Wednesday 28 December 2011

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 134

I have nothing to show you that you didn't see last Wednesday.  I'm also sorry that I didn't make it around to all the desks last week, I just couldn't give up the time;  see, my Sissy lives in California, so we don't get Christmas together too often, and that's why.
So instead of a desk, here's a picture that has touched my heart.  I was sitting on the sofa behind my father who was sitting on the floor, leaning against the sofa (by choice!).  He was playing with his new Kindle and not having a lot of luck with button comprehension.  So my darling Miss Dunnit sat beside him and explained, many times, the 'home' button function and where to go from there.  He's still giddy at the fact that she loaded 1500 books onto it in about 5 minutes flat, so I'm not sure how much info he's taking in at this stage......
So how was your holiday?  I see a few of you actually made it to your us do, or a snippet of your holiday memories...we'd love to see...upload a pic to your blog, put WOYWW in the title and link here.  I thank you!  See you next year!


Create With Joy said...

Happy New Year to you Julia! Glad to hear your Christmas was fab! Here's to 2012 and another year of WOYWW! :-)

Ramona & The Boys

Neet said...

Happy New Year. Sorry my WOYWW today is a bit sad but that's been how it is.

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Thanks for a great WOYWW year, Julia! Wishing you all the best blessings for the coming year!

Robin Panzer Art said...

I love when the young get to turn the tables and teach the elder! Great Pic! Thanks for a wonderful year of WOYWW!!

sandra de said...

Lovely pic of the young bamboozling the elderly in a caring way. Wishing you a very happy 2012 and thanks for all the peeks at your desk and many others.

Morti said...

Merry Christmas and a happy WOYWW to you! Fab photo of the Dunnits Jnr and Elder, and a sweet story.... LOL

okienurse said...

Awesome story about your Dad and Ms Dunnit. It sounds like you had a great Christmas! Hope you have a great week! Happy New Year! Vickie #10

ScrappnBee said...

Love the picture! It is so cool to see the generation gap at work! Glad that Miss Dunnit was able to translate the technology for your dad! LOL! Love it! Hope that you have had a merry Christmas and awesome Boxing day! -Amanda #9

Helen said...

Lovely picture! We had to get the youngers to do some techie stuff too!! Glad you're enjoying our time with your sister, treasure it! See you soon.

MvM-design said...

Very sweet photo and story!!
Wishing everybody all the best an much creativity for 2012!!♥
Hugs Marleen ;-)

Kath Stewart said...

merry christmas julia and happy new year in advance...what a wonderful pic..the true spirit of christmas...enjoy the precious time with your famiy...hugs kath xxx

Anonymous said...

Hey dear, your blog template is fabulous. Did you make it yourself?
Plastic Card
Plastic Card Printing

Ohhh Snap said...

Wonderful picture! Sounds like you had a wonderful Christmas :D. Thank you for the holiday deadline advice, I did follow it after a fashion. But in previous years I'd have handed out coupons for gifts that would have kept me going until February lol. Hope your New Year is marvelous :D. #17

Sheila said...

Happy New Year!

Ann B said...

Lovely photo Julia. My old Dad would have been fascinated by the Kindle - he loved books of all kinds.
I'm back off to bed for an hour - if you read the last bit of my post you will see why.
Happy New Year in advance

Bridget Larsen said...

I love it when the older generation embrace technology, so good for their brains.
Bridget #14

Di said...

Wonderful Julia! I found out last week that my elderly honorary Uncle has taken up computing and I keep hearing from him via Facebook! Super photo BTW. Di xx

Electra said...

This is a beautiful photo Julia and what a lovely memory! Thanks you for taking care of us, even when you're so busy!

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi there dear Julia and so very glad that you had your sister there too and also, your dad and your daughter were getting on well together, learning. Even if not all comprehended at least there was fun had - thanks for much for WOYWW this year - it has been an awesome year indeed discovering this in January and taking part throughout the year. God's blessing dear blogging friend, Shaz in oz.x

Kirsty.A said...

This was the year of the kindle. My parents gave me one and at least 5 other friends that I know got one. I love it

Annie said...

Fab photo Julia. I hope he has many wonderful hours of pleasure from his new 'toy'.
I haven't heard from the 'house of poorly' this morning yet but last night I offered to have the twins for the day today so I'm not sure how many desks I will manage to get round today.
Thanks for all you do to keep us all together.
A x

A Hovel to Home said...

Ahh Kindle, you've said my next favourite word after scrapping, stamping, crafting and WOYWW.

Can't do without mine. My mum took awhile to get the hang of hers (she's 73), but now can't do without it.

Glad you had a lovely Xmas...big hug to you.

PS: want to feel old, take a look at my Lou's shoes!!!!


Neil said...

What a lovely picture and a treasured memory! I hope you enjoy your kindle; it seems like it's been the gift of choice this year! Thanks for hosting WOYWW this year, I've really enjoyed our "visits" and look forward to more in 2012!

Whimcees said...


I hope that you had a wonderful Christmas with your family! Wishing you everything good in the new year!


