Well fellow WOYWWers, what can I say - this week has totally run away from me. Although, ironically, I visited all of last week's desks....there were about 10 that I simply could not get a comment to take on - I wonder if some of my visits were from work. I thought I had that computer tamed!I must warn you - you aren't going to like this. And I must warn you, if you aren't already resigned to my standard, you should probably take it on board, get it over with, and swallow! I can't change, this leopard has too many spots, this dog knows no new tricks, I have no new leaves..can't do it. BUT - I'm OK with it.If you aren't, look and rejoice that it's not yours. Same desk...something missing...hmmm....I know - that awful basket of stamps waiting to be cleaned! Well, the slutty bit got boring so I cleaned them. So where's the empty basket then Dunnit? Oh. Well. *cough* IT'S HERE! Yep. now all I have to do is put them away!!

So come on then, show your workspace without shame or regret. We don't mind, we revel in your craft related state. OK, I do. Upload to your blog, link it here, and we can pop over to see what you're up to, what you're using and in some cases, where we can buy it! When you visit other desks, add your link number to the comment you leave - then a re-visit is easy - and this is all about easy and fun!
Gloriously busy desk Julia... I am a bit smug today... finally got things tidy ROFL
well done on the stamp cleaning. I know what you mean about the tidy up. caroline
Welldone you for cleaning all those stamps...Lovely busy desk this week!
hugs judex 3
Well done you with the stamp cleaning.
Loving the desk today - lots to look at! Well done on cleaning your stamps. Now go put them away!! (9)
I seemed to spend most of Monday tidying up...yay you for getting those stamps sorted!
Where on earth were you standing to take that first shot? I have visions of a rather precariously balanced Julia, standing on top of your saddle seat thingy!
Take care girl!
My dirty stamp box isn't as big as yours, so I have to clean mine and put them away more often!
No new tricks? Hmmmmmm....that is HIGHLY questionable! Don't know how you do it all m'lady, but thanks for doin' it all.
I can never seem to figure out why commenting works or why it doesn't! Some weeks it's just Blogger full stop, sometimes it's if the comment block opens in a new window, sometimes not. I keep trying. You have piles of stamps to clean and re-file? Me? Stacks and stacks of paper. I drag it all out and then shift it from place to precariously balanced place... I do try to tidy once a week but sometimes it just doesn't happen!
Hi Julia,
Well all I can say is my desk is tidy (for once)! I hate cleaning my stamps but give them a quick wipe over with a baby wipe while the ink is still wet so it takes less effort than scrubbing them all later. Plus I nearly cry if I get ink on the wood (OCD big time!) so it is better for me to give them a quick wipe over immediately.
Susan xxox #12 this week (I'm moving up!)
Oh - ROFL! Love it!
Hi Julia
well done on getting all them stamps cleaned, lovely busy desk again,have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,(16).x
Morning Julia, Lovely exciting desk once again, lots of lovely goings on. well I suppose when you have lots of rubber on your desk it shows that you have been a very busy girl. Lots of Love JO.xx
now thats what i call a desk!
Well done on cleaning your stamps and thank you for the chance to play along on WOYWW this week xxx
I expanded , got busy, lost the mojo she flew away with yhe fairies.lol, but I am still here, and your pile of stamps looks just how I feel..lol
Desk is as creative as ever
Have a great day
Hugs x
I'm a cleaning freak I have to stamp, clean and put away....I wish I could be more messy, I'm sure I'm missing out, thanks for the peeek into your crafting world
hugs from Daniele
Well at least messy is more interesting than tidy. lots going on there. This blog is getting addictive.
Hugs Carol #32
LOL, well, i guess i am resigned to your standard because it looks ok it me. sorry, i have 2 links posted on Mr. Linky today. Patsy and I were both out of the office and she asked my sister to post but I didn't know about her request so I posted again.
Can you not clean as you go along? sorry did I say that out loud lol
Sure you are way too busy and use to many at one time
Happy WOYWW, lov your desk is so heaped up hehe
mandi x
Congrats on your cleaning session - next comes the 'putting away' session LOL
Very busy desk there...enjoy your creativity.
