class...they look interesting and lovely.

I'll bid adieu to the always scared DH fell off the ladder at our house, landing shoulder and head first on the cobblestone path to our side basement door. It was months before it felt right...and plenty of $$ at physiotherapy. At $83.00 per hour for the physio every week, he no longer climbs a ladder!!!

Thanks for another great week! I will email you for a badge.

Danielle said...

Busy, busy, busy! I wish I was near to take a workshop from you. The cards look awesome!

sandra de said...

Love the creations on your desk and will have to zoom in to look at all the detail. I do hope the pitchfork is still there next week. Makes me feel normal seeing other people leaving stuff all over the place.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,

I'm not linking in today but I just can't stay away!!! haaa. Oh, I'm going to miss the ladder. haaa

I sent you an email with my mailing address. Would love a WOYWW button!!


VonnyK said...

Will miss that ladder, is the fork still there??
Your desk is wonderful, would like to see a close up of the card, the colours are beautiful.

I would love a badge, can't wear it over in England, but I can proudly display it here in my office in Aus.
Couldn't get the email bit to work so my email is
Have a great week.

HeARTworks said...

Hi Julia! I just noticed your bright organizer basket.Looks like something that could have been made here in the Philippines (or in China!!!) What a busy lady you are! Patsy from

okienurse said...

WOW early today! Awesome. Love your desk looks very busy again! I am sending my snail mail address and would love a badge/button to display at my desk! What is it with the ladder did you knock Mr D over an drop it on him? I have a couple things around here I would like to lay on my Mr. D's head!!! Thanks for sharing. Vickie

Scrapcollectr said...

Lol. I don't read fine print so something else caught my eye in that ladder picture so I focused and couldn't believe I saw a body below that ladder. Hee hee. I wonder how many people will miss that? Anyway, wish I was going to all those fun events you're prepping for. They sound like lovely crafting times. Enjoy!

Sue from Oregon said...

What...were did my ladder go??? LOL. You desk actually looks like you have a method to your madness. Not messy at all...organized chaos! I get it big time! Hope you make it through all the fun days ahead!

Bridget Larsen said...

Love your easel, just noticed it second time around
Bridget #15

Bridget Larsen said...

Oh My Gosh just saw the ladder, too funny
Bridget #15

LuLu said...


You're looking very productive this week!

Would love for you to stop by when you have a moment or 2!


Jackie said...

Have been looking at that ladder through your window!!!! LOL
Big glue Gun...........(54)

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Someone had to prop all those things on top of that man, or you wouldn't be posting this today.
Amongest all the fun you create, you do keep a tight schedule. But when fun is involved it keeps us young.
Enjoy your events and WOYWW.

Morti said...


Love the comedy ladder picture Mrs! You need to scrap that, in the best sense of the word! Hehehehehe.

All sorts of loveliness on your desk today and yes please I would lurve a badge - might give me an excuse to pop over to the crop on Saturday!

Gabrielle said...

Ah! Farewell Monsieur Ladder - I will miss you. Nice to see such activity on your desk - I sadly won't be at Exeter so it's nice to see what I'm missing! Happy Wednesday!

MvM-design said...

hhahaha LOVE mess Julia, uchhh watch mine 8| Have a great day!!
Hugs Marleen x.

Kyla said...

Love the photo of the ladder!!!!
Japonica Exmouth eh? May have to check out their website....sounds like you are way to busy planning for classes and crops to craft for yourself hun!
I'll email you for a badge please....if those of us in the UK wear them to craft shows, who knows who we may meet!

Squirrel x said...

Now that is what I call a REAL work desk! Wow hun, love the creativity going on. Hugs Sxx

Melita said...

That ladder pic is a classic lol Have linkied up my blog adn will do the rounds of everyone else's as soon as I get these kids fed, bathed and off to bed!

MrsC.x said...


gorgeous cards {again all ur bits are gorgeous!} good luck with your prepping im in same boat today made myself to many possible projects so now for the selection process i hate to cull them

i want a button pwease will attempt to email you,


Helen said...

I hope the "victim" - poor Mr D I assume - under the ladder is ok!! I am emailing you for a badge - how kind!! Can you believe I woke at 1.45 am and came to link up... sad, very sad this addictive Wednesday obsession of ours. Oh, your desk - have to go back for a closer look now.