Barbara Diane

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Great pic!! Glad you've had a lovely Christmas :) See you soon!
LLJ xxxx

misteejay said...

What a wonderful photo. Sounds like you had a great Christmas - wishing you all the best for 2012.

Toni xx

Di said...

Hi Julia - Dumbo here put the wrong link at number 23! I've added the right one further down but you might like to delete 23 please. I blame too much turkey meself!! Di xxx

shazsilverwolf said...

Please tell your daughter that her hair colour is to die for!!! Its wonderful! Glad you had a great time, I think a lot of us didn't get around to everyone last week- Christmas sort of pounced! I have so enjoyed all the weeks I have been taking part in WOYWW, so thank you so much for all you do bringing us all together- have a great New Year, love Shaz xx

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Thanks for sharing the photo. Love it when the elder will try the new tech. And your daughter, well that's what Christmas is....sharing.
and may you and yours share some merriment for the NEW YEAR. Have a Happy One.

Elizabeth said...

What a lovely photo! :)

Emma E said...

Lovely photo! Seems the Kindle is very popular this year - I love mine! Have a great New Year! x

Tuire Flemming said...

The new technology... I had to use google to find out what the Kindle is :)
How nice that your daughter helped your father! Lovely pic, indeed!
Tuire #36

Spyder said...

Lovely photo, Happy New Year to you and everyone you know

Twiglet said...

Great pic Julia - I hope you are enjoying a wonderful Christmas break and that your New Year celebrations are fun too. x Jo

l00pyscraftcreations said...

A memorie to last a life time. And your Dad is soo lucky, I asked for one of those Kindles, and hubby thought I meant a magnifying glass for my other E-reader, and couldnt gert hos head around the concept at all, NOw he has promised I can have one for my birthday, provided he has the money for it, erm dont think I will wait that long, can see a parcel arriving for me in the new year somehow, cant you?

Happy WOYWW hun, and thanks for hosting such an addictive past time!! Have a wonderful End of Year celebration, xxx

Sharon (glitterangel) said...

Hope everyone is enjoying the Christmas break and I'm looking forward to visiting your desks today x

Unknown said...

That is a gorgeous photo.

Glenda said...

I love this photo. Thanks for a look into your life! Have a wonderful New Year!

Carmen said...

What a gorgeous picture! Don't you just love those stolen natural images the best?

I've just gone bonkers in the Amazon kindle book sale. You merrily click away thinking ooh, how cheap - 99p here, 99p there... forgetting just how quickly those 99p's add up! Oops!

Gabrielle said...

Am in a hurry so can not stop long - but I wanted to wish you happy in-between Christmas and New Year time and hope that you are having a wonderful time xxx Loved the picture btw!

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

I am sure your Dad will love his Kindle once he gets the hang of it. I would not be without mine, how else can you take hundreds of books on holiday without destroying your weight allowance in one fell swoop. I love the fact that it will remember exactly where you are in a book, even if you you do as I do sometimes and have several books on the go at a time. Of all of us, you are certainly to be excused for not visiting everyone, and taking time out to enjoy your family. Have a special New Year too, and take time for yourself. Hugs xx Maggie #50

Simple homemade living said...

What a wonderful moment to capture of the young teaching the old. I have one of jake and dad whilst jake is explaining what 'apps' are!!

Oh I have a bowl!!! When I get home I will be sending you many picture texts!!!

Happy new year my dear friend see you next week

Laura x x

Jingle said...

What a wonderful moment to have captured! I'm so glad you enjoyed the holiday with your family!

505whimsygirl said...

Julia, Thanks for hosting WOYWW. I've enjoyed it so much. The photo of your dadis great. I'm glad you had your sister visiting also.

jude said...

Lovely photo im sure he will love and get used to his kindle soon.
Here's hoping you Have Happy Healthy,Creative New Year
Hugs Judex 57

minnie_mac said...

Lovely photo. Sounds like you've been having a great Christmas, and hope your new year will be a fab one too.


May said...

It's a lovely pic of your dad & sister,he will grow to love his kindle, Thank you for WOYWW, happy 2012, Hugs May x x x x x x x

Julia said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julia said...

Not blogged for a few weeks so time to join in with WOYWW again!

Darcy Marshall said...

Fabulous photo, hope you are having a wonderful christmas Julia. Finally got a day to myself so thought i would join in and have a blogging day, still in my pjs.

SueH said...

I’m sure that no one was expecting to get around to absolutely everyone last week Julia, or any other week for that matter but it’s always nice to see you when you do make it.

Looks like you had a lovely family Christmas and I see nothing wrong with choosing to sit on the floor….that’s where I usually end up too!

Happy New Year to you and yours!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, great photo and love the story of your dad's struggle to get to grips with the Kindle. 1,500 books ... how long would it take to read that many books? Hope you enjoy the New Year celebrations as much as you have enjoyed Christmas and that 2012 will bring health, happiness and prosperty to you and yours. Elizabeth x #65

Jana said...