Toni :o)
I don't have a dirty stamp box.....I am worried now because that means either I don't do any where near enough stamping....or I have OCD!!!!
diane 37
can't believe I am able to join this week! I am so proud that you cleaned your stamps, Julia! I can sleep a bit easier at night now ;P (36)
Your desk, your mess. At least the stamps are clean so you have no need of this stamp washing fairy this week :-)
It certainly looks like you have been one very busy crafter this week and thats great. :-)
A x
I've always been the person who stamps so rarely, I clean my stamps as soon as I use them. Now I have decided to wait a few days to clean mine, since I mostly stamp with Staz-on and they take forever to clean. So, my dear friend, you have influenced ME. I have taken a lesson from you and think I'm now saving time. You did a fabulous job of cleaning these, I must say. Have a lovely day Ms Leopard.
Oooh er! that looks like an explosion in a stamp factory, but you are really redeemed for cleaning all those stamps. Once they are tidied away it will be a transformation! Busy crafting makes mess....so you've got to craft to make it!
Hugs Jo x
Well if you are cleaning all your stamps you can hardly be expected to have a tidy desk now - it would be like stopping craftworking to do some house tidying or something ;)!!!!
I think you're right, we definitely have different definitions of untidy!
Julia, what an amazing aerial shot in the first picture. I'm not going to ask how you stood to get this one. Well, that's a job well done cleaning the stamps. You've just got to put them away so that can be a photo for next week!!! Best wishes and thanks for the snoop, Kym xxx (WOYWW No 42)
Ah it's good to see things haven't changed much in my absence, same old messy Julia lol...
So you cleaned your stamps...such a good girl! Love the messy desk - just wish I could make the pics bigger - I don't see very well and it is hard to snoop if you don't see ha, ha....
your dsk looks as busy as mine, and I haven't even been any where near it for days!!
will pop back later...late as usual!
good job getting your stamps cleaned.. I just use some baby wipes to clean mine real fast if I am in a hurry.. DO you use baby wipes for your stamps? Anyway.. thanks for letting us hang out here at your blog and have to much fun!!
Shirley Pumpkin #47
I like the stability you offer in remaining as you are...slutty
hee hee
It looks like you are hovering over your desk great aerial shot of lots of activity. I am a baby wipes stamp cleaning type of crafter then I have to clean them again in the stamp scrubber!!! OCD I think... love the free flowing atmosphere of your desk.
Hey Julia - clean stamps! Well if you are in the cleaning mood how about popping over and helping me with my mess! I should be tidying now - lol - and here I am about to follow Mr Linky!!!
Good Morning Julia, I made it, Yay! Your desk is suitably crafty today, top marks for cleaning those poor little stamps, they deserved it. Have a magical day:0) xx
Glad I'm not the only one who gets halfway through a job! Maz H (65) x
I've come to the conclusion that I am very very sad as I clean every stamp after using it! I must learn that it is not the end of the world to be in a creative muddle occasionally as I really enjoy looking at your workspace - it somehow seems..well... creative :-)))
I can see the wood on the desk! Enjoy putting those stamps away, I can't leave mine out or they get "borrowed".
be blessed Julia
from Angela #68
Ooo my fingers are itching to come and tidy those stamps away for you! How long would it take me to get to yours?
Well done Julia for getting all those stamps cleaned! Gold star for you my dear. :)
Hope you are well.. it's been a while!
I like your sluttishness - allows the rest of us to join you without fear of shame or reprisal. OK... a little shame but no reprisal ;)
Back later with my desk, at the mo need tea, lots of tea. Am so cold - cannot function!
I hate cleaning stamps, good for you for doing it, BTW were you floating above the desk when you took that first picture? I tend to fall off the chair when I try & lean over to take a "direct from above shot".
C (#74)
I'm ba-ack :) Work is a fraction calmer so I've taken a few minutes for myself. Nice to see things are still the same chez Dunnit. I think my desk makes yours look almost OCD tidy, LOL
Well, at least you cleaned them.
Congratulations....hope you find a place to store your now cleaned stamps from where you can easily find them. At least in the basket, you know where they are!
Sue xxx
Hate tidying up, never put away in the same place and then waste so much time finding it again, never learn! Fab desk as usual Julia. Carolxx......79
Hi Julia - so glad WOYWW coincides with my day off! It means this is the one blog I can add to! Thanks for the opportunity to share with crafting pals - it's much more rewarding than the 'hmm, that's nice' I tend to get round here LOL! x
I'll send the cleaning fairy over once she's done here Julia:)
a basket of stamps always catch my eyes! love what is on your desk! :)
Good for you for cleaning all those stamps! I will keep checking in to see when you put them away ... good thing I am a follower of your blog cuz I have a feeling that may be awhile from now, lol! Just teasing!
Thank you for continuing to host WOYWW even with your new DT job! Big congratulations on that !!!