Ann B said...

Would love a closer look at the cards Julia but maybe you want to retain an air of mystery. Good luck with your workshops and of course I want a badge, I could put it with my '60th birthday girl' badge and my 'CHOIR' one from school (if I had kept it - and the voice, both sadly gone,
Enjoy your week.
Ann B

kay said...

your poor hubby,hope the ladder was ok :) lovely productive desk and how annoying i am working so cant do the japonica workshop,maybe see your cards in the shop instead.Have a good day,x

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

That's not messy.... take a look at mine :)) LOL ooh would love a badge/button.. will email you
Have a great 29th February :))
Jennie #51

Nicks said...

been AWOL I am afraid - but popping on to say hi and share my desk today

Annie said...

Lovely to see you desk in full creative flow Julia. I think we should all have one of those badges. I'm proud to be a WOYWWer and I will wear mine with pride. I will email you my address asap.
A x

Annie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Trish Latimer said...

Busy busy busy then Julia!!! Love the desk, some gorgeous work in progress there! love Trish #75

Kim Dellow said...

Bye, bye ladder! Nice to see such a very busy desk :) Kim

Twiglet said...

Brill ladder photo! Can I offer Mr Dunnit a bit of first aid? Have a good week - you sound so busy - enjoy! x Jo

Kate said...

The water coloury cards look very interesting, just push back or move onto the next available clear surface, but you know that's my theory!

Did you clear away the body as well as the ladder or is it still splatted on your lawn?

** Kate **

donnalouiserodgers said...

you do know there is ample room to craft in the back of a van?

passion wagon = crafting passion after a certain age.

I do like you overexposed messiness, and the japonica certainly looks enjoyable, off now to email you my addie so I can get my woyww ID.


CraftygasheadZo said...

Morning Julia! Oh that picture with the ladder did make me giggle. Love your desk, love picking out different things. Once again I'm looking forward to being nosy. Wednesday is fast becoming my favourite day. Zo xx 83

ScrappnBee said...

How cool! Thank you for sharing your buttons! Hopefully the post cost is not too much. The desh looks lovely! It is always happiest when well loved I think! -Amanda #80 (as of now)

Amy said...

Love looking at your desk, there are always so many yummy things on it. Inspires me to go shopping - oops!

Debbie Rock said...

What do you mean "no more ladder" - shall miss it!
LoVe your desk ... mainly because it makes my chaos look almost, kinda, sorta tidy and it is just so productive ... busy, busy, busy!
Hope to visit lots of WOYWW'ers today - have decided on a dedicated blog day this week and what better day than a WOYWW one! Love Debbie #89 xXx

Glenda said...

Love the victim under the ladder. I had to look twice to see him without my glasses! As for your desk, just stack it in the floor or just keep using the push back method! Your much too busy to actually clean!

Gillian R said...

Its always so refreshing to see everybody elses work desks in the same fashion as mine.... a mess!

Tracy said...

Is there someone laying under the ladder? *LOL* Did they get packed up with it too?

I love your chaotic desk. At least you have a view! I'm in the basement and thankfully we have glass block windows to let light in. I do miss being able to stare outside though.

Artyjen said...

Like the look of the stamps on your easel :)
xoxo Sioux

Polly Polkadot said...

How can I be certain I'm looking at the right desk if the ladder has gone. I NEED a WOYWW badge as I have a meeting with WOYWWers arranged! will e-mail shortly.

Unknown said...

I so love looking at messy desks. It makes me feel right at home.
Have a great day

Erika said...

Busy, busy, busy desk Julia, a busy desk is a productive one! LOL. Enjoy your crop I find I take everything but the kitchen sink to ours and then just sit nattering and eating cake!
Happy hump day,
Erika. x

Crafting Queen said...

Lovely projects on your desk and love the stamp set. :)

Mistys Mum said...

This is the first time I have joined this event. There was me thinking I was making a reasonably earlystart & I am number 96.

April said...

Lot's of lovely goings on on your desk this week! Some lovely stamps, would love to have a play with some of those! The ladder pic made me smile :o) x

Lisa-Jane said...

