Well for a change and because the poor photography this morning is inescapable, I offer you two views! First my desk at home, it includes a strategically placed piece of card (!) which ironically you can't really tell is strategically placed at all, so I wrote on it. For your info and my self-importance, of course! There are some products on there that sit out of my comfort zone too, but as you can see, I'm having a go, making a mess and generally trying.

In the working part of my life, I'm quite tidy and have the appearance of organisation...sort of. One of the reasons for this is that my colleague is away and so I'm sitting behind the Reception desk, greeting visitors and scaring Reps. Always a bonus to working in a Reception! You may be able to see that I'm mugging up on Health and Safety Policy. We have some tweaking to do and apparently it's part of my job. Well it would be really. The Policies job was clearly allocated to the person who wasn't even working there at the time! I was at the point of offering to sleep with the boss to see if I can get out of it. But, once we were home and having supper this evening he said I was doing a great job and I should press on. And y'all know how I like to be flattered!
We're waiting to see your work space please - photo it, upload it to your blog and use Mr Linky here to show us where - easy. Doesn't have to be papercrafts and it doesn't have to be a desk - just show us where and what you're working on, it's fascinating!
Can't believe it ! I'm first for a change. My desk and stuff again !
LOL That strategically placed card has me really intrigued now... oooh, do tell!! And ROFL... sleep with your boss, you got me going there then hun... Have a great day... fabby looking desk as ever x
Two desks! I can see "proper" work desks are going to be a feature from now, may have to play along with that one too. Love what we can see on your desk today, Julia.
Love the work space desk and as Helen above said you can now imagine all of us taking our mobile phone camera's out at work and taking a picture of our work space there for a different angle on it.
Hugs Kate xx
You know that sleeping with the boss gets you promoted. I thought you were trying for LESS hours!
Seriously, I have written those procedures in a previous life. In the US, we have Govt. agencies that dictate policy and you interpret that policy based on your manufacturing and product needs/demands. Then there are the accident reports, safety hazard meetings with workers, education upgrades, testing, etc. Not sure what it is in the UK, but if I were you, I would try to figure out a way to get noticed LESS.
And did you cut those images out that are sticking off that card? If so, you must love busy work. Happy WOYWW.
Ohhhhhhhhh I am loving the project on your desk, yummy yummy colours.
I left work to escape the Health and Safety bit, forgetting, of course, that now I work for myself I have to do a risk assessment each time I walk down the stairs!
Cor blimey! One minute nobody had posted their desks and next I was number 14 in the queue.
Love your idea of two desks but as I only have the one that is all I can post.
Your desk at work seems awful tidy but I guess it has to be.
Hmmmm, interesting strategically placed card... are you on a DT hun?!! You never said!! lol.
Tell me Julia, what ink do you use for those fab Artemio clear stamps? I bought them and have never yet managed to get a perfect image. Maybe the card I stamp on to might make a difference too. I love them, but haven't been pleased with any image I've printed as yet!
Help me please!
Hi Julia
lol great post luv the strategically placed card, can't wait to see what its hiding. oh flattery will get them any where! lol, lovely creative desk, & lovely tidy one, have great day, sue,x
Oh blow, I wrote loads and then just HAD to zoom in on said placed card and it's all vanished!! Of course,I just knew your 'work' space would have to be tidy! (I wish mine was,and strive (right word?) to make it so every week,but fail...it' alway a rush Tuesday night to make sure what I'm actually doing in my craft room, or dining table is allowed to be photographed! I mean too much messiness might harm someone looking in.
oh dear we do seem to be getting earlier and earlier...I always knew you posted around 10am.. are you getting up to go to work now, and pretend to sleep with your boss!! lol As for the paper... I kind of like it.. looks like you are ready to do something exciting with it! Contemplation is always good, you know..
I wish my work desk was as tidy as that one!! Hugs Pam x
hahahah that comment about sleeping with the boss made me chuckle, no mean feat for this early. Why is there not a well placed flap on that well placed card so we can lift it up and peek....I mean isn't being nosey what this is all about huh?
LOL @ Neet i normally get that. Made it a bit earlier this week hopefully get round some blogs today hate it when life gets in the way.