Love that picture of you and your dad. Such a sweet moment.
Happy New Year!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

What a lovely photo and a memory to treasure. I've not joined in during December, as I just didn't have the time to visit everyone else! Looking forward to sharing again in the New Year:)

bohemiannie! art said...

It's so much fun to be back and see what everyone has been doing! I got through 24 of your posts while waiting for pictures to load on my newest post! My computer may be a little slow...but I'm thankful for it!!!

Mary Ann Tate said...

Awwww....nice picture:)

505whimsygirl said...

Drats. I tried to post this from my phone and it didn't work..... can you delete #54 as the link doesn't go to my site...... I re-linked up on #72.

505whimsygirl - that won't try this from my phone again!!!!

Shelley said...

It's my first time on here! It's great to see what everyone is up to :)

Hettie said...

That is indeed a super picture. Glad to hear you had a fabby Christmas!
Happy New Year to you and yours.

donnalouiserodgers said...

isn't there a song going round at the moment saying its not what is on/under the tree it's what around it that counts?

Family - can't beat 'em,
arn't grandads and grandkids The Best for Tear Jerkers?
hope the Dunnit Sissy stays ages and ages so you get enough of each other to carry you over the next separation.


Happy new year for the weekend too

shazsilverwolf said...

By the way Julia, I have just posted how I get my rosettes to stay together long enough to stick!

Kirsty.A said...

You left a message on my post saying " Four sets of school holidays, it's a miracle you ever see each other!" During termtime, we don't! When we're all on holiday, we are all more relaxed. It's the recipe for a happy marriage!!

Unknown said...

I had nothing last week but am back this week. I had to smile:-)))))


SandeeNC said...

LOL, I also had to help out a friend who couldn't figure out why her WIFI wasn't working on her computer, her sister and her husband had also tried to figure it out to no avail...hee hee...they didn't toggle on the wifi button on her lap top! Glad Miss. Dunnit was there to help your Dad out! Family is just another word for tech support!

Tara Cardwell said...

I love your photo - we had the same issue showing my Auntie how to work her new phone.....

Sue from Oregon said...

I so love your Dad! How fun! It is always great to see our folks become techie in these times! My Mom is almost 80 and can not live without her laptop, ebay and craiglist sites! I hope you Dad loves his Kindle! My best to you and your family for 2012!

DottyA Cards & Things said...

Oh that picture is the best with your Dad!!!
What a wonderful gift for him.... he will be so prode to just find somthing on it!!!
Happy New Year!

Spyder said...

.....(I whisper...) how did you know about the sequinned knickers!?!

fairy thoughts said...

glad you all had a great Christmas.
know how you feel with you Dad my mum is the same she actually managed to read the post I did about her ironing but making a comment was beyond her.
happy new year to all the Dunnits and thanks for bringing sooo much fun and inspiration to my desk over the last year, here's to
janet #22

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Happy day to your and yours. Looks like great times in the Dunnit household. I cleaned my desk. It's not the sign of a grave illness but of an intense desire to get the holiday stuff off it.

Angie said...

Sorry i missed the last of the year but I will be there for the first hopefully. I actually lost track of the days ...they sort of flow into each other. Glad you had a good festive few days ...hope your dad has got to grips with his kindle.xx

Michelle (aka Meechelle) said...

What a wonderful picture! Living so far from home, I bet she doesn't make it home very often. That is a very long and usually quite expensive trip. Glad you got to spend time together for the holiday. -Meechelle #86

famfa said...

Technology, don't you just love it? Look forward to seeing your desk and glasses again. Our contained arrived two days before Christmas, not ideal but almost sorted now. Wish you all best for 2011

Anonymous said...

Lovely "generational" photo there, I always love it when the older folks get to grips with technology. Andrew has a very distant relative over in Wisconsin who turned 80 this year, he's a very keen genealogist, as am I, and can run rings round me with his internet research! Watch out Miss D, that's all I can say!! Hope you have a wonderful New Year and here's to 2012.


Sunshine Girl said...

Bless what a lovely picture! No I dont collect new coins but for every year (and there have been 44 of them!) my Mom has always put one of each coin from that year (apart from a £5 coin) into my stocking - this year she did the same for my two boys so I have bagged up the money as I will probably buy them something and pay with a card rather than cash so its all mine, mine I tell you! tee hee! Hope you have a fabulous New Year - thank you so much for keeping us all so entertained on a Wednesday - makes life so much more fun!

Jacqui Chimes said...

Thanks Julia for visiting my blog as usual and Happy New Year to you and your family

Deanne said...

aw a treasure of a photo :) i've downtime from online and really enjoyed family time instead so no crafting here :) xxx

Anne said...

A lovely photo. Have followed your example have not put a photo of my desk this time. Happy New Year everyone. Anne x

Kim said...

What a great photo! I hope you have a very Happy Healthy New Year!

Unknown said...

Happy Happy New year! Just found your blog and love the what's on your workdesk wednesdays concept, I thought I'd join in. :)

Now off to the workbench!