Have fun at the crop - wish I was going but right now I am surrounded by my craft room in piles. I ought to take a pic of that too! It will all be worth it. I've just spotted how many baskets you have, I do like your basket of baskets. I love baskets too but then I am a self confessed basket case!

Beachstudio said...

Great desk, Julia you are such an enabler! And you may want to remove the guy under the ladder.... poor soul. best wishes for a great and busy week and weekend!

Gwen said...

It always helps to unpack, but I know how much effort that takes...

Unknown said...

What will we do on a Wednesday without the ladder?

You look so busy, do you ever actually stop?

And yes, please, I'd love a badge, will email you. Thanks.

Linda said...

The ladder photo is so funny! I'll be sorry to see it go next week. :) I'm loving the peek at all your stamping goodies. Linda #114

Barb King said...

I can tell a lot of creativity happens there! Enjoy your classes, it's always fun to share your love of crafts with others. I would love a badge. Thanks as always for your thoughtful comments!!

C said...

What a lovely yard! Do you get to craft in the room to the R with all that lovely light? sigh!

Lots of busy crafting on your workdesk as usual. Makes me feel like a slackard.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for making WOYWW a vital part of our week. I nearly got up in the night to get my first photo on my blog, but then remembered that my phone takes a rubbish photo in the dark! Wanted to get much higher on the list, but actually managed to sleep relatively late (up at 8 am!!) and then busy with housework/riding my pony. Will spend an enjoyable week working my way through the list. Ali x

yoursartfully said...

Your desk and my desk seem to be in competion to win the title of messiest desk. You're allowed though cos you are a tad busy at the mo.

Japonica......I haven't seen Janet for years......say hello to her for me please.Good luck with all the prep.


Whimcees said...


Your workdesk looks so exciting - so many wonderful things to look at and great projects begun! Wishing you a happy day today!


Barbara Diane

Anonymous said...

Looks like your working on some great projects on your work desk!!! That ladder picture is too funny!

Anonymous said...

Looks like your working on some great projects on your work desk!!! That ladder picture is too funny!

Karen said...

Better late than never huh!!! Love your messy workdesk - wish I could have a desk instead of trays on the bed, but until then, trays it is...!!!! Enjoy WOYWW Karen x

Jingle said...

Your cards look beautiful! I forgot to take my desk shot, so I can't play this week! So sad!

Bellaidea said...

Should I call 911?
I have the most shocking photo from my place today:)

Angie said...

Good day! I love the creative energy of your work space and your view is so lovely! Alas my little space isn't chock full of anything exciting today! I did see a sign that said my desk was clean yesterday sorry you missed it, well apply that to me just the other way around!

Deb's Pen Pot said...

Hi Julia, this is my first WOYWW post, and I hope you don't I'm a writer, not a papercrafter! My good friend Zoe (Gashead) encouraged me to post, after showing me the website a couple of months ago - I've been dipping in and out ever since. Your ladder-incident is intriguing, and your, er, a bit messy, eh?! Still, organised chaos is the way for us creatives! Best wishes, Deb Penpot

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I had no idea the ladder was vicious!!! Thanks for another great look at your desk. I do know all about class prep and gearing up to stamp elsewhere. There is a lot of work involved. I am very impressed how many folks do manage to stop by. I visited about 80 myself. I think I can get more this week though since I'll be slogging at the switchboard. Oh! Off to change my comment box to the pop up kind now.

Unknown said...

I did get my desk nicely cleaned and organized last week but... oh well! One cannot be creative or get stuff done if their desks are always clean. LOL!

debby4000 said...

Been spending too much time commenting today I've left my e-mail address instead of just my name.
Anyway love your messy desk and love the WOYWW chuckle with the chap under the ladder, hope no persons were harmed while taking the photo!!!!!lol

Unknown said...

Those birds on your desk look great, so soft and pastel.
Our neighbor has an 8 foot ladder sitting up in his back yard for days now. Nor sure if he is picking stars or playing with the clouds. It is just sitting in the middle of the yard. Really not a pretty site from here, but I try to use my imagination and think that he is planning for something wonderful. lol

SandeeNC said...

Well! I'm not sure what it will be like without Mr. D's ladder in the background, although lately your desk pictures are taken at early morning it seems. But I know, times change and we have to move on, lol How's the van driving going anyway? waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

fairyrocks said...

