It was Prom last night. The weather was perfect. The girls looked beautiful and the boys were incredibly handsome. The parents blubbed (well me, a bit!) and a great time was had by all. It was great, and hats off to school (again) for everything they did to make it so special - a huge awning over the main entance and a red carpet, the keystage head emceeing arrivals with really funny comments, the two teachers who took on the role of bouncers - ipods plugged into one ear and talking into their sleeves whilst 'checking' tickets - then a good old dance and an 'after party' at a friend's house and a sleepover which was really a crash where you fall arrangement and then a very large, very fried breakfast. How fun to be nearly 16 and have a Prom. I know it's an American tradition and it's infiltrated our traditions and I know that in terms of cost it can get incredibly silly. But it's been quite a good sort of closure really; Leaver's Day was so emotionally charged that the enjoyment of it all was coloured by how much it meant. Prom was just fun. Ours had choices - nice dresses and a 'do-it-yourself-transport', or a shared limo experience and the best we could do for a dress. Well, they certainly chose well. A decorated farm trailer pulled round the village on a vintage tractor thanks to a well connected chum was the most fun and definitely the best transport of the evening. The limos were fab to see, but windows were blacked out and all we could see was a big ol' car - no sign of the kids having fun inside. To be honest, it was all so exciting that this lot would happily have walked into the school drive - it wouldn't have mattered a jot. So if you have a prom to face in the coming years, take this advice - keep it balanced, don't allow stressy drama type behaviour over being the only one who doesn't have blah blah blah. Make it fun in other ways...the Class of 2009 that rode that trailer thing done up with balloons and crepe paper will never forget the fun, or have any regrets over a shiny limo! As for scrapbook opportunities - well, you can imagine! Watch this space as they say in really interesting, less self-indulgent blogs!
Sounds like everyone had a fab time & the dreses are lovely.
I'd choose the tractor any day. What fun! My dd says limos are 'chavvy' anyway *g* Beautiful dresses - loving that red floral one.
It looks like they were having fun. Love the dresses so pretty and who wants to turn up in a limo like loads of others be unique thats what I say. xx
Sounds fantastic. Everyone looks gorgeous and the tractor was such a great idea. Never to be forgotten like you say. I wish we'd had a prom when I left school many moons ago!!
Looks like they had a fab time. I think on these occassions you're allowed to be a little emotional.
Brilliant choice ... its better to not follow the herd ... limos are hard to get in and out of in posh frocks anyway. Their dresses are beautiful too.xx
dont they look gorgeous..I remember getting teary at Brooke's Year 10 formal :0)
I don't know about you, being teary Jules, I've just wiped a couple away myself! The decorated tractor has to be the choice, every time - way to go to make a statement and let the world enjioy along with you. Fair play to the farmer! Such happy, handsome and beautiful young people celebrating one milestone achievement and moving on to the next and justifiably proud parents - what a memory to capture!
The trailer looks fab well done girls. i did a carnival once and the rain made the crepe paper run and the colours ruined all our costumes. Jen looks fab. You both should be very proud of her and proud of yourselves for the love and support that has been invested in her, making her a beatiful woman both inside and out. lady Nurse
Don't they look fab!! Love the trailer idea, great way to arrive!! I must say I wish we had proms when I was younger... its sort of like seeing them as adults for the first time!
The tractor trainler sounds like a great idea. and any bets the kids in the limo wishes they'd thought of that one :) I love seeing the yr11's all dressed up sadly I wasn't able to attend our school's prom this year. I'll look forward to seeing your scrapped pages :)
Gorgeous photo! They all look glam as anything.
And thanks for your kind words on my blog - your opinion definitely counts! It's my first non-scrapbook project I've shared, so it's lovely to have a good reception!
Oh, it all looks such fun! I so wish we had had proms when I left school - we just sort of walked out on the last day, and that was it. What fab memories they (and you) will have - and I look forward to seeing some of those photos scrapped!
Hi Julia - I think you may be right about me and cardmaking - too many rules. Though I don't think for one minute you can claim to have limited imagination - anyone coming to see your blog would fall off their chair laughing if you said that to them! *g*
They all look fabulous Mrs, and I spotted Miss Dunnit right away, beautiful dress for a beautiful girl!
LOVE the tractor trailer idea for transport, so much "more" than a limo, anyone can hire a limo :)
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