Wednesday, 9 January 2013


What's On Your Workdesk?  Well, I'm showing mine so you really should show me yours.  And then you can feel better about, being tidier, more productive, having mojo, bright light, blah blah! (There's a tolerably good explanation of this recurring activity HERE)
Mind you, this week hasn't been unproductive, in fact I'm feeling a bit driven.  There's stuff I have to do and there's other stuff I want to do.  Figure if I get one out of the way, I can treat myself to the other.  Oh I love a plan.  It's as good as a list. Almost.

It's dark and there's a lot of window..ah well...rule of thirds and all.  So I'm just finishing the last of the calendar pages, three of each month and I've got two months left.  Not bad - I have them planned and do that thing where I work on them while I'm firing up the PC or waiting for the kettle to boil or listening to hold music on the phone - you know.  You can see my new alpha stencils which I've already muckied with distress stain - doesn't half make for quick stencilling!  You can see my button jar has become the receptacle for upside down Glossy Accents...and because this is a new innovation, I spent some minutes today battling with the gunged up tip of a different bottle.......  My faithful ATG gun. Usurped by a roll of standard DS tape...these calendars aren't cheap to make and so I'm being a little mean.  More scissors than I need but enough scissors to satisfy my want, of course my glasses and an upside down birthday card.  Just in case the Enthusiastic Educator pops in here before I see her for birthday toasts tonight!  The big white industrial looking glue gun next to the stencils is Mr Dunnit's. Using hot glue is a very good lesson in how clumsy and slow you are. It could very well just be me of course. 
So now, show us what you're up to. Post a pic on your blog, put WOYWW in the blog title and link it here.  If you can, turn off word verification, the new wobbly words and terrible house number photography mean that very few people will try to leave a comment more than once...we'll visit, if we can!

Can I have another word or two?  Really, for this particular link party thingy, there is little point linking your blog if it's not to a post that shows and talks about your work desk, creative space, whatever you wanna call it.  You'll know - you may have a bigger hit rate on the day, but you won't get many comments from other WOYWWers...if there's no desk to comment on, it's clicked away from.  So join in do, but join in the spirit of the thing.  If you want traffic, be a reciprocal blogger.  Really, join in.

Oh, and because it's my blog and I want the last word...there's to be a WOYWW Crop on Saturday 1st June.  We are not, repeat NOT taking names or asking for commitments yet; we are simply trying to give you time to get ready.  There will be loads more about this at a more appropriate time.  


Tuire Flemming said...

I'm participating again :)
Greetings from snowy Finland!
Tuire xx

Create With Joy said...

Happy WOYWW to you Julia! I had to smile when I read your post. You see, you are always fascinated by your ATG Gun - so many crafters are - but when I saw your desk, my eye went right to that big CALENDAR of yours!

Of course, I could not figure out if it was this year's or lasts, considering that it says July - and that crop (oh to be near!) is in June...

Ahh, the mysteries of WOYWW - always something new to ponder!

Create With Joy - (#1 again?!)

Ali H said...

Hi Julia - busy desk this week ! Where will the crop be in June ? Ali #4

KatzElbows said...

Plans are good, although ticking things off a to do list rocks as well. Your desk doesn't make me feel superior or smug; it makes me feel normal! I'm vaguely terrified of hot glue guns and always have a bowl of cold water standing by just in case. Good luck finishing what you have to do. I hope you get to what you want to do soon.

Happy WOYWW,
Rachel #3

Claire said...

Wow!! now THAT's a busy desk!! i see you keep your ribbons in the same type of jar as me... and i'm loving the calendar page - stunning!!
Happy Wednesday, dear Julia :o)
no. 10

Anonymous said...

Good morning missus. You are looking very productive. So with you on the hot glue. I end up with my fingers stuck together more often then not, and the thing I'm trying to glue stuck to me too. I loved your card overview the other day, btw. Such lovely samples. Now you've announced it, I am excited for the next Woyww meet too! Yippee.
Hope to see you at crop in between :)

Cheers, m'dear....


Sandy said...

