Wednesday 10 November 2010

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 75

As I write, it's Tuesday evening. The written part of this post will be scheduled and I'll add the photos when I actually 'post' this - that way if I forget, at least there'll be something! I came home from work early enough to take a photo that would at least feature some daylight. But I got sidetracked by the need to lie on my bed giggling with Miss Dunnit. She thinks that my carefully made bed is an invitation for throwing herself on it and causing me to be lazy. For those of you that may not know, Miss Dunnit is not a cat. She's my daughter.
Ah, well, turns out to be just as dark in here at 5.40am! Oh. My desk is as I left it last night. So as you may or may not be able to tell, I pushed back and played. Basket of unwashed Marathon and assorted other stamps on the right, some polka dot material that I bribed out of elelJan to use in a swap. Her secrets are safe with me. This time. Large, indeed, glaring ATG gun and a lot of stuff. Hmm, I felt quite in control when I left it come this week even from the top it doesn't look tidy? Poor light I suppose! *cough*

So you might have a more interesting and well lit desk top for us all to see. Visiting all is difficult - but I promise you'll get some visits and believe me, this is an enriching experience! Photo your desk, whatever you're doing, upload it to your blog and then leave a link here. Easy peasy. Join us do.

Also, if you read this blog in between WOYWW posts, could you make an indication of some sort in your comment - especially if you're a non-commenting visitor on other days (and why shouldn't you be). Not important, just a non scientific survey for a man who thinks this should be less blog and more website. Trying to prove a point on lack of evidence, see!! Thanks.


Pam said...

Oh Julia,

We always love you you the dark or otherwise ;-)

Just started Daylight Savings time in the US of A, so seems like we are always in the dark now - take that as you may ! We always love your Wednesdays but we are trying to be good at least a few of the other days.

Create With Joy said...

Morning there Julia (beddy bye time here!) I now know the reason my desk sometimes looks a mess - I have poor light syndrome too! ** cough cough **

Hope you have a wonderful day - I do peek in between and try to comment when I can but the commenting has been hit or miss as of late - I DID leave one earlier though!

Have a good week and, for the record, I knew Miss Dunnit was not a meow! :-)


Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Gotta agree with Pam. We've been in the dark for awhile, but even more so now that daylight savings is over. Good to lie and giggle with Missy D. It beats having to clean, push back, or find your glasses.

Ciara said...

Goodness gracious me, I've actually managed to be number 1! Woohoo!

Julia, I'm sure your desk would look immaculately tidy in daylight, honest ;-)

Happy woyww everyone :-)


Ciara said...

Oh and yes, I do sometimes pop over on days other than a Wednesday

Jennie -The Artistic Stamper said...

Julia, hate the dark, and that's all it seems to be these days, and I see you are up at silly o'clock like me! push me pull me desk looks great to me.. mine is actually just too disgusting to show, so have sent it away to be tidied up!
Have agreat day
Hugs x

A Hovel to Home said...

Even stashing pushing backwards it looks quite tidy love.

I sent you an email as I need to send you a package.



Anonymous said...

Morning Julia. Just a quick visit for now..........just off to work, will be back for more later! Love your desk, glad you favour the push it al to the back and sides, like I do! I sometimes work in about 2 square inches!! Have a great day. S x

Chrissie said...

I seem to have this habit of waking early... must be an age thing.
I do pop over and see your good works on days other than Wednesday, when not trying to keep abreast of commenting on DT stuff... I should visit my pals' blogs more however!

akilli melek said...

Julia I thought that blue polkadot was actually a cleaning rag for your stamps, lol. We put the clocks back too so we are 2 hrs ahead here, but it is only just getting light when i get up.
Often pop over to read your blog although i normally only leave a comment on WOYWW.
Have a great Wednesday.
caroline #6

peggy aplSEEDS said...

haha, poor light! another excellent excuse, Julia! yes, i sometimes get to visit in between Wednesdays if i have the time and if my internet connection cooperates.

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Well I totally misread about what you wanted in the comments. I didn't realize you wanted us to let you know if we comment when we drop by and/or if we drop by other than on WOYWW. Don't ask. My mind is not where it should be and I'm sleep deprived.

