Gawd, it looks wobbly and unfinished in the photo...anyway, you get the idea. This was a card for yesterday's workshop - using die cuts.
Sizzix alpha die (which is why it's a bit of a ragged cut, afraid to say) and a round
nestability. Nothing to it, but quite a lot of faff with teeny foam pads! Anyway, I digress. Already. If you've ever dropped in here before, you may have noted my enthusiasm for sketches/recipes, especially when the old
mojo is turned down to low. They are a fab jump off point for me and often lead me down a completely different path to another card entirely. Love that. So. You'd think wouldn't you, that as a person that conducts the odd workshop, I'd be of the same opinion regarding the card ideas I make for these workshops, huh? Any reasonable person would, huh? Yep. But I'm not reasonable; I turn into some sort of pouting fascist when people dare to change the card design in the workshops. I joke about it of course. And I used to threaten to write them in my black book; now I threaten to blog about them. It hurts, mother, like a big kitchen knife plunged into my creative heart. Really. And it's always the more painful because the changes are ALWAYS for the better. Take the card above for example. Yesterday, Carol (for her protection henceforth she will be called 'The Re-designer') just changed the application of the red glitter glue. Dotted it closer together and just around the circle, not extending across the letters. It looked fab and of course, better than mine. And led everyone to think in terms of a wreath crossed
with the letters...another card was evolving. Last night, I confused the
Newbabymumma and she used entirely the wrong piece of DP as a card background. I couldn't convince her to start again. The mistake - MISTAKE, dear
interweb, turned out to be a stunner. No wonder I pout. And keep a record of these
erm, offences. One day I'll publish the revised versions and claim them for my own. I am not above doing that you know. Meantime, I'm a bit busy making another blue tack effigy. It's a coping mechanism.
awww bless.
Still, it sounds like the ladies have fun at your workshops :)
*hugs* Heather x
PMPling Julia, you would hate me at one of your workshops - I always change the design!! It's just what I do... in classes as well... I have to put the flower somewhere else, add bling, ink the edges... you know, just make it mine. I have never considered the poor 'teacher' who agonised over the design and planned it all out until now!! So I apologise... to everyone who has ever had me at a demo or workshop or class. I am not saying your work isn't brilliant, I am just making my project, mine. Not a copy of yours/theirs. (You just made me realise something else... I get quite cross when teaching a class if someone copies my work millimetre by millimetre, paper by paper...now I know why!! I want them to make their mini book 'theirs'.
I quite like your version! Maybe you should just beat them with a big stick - or your ATG gun.... I joke!!
I'm the same! If people change my designs (which I actually encourage them to do) I get all insecure and wonder whether theirs is better, or mine is just naff and everyone secretly hates it! Maybe we should come to each others classes and gush madly about how wonderful teacher is??? Nah, I wouldn't like it either ....
Catching up from my holiday away, I am delighted that you made me chuckle as usual. I still have the vision of you being a pouting fascist as I type LOL.
Great card, just begging to be card-lifted, with one exception (for me)it's a BLEEPING Christmas card! Okay, okay, I know - it is at least 1st October now and I should start getting my "C" butt in gear .....
Well I'm glad to know that Im not the only one in this world of crafty blogworld with so many neurosis!!
I must say how stunning yours is though Julia and lets face it even Michelangelo needed inspiration!
Keryn x
Never having been to one of your classes, (and probably never will if I'm going to have a blue-tack effigy made of me!) I can only comment on what I see, and that's a very pretty Christmas card that I would be happy to copy.
I might change the colour though.. Ouch! that pin hurt!
he he always gaurantee a great post from you wonderful xmas card i bet your classes are just awesome,hugs cheryl xxxx
Ha, ha Julia I get you, but you have to let people do their own thing!...btw I would go crazy if somebody changed mine!!!!(even if it was for the better) :-)
Now I know why I've never taken a class in my life. I've taught a few (free) AB classes on the web, but never in person. I love it when I lay down the basics, then let them go at it.
However, when it's a technical thing, like adding a niche to a book, or getting a book that has sewn rather than glued pages, I get rather cranky when they don't follow instructions to the letter, then later admit their niche has developed a problem or their pages fall out of their books.
I've never designed layouts, so I would be at a loss if I had to design one, then have others copy it. From my own perspective, I could never make a card, a tag, or anything exactly the way someone else did. I'm sort of hardwired to put my own spin on everything I make.
BTW, you can write my name in your little book right now under dissident, as forewarning in case I ever DID get to the UK and take one of your classes (grin). At least you provided me with a much needed laugh.
Bless- ROFL. Sending you a big "there, there, there" hug. And a bigger pack of blu-tack.....
Aww I'm with you, you labour over the design and along they come and make it better, Oh for Goodness sake, why? don't they have any idea how long you worked to get it 'perfect' just blooming ungrateful if you ask me, now where's that pin?
Now I have to admit to being a changer myself as Elizabeth said 'it's hardwired in', can't copy 'cos it just wouldn't be mine. Funny lot aren't we!!!!!!
You have really made me laugh Julia, Thank you so much for your honesty, it's very refreshing:0) xx
It's probably just as well, for the sake of our friendship, that I don't come to your classes as I am simply incapable of following instructions as writ!! Recipes, sewing - you name it, I 'customise' it. The only time I had a satnav in my car, the minute it told me to turn right, I wanted to go left!! What does this tell you about me? I rest my case, m'Lud...... LL Jan xx
hahahahahahaha luv the idea of the blue tack effigy ;-) Lovely card anyway Julia. Hey, I did that at a make + take Dawn Bibby was doing at a weekend event some years ago and she was NOT happy - I only turned one piece of card round the other way :-/
Anne xx
Just as well (for the sake of our friendship!) that I don't come to any of your classes as I never stick to any form of instructions - recipes, sewing, you name it, I 'customise' it. Even obeying satnav would irritate me enormously!!
LL Jan xx
I see I'm not the only one who makes blu-tack effigies !
great post - I think you are just madder than ever!!! You've got to admit - it could only be worse if they copied your card mm for mm and it turned out better - now that WOULD get me riled!!! At least if they change it a little bit - it really can't be better than yours because it isn't the same - its a completely different card - like comparing apples and grapes - both fruit, green, of a round nature granted, but completely different in many other ways!!!
I would be way insecure if it happened to me - self doubting Thomas is the name...
Paula x xx
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