Karen #81
nope, I am #82 (oops)
Love the birds eye view of your desk :) So much to look at! Love the wreath stamp.
Jenny (83)
I love it! My kind of crafty space. I must confess though that I do clean my stamps as soon as I use them -- even if they then spend weeks waiting to be put away in their rightful spot.
Happy WOYWW!
Sheena #84
Hi Julia,
Glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t clean my stamps straight away. Although I’m not as organized as you and put them all together in a basket …….oh no…..mine are all over the place, on the window ledge, on the table, on the computer desk, in fact anywhere there’s a flat surface there’s bound to be a stray stamp or two, Lol!
Must try harder now that you’ve cleaned all yours.
Wow.. that's almost as messy as my desk! :lol: Except.. um.. my mess has spread from the crafting area into the computer area as well! :)
Ali #87
Is a lovely basket of clean stamps as bad as a basket of dirty ones? Nah, because at least you can put them away when you find 5 minutes! Your desk is a mass of creativity as usual Julia... maybe its the Christmas thing... I always start tidying up before the decs go up!!
clean stamps!! Never!! I think your desk looks fab!! love the stamps too, Im very messy this week....oops!
Once I can get a pic uploaded, my desk will actually show some skin today as I've had to clean up for our impending holiday...but, let it go on the record that that is an un-natural state for me and that I LOVE your jumbled desk! Have fun sorting!
The sense of the familiar is always comforting, at least the stamps are clean!
I too have stamps I must clean! However I have removed them from my desk before I took the pic's! I know I know, its ment to be the good with the bad I am showing here, but I just cant show the ruff bits,...yet! Too much of a Tidy Kind! I am sorry I will show you a messy desk, eventually, when I get round to making one! Take care Julia!
No worries, dear Julia - they not only got cleaned - more importantly, they got USED!
I think I enjoyed reading everyone's comments as much as I did the post - you always know how to get a good converstaion rolling!
Have a great week! I have to get some rest so I can prepare for the guests and guard the turkey from the Royal Taste Tester!
Julia I think you did the hard bit in cleaning them, leave em where they are lol! I have a stack of stamps which need cleaning, infact I think every stamp I own needs a scrub lol. Have a good week. Joey (17) xxx
cleaning whats that! can't remember last time I had a duster in my hand, let alone cleaned my work desk..........Olive xxxxx
Cleaning? Are you supposed to do that?
3D flowers on my WOYWW today. I'm showing results but not the mess that bought me to them!
You clean your stamps? I just put them back in the box and hope I remember to clean them off before I use them again..lmao!!! Looks like you are deep into creating this week..
Wow, well done on cleaning the stamps! I just wipe off them with a rag :) And please don't change, be yourself!
Love the busy desk with lots of interesting things.
Very busy and productive looking desk this week Julia...unlike mine...lol...have a great rest of the week!!! Kirsti xxx
Number 100 this week, think I'm getting further and further down the list lol. Very jealous of all those stamps! xx
Ew, I despise cleaning my stamps. It's like matching up the socks or scrubbing the toilets! Kudos to you, well done!! #104 (wowsers!)
all hail messy crafters! I'm with you on that one, although I have vowed to have a really good clean up and clear out in the next couple of weeks as I'm getting to the point where I can't find things!
Impressive on the stamp cleaning. Luckily I no longer have that issue with my stampin scrub pad, saves me a job that I loathe to do!
Why put all those lovely clean stamps away now - they're nice and on hand for re-using! You could always invest in another basket!!
Sherry (105)
Sounds like your busy!.Love all those stamps. Just get another basket. Enjoy your day.
I can understand that you've been putting off cleaning your stamps. It's such a drag (just like mounting them for that matter)! I always try to do it right after crafting. I really try to discipline myself in order to avoid utter chaos. Now, there's a nice basket of clean stamps waiting to be put away at your desk! #66
A basket of clean stamps is really nice. Putting them away - oh well, or put them right to work again! I always like your creative work space.
Wow the stamp cleaning basket is over flowing with clean stamps, I am impressed. No point putting them away as you will need them..lol
Classic blog post regarding mess...I think we've all been there! lmao!
Sam x
Lovely crafty clutter on your desk. I too have a large pile of stamps that need putting away, but I didn't show the pile - too ashamed I guess.
Nice busy desk. Want to come clean all my stamps too?!
Dee x
Well, some can do it, come can't and some do it occasionally. I'm one of each - messy desk that is. Hey it's mine, who else cares?? Happy woyww Julia. (13)
You are a girl after my own heart. Stash on the table, grab what suits your fancy and start making something fun. Clean stamps? It's over-rated! hugs
You've done a grand job cleaning them all Julia. If you put them away you'll probably need them straight away anyway!!!!
