These are the finished pegs, as you can see, I didn't in the end, do much more to them...maybe the little jewels will catch the light a bit. Anyway, they'll add atmospheric creativity if nothing else! (I know, atmospheric creativity, man I can pull a phrase out erm, any old place!)
I thought it appropriate to show the pegs, given today's political quagmire. I wanna tell you about Miss Dunnit. She's a doing A Levels, one of them is Politics; I can't tell you how much I enjoyed this election through her eyes. We stayed up late; she wrote down the results of the exit poll and analysed and forecast and talked about the electoral process with enthusiasm, greater understanding than we have ever had, and excitement at being present at such a historical time. You realise that we are proud of her; how much for the first time, we 'got' the excitement and the potential of the situation through her eyes. Her generation have an immense amount of work to do, no doubt, but believe me, they are so up for it. I will never again hide behind the 'not very experienced' tag when I consider fresh faced politicians - I learned a lot last night. There are world and nationally politically savvy teenagers out there, mostly they know what needs to be done and mostly they have a hunger to get it done. They will not tolerate bigotry, racism, lies, misuse of public funds and they can spot a double standard before it even peeps around the corner. So, Mr Brown, Mr Cameron, Mr Clegg - get the collective act together, the will of the nation is that you three sort it out, preferably in a bi-partisan manner. And watch out, there is an informed and intelligent generation right behind you, waiting to hang you out to dry.
Don't worry everyone; last night I got a glimpse of the future; it might be very tough but in our dotage, we'll be in good hands. Viva today's teenager!
Have a great weekend.
YAY!!!! well said Julia!!! My daughter is 23 & she had all her friends round to hers just for the election!!! X
I popped to the pub to vote (yes its in the pub!) and decided before I left to ask my Jake(12) who he thought I should vote for and his informed view was not David Cameron and when I questioned why he answered "he's posh totty" it made me smile but Im sure in another couple of years he will have a wider view of the whole process!
It's so refreshing to hear someone [other than myself] having really positive things to say about our young people. A very small few of the youth of today give a bad name to them all and it spoils it for the rest. I gave birth to 3, now young adults, I am very proud to say, that go out into this world and make it a better place for them being in it. Thanks for sharing your pride Julia.
A x
Way to go Miss Dunnit! Got to say that my A-level in politics has come in handy this election has i have been able to explain all about hung parliaments and so forth. I have a simple rule for those around me and have had since I was an opinionated teenager myself, if you don't vote don't bother moaning about the result, amazing how many grown men that one has shut up over the years.
Well done Miss Dunnit, I only wish I could get my son interested. He is almost 22 and has never voted, very disappointed that he didn't make the effort this time.
Lovely post Julia! It is indeed an historic time...imagine our great-grandchildren studying Politics and learning about inspiring to know there's a young generation hungry for the right son is 27 this year, politically savvy but won't act on it by getting down with the party of his I hope Miss Dunnit will not lose the freshness of her knowledge. Bless her.
Go Girl Miss Dunnit!
We too had unsurpassed discussions with son this year leading up to yesterday and looking forward to continuing it this weekend when we are all back together again.
I am right behind you with the informed and intelligent generation waiting keenly in the wings. I'd vote for Prime Minister Dunnit!
Yes Julia you are right, young people are (a lot of them) very interested in this world to become a better place and I am proud to say that my daughter (24 years old) is one of them! I am sure the next generation will kick a..!
Well said, Julia. The young care about this country (and the planet) and are up for sorting things out! I guess our generation will go down as 'the bad guys' though.
Got to agree - youngsters who are interested have such a lot to offer society today.
DD 1 has been looking forward to voting since she hit 18 a few months back... I'm glad she shows an interset in politics, and agree with the above poster, if you don't vote, don't moan.
My boys were really taken with this election too, they went to youth club the other week and spent the whole evening talking politics and they are 10 and 13!
Erm, well what are the felt thingys the pegs are in?
Don't worry I DID vote ;)
Anne xx
lovely jewels, I'm sure the atmospheric creativity will me marvelous tee hee! Also, your daughter sounds very bright; we need more people like her here in the 'states! Better yet, maybe I'll just move over there! DO ya have an extra room for me? LOL just kidding, but don't think the thought of moving hasn't crossed my mind!
atmospheric creativity - I like it. It's a perfect phrase when hubby thinks I spend to much on my hobby =)
Hurrah for Miss Dunnit, you are rightly proud. I actually found this election far more interesting than any other - and it may be the last of it's type. How lovely to share it with your daughter.
Nice pegs by the way xxx
nothing opens our eyes more than seeing thru those of our childrens :0)
LOVE the pegs ...I think they are perfect ... and need nothing else.
As for your daughter ...I admire her for bothering to think it all through and to have discussions ... and teach you what its all about lol. I have to admit I didn't vote ...jaded by all the promises, over the years, that never happen I suppose. I actually agree with bits of all of them so I suppose I would love all 3 to stop behaving like spiteful children and play nicely ...working together to put this country (all 4 bits of it)back on its feet and to make things better for those who need help ..the sick ..the young ...the old ..and those strugling to find a job.
I will dismount from my soap box now .xx
well said Julia...
Hope you didn't paint more pegs - sorry if i've missed the post where you say that you did or didn't but couldn't bear it if you did (paint them i mean)!!! LOL
Paula x x x
Hi Julia, back to do some net curtain twitching and see what happened to the flip flops!! Love all the buttons... you will have to let us know if they all stay on. I didn't vote... well couldn't from here so I will have to put my trust in young Dunnit and hope she chose correctly on my behalf!!
Now I will have to return to see what sort of atmosphere the pegs are going to be used for!!
Yay Julia! About time we had some pro teenager talk going on! We were the same this year - Devvie didn't manage the full night (unlike me and Craig) but she did spark a lot of heated discussion here and by the sound of it a lot has been going on at school too.
Hiya Julia -had to do a little chuckle when I read about the politics juxtaposed (I can do dictionary too) with the pegs.Bet the pegs look great in real life. My number one son is 42 now and can talk off any donkey's hind legs on any subject but I banned politics as he's too genned up and quick for me. My priorities are a bit different at the mo. He had a proxy vote for a friend in Australia and caused a sensation at the polling station which he enjoyed. Hugs BettyXXX
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