UHHH!! YES, I never visit a blog that I don't leave a comment. I think it's rude to view and leave. To me it feels like I snuck in when no one was looking, took a piece of (eye) candy, and left. That's why if you post it, and I make it by, you'll know it.

jude said...

Morning Julia,
It is noce to be back missed my regular dose of WOYWW each wednesday but now thankfully im back,after being Awol for couple months due to ill health.
Never thought of poor light as good excuse sure have had alot of that past few days with this misserable weather.
Gotta hop lots to catch up on
hugs judex

Morti said...

Morning Julia! I regularly read your blog, you're on my favourites list, so sock it to 'im, Ma'am....

Terry said...

Hi Julia, you're up early! I do like to visit your blog inbetween WOYWWs. I don't always leave a comment simply because I have limited time and try to visit many blogs, pay bills, run kids around, etc. Life happens, but looking at blogs makes it a bit sunnier, if you know what I mean! So thanks for your blog, your photos and your writing.


Sue said...

Hi Julia
oh it looks very arty with the subtle lighting, lol, very busy desk, i pop in between WOYWW cause i luv to read your posts they so make me laugh, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x

Sarah said...

Very early this morning I know and even worse the post was scheduled and because I was up half the night my desk no longer looks like it did when I took the photo. Still I'm here and I guess that is the main thing LOL
In answer to your question I do visit between wednesdays even if I rarely comment

Hope and Chances said...

Yes these dark mornings play havoc with our WOYWW photos! I've flexed the rule and take mine roughly midday on a Tuesday! I'm glad to see your desk looks creative and busy as always, I'm really trying to make mine like that but I'm one of those annoying obsessive clean-upers! I do visit you in between Wednesdays :-) Christine x

JoZart Designs said...

Let's hope the dark days bring more creativity and not only more mess! Well it's because you are more creative that you've got more mess.. Yes! It's Catch 22!
I love you mess anyhow and tidy is boring here for sure. Am I rambling... yes! I'm up earier today and I don't usually have two 8 ams in a day! and today I've had two 7ams!
Fot Mr D ... yes I do pop by through the week between WOYWW. I'mrightened of missing anything! heh heh!
JoZarty x

The Crafty Goat Girl said...

Hi Julia, Heidi (#30) here, didnt manage to join in last week so am back with vengeance, lol!

I dont know about you, but am fed up with bed making, my girls seem to wrestle with their duvets, have to untangle them each morning.

Lots of lovely creativity as always on your desk, I really hate these dark mornings, just want to go back to bed and hybernate!

Have a fabby day, hugs xx

Mandi said...

Hi Julia
its ALWAYS dark in England in the winter eh, we dont have much chance to take light pics!
I pop over too other than WEdnesdays

Lovely creative one of them who wasn't sure if Miss Dunnit was a cat lol Big sorry to Daughter :)
Blame it on me being a newbie
Happy WOYWW Thanks as always
mandi xx

Kath Stewart said...

oh I hate the dark mornings too Julia and yes I do pop over for a nosey on other days and in the interests of statistics will leave a's that....hugs kath xxx

Nicks said...

the dark ---- yes thats the reason my desk always LOOKS a mess, but isnt really
Yep I do hop over and will let you know when i do!

Maarit at Violets Corner said...

Good morning Julia! Sounds like you're spending your time with Miss Dunnit well! I'm not much for dark mornings or the darkness at all, he he. And yes, I do pop over on other days too and sometimes leaving comments too.


Kym's Crafty Cards said...

Julia, I have to admit to pushing things to one side at times as well. Well, there's less time for crafting if you spend it tidying!! I do try and visit blogs other than on challenge days/WOYWW but sometimes I struggle to make comments all the time especially when time is taken up with word verification - as you think you've done your comment and get ready to go out of the blog and lo and behold another screen appears ahhhhhh. Best wishes, Kym xxx

Annie said...

Now, to me, that desk looks very tidy this week. My house is a total tip today cos it's all been painted, the carpets have all been lifted at the edges at least [for painting the skirting boards] and there is a layer of dust and dirt everywhere. New carpets are supposed to be going down this weekend so hopefully at last some sort of order can return :-)
A x

Daniele said...

good morning.....desk is looking a smidge tidier, and I'm with you on dark mornings...can't photograph anything either...frustrating, roll on Spring
hugs from Daniele

Samantha Ball - aka (Craftychick74) said...