Lists are great for getting things done as long as you follow them.. I always seem to make them and them and forget where I put them.. Now that I have found a handy little gadget called notes on my iphone there will be no more excuses.. Here's to getting more things done and ticking off those lists.. Love the big button on July..
Sandy :)

peggy aplSEEDS said...

i see you have been very busy, Julia! good for you! i tidied up first so now i can get down to messing up my desk!

Kyla said...

Ooh really busy desk, loving the calendar. I am a big fan of both glossy accents and hot glue guns (though I have discovered glossy accents doesn't wash out of clothes!).

Kyla #18

HeARTworks said...

How exciting! Another crop I can't go to! :^) looking forward to a new year with same old exciting desks! This is the bestest party! Patsy

Eliza said...

Julia great advice I always reciprocate the blog calling and don't like that word verification. I do try and leave a message but if word thingy is on and I can't get it after 2 try's then I give up and move on.

I think I should show a post one day on scissors and how many I have coz what you see on my desk is only a few lol

Your desk makes me laugh and smile I find it amusing to say the least. You must do a post on the finished calendars

Also thank you for running this blog every week it has been a. Pleasure to participate in and there are so many lovely people on this link


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Ah Julia how I would love to come to that crop.. but not travelling in near future for a long time if then.. however your desk.. you have me wondering if when you use those alphabet stencils they need to be cleaned or does the ink dry and not transfer the second time.. not used them you see...
I love the effect though well done, also love how you use boring time to do crafty things! and happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #6

A Hovel to Home said...

ohhh squeee, I might be able to make that one too. I missed the last one because of the house sale/move etc.

How exciting.

Very inspiring desk sweetie.



Neil said...

Hi, nice busy desk this week. You can never have enough scissors.......
Pity , the crop is planned for the same date as The Craft Barn's weekend Extravaganza this year, no good for me then!
Have a lovely day!

Anonymous said...

Another Week and another busy Desk. I love your Calendar.

Sue from Oregon said...

Hello Julia!!! I made it this week! My desk looks much like yours this week, except I have a real cutie looking on whilst I work away! Enjoyed all the pics of the cards you received for the holidays and some of your pretty decorations too!

Darnell said...

Your calendar page is a stunner, Julia, and good job getting them almost done!! Thanks so much for another WOYWW! I really missed it last week when I couldn't manage any visits! I've a full day tomorrow, but can hop around the linkies the other days. Have a great week! Hearts, Darnell #17

Di said...

See, the crop clashes with the Craft Barn's extravaganza sez Neil - therefore it follows that you must change the date from 1st June. It has nothing to do with the fact that sadly I can't make it on 1st of June of course.

Wasn't it dark and gloomy yesterday - beginning to feel like a mole here :(

Happy WOYWW!

Hugs, Di xx

Jenny Marples said...

You are so brave playing with a glue gun! I shudder to think what could happen with that thing in my hands:) Loving those alpha stencils - what are they made of/where do they come from? Anything which makes the crafting process a little faster is a good thing. So impressed with the mental organisation too. Hope it all gets done so you can play. Hugs, Jenny #35

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I love peeling glue off my fingers after using w hot glue gun!! There's something peculiarly satisfying about it.... You're doing well with th calendar pages :) nearly there!

Robin said...

Good Morning Julia! I love your Glossy Accents receptacle! You know, that stuff, along with other like products gets stuck just about anywhere that will hold the dern thing upside down. I can relate to the dark outside! It's hard to take a photo when it's dark outside...but hey....we can still see each other's desk! Don't loose your glasses!

Hugs, Robin

toni said...

good morning, love the calendar page and those huge stencils. Happy new year Julia! its good to find some time to join in again x

fairy thoughts said...

hi julia
glad to hear you are nearly done with the calendars. I hate the way glossy accents glues up like that too. Still trying to make one of those cd hoder thingys for the sticckles that might help
janet.. just off to work

Helen said...

Love the calendar, I spotted it straight away. I am also looking out at a totally black sky, it seems very dark today! Didn't realise the 1st was the Craft Barn extravaganza but as they're moving shortly I don't think I can get to them now, so would still be free...!!I am scared of hot glue guns though I understand they are very useful.... there is one kicking around somewhere at home too!
Helen, 7 I think.

