Welcome to whizzday 519. Next week is therefore the 520th week, which means 10 years of WOYWW weeks. In anticipation of that HERE is an explanation of how we’re going to do an ATC round robin swap. It’s much easier than it sounds! Whilst I have your attention, there’s a celebratory get-together on June 1st, all details are in the post below this, scroll down why don’t you. Meanwhile...a desk
Gosh I didn’t realise how untidy it actually was! Last Saturday I attended a class to help me understand the design software for the Scan & Cut and here you see me attempting to use my new found knowledge. It didn’t go too badly. In fact, the sheet of ‘scrap’ scrapbook paper you see in the background is covered in test cuts that would pass muster on the real paper. Colour me surprised! That large tub container is waiting to be erm, altered. By which I mean covered in pretty paper and used as a container for something. The sun flare is probably caused by the washing line filled with a glorious, Suzy-Homemaker-perfect white wash load, or because I took the photo at lunchtime yesterday when I had to leave everything to go do something apparently more important.Please join in, show us your ATC heavy desk! Put WOYWW in your post title and link here please. That would be ever so nice of you.
It's always good to see a desk bathed in sunshine... and well done on getting to grips with your Scan & Cut. my atcs are still hiding... but on my "desk"
Sorry Julia there won't be any ATCs from me this year, but I do have a tag ready for my PIF and will have more to bring to the crop for swaps. I am so looking forward to it. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #3
I have one ATC on my desk, but I have it covered. After seeing Helen's hidden ATC, I feel mine is definitely UNWORTHY. Love your "white wash laundry" on the line (NOT). The image was priceless, though. I can't believe how long it takes to learn the scan-n-cut. I'll stick with scissors and glue, thank you!!
Morning Julia, i'm just about to put on a load of white's hoping mine turn out as glorious as that glare through your window but probably not as it's mens washing haa haa! The very thought of the scan & cut fogs my brain it's all so much calmer for me tracing, cutting and turning a handle manually. Have fun discovering all that's new, it perches nicely on the edge of your desk.
Happy WoywW Tracey #4
Reporting for duty. ATCs done and ready for next week. Plans for crop going well and I’ve made little gifts to give out there 😀. In fact I’m feeling very organised here....that makes a change doesn’t it? Hope you’re enjoying the sunshine.
Annie x
Hi Julia, A very busy desk. Glad you are pleased with your scan and cut.
Sue #9
That’s one heck of a piece of kit you’ve got there Mrs on your desk. I’ve no idea what it does but I wouldn’t want to drop it on my toe heehee.
Congratulations on keeping us all together for 10 years, it’s wonderful and one day dear Julia I’ll get to meet up with you all
Lynn xx. 12
Hi Julia, I must say the sun has definitely had it's hat on this week which is nice after all that rain. I am making ATCs but you wont see signs of those yet as I have other stuff on the go to but they will be ready in time. For now have a lovely woyww, Angela x14x
Blimey, the washing must have been blinding then! That's a heck of a flare coming through your window. Glorious weather though, I did three lots of bedding yesterday. Well done on getting to grips with the Beast, does a Scan and Cut make things easier?
Hugs LLJ 5 xxx
ATC heavy it is! see you next week with ****s on! Robyn 17
How wonderful to see sunshine in your life! We have had so much rain here that a sunny day is always welcome! Well sister your desk is a hot mess this week! Do you like your Scan and Cut? I've always felt like I wouldn't use one so I never purchased. Hope you have good success with it!
Glenda #19
Definitely the Suzy homemaker stunningly white washing on the line, Julia 😆!!!
Or at least your stunning sunshine, that’s a bonus.
Oh dear a slight resemblance to my messy desk.
I cut mine mess out, in pickies excuse is am hiding things and no it’s not ATCs.. I somehow or other crazily thought there were two more weeks so glad you let me know, phew!!
Have started but not much more than that, some inky delightful backgrounds await me.
But first some cards to be made. Wasn’t well last week so didn’t do a lot of comments, but God willing will do much much much better this week.
Impressed re scan and cut. Think I’ll never get a computer cut machine. I’ve just saved up and bought an electronic die cutting machine. A new release. So not out for three weeks or so.
Happy belated WOYWW.