Oh I am such a ditz somedays. I posted last weeks link instead of this weeks! So I am sorry now I have two entries up there. If I knew how delete this first one I would.


Sam xx

Nicks said...

just a thought, why dont you add a blog counter, so you can see how many visits you have? I have one at the very bottom of my blog, you just need to set it so it doesnt count your own visits


Darkness indeedy but soon to be punctuated by the glory of Christmas lights, which for us here in the Midlands means a trip to the Birmingham frankfurt Christmas market and if nothing else yummy yummy food. I am fortunate to have 2 large windows in my living room that give every scrap of light they can. With the growth rate of my crafting I would swap it for a sold a flat and a dimmer room all to myself.........

Helen said...

I love your desk always, lack of light or not. Sorry I had to post today without any pictures - you know why! There is an update though but if anyone doesn't want to visit a non desk WOYWW, miss no 13!!!
I try always to leave comments when I visit - don't always manage that especially on a Wednesday, but must admit I didn't have time to comment to yesterday (wonder why!)

Lothian Crafts said...

Very busy desk I love the cricket image. I pop by on other days and sometimes leave a comment.

Carol D said...

Had so much fun here last week and such a warm welcome from everyone I just had to play along again this week. Great stuff going on there on your desk.

Carol D #51

Anonymous said...

Your desk look great. I'd love to have your desk, especially with all the arty goodness on it! As to the dark, well I have Seasonal Affective Disorder, so I'm off to do my light therapy!

love the desk,
cheers, rachel

Twiglet said...

Thanks for sparing time to visit each week Julia.
I don't know how you manage it but we love all your comments!!

Unknown said...

Morning Julia (morning being the operative word here for me) LOL!!!

I visited here roughly 1.30am this morning to see if you had posted and if Mr L was there - but alas, neither! You see, I took my pics at approx 1am turned and they weren't too bad - not daylight good, but i was quite pleased.

Seems your desk looks a bit tidier from the overhead shot - so artistic license won the day... Good for you for having giggles with Miss D instead of taking pics - far more better for the soul!

Right - I try my best to visit between WOYWW posts... i'd be here every post if you put the subscribe as e-mail gadget in then each time you posted - i'd be notified by e-mail as I'm somewhat crap at doing google reader or blogger dashboard... if you're not sure how you do it (if you want it that is), drop me an e-mail and i'll talk you through it. Chrissie (Simply one of a kind) and I figured it out at the same time together (teamwork). So tell Mr D that some of us to come here other than for WOYWW only! You can have the smug smile for that one!!

I appreciate your efforts to visit us all - and those who work full time and manage it, I think is admirable - i'm off at the moment and still don't manage it.

Ok - that's a long enough comment/post from me.

big hugs

Paula x x x

Zue said...

Good morning Julia. How do these Wednesdays come round so quickly? Have a wonderful week!
Sue xx

judith@poppy cottage said...

hi Julia, I don't like all this extra darkness at the moment! Your top view of your desk looks fine, not untidy at all. I miss my daughter jumping on my bed, she's at Uni now, and my son just lurks in his room, so make the most of a rumpled bed. I do visit in between Wednesdays, Judith xx Number 59

yoursartfully said...

Hey Julia. I didn't have to play the "where's the ATG" game today.....there it is in full view!!!

Lin (61).....I'm feeling 61 no likey dark days!!!

Shirley Pumpkin said...

Hey Julia

I am not really sure that its the light making you desk look so messy.. lol How old is your Daughter..? I do stop by every now and then to check out your blog.. and even look at older posts.. I do want to thank you for always leaving a nice comment on my blog. I really have been having fun hanging out with you on Wed.. and the WOYWW Girls are the best..

Shirley Pumpkin #50

Artyjen said...

There are not enough hours in the day for me to leave comments every time I pop by everyone! Will always say something if a subject grabs me though ;)
xoxo Sioux

alexa said...

Hard to keep up with all the blogs on here but will enjoy popping back to yours, as the founder!, to see what you're up to ...

nnalorac said...