Annie said...

Good morning Julia. You've shown me your mess and this week I've shown you my wooly much yumminess on my table this morning. I'm always facinated by the different sort of....mess......that happens because of the different creativeness that is going on.
Have a great week.
A x

Hettie said...

Morning Miss. I have a gunky bottle of Glossy Accents, the first time ever, and cannot wait until it is all gone. If I cut the nozzle down any more as I keep splitting it with the pin, then it goes in the Bin!!
Definately pic of my desk today on my blog.

okienurse said...

Yay! #188. Your desk is looking awesome with all sorts of fun things going on! I hate my hot glue gun I think it has it in for me as does the darn heat tool for embossing. Melted down some clear stamps with that darn thing! Have a great week. Vickie

Twiglet said...

Looks like you have had a busy week on that desk Julia! Mine is piled high with fabric - nothing new there then! x Jo

MrsC.x said...

am back now sorry had to link and run girls decided to attempt to kill each other!

nice busy desk this week; a girl can never have enough pairs of scissors do you have ones that you brought just because they're floral or cow print too? ;)

i am useless with a glue gun and have the burns to prove it so much so that my gun is under lock and key in Mr.C's shed!

i agree on the word verification it stops me leaving a comment cos i just get annoyed with the things so i dont even try any more

happy woyww Mrs.C #28 x

sara j said...

I feel like all is right in my crafting world when i'm in's such a lovely touchstone. Thanks again for your kindness and commitment to providing this for us!!

MiniOwner said...

Good morning! Your blog is looking good and lots of exciting stuff doing on on your workdesk, too. I love my ATG gun and hate my hot glue thingy on equal measures. :o) Happy Wednesday. BBL to do some desk hopping - off to get my nails done.
Sue x (MiniOwner@53)

My name is Cindy said...

Wow, (or should that be woyww)she can multi task - who'd have thought it? Not giving you may name - but will so be there! Cindyx

Ann B said...

Morning Julia. Love the calendar on you desk. Always plan on doing one myself but this year I bought the Countryfile Children In Need one. Those stencils look very useful, not seen them before and interested to know where you got them please.
Still in bed with my cuppa - thank goodness for my iPad.
Ann B

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

And because I can't see your links is why I can't/won't join in. It's that reciprocity that keeps me away, not being first on the list. Of course being first on the list has its perks (grin). Have a great week and use that glue gun with care.

Redanne said...

Hi Julia, you are always so organised and always seem to have a plan.....sigh. The calendar looks huge! I use a cool melt glue gun but it still gets very hot and hurts like heck if you get glue on you.....but I will persevere. Happy WOYWW, Hugs, Anne x #47

lisa said...

I'm in the same quandery (is that a word!!!) about doing what has to be done so that I can play, trouble is I find, when you've finished the important tasks another load have appeared and that precious play time gets put off!!!
Love Love Love those stencils, they look great on your page.
Hugs Lisax #59

mamapez5 said...

Ha Julia. I can relate to the upside down bottle of glossy accents - it's just remembering where I upturned it that's the problem. I made calendars last year to sell and was quite taken aback when I worked out what they had cost to make. It was a donation to charity anyway, so it didn't really matter, but it made me think twice about doing it in such numbers again this year. I love your work space. It is always busy like mine used to be, before I had a hairy cat who plays with anything I don't pack away at night! Have a good week. Kate x #57

Unknown said...

The calendar was the first thing my eyes landed on also, it looks rather big but then big is beautiful is it not? I should know 'cause my rear end is getting larger by the day with all this sitting at the comp and crafting.

Not surprised the Aussie weather has made news internationally esp the fires, we're lucky not to be in any danger now that we live where we do and we have a lake at the bottom of our garden albeit rather stinky and polluted.
Cheers, Elaine #48

Lynn Holland said...

Had to use my gun to mend the ornament that the dopey husband knocked off it's perch. It was worth saving as it has nice memories and we've had it years. I'm not the most delicate of workers so we've now got a pot dog with 3 wonky legs.
I've taken up a new 12 week online course so my desk will be full of stuff for that for a while.
Hope you have a good year Julia.

caz said...

