All of the papers for this LO are from the Doodlebug range - a whole sheet of flocked 12 x 12!! I love love love the Doodlebug marque. Mostly for me it's the colours, I'm helpless in the face of bright colours carefully put together - the catalogue is an utterly sublime publication, graphically clean and edgy, beautiful photography and repro. It's a feast, if you like colour. This isn't an unsolicited ad, it's another of those 'why is it' type posts. Because, if I love the colours, the subjects and the clean graphic designs, 'why is it' that I'm scared to death of them? I can't put together a card or LO that pleases me as much as anything I see elsewhere made with the Doodlebug stuff. Funny isn't it? I had some of the dots stripes and things from the Cupcake and Sundae ranges which are relatively new. I've used them, but the results are a bit ho hum, contrived even. Perhaps I should just stop trying to recreate the Doodlebug look and concentrate on doing my own thing. But I wasn't aware of trying to recreate their look, so 'why is it' so contrived? Perhaps I should stop buying the matching bits and pieces and work more from initiative. After all, matching brads and borders do sometimes get lost in the overall finish because there's too much of all the same look. I dunno. I'll post another LO that I'm currently working on soon and you'll have another opportunity to see what I mean. Now the font is a different matter - I love it and frankly, have to stop myself using it on everything. I have the Cricut cartridge 'All Mixed Up' which features their sort of signature font, and I have the alphabet stickers in almost every colour, and I'm totally not afraid to use them! Don't you think that's strange? Or worse really, is it normal?!
WOYWW was so much fun, thanks for taking part..man, your tables desks and surfaces are interesting..and very tidy. I had a conversation with my lovely mother about it and I think she's embarrassed by the mess on my desk..it's so public! Anyway, do it again next week please - if you want to join in and don't have a blog, email me a picture and I'll post it here for you! You can also make a link by clicking on the text at the foot of any post 'Link to this post'...sounds easy huh!
I've been given an award by
Ann and
Teresa...I thank you both for it..actually I just love it - would love to be the owner of the original sign. Of course, it must be passed on and indeed it shall be...do visit these blogs if you don't already, they are surely an antidote for my blathering.
Pam,....I'm sorry not to fully obey rules, but frankly, how can I single out just a handful? The other thing about this one is that you have to list ten things about yourself. Well I will, but perhaps you better set the alarm in case you fall asleep.
1. My favourite colour is yellow. I never wear it and I rarely use it, but I love it.
2. I'm a font junky; I have 27 alphabet stamp sets. Because I need them.
3. I love coffee; taste, smell, hit. Or as a flavour - ice cream, icing, cake, mmm..
4. I have to will myself to eat an apple - smoothies are the best invention, now I drink my fruit!
5. There are no circumstances in which I would eat a chip butty - the two textures - blurgh!
6. I'm a gin and tonic gal - but don't rule out Bailey's or Southern Comfort!
7. I tend to 'proof read' almost everything; on this basis - have you read a copy of Creativity from DoCrafts lately - sheeze, the spelling! And yes, it DOES matter.
8. SURPRISE: I am opinionated and judgemental.
9. I am still easily intimidated by tall, slim, talented, pretty or any combination thereof.
10. I would not survive alone on a desert island. Ugh, my own company forever!