I would so love a "Proper" workdesk but havent got any real use for it lol. Think i could just sit there and feel important. :0)
Kate x
Great Project going on hun xx
Sleeping with the boss !!Whey hey that sure did make me laugh...lol.Now as for the piece of card what may i ask is it hiding?maybe have to just Watch this space hey!Have fab wednesday
hugs judex
Why am I up so early? Because my cat is moving all around in the hammock.
Why are You up so early? Your cat, I bet...? :)
As always, you know I love WOYWW!!
Hi Julia, yep I can see you have started another trend, whats on your workdesk workdesk, lol! I bet there will be loads of desks like that next week. You won't see one from me, I havent got a proper job at the moment. I am a domestic engineer and enjoying every minute of being at home. Love your creation on your desk, looks beautiful! Enjoy your day and put down that manual! hugs Heidi xxx
I'm right now looking at my work desk at work and it is a MESS as well!!! Maybe one of these days I'll show it to you as well!
Hi Julia Your projects look really good. The shading under the bird stamped image is fantastic. Health and safety is such a pain. Have a good day
My 'proper' work desk has a cup of tea & a bowl of cereal on it and WOYWW on the screen! Altho I'm fairly sure I get more work done on my craft desk than this one! Well I don't get the deliberatley placed card but your handwriting is beautiful, excuse me while I go b green with envy over here...
Keeping us in suspense....very intriguing!
Have a great WOYWW......xx
Hi Julia, wish I could read your stratically placed not - intrigues as to what you are up to now?!?!!? Love the stamps on your desk - working out of your comfort zone - I think not! But, then there's the boss?!!?! - you are a hoot, and I like it! Have a great week. ikki
Morning Julia love your card. Great stamp. Had to laugh at the thought of you scaring Reps! Have a great day. Gez.xx
Not only have I managed to get here before 9am this week I also have photos LOL
Nice to see the two sides of you via your different desks and agree that scaring reps is a great part of being on reception, I used to love doing that
I like the project on the desk and the strategically placed card certainly intrigues me!!
Ha - two desks of total contrast!
Interesting stalky project on the 1st desk - how is the white achieved? And I spy one of your pretty hearts at the back, but surely it has the wrong initial on it? My name begins with a 'K', lol, ;p
** Kate **
I've just posted my first ever WOYWW so hope I can get some views, followers and comments. Absolutely love Wednesdays! Thanks Julia!
Love the inky card Julia, great colours, love the birdy ;-)
hahaha I love that scaring reps is a bonus
Anne xx
Good morning Julia :0)
I like the card your working on, great colours :0)
Oh do you sleep with your boss rofl :0)
Have a great woyww hun :0)
*hugs* Heather x
morning hun great desk,love the card,you have placed,love that stamp too and your boss is he a friend of yours,a good one he he,wonderful post as always hun have a great day,hugs cheryl xxxx
I love intrigue and you've got me now wondering what that blank paper is hiding... maybe a DT entry?
Love the card in progress .. is the top white part stamped on acetate?
As for the boss... does Mr D know anything about this as there are so many who might snitch... be warned!
Have a great WOYWW!
Jo x
Hi Julia, Love the card your making it gorgeous. When you are at reception you do get to see lovely Hunky reps who try and persuade you to get things and of course its nice to see other people. Cannot wait to see your finished products have a lovely day JO xxx
Morning Julia - love to see your desk at work too, very neat - I like it!!! And I've just managed to decipher the strategically placed card - very sneaky!!!
Julie :o)
Morning Julia - mad here today thanks for my snoop gosh everyone is up early today lol have a good day great message!!!! mmm there is an idea ;o)
Morning Julia! Thanks for sharing your work desk too! Though I definitely prefer snooping on the crafty area's! :-) Hope you have a great day and work goes by quickly!
LMAO at the 'can't tell it's strategically placed paper'!
I am really loving the look of the card on your desk, I hope it'll be blogged when done? xx
Morning Julia - love the projects on your play desk - not so sure I could cope with being in a grown up work place any more - no time for crafting!!! - Jacqueline xx
Hehe, the part of sleeping with the boss made me chuckle!
And on your workdesk at home I can spy some acetate. Have you found a good ink for acetates? My inks don't work so well with acetates and when I try to heat them gently the acetate just curls up.
