This is a scheduled post; for the sort of time I normally try to post - to meet overseas demands (oh get me with international readers!!). No, really forget all that, I just want you to know that I'm off and out really early this morning to fit in all sorts before rushing Miss Dunnit and a chum down to Portsmouth University for an Open Day. I don't mind at all, obviously, but jeez, fitting in other bits as well is causing a lack of sleep! Anyway, so on Tuesday afternoon after work, my desk looked like this:

Rather an odd angle, I grant you - no idea why, probably the mojo was in need of a cuppa! So: the basket of stamps to be cleaned is quite full - but actually they're all Christmas stamps so they kinda have to wait...! The white pot for sponges also helpfully and probably quite permanently holds an upside down bottle of cosmic shimmer spray. Upside down to stop it leaking from the cracked (and now heavily taped) corner. Cracked because it fell on the floor and I stepped back onto it whilst trying to find it. Yep, rude words. There's a finished but to be re-worked card right in the middle of the desk - I've walked round it for quite a long time now, so must put the next idea into attempt mode. To the left by one of the three pairs of scissors in view are two keyrings - characters made of string. Miss Dunnit wants me to mend them. One of the characters has an unravelling paw and the other is just well, unravelling. I have so much empathy that I'm gonna dunk 'em in glue and see if it's a cure-all. Gah, wouldn't that be wonderful! The rest is all a bit ho-hum and looking like last week I think - I didn't think to photo the die cutting area - perhaps I'll 'treat' your sore eyes to that later in the week!
Inspire me, do. Photograph and upload to your blog a picture of your workdesk - whatever work you're doing. Quite a few of us would like to come and have a rummage, see what you're working on, what you've got - you know. Link it here and we'll swing by when we can - sometime between now and next Wednesday probably! Don't be offended by a no show or a quick visit, just revel in your new found exposure!
wow julia can't believe I made it to first this week....good luck with the stamp cleaning and I love the specs left abandoned already for the next crafty session...big hugs kath xxx
yip, and i'm one of those international followers who is up and about early this morning too. good luck at the open day.
Did you colour co-ordinate your scraps? Loving all the stamps too. caroline
oops maybe not...who are all those sneaky folks who elbowed their way in before me...hugs kath xxx
Morning Julia! Hope Miss Dunnit has fun today.....!
I have suggestions about your desk, I've just been begging about the problem with mine! Kay (no. 8)
Oh it was so touch and go that I could be here today! but I made it
Off to nosey and real yours!
mandi x
Well dear friend, I couldn't get your photo to enlarge no matter how many times I pressed on my mouse button and called it names. I did see the key chains after a long, long look and also the shimmer spray, or at least I think I did.
So sweet of you to help us international folks who love to play and link up before bedtime. Hope you have fun today with Missy D. Then, get some rest when it's all over so you can come over to my place tomorrow and see my FIRST ever stamping attempt at an entire ATC. You are such an inspiration :>)
Happy WOYWW from #2
Hubby clanging around early (or is that you?) so got up early to see if WOYWD had arrived - yeah - you make Wednesday's sparkle - even at this time...Hope you have a great day out - I actually love cleaning stamps - got it drilled into me during my first ever workshop - wish I could pop round and do the lot for you! Hope you get some nice you time to attack all those projects there.
Sarah (sasa 10)
Sarah (sasa 10)
Hi Julia
very creative desk, sounds like you got a busy day, will wave across the water to you, have great day, happy WOYWW, sue,x (9)
A pile of stamps to be cleaned can seem daunting. I have to clean mine because I'm such a klutz I end up with ink all over me, any card stock on my desk, everything! Thanks for the look at your desk. Have a wonderful day!
Have a stress free day...drink lots of tea and breathe! Pam (20)
I love the little house with wings. I so relate to the stepping on the very thing I'm looking for lol. I think I need to be more specific about *how* I want to find it :D. It looks like a wonderful workdesk! TFS #21
I need to zoom... and I can't... oh dear, I'll just have to screw my eyes up and try my best!
I have too say that since I starting snooping around your workdesk, I too, now have a receptacle for stamps waiting to be cleaned and what a brilliant idea it is, no more dirty stamps wrecking partly completed cards!!
Enjoy the Open Day!
Got a chuckle over your rude words comment! Too funny! Also had fun browsing your SWATCH post...wowser girl!
My post was meant to schedule too, at 6.30 but for some reason didn't, I discovered on arrival at the office. (7.15, don't ask... it is a long and very boring story)Pleased to find you here - but am already 31 on the list, crikey!! Have a great day, I love Portsmouth, may try and take my Mum on Monday whilst I'm staying for a few days, but she won't go out much now. Oh, and I like your desk today; lots occurring!
