Wednesday, 11 September 2019

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 536

Well, how do you like these onions? It’s not quite going to er, plan. I’m just transferring some Christmas stamps into a basket that takes up less than a quarter of the floor space in my room. It may help my Christmas mojo mood. Also, I need to get them ready for re-homing. And loads of other stuff...the floor in this room has to be partially pulled up by the electrician in a couple of weeks and I want to be in charge of my stuff rather than leave it to Mr Dunnit and the Sparky to do it. Perish the thought that Mr Dunnit realises quite how much is crammed into this room! So it’s sort of official, with 15 weeks to go, I am definitely making workshop cards on a Christmas theme. Or I will be just as soon as I free up the space to actually use my desk. Watch this space? I’d rather watch yours! Put WOYWW in your post title and link here please. Thank you, and enjoy, it’s a visual feast!


Sarah Brennan said...

Good luck with the sorting Julia. One reason I like my shed is that Hubby doesn't quite realise all that is in it, although he does pop in occasionally lol. I probably won't start C cards for my workshops for another few weeks. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Neet said...

That's a job I need to be doing - finding my box of Christmas stamps. Not a clue where thy are since they were put back into the craft room last December. Eek! Won't be this week, i can tell you, got too much on and need yo get other things tidied u first of all. Trouble is when||||||!!
Good to see you are on the ball but at first I read 15 months to them starting to pull the floor up - then realised you meant until Christmas. Oh perish the thought - now what do I do this year for my special cards?
Hugs, Neet (1 because I have twitchy legs I can't sleep, but my head says I want to)

Claire said...

Oh dear, the C word... I will just pretend I didn't see it... I am most impressed by your clearing and organising though, and I wish you well (although I refuse to mention *xmas* until after Bonfire Night :))

Lynn Holland said...

Can you please stop mentioning that filthy word it makes me come over all peculiar. I’m covering my ears and eyes to block it out and to also block out the three days of country music I’m about to endure at Blackpool. Oh, my.
Think I’d rather help you sort your stamps out Julia
Lynn 7 x

Lillianb said...

Hope you manage to get all the stamps sorted Julia, I have just been asked to make a Christmas cards for two people so have to get them started soon,

Happy WOYWDW Lilian B #7

Helen said...

Good luck with your stamp sorting.. and the workshop prep. Just making C cards for personal consumption fills me with dread (wonder why I keep doing it! Oh yes, it's all the hundreds of stamps I keep buying..) Thanks to Neet for linking me although I am after all, home!

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia, I'm with you on this job. I have a few projects to finish before they come to alter the conservatory roof but hoping to organise myself into a small space so that I can concentrate on my Christmas cards while they're here so part of the dining room table will become my desk for while. Normally I'd be like Lynn as I'm normally on the last legs with Christmas cards but this year things might be different. Wishing you a happy week and a great woyww, Angela x9x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, totally getting the sorting, and love the acronyms! With you also on the C cards- I'm normally well stocked by now, and this year only have a handful, so I'm hoping this weeks desk will get me back where I need to be. Thats the theory anyway. :0 Love and hugs, Shaz #6 XxXx

Fonda said...

I hope to get my desk cleaned off soon. I am new to challenges, and there are plenty, so I've been focusing on them and not cleaning. They come one right after the other, so I've been quite busy.

Glenda said...

Christmas will be upon us before we can turn around. I'm slowly getting one or two done here and there but really need to do some that can be mailed with a regular stamp. It is ridiculous what it costs to mail a dimensional card these days! Glenda #13

Christine said...

I suppose I must give in and pull out my boxes of Christmas 'stuff'.... see what I have added, although I promise myself every year that I wont buy more!!!
Best of luck with sorting out your stash, so agree that it's better for you to do it...... just remember where the 'safe' place is for the things you find that you'd forgotten about!!!
Enjoy the sorting
Christine #13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh it sounds so familiar ! My chuckle for the day, with Mr Dunnit realizing that you have more stuff ~ I dread the thought of moving Christmas in my area, I just got it so I have some free space. Wouldn't another room for just holiday things be great? Never have to move anything. Have a fun day

Caro said...

Good luck with stamp sorting and workshop prep. Not even thought about Christmas yet - need to get going with other things first! Hope you have a good week. With love & God Bless. Caro xxx (#10)

Twiglet said...

Good luck with the sorting. G says he thinks he would like to re-organise our upstairs rooms! Ha - he has no idea how much stuff I would need to "re-organise" before I dare let him into my sewing room!!! xx Jo

April said...

I have been missing for a while but am excited to be back and seeing everyone's crafting havens. Thank you Julia for keeping this going.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Mm, dear Julia I’ve lost count think it’s four times now I’ve come over to comment on the onion stamps! 😆😉
Last time it was my unco-operative browser that stopped me, have been other interruptions!
And looks like your desk was caught midway through one too, very interesting method to put Christmas stamps in an onion box, but as I use the strawberry clear plastic lidded containers for washi, stamps, pens, dies, etc I totally get it! We have all year round strawberry here and eat some each morning, with blueberries which actually grow mainly locally.
Your crafting abode is really going through changes, one thing about a single storey brick on a slab house it means no floor boards will ever need replacing which I’d never considered before!
Happy WOYWW. Thanks for sharing, hope and pray you’re well. Hugs, Shaz in Oz.x #15

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Lindart said...

Seems to be the season for tidying up! I like your Christmas stamps new home, much nicer! Have fun and have a great week! Lindart #21

Dorlene Durham said...

Christmas is right around the corner and I'm seeing more and more Christmas projects. Have a great week. Dorlene #22

Belinda said...

Hello! You and I think alike. I always panic when we need to do something in my craftroom for I fear my addiction will be exposed!! But on the bright side, I think that things such as your electrician needing access to some of your space, help us buckle down and tidy up. I mean really, who really wants to be cleaning when we could be playing with our supplies. Pace yourself and when you take a break, pop on by and say hi!
Belinda #23

Rita said...

Hi Julia. I really need to do mine too, they soon mount up and you wonder where they all came from. Xx No computer here so using my IPad. Hugs Rita xxx

StampinCarol said...

Put on some snappy music while sorting! That sometimes helps me move along. Operative word, sometimes. Anyway hope you get it all done in time for the electrician! I'm taking part in a craft yard sale first Sat. of Oct. Hope to get rid of a couple BIG bags of stuff and make a few $$ too.
Have a great week!
Carol N #20

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, my, but I don't envy you the prospect of having your floor torn up! I suppose all will be okay, when your electrician has done his/her best, and you have your floor back and clear of everything you've spent 15 weeks sorting out. The basket looks ideal for your stamp collection and transferring them will remind you of all the lovely Christmas stamps you have there - perfect for working on those workshop cards. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #19

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I find it creatively stimulating to reorganize my art supplies, so I'm sure it'll help you too. I guess you might have a different workdesk while they work on your floor. Happy belated WOYWW!