Hi Julie, Lovely creative mess you have on your desk, watch the glasses don't disappear, I had to stop in the middle of making something once and tidy up! These dark days fairly make the photos drab. I see you have a view at your desk, well I can't exactly see it but very similar to my arrangement. Tend to sit and gaze out when inspiration fails me. Love reading your posts, especially your shop antics,(will leave some ramblings in future) that would be on my wish list! Happy Wednesday girl Carolxx....66

donnalouiserodgers said...

ooh good morning - I am easily confused - I'm a woywwer and it is wednesday - now do I not mention wowing again if I visit again? so it's the first woywwer type visit that we have to identify, then what happens will you morph into a web? instead of a blog? argghhh too much change - you are our rock ... argghhh please continue to provide stability in this crazy world of time passing tooo quickly...


Jules said...

I hate the dark too, this time of year is horrible when I seem to spend all of the daylight hours sat behind a desk at work! I always read your blog posts in between WOYWWs, but I don't always have time to comment.

Leonie said...

Hi Julia!
i like your lighting it's very 'moody'!!!
Please tell MR Dunnit the fairies say that blogs ARE never a waste of time!! Search engines and crafters are more likely to find you via your blog than a website- so there!
have a great woyww
thanks for dropping by my site the other week- it's so nice to get some feedback when you live in an isolated place.
Can anyone tell me - what is the etiquette of blog comment replies?
do you reply to each one?- a general one or on that persons blog? I am a bit confused.
anyway have a fairy happy day as we head into night
xxx fairy leonie #70

Cardarian said...

IT is very dark and miserable so photos are not very good - well yours look ok I must say - loved how you giggled on the bed with your daughter - I do that with mine too - so much fun isn't it??

Diane said...

Love the cricketer image...very useful.
I hate when the clocks change, it seems to mess up my body clock for weeks afterwards...I am still waking up and hour too soon!

voodoo vixen said...

Morning Julia, I am so glad you explained about the bad light... I thought my desk was a mess because it was a mess and now I find its due to winter bad lighting... thank heavens for that!
I do pop by when you post and read and have a giggle and most times leave a comment but not always... too many blogs and too little time is the only answer... or I would never actually get any crafting done!Tell Mr D (if indeed it is Mr D and not some other male of the species) that it is a blog not a website...they are two different things.

Ohhh Snap said...

Ohhhh I'm not 101 this week lol. I was starting to think that would be my permanent number :D. Love the workspace, it looks organized and ready to go to me.

Giggling with your daughter is much better than almost anything else in the world! OK probably one the best things ever, but I tend to be superlatively cautious by adding almosts and known to bes, etc. as there is usually something ready to be the exception to prove the rule.

I happen to have a wide assortment of giggle stamps if you'd like me to send you some stamped images to enhance your giggle scrappages :D.


karen said...

Hi! I do visit your blog throughout the week! I try to leave comments to let you know but I have to admit, I am not consistent in that department. I love your blogging! Not just your WOYWW, if you know what I mean , lol! (it sounded vaguely naughty)

Thanks for the peek at your desk again! It is always an inspiration to me!

xoxo, karen #78

KanataNewf said...

I don't think dark or light makes much difference to how our desks look personally - mine is messy regardless! And yes, I do visit during other days of the week as well! Sometimes even commenting!

Sheena B #79

Theresa Plas said...

Hey Julia! Nice visiting your cozy workspace this week and as always, thanks much for hosting! Happy WOYWW:)

minnie_mac said...

Yes, these dark mornings are a pain, but never mind, it's less than 6 weeks till the Winter Solstice when the days will start to lengthen again.

Thanks for making us smile.


Kathy said...

Hi Julia.
The photos may be dark but it's clear to see your desk is a hive of activity!
I've added my desk photo today (been AWOL again) - I do try to visit the other desks during the week but I don't always find the time to leave a comment on them all. You're right to say it's a worthwhile activity though - I see so many wonderful projects and ideas as I wander around.

Sue Althouse said...

I've posted my very first WOYWW today. I'm a follower of your blog, so I do see all of your posts and enjoy every one.

Anonymous said...

Dark photos hide a multitude of sins you know! Love how you have a carefully made up bed and a rather untidy desk.... would you believe I rarely make mine but my desk is usually tidy! Nowt as queer as folks, and yes, I pop in from time to time and comment here and there.

Brenda 90

Jingle said...