Thanks for the full monty on the ladder. I do so love a good done with the ladder tale.
Keep smiling and hosting, here's to always having a view from your window that makes you smile.

Katt aka LaLa said...

Great desk, alot of crafting fun going on! Love that cute little easel on your desk and that ladder photo was too funny! TFS and hosting WOYWW as well :)

misteejay said...

Very busy desk Julia...all looks very interesting.

Toni xx

Erica said...

Thanks for linking me to everyone's work space! I love seeing it. The story of the ladder is funny!

Scrappekatten said...

This is is really the best site on the net LOL

Carin Winkelman said...

Messy is good, messier is better. It really does look like work is being done and that's what are desks are all about right? Happy Wednesday!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

I used to live in Exmouth and know Japonica's. Although I remember it more as a gift type shop with a little bit of craft stuff. It was where we bought our joss sticks when I was a student!

Sandy Trefger said...

Busy desk! Mine's always messy if I'm working on stuff. :) Looks like some very lovely cards in the making!
Happy WOYWW!

lynn holland said...

Im enjoying your show and tell day and am linking up with friends from other blogs.
Thanks for setting it up.
Best wishes

Susan ~ Killam Creative said...

I think I might miss the ladder now! :) Love the mess - definitely a sign of a busybusybusy woman!

Susan #140

Darnell J Knauss said...

Can you at least leave the pitch fork? Or perhaps you could put something new in place of the ladder ... see how long it takes us to notice! Thanks, as always, for hosting this delightful romp around the world!!

Unknown said...

Julia! I'll miss the ladder. But yes, it was an accident waiting to happen. I'm thinking the banging of a shin. I just noticed that nice wicker (I think it is meant to hold water glasses???) pencil holder, desktop rear left. It's like a wicker tray holding wicker pencil cups.
I'd like a badge but don't know what it is. I want what you folk have, even if I don't know what it is. How is that for pathetic? *smiles* Norma

Lizzy said...

Wow, this seemed to be easier last time I did it. Getting used to a newish computer. Thanks for letting me join in. It's a great inspiration to keep your work caught up.

Lizzy said...

Wow, this seemed to be easier last time I did it. Getting used to a newish computer. Thanks for letting me join in. It's a great inspiration to keep your work caught up.

Unknown said...

The floor is a fantastic place to do art!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Thank you for hosting us all again this week. It is just getting bigger and bigger, all down to you and your hospitality. Glad to see such a busy desk over there this week. Hope you get rid of that ladder without any more "victims". Have a good week. xx Maggie #9

Erica said...

Made the picture bigger on my blog AND you can now click on it. ;)

toni said...

Sounds and looks like you're very busy, I've got to discipline myself and get on with some work for work instead of doing what I really want to do I'm sure you can guess what that is ! roll in retirement xx

Bugged Designs said...

Well you are one busy bee, hope the workshop and crop go well. Love the flower stamp on the little easel thing. Oh, I seem to have put the wrong link on mr linky widget - it goes to my editing of the blog post (what I get for trying to multi-task with little one running around!) which means that people can't actually get to the post. Is there anyway I can edit it or should I just resubmit a new link?

Siobhan Brignull said...

haha with the ladder x

fairy thoughts said...

ahh I think I'm gonna miss the ladder. good to see you soooo busy
janet #36
thanks for the badge

Anne said...

You are a very very busy Julia!!!! I am having a few days like that meself!!! Am also considering taking more on - maybe not my best idea yet. Thanks for the nose at your desk and the ladder!! Anne x

Julie said...

I love the body under the ladder! So funny!! Your desk is nothing compared to mine this week.. I was almost too ashamed to post it! Notice I said Almost!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I've not joined in WOYWW this week because I'm not feeling so good but just had to drop a line to say I hope that victim lived to tell the tale :) Have a great week. Elizabeth x

Jan McConnell said...

You are very busy! Wish I could see the project on the upper right better. Have moved the gkids to their own place this week, baby due the 3rd. Now maybe I can get my things all together in one place again and craft again. Its been crazy. Would love a badge if possible. Will try to e-mail address.

Jan McConnell said...

Goodness my e-mail will not talk to your e-mail. Frustrating when that happens, eh?

