Friday 23 December 2011

The Manifesto revisited

Thanks to Kerry for the polystyrene ring, I decided to continue the Pay It Forward and gave this to Shopkeeper Gal as a 'card' for this Christmas.  Idea (not mine of course), from Laura, my friend and Stamping Up! demo.

Remember back in October and November I preached at you about staying calm and getting stuff done and setting a sensible deadline to preculde you from stress at midnight on 24th December?  My Manifesto for Christmas preparations?  Well, as you most associate a manifesto with politicians, and as we mostly don't get the full reality from our politicians, you'll be unsurprised that I haven't stuck to it.  Here's a precis:
1. Make, whilst in the mood, whilst the going is good.  
2. Make and finish one thing at a time..midnight on the 24th December is not a time reserved for frantic finishing and crappy wrapping.  No, it ISN'T.
3.  Set a reasonable, seasonal deadline to finish the makes.  Mine is December 15. Then, I shall gracefully (!) accept if I've failed to finish and trot out to buy gifts where needed, and still have time to wrap them.  
4.  Do not get silly about this.  Do not make loads of stuff and then lose your nerve and decide against giving any of it away.  To this end, I recommend wrapping as soon as possible after finishing!
Well, home made gifts are now under several trees and I am a bit nervous about them to be honest.  So that's a moderate fail.  The worst fail is the December 15th deadline.   I still l have the shadow box gift on my desk.  Tradition dictates that the lovely recipients will be here tomorrow evening for supper and late I kinda have to finish it.  Very soon.  Epic manifesto fail then! Argh.    But it's OK,it's the only one.  My eye is no longer particularly on the Christmas ball.....Stephanie Dunnit and neice Bizz are home from California for a quick Christmas.  I'm concentrating on quality time.  Whatever else I preach at you, this is the one you should take notice of.  Spend some time with people you love.  For once, I'm going to take my own advice!


Sunshine Girl said...

Wreath is lovely and yes definately listen to your advice and dont stress, the gift can be done some other time and delivered late (I actually only met up with one of my friends in September and got last years presents off her! - it didnt matter), definately spend time with loved ones - much more important! Have a great time.

Craft Addicts - Tracy Evans said...

Gorgeous wreath and great advice. Have a fabulous Christmas and New Year. Tracy x

Helen said...

We all know that a manifesto is always broken - and as you so rightly say - family is what matters. True friends won't mind if gifts are late - and besides, your true friends probably know you very well... just sayin'!
Have a truly fabulous Christmas!

Deanne said...

love your christmas 'recipe' i too have now stopped stressing! only boys left to wrap for, i have handmade gifts for many friends and i just hope and pray they love them as to be honest i really put my heart and soul into them! fingers crossed eh!

have a wonderful christmas julia, i too again is here with my family and i cant wait for proper quality time with my boys :) xxx

505whimsygirl said...

The wreath is just beautiful! The manifesto is interesting..... I might just have to write one up and have a list for each month of 2012. Not resolutions, mind you, but goals.

Merry Christmas!!

Jo Murray said...

Gorgeous wreath... and I hear what you're saying. If only time didn't fly. Have a wonderful Christmas.

Annie said...

I have to say there is no point making too many plans....we now have little Lexi in hospital. She was rushed in last night with bronchitis. She is a poorly little girl at the mo and the Dr says there is every chance Sam will get it much for all the planning eh? We just want her home and well of course. :-(
Biggest hugs to you and yours,
Annie x

Polly Polkadot said...

I love the wreath. Also love your manifesto - definately think the one about wrapping on making is a good one, if nothing else because I keep changing my mind over who is receiving what! Happy Christmas.

Jacqueline said...

Love that wreath Julia !

It is indeed some very sound advice and hopefully I'll be able to put it into practice next year!!

May you have a peaceful and joyful Christmas and a prosperous and healthy new year.

Take care

Jackie x

Craftychris said...

I love the wreath, its fab!!! The manifesto is good and I am definitely following your last point!! xx

JoZart Designs said...

Love the garland and the minifesto... you'll just have to stand for Craft Minister in the next elections and you'd get so many votes!
We will travel 230 miles on Boxing Day to be with people we love... DD1 and family!! Don't fancy the journey but it's worth it to get hugs from those two little girly grandees, the Brighton Belles.
Stay cool and have fun!

fairy thoughts said...

You know what they say about the best laid plans .... always go wrong!!! maybe I will make a manefesto next year. Sadly I'm going to start in January and make the cards.
LOve the wreath it look a lot of fun
merry Christmas to you and all the other Dunnits
and a peaceful new year

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Have the bestest of Christmases with your family!! It's been a fun year, matey, may 2012 be filled with more love and infantile sniggering! :D
Hugs and kisses,
LLJ, Important G, The Big O and G3 xxxx

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Midnight on the 24th December is definitely the time for the last minute wrapping of presents in our house, just before putting out the mince pie and whisky for Santa and the carrots for the reindeer. Thank you so much for all your work this year in keeping us all happily blogging and talking. It has been great fun, especially reading your entries.. Have a wonderful Christmas with your family.

CoventryAnn said...

Love the wreath. Happy Christmas to you and your family.

Carmen said...

We are. Have convinced Craig's Mum to come to us. We are picking her up tomorrow and her doggies too. Will be the first time she will have left Hastings in decades. Am extremely nervous and been tidying all day. Hope my questionable cooking on the day is up to scratch (I am either magnificent of a complete unedible failure, there is no in between.)But at least we'll all be together, my Dad and sis will be up later in the day so hopefully she'll have a lovely time away from her woes for a little while. Hopefully!

Have an amazing Christmas Julia - I love the wreath :)

Mary said...

Amen.....You are so right and every year we need to be reminded....

Cath said...

Spent this morning looking for a Turkey, sprouts and parsnips!!! we will be having Chicken, frozen sprouts and the 2 parsnips the shop had. Now I remember why we always go away for the day. Hope your is a great one.


May said...

A Merry Christmas to you and your family x x x Enjoy time with the people you love, Hugs May x x x x x

SandeeNC said...

You never fail to make me smile! I say throw all rules and regulations out the proverbial window, have a glass of egg nog and just have fun! Merry Christmas from North Carolina!!!!!!!!!

Craftychris said...

I commented yesterday but am back again today to say Happy Christmas to you and your family, have a fab time! I had a thought that I hadn't put it in my previous message, so now I am redeemed!!! xxx

Spyder said...

This is fabulous, love the colours...