Hugs Lisax (116)
I used to clean my stamps after each use and decided it took too much art time away.......Now I clean when in the mood.
wishing you all happy holidays ahead!!!
Stay well, stay warm, travel safely!
I know, I know... Late in posting again! I guess Vegas hasn't woken up yet, Oh, wait! We never sleep!
Hope you all have a marvelous week! Hugs!
Deb #118
I've got clean stamps too, had to tidy yesterday as all the piles were merging into one and there was no push back available!!! Hugs Pam x
I'm back for another week, can't wait to see what everyone else has posted.
I don't envy you that horrid task. Didn't manage to get round everyones desk last week as home life was a bit hectic but will try to this week.
Mrs A. 120
Hi Julia, well it's taken me until 7.45pm to get back here, it's been such a busy day trying to tie up loose ends and finish projects. Your desk looks very busy but I think it's good that we are all different in the way we work, how dull would it be if we were all the same. Love the basket of stamps, ready for a lovely rummage. Tracy Evans x x
oh, stamps need to be cleaned? what do you use? i do clean them if i use paint but didn't realize i needed to if i used ink.
Cynthia, you don't necessarily have to clean your stamps of ink. I don't. Unless you count wiping them on my jeans!
And Julia, your desk is fabulous. I love WOYWW because it encourages all to be shameless and accept ourselves. I'm messy. I'm not proud of it, but I'm not ashamed. Thanks Julia.
Oops nearly forgot to list this week - received some new goodies in the post so was playing - so my desk isnt that tidy at the moment - love your busy place thanks for sharing x
There's just something so comforting about seeing a fellow messy desk. This is great fun to do - thanks!
Hi Julia, I almost didn't post to WOYWW - blogger was really acting up and rejecting my photos. I've experienced a few problems trying to visit other WOYWWers too. Bet you didn't expect it to take of the way it has:) Your desk looks like there's a lot going on. Bonnie's fine, thanks. Elizabeth #44
Howdy All,
On my workdesk check out the 'garage sale' finds from the scrapbooking retreat I attended this past weekend.
With my sprained ankle slowing me down, I still haven't unpacked supplies yet. And I must hobble up and down the stairs to do a load of laundry before going out to dinner manana...but Friday I promise I'll do some art!
Would love for you to stop by and help me celebrate my 1st year blogoversary by entering the nifty Give-a-way!
I think your area is perfectly rumagable!! I get my best ideas that way. When things are put away--out of sight-out of mind--don't you know! I'm just glad I didn't have anything breakable (or edible) on mine!
Hi, glad to know I am not the only one that takes their time with cleaning up stamps. This is my first time I have entered a pic, so be gentle. Lol. Blessings Hilde
Hi Julia,
Thanks for this great segment. You should take a look at Kim #133 very funny.
Kelly #134
Hi Julia - thanks for visiting - NEVER hesitate to ask! lol
Blank page demons are the ones that hide out until you get yourself a new pristine mixed media journal or sketch book, and then come and whisper scary things about 'messing up the pages by putting your rubbish in it' - they're closely related to the inner critic!! So I reckoned - no blank pages - demons bog off!! So far it's working! :-)
Hi again, i just wanted to say what a lovely bunch of ladies you all are. Thanks for everyones comments so far, I only just posted my pic earlier today( my first time), and have visited a bunch of others and have had so much fun reading everyone;s stories. Thanks everyone for making my day, blessings Hilde
Hi Julia, just catching up and having a nose at everyone's desks.... Lovely busy desk once again, lots of lovely things. Good luck with the cleaning. Hugs JO xxx (33)
Hiya Julia Wednesday became Thursday somehow. Hope everybody ok. Love the fishes and how you are rising to your digital challenge. It will all get easier as you do more and just think-no more stamps to clean!Hugs BettyXXX
Sorry, I posted this three times! It wasn't showing up and I added too many times. I apologize. The Paper Princess introduced me to your site. So very cool.
I love clean stamps. Ink stained is good though.
Well done on getting your stamps cleaned!
Have a good weekend
Alison x
My studio is WaY to MeSSy to work in today so I moved my latest project to the kitchen island !
Creativity must continue...
Julia your desk is always a flurry of activity :) I'm such a Bad WOYWW .... I've been wee bit Busy with everything hopefully soon :)
hugs Nikki C
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