Early this week!! Off for play day with Hels so will be late having a look round but I've posted the Candy winners which was the important thing - got to get your priorities right!! (but sorry you didn't win!!)
Caz #66

Andrea said...

what a busy desk the calendar looks fab and am I the only person who doesn't yet own glossy accents?.I will get around everyone later in week and some tonight ( ihope) need to dash today have a fab week ..hugs Andrea x

JoZart Designs said...

Great to see how crafty you are and I am rearing to get going but i'm looking at an empty desk. Love the calendar.
Love the news that there will be another WOYWW event which is something great to look forward to. Hope to be there!
Lots of love
Jo x

Ann B said...

Hi again. Just responding to your question re birds. Did I paint them? I wish I did, but no they are from a sheet of German scrap, full of birds and butterflies. I did stick them on though so I claim some of the artistic credit
Ann B

BJ said...

Oh my - what a morning, up late for getting DS ready for school AGAIN! remembered WOYWW and jumped to link up at #52 today. Been busy ever since with DS and household stuff and even washed my hair! Looks like everyone is back into the swing of things with WOYWW and your calendars are coming on a treat and those big letter stencils are great. BJ#52

Morti said...


I've made it this week..... must be starting to feel a bit more normal.... there ever such a thing in the land of Morti?

Unknown said...

hi there Julia....busy desk this week...look out for big glue gun...burns like crazy!!
i love gals plan ahead...I am going to one on saturday.

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, Noticed yesterday that its still getting dark really early, so it could be anything after 5.00pm at your desk, lol. Loving the idea of the WOYWW meet, already dropped a hint last night- along the lines of' Julia's holding another meet on the 1st of June', lol.Subtle I thought. Have a good day, Hugs, Shaz #71 xx

Claire Grantham said...

Happy New Year Julia! This is my first WOYWW of the year. My desk looks relatively tidy, despite all the stuff on it - does that make any sense?

Jaki Morris said...

I love your posts so much, you have such a wonderful way with words.

I am ever hopeful that I will be free on the first of June!

Take care, especially with the hot glue gun

Jakix #73

Glenda said...

It's always so nice to come visit and see all you have going on! Love your desk this week and the calendar is amazing! Every time I use the hot glue gun, I wind up with a burn!
Glenda #78

Shoshi said...

Cor, Julia, what a gloriously messy, industrious looking desk! Definitely the spirit of WOYWW. Happy New Year - it's my first WOYWW of the year, having forgotten all about it last week... ah well. I love working with hot glue, especially now I've got my monster Rolls-Royce of a Bosch glue gun!

Happy WOYWW, and thanks for hosting us yet again.

Shoshi #77

Kate said...

The blogs gone all colourful and cheerful, very nice Mrs D.

I haven't started any calendars yet, pre-Christmas there just didn't seem to be time. Sigh, there just never seems to be time for all the projects that are in my head!!

** Kate **

Lori said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lori said...

Hi all. Sandee introduced me to this fun group. Looking forward to getting to know everyone. #81

ellie said...

happy new year julia or did i say that last week-cant remember! love your calendar page-would love to go to your crop but since im from ni its prob not feasible-maybe if there were a few woywwers from ni we could organise our own

The House of Bears said...

We can still see a smidgeon of desk to craft on, so it counts as tidy, riight?

Becky said...

Well now, I think the upside down birthday card is a nice addition to the calendar page, all bathed in the mood lighting ;) Happy WOYWW!! #86

pearshapedcrafting said...

Love your calendar page! It was very dark when you took your photo wasn't it - mind you it's 11.30 here and still not very light! Oh! and what is it with Glossy Accents bottles??!! Chris

Laura said...

I've missed joining in for the last couple of weeks!
Your desk is looking fab this week

Unknown said...

Now why didn't I think of putting glossy accents upside down. I am forever ruining the nozzle by sticking my pokey tool down it to clear the gunge.

Lovely to see your desk and join in again after a Christmas break, thanks.
Carolyn #90 (I think it was)

Craftychris said...

wow you are productive! I love the calender page. I am trying to be productive but inspiration is absent but I am just throwing myself in today and seeing what happens! I have glue in various pots upside down too - makes for a much easier life! xx

Anonymous said...

