See, I was in Marks & Spencer a couple of weeks ago, looking wistfully at the fridge full of banana, coffee and chocolate milk. Or buying new knickers. Could so easily have been either. In the food section - it was the
Andover branch, therefore can't call it the Food
Hall - there was a slightly hidden display of shopping bags. The usual ones - bright green, covered with their logo, and the one that conveniently folds down into a little purse size. And this beauty. Obviously there was a slightly more sensible colour, but as a gift, this has 'lovely colour' written all over it, huh! It feels like a felted fabric and is apparently made from 10 recycled plastic bottles. It was a bit less than £4. It's gotta thick piece of something plastic and recycled looking to place in the bottom and make it square and stand alone and oh joy - it stays on my shoulder! So then I wanted to decorate it to give to a friend who suits pink. Big time. The buttons in my collection were desperately small and the proportion was shot, no matter if I

used all of 'em, they weren't obvious enough - know what I mean? Then I was browsing at the
LSS and telling Shopkeeper Gal who pointed me in the direction of these felted, die cut flowers. A whole bag for £3. Throw in a few nice epoxy type brads from the stash, half a tube of super glue and - *
kaploooie* - nice bag, happy giver, hopefully happy receiver! We (that's you and me, friend) are definitely getting better at using proper shopping bags, so I'm going to try to find some nice big buttons that don't push the cost into the ridiculous and 'make' a couple more. Oh man, I'm not ahead, but at least I'm making a dent in the 'ideas for Christmas list' list! I know. Sorry, not quite September and I'm
scarey. But then, dear
interweb, that is really nothing to do with the month.
Oh, now that is beautiful!
I'm having a little Christmas related panic too. Must be the time of year - I'm sure only crafters panic about Christmas before it's even September!
You made a really good point about Christmas having nothing to do with the month. And your quick thinking saved the bag and turned it into stunning. Me? I'd have used what I had and made a mess of things. Nice that you found those felt flower die cuts. Brilliant in fact. And yes, I've used those bags since before they were fashionable.
oh hun this is just gorgoues love what you have done,know what you mean about xmas totall panic have not even got any papers,yet oh well maybe soon,he he hugs cheryl xxx
Absolutely lovely, I have 5 bags in my 'to do pile' that I will get around to decorating at some point, you have just reminded me that they are still there waiting for some bling!
Love the bag very cute!
Lovely bag Julia. There are lots of us making bags at the mo me thinks :-)
A x
I love this - great idea to decorate it too - you've done a great job. Hugs, Claire x
Cute bag, have seen those in there, might have to get me one. Andover scares me and knowing M*S sells knickers in their food hall justifies my fear.
** Kate **
This is one cute bag!
Thats fab Julia,I'll be nipping into M&S tomorrow on my lunch break
This is fab - I feel a visit to M&S coming on.
Julia this is gorgeous, what a great find, I would have squealed with joy in the middle of the shop! wonder if our nearest m&s has these little beauties in, they would make the perfect crafting bag too :) lucky friend getting such a gorgeous gift, flowers are perfect! hugs mandyxx
Julia, you are so creative, the bag is stunning. The thing is can you still fold it up with all the lovely doings on it. Big Hugs Jo.xxxx
I have awarded you a blog award. Please pop over to my blog to find out more.
A x
WOW Julia...you have really done justice to the bag!!! What a fabby colour it is!!!
Christmas??? mmm...been in that mode a while now sadly hahaha XXX
May I print this idea and copy big time for Xmas please? It is FABULOUS - best 'conversion' job I've seen for a long time and has really grabbed my creative attention, Julia. I'm thinking, pop a few chocolates or toiletries inside for those you give slightly more to - job done. Lovely - thank you so much!
Gorgeous bag, not seen them in my M&S, must go shopping... oops, can't, no money...!! Love your decorations on this one.
What a great find and I love what you did with it too! I have blinkers on and cannot think C*****mas at all at the moment... and now I have no M&S and can't steal your idea!! :(
Excellent idea!
Now, very important question this - seeing as I'm kinda the other side of the county to you in (well ok, near) Warminster, where exactly is your LSS? There seems to be not very many of them in Wiltshire, and I kinda need to know, ya know?
Hi Ya Julia
wow what a fabulous bag, gorgeous colour, luv the flowers you have added, brill idea for a gift, sue.xx
Lol I just HAD to have the green one (my fave colour) when I was in last!
I bought a lovely felt flower brooch from the Eden Project when we were on holiday....matches perfectly!
What a great find, I never see anything like this to add my own touch too. The flowers are a great finishing touch, just what it needs and a great gift for a friend. Lovely. Tracy Evans x
This is a lovely bag, your Friend is very lucky.
Sorry not been around for a few weeks, was on my hols and now am ill :-( There is an award for you on my blog
Stop mentioning the C word this time last year I had 200 cards ready this year 3!!! I just can't seem to get going!!! Bag I'd nice by the way may have to pinch that idea!!!!
What a fab idea. Must go into my local food hall and see if they have any. Hope you don't mind if I steal your idea
Hi Julia, wow you have set a trend again, lol! What a bargain bag, love it! I have a green linen one that I may just have to alter, thanks for the inspiration, hugs Heidi xx
Now that is what I call a super bag (shame it's pink...LOL)
Toni :o)
Brilliant idea, Julia and yep, it does help when thinking of 'C' gifts - thank you.
Hey Jule - one of my favorite drive to work activities is how can I make my market bags more stylish. Mine all have terrible logos on them and I roll around ideas to make them better. I think I will run right over to Marks and Spencer and pick up one these and decorate it too!
In other news, it is CE this weekend - bloody ell we aren't there! I really wish we were! Remember that glorious afternoon lying (Laying) by the pool, having dinner and all the while laughing hysterically. Remember the gnome!
Hello Mrs D - what a fab personalised gift!! Lucky lady who receives this!! I've been MIA from WOYWW - just soooo busy with various stuff but thought I'd stop by and holler hello!! Juliexx
stunning work Julia, ur too clever by half :)
Great bag and those flowers are perfect for it.
What a beautiful transformation of an ordinary bag. This is wonderful!!!
fab fab fab Julia! What a great gift and with such a good sense of satisfaction having adorned it so beautifully!
Using the big bite with big big snap things might also look good! Maybe worth a practice of something unsuspecting, yup, hubbys boxers are a good place to start maybe?!
Keryn x
Gorgeous makeover Julia. A bit too 'pink' for me but I'll check out my local M&S to see if it has any other colours to beautify like you.
This is a fab idea for chrimbo pressies Julia - with me being off work for so long, looks like things are going to be tight this Christmas so this looks like a really good personal gift, so will be making its way onto my list for sure.
Paula x x x
You did a great job adorning this bag, well done! I am now envious as I bought the very same bag last year with the intention of adding a few embellishments but gave up in the end as nothing I tried worked, now the bag is too tatty to tart up!
Total bargain, i want 1 now..
M&S here i come lol
you did a crackin job btw
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