Your desk is always so busy. I envy you. Hope Miss Dunnit enjoys Portsmouth. Have a good day.
ooh so nice to have an invitation to legitimately expose oneself...we are all a bit exhibitionist are we not?
I'm afraid I'm one of those sad people that have to clean their stamps after using them....I wish I could be abit more Cuppa always works for me as well
I see I'm not the only one who couldn't enlarge your pic today so have had to squint and use my imagination :-) Stamps to clean today?....I'd be right over but to say I'm busy today is an understatement [see blog] :-)
Have a great day.
A x
ha ha ha ha ha sorry still rolling around on the floor from Donna's comment. A busy full stamp basket can only be the sign of a long and creastive process. I shelved mine to get on with some presents instead - November is time enough for card making again :)
Morning Julia :o) Love the idea of keeping a basket of stamps to be cleaned ( I really should do that) .. clean stamps I mean oops !
Have a lovely day with your daughter x
Hope the open day goes well - I remember taking my niece up to Leicester for hers a few years back.
Toni :o)
Have to agree with you it is a odd angle of your desk. I found myself titling my head to look at it. You stamps to be cleaned box is growing this week.
Elaine no45
Good luck with the keyrings..hope the glue holds. Dirty stamps? n'ah didn't see any.. just fuzzed my eyes :D Have a great day. Hugs, Gez.xx
Ohoo-er international! I do am in abit of a dither, (and late) realising and seeing one of my digi's (or many of them!) have reached Australia and this morning S. Africa! Followin in your steps and took an over head shot last night too, not too wonky though!
Have a good day!
Ha, ha had a chuckle reading about your cosmic shimmer episode! Kids - we always give them a lift - wether it is in a car or spiritually! What can you do if you are a parent??? You just love them!
Your desk is interesting as usual - surprisingly tidy though!
Oh to be young and looking at university again......
You're quite tidy today missus, I'm impressed!
Have you decided if you like the phallic tape gun yet?
Well i see after our uni chat at crop you managed to get your daughter to book some open days! let us know how it goes, we have Portsmouth on the 27th, plus Winchester and Reading!!!
Have a lovely day, maybe you'll find time to clean those stamps later!
Hope the Open Day goes ok. Really like the look of the card on your desk this morning. Oh dear pile of stamps for cleaning, but then again you are going to be using Christmas for a while no so perhaps pointless at the min. Have a lovely day, Tracy Evans x
well, even if you are so busy, of course you still have to post WOYWW. so many of us are stalking your blog! international and otherwise! happy WOYWW from #23 (i need lessons in stalking from Elizabeth and caroline to get a better spot)
Well you can do this scheduled thingie --- just as well I checked 'cos mine didn't post-- must get those lessons from Kath . Hope everyone has a good day !
Anne xxx
Hi Julia
Oooh cleaning stamps......not keen on that job! Have a great time a university, just admiring your tape gun!! Me thinks I may need one of them lolx
Desk looks good to me :-)
Love the idea of glue being a cure-all hehe. Have fun today with Miss Dunnit and chum.
Anne xx
This time last year we were doing exactly the same. Jenny went for Southampton in the end, but you really do need to see as many as they are interested in as each university has a different "feel". Hope you have better luck with the student finance side of things...we are still trying to sort Jenny's and we started way back in March!
Diane (59)
Hope your day went well with Miss Dunnit & Co!!
Have a great day at Portsmouth. I rather like the jaunty angle of the photo
Alison x
Blimey I wish you'd come and glue me back together next time I come unravelled ....! How well I remember university open days, we must have driven our three thousands of miles! Hope its a good day for all of you.
oh gosh to be young again hey hun,gosh only seems like yesterday I was running my kids about now they are both gone.
I could not make the picture bigger either hun,see you have some x cut punches on your desk I bought one at the weekend a leave embossing one,how do you find them?
Love the way you have takent he photo though hun have a great day look forward to hearing all about it hugs cheyrl xxxxx
Have a great day
Hi Juia
Your desk looks more like mine every week.
Have a great day
sue xx
Wow, I love your desk, there's always so much going on.
Thanks for looking after us international visitors- muchly appreciated!!! Your blog is my "downtime" treat- I always look forward to it
thank you- pouring a glass of semillion blanc now and enjoying!
fairy leonie xx
- purplefairylady1 (70)
My friends daughter has just started Portsmouth Uni ... do wave if you see her and say "Hi" from me :0) Have a great day ... Miss D sure is growing up fast!
Whew! I'm worn out just reading all you are up to! Take five somewhere along the way, if you can!