I made calendars from my folks and inlaws this year and I sis not think them costly and did tem by hand as well. Let me know what is making them pricey and maybe I can tell you what I used that was cheaper...then again every thing is cheaper in the US:) Happy WOYWW-Lindsay 90-somthing:)

Karen said...

I am banned from playing with all craft tools that need a plug on the end of them after spending hours in A&E. You're so brave! Happy WOYWW! Karen 90 x

Belinda Basson said...

Thanks for sorting out my link...must have just hit inter instead of paste first! I want to try get a local crop going on the 1st June too...should be fun, we can have some going all over the world...all on the same day!

Elizabeth said...

Hi Julia, I see you've had a change of look. I was just about to change mine back to my favourite spring look when I saw yours!!! I really don't know what this says about us but we do seemed to have the same taste in templates. Needless to say, I'm putting my thinking cap on and going, I hope, for something completely different :) Wishing you well with your plans to do the things you have to do to get to the things you want to do. Hugs, Elizabeth (coughing and spluttering) xx #69

Erika said...

Happy crafting Julia, loving your calendar. Would really like to make your crop, but I believe it's too far away.
Have a great Wednesday, hugs Erika.

Sue McDonald said...

thats how my desk after a great crafting we're having fun sadly mines all neat and tidy today!!!!!!!

Words and Pictures said...

Well, better late than never - hadn't planned to be here, as like Elizabeth I'm still coughing and spluttering, but I couldn't resist it! Love your Alpha stencils - having a definite Letters thing at the moment - and I love that your desk is just as chaotic as mine... And wow - another crop!
Alison x

Keren Howell said...

Happy WOYWW Julia! Peeking at your desk in my lunch hour again (it is allowed, honestly). Those big letter stencils look useful - stencilling is one of those things that I just can't master, but I do like the effect! xxx Keren

Anonymous said...

Ooh another crop, we're planning a trip home this year but I know it won't be June, more like April or early May. At least someone is absorbed in crafty bussiness, certainly ain't me!

Brenda 94

ria gall said...

Hi Julia

I am new to this and am looking forward to looking through the blogs and desks.

I love your calendar.


Unknown said...

Very productive looking desk and your calendar is looking fabulous.

Unknown said...

Woo Hoo I remembered this week. I wanted to state that my post is really a pooor excuse for a woyww, however I can't very well showcase my space since I'm building up to the big reveal this week of my newly renovated space.. so instead I showcased some parts of my space.. lol

Monica said...

Started last night to post and lost power in thunder storm. years since we had one like this. I agree with the word verification. thanks to this web posting i finally straightened out my blog.

Unknown said...

Oh my! Your ATG gun down and out! I'd be lost without mine! And I just gotten an order in of 12 rolls this past week! Hope you show your calendar pages when complete! Happy WOYWW and thanks!
Carol N #98

Katie said...

I love the calendar on your desk!

Happy WOYWW!
Katie #107

505whimsygirl said...

Hello Julia,

Nice, crafty desk this week! What is it about scissors anyway? I have lots of pairs but when I need one they have all run and hid!

Not joining in this week as there is nothing on my desk..... bah


Sandi McLean said...

Just popping in to say hello! Missed two weeks but life know how it goes. Warmest crafty wishes for 2013!

Fiona@staring at the sea said...

Loving the big stencilled font on your calendar page. I've certainly kept it brief this week!

Karen McAlpine said...

cool Calendar! I like your idea of fitting in a few minutes here and there. You really can get quite a bit down this way! I usually stop in my studio on the way to do other things and maybe tidy up a bit or put a few new things away. I am off to do my post. Have a great day!!

MaryH said...

Good Morning Miss Julia! I have enjoyed your WOYWW for so long, but I was just too embarrassed to let anyone see my work space. Was way too, too messy! The Playground girls were telling me how much fun they share at WOYWW, so I cleaned up enough so that I could participate and not just watch from the shadows! I hope I did all the linking bit properly, and thank you for hosting the party. Love to see how everyone creates....Have a wonderful day. Hugs

Mary said...