The strategically placed piece of card is so very intriguing...
Gotta say it Julia I love your handwriting!!! and that piece that is sitting on your desk is fabulous. Good Luck swotting up on the health and safety its always good to know. Joey.xxx
Well I know which desk I prefer. That neat one has a nasty 4-letter word attached to it which I forgot about 4 1/2 years ago - for the second time! Love the acetate overlay on the proper desk.
Luv Joanne xx
Wow - very interesting WIP on your desk, look forward to seeing the finished result :-) Good luck with the H&S policy too...
Oh and well done to your shop on being the first with Kanban - I bet Keith doesn't do the deliveries in person any more though!
Work desk looks very efficient ... Do they curstey when they ask you questions ... I have told a blatant lie about you in my post today too ... sorry ... could n't resist ... it made I chuckle :0)
First time joining in the fun... such a fab blog! Thanks, Robin
I'm late, I'm late, for a very important date..... My broadband has been of and on for days so bit late today as it has only just come back on. Very tidy reception desk but I do prefer the craft area and there are some lovely pieces of artwork on there to, the flowers look lovely. Have a great day, Tracy Evans x
Wake Up!!!!!! Just thought if you were still reading the Health and Safety stuff you might have nodded off!!!LOL
Mmm Intrigued as well as everyone else by the piece of paper!
Thanks for hosting again I love Wednesday now. Hazelxoxo
Hi Julia, lol just read Hazel's comment above!! Chuckle!!
Good luck with the H&S stuff its a mine field of never ending stuff!!
Likeing the pic on the left with the tree...nice!
Helen x
H'mm, love what you're working on Julia - looks really interesting and I LIKE those masks but I'm determined NOT to get any... we'll see, lol. Great inks and colours and I'm so intrigued by what's on your DT card. LOVE the way you piqued our interest with the writing, lol. VERY organised workspace, though and I do admire you for working through the H&S blurb - the bain of every organisation's life, unfortunately. Half of it should be quashed, anyway!!! He, he - I'd be sued to high heaven if anyone got access to my working area. Happy WOYWW and have a great week!
What a delight to see both your creative space and your REAL workspace today! That would be an interesting thing to blog about - the difference between our private and our public selves (as evidenced by our desks!) Anyway, nice spaces, both of them. Have a great day!
Hiya Julia! Love what you have on your desk - those stamps are wonderful! Work desk is very tidy but not as much fun ha, ha....I am happy you decided on that other thing I commented on a few days ago - good decision! I am sure everybody on here will agree with me that this is in fact a "friendship blog" and thank you so much Julia for making it possible for all of us!
MMmmmm that piece of card is very intriguing!
That sleeping with your boss comment made me giggle!
Love the shading on the card on the left. :)
Your strategically placed paper looks interesting. Interesting too to see the difference between craft workspace and workdesk. I'm retired, so only have one workspace.
There's some lovely inky work on that craft desk.
Thanks for making me laugh again....come Jan you will be jealous of my fab calendar - that is if I get it done!....love Wed's....
Hi Julia, we have tinter web so have posted the breakfast table -
today going outside my comfort zone will mostly involve swimming before seista rather than swiming after a little snooze ette - oooh holidays are such hard work....
Great pics today!
Sticking a toe out of the comfort zone is ok - so long as you know you can scuttle back into it straight after!
Lovely busy space, hmmm wonder what is behind that card! Good luck with the Health and Safety stuff!
Love the difference between work and creativity! And what is behind that card????
What an amazing difference! But you just have to be organised at your work, because it all has to go really fast. If you look for something at your own desk for an hour you might find it relaxing haha
Have a nice day!
** Evi **
Love those colours on the cards. Good thing we don't have to apply Health and Safety rules to the craft room innit??!
Hello! Love the stamps your working with on your desk this week very cool & 60's inspired! Is that workdesk really yours????....lol....knew deep down you were a tidy un!! Thanks for your recent comm on my blog, I made time this week!...thanks Julia!
Wow, I don't know what time you post, it must be pretty early (considering it's 7AM in the US). I learned I should write my post on Tuesday night though, and just post it in the morning, that way, I'm not number one hundred and something.