Great mess this week and I see that the JCB/ATG of the craftworld is exposed in all it's glory. You're getting closer to it each week.
Hey, just dip that keyring in the melt pot (add a bit of flexi)... that'll fix it or kill it!
Love JoZarty x
Hi Julia
Uni...Oh my and I am stressing about my oldest starting High School next year. Oh I don't think I can even think that far ahead yet.
Anyway your desk looks great and I am interested to see what that card looks like once it's reworked.
Have a great week and thanks for sharing
Alicia.R. (#74)
I don't remember visiting university open days except for my interview, but then they did offer me an unconditional offer so I kinda sat back n put my feet up after that (including failing my A-levels oops!) Nice to hear your cards aren't always perfect first time, makes me feel better about my disasters!
Ah, university open days. I remember those with my two DDs! Hope it all goes well.
I see you've done the whole disappearing in a flash leaving only your glasses behind again! lol
If you find that you cant see - your glasses are on your craft desk!!!!!1
Have a great week!
Have fun with your visit today. Have to confess, I am a "clean-as-you-go-stamper" myself. That basket of stamps would keep whispering in my ear until I gave up and cleaned them. I always cave. Can't stand the guilt. LOL
Good luck to Miss Dunnit!
Hiya Julia,
love the angle of the piccy :O) safe trip to pompey and back
The half inked sonwman stamp on the right looks very interesting. Hope Portsmouth was exciting.
** Kate **
Ooh so sorry! I've managed to be 83 and 84 this week! I was in the middle of deleting the link that was already in the box, and when I was halfway through Mojo leaned her head on the keyboard for some fuss and hit the return button! So 83 doesn't work (I don't know if it can be deleted?) and 84 is the real me! Jules :D
oh for student days...hope you have fun!
I did it all wrong, put on the link to a the previous posting. Sorry!
Sue xx
Jut for a moment I thought you were all at sea there Julia!
Your desk looks full-of-busy as my Grandma would've said. I'm back after a few weeks' absence - and hoping to get back into the WOYWW habit again
Hi, I'm new to this so I hope I've linked correctly because it looks like fun to take part. I can see that your all very competitive so I will have to learn about scheduling:)The glasses are a great touch - very professorial!
Hope you enjoy taking a look at my desk, regards, Elizabeth
Hi - great desk - actually love the angle - look at my desk #16 - though not actually my desk - before you have eaten though!
Sarah # 16
Hi Julia - it's always a pleasure to see what you've been up to, and to read your very entertaining updates! One of these days I might be the the first on your WOYWW list for a change, once I've figured out how to do it!! Keep up the good work - you bring bloggers together!
Hugs, Sylvia xxx
Very busy day and very busy desk!!! #99
Pandering to the international crowd now then? Your posting time of 6:45am is 1:45am for me and I'm not setting the alarm and getting out of bed at that hour for no-one and nothing! I'm just happy if my number is still in two digits. Have fun in Portsmouth, but watch out for the sailors! Quite a tidy desk today, but then again, you're not there!
LOL Julia, maybe that is the answer... do my desk on Tuesday night instead!! I am up and about and its 6 a.m. and I am number 100 so everyone else is probably eating their lunch now!! Hope you have a lovely day out at the open day with the girls.
Oh Julia, I do it every time, one day i'll remember to comment here B4 i start my hop lol
So have i missed alot while i've been away.. your desk doesn't give much away? I have missed seeing everyones mess i mean desks lol
I haven't been here for a while, it's good to be back and see what everyone else is up to!
Hey Julia! Isn't chaos wonderful? Hope you're enjoying your field trip and thanks for hosting another WOYWW - 71!
Okay I'm stealing your basket idea.. That might help me, because I leave my dirty stamps on the desk and then other items fall on them and they get ink on them when their not supposed
Afternoon Julia, hope you've enjoyed your day out with your daughter & her friend? Nice and tidy looking desk!
Michelle (73)
ooooh I've made it at last! I keep a cheapo bag of baby bum wipes to hand for the dreaded task of cleaning stamps....gosh your workdest looks impressive!
Hi Julia, Julie here. I have just looked at your desk and it is FAR more interesting than mine, well everyone's is. So much stuff on them.
Looking forward to viewing all the desks each week, though it takes me half a day clicking the right knobs on the computer!!! Julie
I always like your creative messy desk, Julia. And almost every week I notice your glasses on there!
Ohhh Isn't 113 part of a lucky Number? LOL
Fabulous Work Girls! Terrific views of all your talent!
I can understand that you have a basket of stamps waiting to be cleaned ( well,actually I will never have a basket waiting to be cleaned cos I just don't do the cleaning thing....bad I know!!) but a basket of Christmas stamps....I can't even bear to think about it!!!