Ah, another Wednesday and I love visiting your desk. July...did you hear a gasp from me....You are quite the inspiration young lady. I must say I think this is the week that I truly feel I am getting back to normal. Normal cleaning, crafting and living. The holidays are but a memory and a dream for 2013. See you again next week.

Krisha said...

You calander is most beautiful Ms. Julia. Glue guns are great, and so are the burns. I too keep a bowl of ice water near when using one ....LOL Always love reading your post and all the Last words too.
Krisha #110

Carole Z said...

Love your calendar! This is the first time I have joined in with WOYWW,be back next week! Carole Z X

peggy gatto said...

Happy new year to all!!!
Your desk looks very happy!!!

akilli melek said...

Happy new year.I missed last week with all the madness of moving home and having DH home. So taking some time out this week to catch up with some friends and their desks lol.

Unknown said...

Well I hope it comes through as this is my first time, on checking I see my name is on the list twice! How is that for keenness? Actually I don't know how that happened.

SandeeNC said...

I sure wish I couldjoin the WOYWW crop, I would love to meet all of you in person! ((hugs across the pond )) waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

Sarah Leonard said...

OK - confession time: I accidentally linked up the wrong post first of all at number 125(oops)!

I have linked up the real post at number 129.

D'oh! First time linking up to your lovely hop and I'm looking forward to finding some lovely new blogs to read and follow :)

Thanks for hosting!

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Caro said...

Wonderfully busy looking desk. The calendar is coming along nicely. Thanks for sharing. Caro #46

Belinda said...

Julia, I know exactly what you mean about things I need to do and things I want to do. I am sitting here thinking how good it would be to curl up with a good book on the couch when I know in another five minutes I have to go freeze my tooshie off at pick up for the boys. Ok so perhaps that wasn't exactly what you meant but I'm just sayin'!

Hope you have a blessed day and thanks as always for keeping this amazing thing, going.


Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I really think a BIG calendar like yours would be way over my head for commitment. But you have many, many more activities to list and keep up with. The good of being young.
Happy WOYWW and I hope you enjoy the birthday get together.

misteejay said...

Well done on the progress with the calendar pages - looking great Mrs D.

Toni xx

Jules said...

This is my first time linking up with WOYWW...after seeing your photo, I was brave enough to post my Glad someone else scraps like I do. Love your calendar and I look forward to seeing you next week for another WOYWW!

Unknown said...

Your calendar is so pretty! So excited you are planning a June crop--take lots of pics. Oooh...maybe some of your American friends could skype in for a while! --Sandy Leigh

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Insert my witty and insightful comment here about how an industrial strength sized glue gun will cause industrial sized burns. And messes.

Unknown said...

You know Julia, I am not a fan of the glue gun...until my daughter gave me this tiny, teeny, small, light, gun that takes glue plugs that are skinny, and light and small as well. The gun does not get very hot and so I don't BURN myself with it, and it's just enough for the glue to melt and that is it...and the plugs are skinny so one doesn't get a PUDDLE of excess glue with the attending strings of glue that fly through the air to stick to my hair and whatever comes near to the scene. Now I do use a hot glue gun, but still, rarely. Love your desk this week. Hugs, Norma, x p.s. Happy New Year everyone!!

Debs Willis said...

Hi Julia, long time no visit! Like the crafty collection on your desk, not so much the big black nothingness outside - too gloomy at the mo!

happy woyww


Anne said...

Great calendar - your desk is always so creative looking - mine is so tidy and boring in comparison. I've never been to a crop- how wonderful it would be though to meet some of you. Happy WOYWW Anne x #135

She Who Doodles said...

glad to see you are still hosting WOYWW. i've been away from blogging for awhile and this is always a great place to reconnect.

Liz B said...

Love the Calendar- thanks for hosting us! :)

Racu said...

I see we're back up to our usual numbers. Whee! It's always fun to see what others are working on. I'm still looking for that giant glue gun you said was's like those object search games. :d

Nan b #139

Anonymous said...