Prayer hugs,
Shaz in Oz.x #20
{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
Hi Julia, smiling at the lens flare! I sited my desk side on to a window when we did my room, thinking I'd benefit from the natural light. But the sun can be blinding coming through it, as my photos from HS show! I had to partly lower the blind to see anything at all. It's a shocker I think we are getting this much sun, lol. Great you are getting to grips with the cutter, the software can be a bit of a steep learning curve, I agree. Love and Hugs, Shaz #15 XxXx
There is only a tiny sneaky peep at my ATC's ... annoying really as I hate all this sneaky peep business that goes on - I maintain my sneeky peep is purely accidental as all I intended to show you was my hand!
I am preparing to be pelted with rotten tomatoes once my ATC's are out there as they do not conform to what an ATC should be in any way other than they are the correct size ... but, hey-ho, did always want to be a rebel. Much love dearest Julia xXx
Well done on taking some lessons! I am a visual learner so always need lessons, written instructions are just a no-no for me, even in 50 different languages!!!
Enjoy the practise using it.
Have a good week
Christine #25
Hello Julia I feel like I just made it back to woyww in time for the 10th anniversary. Have even set myself a reminder for next week. Thank you lovely woyww for always welcoming the stragglers back :)
sandra de @23
That scan and cut sounds very clever - if a bit tricky! ATCs all done - a bit like some I made earlier but my imagination isn't up to anything too tricky. xx Jo
Lovely sun-filled room! That Scan-&-cut looks complicated, it must be if you had to take a class for it! But I'm sure it was worth it and we will soon see some awesome projects on your desk! Have great week, Lindart #26
Love the sun coming thorough the window and the busy desk. I have a Question Julia, This morning I was number 7 and now see I am number 13 how does that work, Not that I am worried just wondered.
Lilian B # 13
Good Morning Julia, I totally chuckled around my coffee that the domestic Goddess is doing such a brilliant job with your whites :) And it made me smile to see that you actually plunked that machine into your desk to use it there. ( I think maybe I should try taking my Gemini out of the box some time because, it probably would fit on mine and what's one more extension cord right?)
~Stacy #29
Goodness how the weeks and years do fly! Sadly I am not going to make the crop as I am on holiday with my mum and sister and I decided it would just be a tad
impolite to disappear on the first day of our annual break. We'll probably be crafting so will be there in spirit!! Still up for organising a southern meet if that's a possibility. So lovely to see the sun, the garden has never been so tidy and Kev and I are off to sort mum's out on Friday. Suppose I ought to do some washing tomorrow!! Cindy xx
I love seeing your busy desk! Your dedication and tenacity as you complete scrapbook layout after layout! You are inspiring. Perhaps there’s hope for me yet.
I love your busy desk and am intrigued by the scan and cut. I have made 8 ATCs for swapping next week and then some bookmarks for the crop. Can't wait to meet you then. Happy WOYWW. Have a great week. With love and God Bless, Caro x (#18)
Hi Julia - hey that's showing off that is, your wash being so white it's causing a glare in your photo :o) YOu're a braver woman than me getting your head around the Scan-n-Cut, look forward to seeing what you do with it, they are marvellous machines. Have a great week! Annie C #11
Lucky you for getting in on a Scan N Cut class!! I usually just use it to cut out stamped images (which is wonderful!). I have clothing on the line today so kinda a Susy Homemaker myself. Great desk full of goodies! Looking forward to all the photos WOYWWers will be posting from the get-together coming up! Thanks for popping by and have a wonderful day!
Carol N #27
Hi Julia, the biggest problem I have with my desk pics are that the light is very dim in my craft room first thing in the morning. Maybe I should start taking photos on a Tuesday evening! A Scan & Cut class sounds like something I need to attend. I know I would use it more if I knew what it was truly capable of! Love the suzy homemaker washing comment! Have a lovely week Heather x #7
Ooh! A Scan and Cut! My SIL has one - I'm pretty sure I could get in a right tangle with one!! She just says she'll cut me stuff if I want it...that'll do me!! Hugs, Chris 33
Are there any genuinely tidy crafters? It is good to see the sun on your desk. I keep forgetting to take my photos in daylight. Looking forward to the June get together to meet everyone again. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #22
An extra comment this week. I have noticed one or two folks posting, using Instagram or other platforms. I only use Blogger and Facebook so I cannot access their pages to comment. Apologies to those people. I am not ignoring you, but just cannot access your posts. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #22
Oh Julia how time has just flown by I know Ive been mia for such a long time but I will whip up a few Fun atc this week and so happy that i did now muss the wonderful 10 years Wow has it really been this long Congrats are in order
Hugs Nikki C
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