Lin.... I'm 114 today....that's Mr Linky 114 not 114 years!!!!!
Nice card. My kids has some of those wool wrapped keyrings so I will keep the dip in glue on my radar.
Love your busy desk Julia - full of goodness!
My number is getting larger every week! 118 today!
Thanks for the stalking opportunity once again!
I'm a little late today, 119 this week, maybe next week I'll stay up and post earlier.
Love snooping on other's desks.
have fun in Portsmouth, I remember visiting that university all those years ago - I chose Swansea.
I'm in at 120 today, this place is getting busy. Love your productive desk, and the glasses are nice
Sounds like busy days in the Dunnit household. Have fun in Portsmouth.
Lots happening on your desk as always. I'm so glad accidents to spray bottles happen to other people too!!
Hugs Lisax
Hi everyone, this is great. I have loved snooping on all your workdesks, you are all so talented. I hope you to join you again next week where I promise to make a bit more mess xx
before I read your post my first thought was mmmm glasses and oh why is that black stamp not in your little box, I suppose that would be because it is over flowing :)
thanks for the snoop and happy WOYWW day
Kate xx
Just can't resist a nice nose at other people's workspaces!!!!! Jo x
I haven't WOYWWd but I'm catching up on all my fave blogs as I haven't had time to blog in ages. Love all the stuff you've been up to.
Ahhh.... the stories that our workspaces tell! Thanks for filling us in on the secrets of the desk. Happy WOYWW!
Great to be here again. Trying to make everyone this week.
Hi Julia, nearly forgot to leave you a comment, it would have been a first for me, lol!
Hope you had a fab day out? I am one of those sado's that has to clean my stamps right away, love to be tidy, lol!
hugs Heidi xx
love the fact I am not the only one to abuse stamps (thats whats great about the red rubber ones-they can take it!). good luck with the repairs!
I do love a photo at a Jaunty angle. Desk is looking quite tidy, well done. How are you going to re-work the card, I always struggle when I have to do that. Happy WOYWW, Love Elliefantasy xx (135)
hey Julia better late than never Im no 137 this week, glad to see everyone else is truggling to find the time to do things, not just me(truggling is a new word to describe struggling LOL)
Do all your Christmas stamps ready for cleaning in the basket mean you have finished all your christmas cards and don't need the stamps again till next year? If so I am sooooo jealous, if not then hey-ho they'll get done at some point x
Hi, my name is Marla and I am a paper crafter hoarder. I sure hope they don't come out with a TV reality show that comes into our craft rooms. A messy desk used to drive me crazy. Then I started making cards. Now it is my norm. The pictures on my blog only show one wall. The other three are just as full as this one - one of them probably more.
Oh I have boo booed! Big Style! The link I provided on #43 was for last week. I have not cheated as you will see someone has commented at 8.59 this morning on the correct one.
I have put my name up again with the correct link (at least I think so) A thousand apologies and if you see this and can remove me from 43 it would be appreciated. Hanging head in shame!!!
ooh I thought that your pic was at a really odd angle - then you said it was at an odd angle - which made me feel better in that it wasn't my meds playing me up LOL!!!!
Thanks for hosting quite a popular WOYWW again... what would we do without you julia???
big hugs
Paula x x x
Hi My name is Peggy, and I have a messy desk lol
thanks so much for setting this weekly thing! its my first time, but its so nice to know im not alone (having a messy desk) lol
Thanks for this weekly blog party. I will endeavour to keep popping back. As like the comment above, it is good to see everyone else gets into the same mess.
Looking as creative as ever
Candace x
Glad to see someone else who piles up the stamps to be cleaned - did manage to do mine before I went away - how long will they stay like that? lol! You asked about the printed cards I'm doing - it's for an accountacy firm - their offices are in a rather nice building which is central to the lovely snowy picture that was taken by a neighbour at the other end of the road - I tweaked the picture digitally to get rid of cars etc x
Hey! :) This is my first ever entry into WOYWW!
Hope to get around to a bit of blog hopping tomorrow!
I really like the angle of your picture Julia. I noticed you have a few pairs of scissors!! LOL. I have two, paper snips from SU! for trimming down patterened paper etc and some fabric scissors for cutting my ribbon. What do you use your many pairs for?
Lou. xo
You have a very witty way of writing. Had a good laugh at your post.
I love how you keep your ATG gun standing upside down...I have seen all kinds of contraptions to hold them, altered ones...but have never seen anyone nor thought to just prop it upside down like that... genius!
That grey thing on my desk from last week.. Is a Mini Bowdabra, it's suppose to help make cute little bows.. still working on I'm having some trouble getting the hang of it!.
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