Kath Stewart said...

crikey julia you gave me a scare...I thought someone had fallen off the ladder and as per usual your desk is in mega creative mode...hugs kath xxx

Bellaidea said...

Julia, thanks for visit, I promiss you will not recognize my place next week :), I have so many layouts for March and April! :)

JB said...

Hi Julia, I like your birdie work. I've got some lovely birdie stamps i've not used yet. I must dig them out! hugs Jane.

Mary Pat Siehl said...

oh so many goodies going on!!! love it!

Unknown said...

It took me a minute to see the "victim," but then I was laughing out loud!!

Ohhh Snap said...

Your scissors are having a meeting? The cards are lovely and what are the white things in the package on the left?

Lovely crafty space. When ladders and forks attack, it's frightening! #29

Bernice said...

Thought I'd join in this week - I've been having a nosey at everyone elses mess for long enough now - so it's about time I returned the favour!

Samantha said...

is he holding the pitch fork too? that is just great!! Love it and all that craftiness, I didn't get home from mom's in time to get crafty this week but will be back playing next week.

karen said...

Ha ha, the picture of the ladder and its victim made me laugh out loud!
Ooh, great busy busy desk this week! It certainly looks like you are getting a lot done!
I will definitely email you because I would love a badge too!

xoxo Karen #163

Lou said...

Goodness you have got a lot to do Julia, I have never been to a crop and only 2 workshops one on using copic pens and the other on colouring with distress inks - that one didn't go so well hence why i only have two distress inks! Think you may have to move to the floor! lol Glad you enjoyed Toby's story yes it can be very embarressing lol. I like the cards with flowers i just never seem to be able to arrange them and often think how on earth will that survive in the post (if i ever do make a box) so tend to stay fairly 'flat' bought a ton from wild orchid crafts about 3 years ago and think i have used One! Hope you mange to sort out your workshops and crop and Have fun Happy Crafting Lou xxx

DW Peot said...

Thanks for a fabulous visit today! Love being able to participate with all these talented individuals. Thanks so much for hosting the WOYWW! FANTASTIC!

mommyle said...

Hello Mrs. Dunnit.
Well, I'm actually hoping that the ladder is still there next week, because then I will have continuity in my life!
Thank you again for another wonderful week of snooping around!
All my best, and hugs.

Mary said...

My goodness, what a list of comments! I've got to tell you, I enjoy reading all of them. I was bound and determined to get my post done before midnight and by golly, I made it with 37 minutes to spare. Today has been one of those move forward one step and back 10....but I made it. I'm heading to the list to see your desk and check out as many others as I can. Have a wonderful week...and by the way. I'm going to miss the ladder!

Lori said...

Julia - thanks for hosting. More importantly I am so amazed at how this exploded, so may participants and you still seem to visit each time. Amazing!!!


Oh my you are busy! Loved the guy under the ladder, too funny!

SueH said...

A change is as good as rest so they say Julia, so I see the floor as being a welcome substitute for your desk.

Loving the soft colours of the two cards too, really pretty.

Thanks for stopping by.
Happy Crafting!
Sue H #95

sarendipity said...

Like the cards on your desk, would love to see a bit more of them. I'll show you more of the little frames next week, "they might even get finished off" OR NOT LOL. Will put the felted bowl on its relly easy if i can do anybody can.
Have a fab weekend.
Sarah. x

Marion said...

I am soo late! but I was kinda busy in the zoo for 2 days. And my workdesk is the one we made for kids at the zoo, because mine is still the same :) Well you can see for yourself, I added my linkie

~ Ali Robertson ~ said...

LOL you noticed the watch! I've lost weight and it keeps moving on my wrist so took it off

Ali x

Lorinda.C.F said...

Drat, just linked to the wrong week! sorry about that!!!

Bellaidea said...

Thanks for visit. I don`t make much doilies, I collect them for a long time, have one antique shop I buy there, I do some flowers every now and again.
This GDT is a dream one so I`m very hapy to make 4 lo`s for them, one is ready so 3 more to go.

Neesie said...

Now that's busy Julia!
My desk is positively bare to yours.
Once my visitor leaves I have big plans.
Thanks for letting me take a peek ;D
Have a great WOYWW...Neesie

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