Your desk looks FABULOUS!!! #94

Scrapcollectr said...

Well, as you can see, I didn't stalk you this week. Lol. But it's cozy down here at the current bottom. Lots of fun people around me....Love the look of your desk this week, Julia. Looks like an artist lives there! Have a fruitful week.... *smile*

Unknown said...

Love WOYWW! Happy day!

Tracy Evans said...

Lovely creative desk as usual Julia, really like the look of the polka dot fabric and the image on your desk. I was up early this morning 6.30am, well early for me but I have been playing catch up with project all day hence I'm way down the comment list. Have a lovely day, Tracy Evans x

Maria Moorhouse said...

I loved your 'Tales from behind the till' need more tho!
Maria inkymits x
#84 i think

Spyder said...

I have poor light too, which is way my desk always looks very messy, it's really tidy...the camera lies! and the fact it's usually gone midnight when I take the pics! Have a great week...


dandelion dreamer said...

Hi there and thank you for making me be bothered to get around to posting for the first time in two weeks! Enjoy a creative week. Moira

olive said...

I will always be late on Wednesday's as I go to college in the morning.... hate getting up. but love looking at everyone's table,so good to see whats happening out there in craft land. xx

DW Peot said...

I absolutely love Your Wednesdays! Making me go exploring to others desks to see everyone's fabulous WORK! Hugs!

Harriet said...

I like the top view the colors are good and I think it does look tidy and ready for work. Enjoy.

misteejay said...

Must be the lack of light would never allow your desk to be THAT messy, now would you???

I follow your blog and pop by whenever there is a new post - and I do try to leave a comment each visit (sorry if occasionally I'm in a bit of a rush and I don't).

Toni :o)

Carola Bartz said...

Julia, first of all, I'm glad your glasses are back in the picture. The last time I looked they weren't and I had the feeling I'm missing something...
Second, I love that you giggle on the bed with your daughter. Sounds like my daughter and myself.
Third, your workspace reminds me of mine, the actual working space is getting smaller and smaller and smaller... you know.
Fourth, I love to visit here - Wednesdays and other days.
Fifth, I was stupid enough to put a wrong URL (yours, actually!) to Mr. Linky, hence two times my name. #108 is the correct one.
Sixth - oh, I'm done! Have a great day!

Sarah Anderson said...

I'll help Carola with a sixth - I love this as a blog, it makes it friendly and interactive, so don't let a man turn it into a website ;) Love Wednesdays, they're great fun :)

Sherry Goodloe said...

How did Wednesday get here so quickly?! I thought it was TUESDAY - LOL.

Ali said...

For those of you that may not know, Miss Dunnit is not a cat. She's my daughter.

Glad to hear it... I'd be very worried if you told us you had a giggling cat! :lol:

Also glad to see that I am not the only one whose craft desk currently looks... shalll we say... less than tidy. :)

Helen said...

What are you up to with all those coloured pencils I wonder?
Helen (no.83)

Lavinia said...

Its only been a week! I though you would have tidyed up that desk by now! last week you had a great floor space cleared! What happend? though you were on a roll!..:)Lucky you getting to worrk in the shop, bet it was great!
Lavinia #120

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia,

I do read your blog daily, including Wednesdays. Sadly, I am the world's worst when it comes to leaving comments. My mind goes blank when the form pops up and after I have edited my comment a dozen times, 10 minutes have passed. Will try to do better.
~Shari #121

Sherry said...

The light may not be the best, but we can still see all that creative goodness! Thanks Julia, I've just added my link (122)

Angenita said...

A workdesk as I like it full of anything :)

Julia said...

Hi there, am not a woyww contributer but do pop in for regular inspirational visits what ever day of the week it happens to be( although am not a commenter oops sorry!!).

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia!

you're a late (REALLY late) night crafter too huh?

I stayed up the ENTIRE night last friday to prep for my craft fair (which was saturday morning) - what can I say, I work best under pressure lol.

thanks for another great week! and I see you have a yellow atg monster! hehehe

Nicky said...

My first visit here and I love you blog and you desk. Quite like the darker evenings gives my longer to sit and craft without feeling guilty that I should be doing something else :)

kelly said...

Great to back here again. Will try and catch up with a few workdesks over the next few days.


katemade designs said...