Hi, Julia! I'm glad you're feeling motivated to get your calendar pages done -- you're on the home stretch now! The letters look good -- stain and stencils, you say? Nice job. :) Happy Wednesday from Laura #141

Queen Lightwell said...

Ooh, making a calendar seems like a really good idea this time of year...while all the ones at the store are nowhere near as pretty and are pretty expensive themselves. I haven't had to store my glossy accents upside down yet and I'm always super quick to get my lid back on because I've been a'fearin' that tip getting stopped up with dried stuff problem I've heard about...anyways, I digress! Your desk looks like you been having a great time when you've had time and thank you, as always, for hostessing us! I did want to mention some people who link up may not realize they aren't linking to their WOYWW post, because they are linking to their blog, just not directly to the WOYWW post...I figured out I have to publish my WOYWW post then look at it on my blog and click on it, wait for it to reload just that post, so only that post is on the page, and then that address is the direct one and the one I use to link here...maybe some people don't realize you have to take that extra step before you link up? Because if you don't take that extra step then when you put a new post up, that isn't WOYWW, that's what we see when we click the link when we really just want to see your mess, I mean desk. :) Of course, if they aren't posting pics of their desk/workspace that's not much fun, either, now is it? :) Have a fab week and thanks, again, for hostessing us! :) Deeyll #142

jude said...

What aproductive desk you have this week .Sorry been AWOL since June but im back fingers crossed health keeps up.Hopefully after looking around all these desks my mojo will appear and have somethign to show next week .
Happy new year Julia hope it's agood one have missed you all!sorry day late better late than never just trying to get back to normality after festive season seem to get confused which day it is ...thats not
hugs judex

Francesca said...

Your desk looks great. You will see that I have posted twice. Yesterday blogger decided to remove the brower button for uploading pics. I was so lost, but helpful hints from blogland and my friend Karin, I'm back in action so have blogged again today. Love francesca #58/145

Angie said...

Late to the party, been digging out from under the organization I created lol! I love the windows, I'm a big fan of windows light or dark out they really add something to a space, gives me somewhere to look and daydreaming away....

RosA said...

Hi Julia, Happy New Year!
Love that calendar page. Keep meaning to do one of those but never seem to get around to it. I guess I could try real hard :) seeing as it's still only January!
Blogger wouldn't be nice to me on Wed (or today either) so I got here via Google Chrome. Boy, am I pleased with my technical prowess :) !
RosA # 149 and last, Iexpect :)

Queenie Jeannie said...

Made it through the whole list this week!! I'm thinking my new Kindle Fire had something to do with it, lol!!! Best Christmas present ever!!!!! Have a great week, Julia!

Laurart said...

Hi Julia - Thanks for leaving a comment on my blog! Sorry I am late replying - better late than never ;o)
Love your desk - You are always so busy Love from Laura #55 xxxxx

famfa said...

Your calendar page looks good. Nice busy desk. Great big (dark) window - I wonder if that ladder's still out there?
Famfa x

Lisa Richards said...

Love the calendars! What a lot of time and effort you put into them!

Have a great WOYWW,
Lisa #149

Nelle said...

Hello Julia,
Thanks but you can only see a small space. It's the nightmare beyond that i was too ashamed to show..My friend came over to craft for the day. All i was looking for was one stamp. Every box, every folder, every drawer....The mess went on, and no i did't find the stamp. At this rate i will be posting the total melt down of my room next week.
Your desk look productive, not like mine.
Nelle xx

Unknown said...

Well, that was fun, 9-18pm Saturday night and I have visited everyone, I will pace myself over the week next time.
Thank you

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

Just realised that I have not left you a comment yet, Julia. My only excuse was that I was still in bed when I linked in and my Kindle did not want to play with comments at that point. Hope you have managed to degunge you various bottle. I am in the process of trying to remove the solidified remnants of Pinflair glue from one of the syringes - I might be a long time on that one. By the way, your calendar looks amazing. have a good week. xx Maggie #32

Michele's Scrapy Creations said...

hi Julia--wonderful desk with all those creativity.. love the calendar..
thanks for visiting my desk..

Happy WOYWW!
Michele #127

Sue McDonald said...

having fun for the 2nd week running...Sue#77

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