I have your blog in my Google reader so I see all your posts but I am not so very good at commenting. I look at so many blogs and since joining in the WOYWW fun I now visit even more.
I prefer crafting in the dark with just a couple of task lights when I am alone. I don't even see the mess - too dark - that non-crafters would tsk tsk about. As my dad says, "dirt is patient, it'll be there when you're ready for it."

Carrie said...

Hi Julia, managed to get my workspace on just in time....your desk looks marvellously exciting this week....I would love to have a rummage through your gorgeous stash. Thanks for this fantastic opportunity to share with other crafters xxx

Serendipity Stamping said...

Oh my, I forgot about it being Wednesday - Again. Third time in a row. Have I reached the point that I need to post sticky notes all around the house in order to remember things, LOL. More truth there then not I suspect. But, I do pop in and out during the week to see if you have been up to anything and don't always leave a comment. Will try to do so in future as time allows. Have a great week!!

Leann said...

I love your desk Julia - it looks loved :)
Leann x

Sarah said...

Hey Great desk, lots to see!! I do pop by your blog other than wednesdays but so sorry that I don't always leave a message to say I've been, very naughty I know! Just always short on time and so many blogs to visit! x

Mrs A. said...

Now the clocks have gone back it is dismal and dark here by 5pm. apologies for not commenting on other peoples blogs last week. My pc was playing up and my hard drive finally caved in on Sunday. i have a brand new drive and loads more memory to play with now.

Rhonda said...

Your desk looks great as always. It is a fun place to be, I would think. Dark or not. Happy WOYWW and the rest of the week too. #102

Susan said...

Hi Julia,
Happy WOYWW! In Australia we have just started Daylight savings time...luckily my kids don't carry on about it still being 'daytime' when they head off for bed...yet! Thank goodness for block-out curtains!
Your desk looks like a hubb of creativity! I am also one who 'pushes the mess to one-side' to clean up later...
Susan (#27) xxox

Anonymous said...

Hi Julia

I pop in most days but dont general post a comment or join in with WOYWW as I dont blog myself. I just love you writing style xx

Katy Mouse xxxxxxxx

Andrea - Wales, UK said...

At the moment I'm going to work in the dark and coming home in the dark......To have a good photo I have to take pics on the weekend.
I am a visitor during the week, but I don't always leave a comment......sorry!!


craftyvox said...

Currently I am not a very regular crafter (only recently picked it back up after having had all supplies in storage for the past 2 years or ther eabout), and I do not have the space to set up a dedicated crafting area, so WOYWW isn't gonne work for me but tis lovely to take a peak at other peoples workdesks! Happy crafting!

HeARTworks said...

Hi Julia! It's always fun to pop by for a visit and I do even if it's not a Wednesday. You're on my blogroll, so when a see a new post, I read it!
Patsy from

Elizabeth said...

Very entertaining blog, as usual, and I always enjoy snooping round your desk. Polka dots are a predilection of mine, along with Swiss dots, so that blue material looks interesting:) Elizabeth #63

Anonymous said...

Haven't linked up for a week or two for various reasons but as I have a RSS feed from your blog I'm always reading your posts. Love 'em as you often make me giggle. Wish I had your energy - enjoy it. It tends to do a disappearing act as you get older.
x Tricia

akilli melek said...

Thanks for the suggestion, i went with more pink - but a darker shade on the stepper card. It just helped with the balance. caroline

Pam said...

One of these days I will remember to come back after work to leave you a comment! As for visiting your desk you know I read all your posts, my day wouldn't be the same! Hugs Pam x

Amber Alvarez said...

Oh man, it's my goal in life to be able to take a WOYWW picture with some daylight in it. ONE DAY! ONE DAY! I shake my fist at the 5pm "light" here in NYC.

Also, I'm all for Miss Dunnit's idea of what crisply made beds are really for.

She Who Doodles said...

i'm a little late this week. can't believe how this challenge has grown. it's always fun to see what everyones work space looks like and what they are working on.

stevepunk said...

hey there julia :)

i often check out your blog, and am glad i took a peek today, tad late by my part but better late than never eh :) great to see so many people have taken partand showing some really nice things, i look forward to more of this kinda stuff in the future :)