Oh my! My work desk is even messier than my craft desk if you can believe it! Patsy from
What time does one have to get up and at it to get a respectable number..lol
LOL! Thanks for the chuckle and you have me wondering???
wow its busy here lol. I love your desk and have posted some things on my blog too.
Hugs June xx
I thought this was a great idea. Decided to join in on the fun.
Love the look of the card on your desk. Oh to have two desks to mess up :-)
A x
Gosh how rude, i do it every time.. make my way round the desks completely forgetting to post here first.. but i can say today Julia you are my 100th comment...and what a lovely project your working on, love the flower/wish looking delights on show.
happy woyww fearless leader x
The cards are pretty. I can relate to the 2 different desks. When I worked outside the home, my work area was very neat too.
Julia, Hi. I am having trouble linking this morning and have not figured out how to delete one of my names from the list or why it comes up no sit. Will continue to try and fix. Trouble all morning with this computer! BUT, I'm having fun.
Whew...I made it back this week Julia! Fun view of both desks this week! I dont think I would dare show my work desk either LOL!!! Hope you had a great birthday celebration last week!
Gorgeous card as usual Julia!! I actually managed to join in today!
LOL! I am the same way! My desk is pretty much always clean at work and if it isn't it gets that way quickly, but at home it's usually a disaster!
First time I've posted on this blog - I'm off to have a look at everyone else's workdesks now!
Helen x
My work desk always used to be tidy and papers all neatly piled up. Now my work and play area are one and the same so its always a little bit messy.
Liking the card. Have you stamped the white trees on acetate - is it a stamp?
Oooh, the contrast between the two desks is amazing! Shows what a professional you are... was in H & S for years writing policies... so know how you feel!!
That's not making a mess....it's looking pretty good to me!!!
Well done & carry on. Love that your craft desk is mess, but your work desk is well organised. Maybe we should have a theme one week, take a pic of craft and work to see who keeps their messiness hidden at home! xx
hye Julia, really late this week but I made it, yee hah, so sorry we didnt get to meet up, was non stop back and to hospital, cooking , cleaning, came home for a rest, LOL, perhpas next time. Love the fact you sleep with the boss, . . can you sleep with yourself !!!!! see you next week
12:45 pm CA time!
I am # 125, good lord!!!
I am going visiting to as many desks as possible!!!
WOYWW is going to become addictive Julia - this is my second week, and I'm thoroughly enjoying snooping around everyone's workspace! Love both your desks!
Hugs, Sylvia xxx
hi julia...now you wouldn't be hiding secrets from us would you with that strategically placed cards...big hugs kath xxx
WEll my work desk goes thorugh many stages as we have to 'HOT' desk which means each time we leave the office everything has to be cleared away into our locker - maybe that's why I rebel agasint clearing up at home!! Love the look of those things on the go on your craft desk...and jealousy will get you no-where LOl...save it for when I've actually got round to making something with the christmas stash I've just left laying around!! Esther xx
Hey Mrs - great post - and now i want to know whats under the paper... tease!
Well, the last time i was in the office (7th January) my desk looked a lot less tidy than yours!!! When it got really bad, i'd shove everything in a large drawer under the desk!!!
Paula x x x
My in-laws were coming for a visit so I felt compelled to clear my work area a little (since much to my dh's chagrin, I've overtaken a sitting room.) Lol. It's amazing how much more inspired you feel when the area is neat. Too bad I don't know how that feels most of the time!
Great desks Julie and I cracked up over your sleeping with the boss line. Great to be joining in again after such a long time and hope you're well.
First time here - love the WOYWW!
Love what you are working on!
Hi Julia....this is my first time here and I am embarrassed that I got so into looking at all the posts that I commented on yours last. I only made it to about 40 today. I can't imagine how you handle all this but it is a fantastic place to meet other artists. I've enjoyed looking around today so much! Thanks! :) Nan
As long as that card is strategically placed for you, is that all that matters. Love the items on your desk, although trying to work out what they actually are! but very intrigued. Have loaded another card from my Born to Shop Demo. Happy WOYWW
Ok, I'm late for WOYWW, but my desk hasn't changed much since yesterday!!!! Love ogling the spaces.......
I just found your blog....where have I been hanging out? You are really entertaining...make interesting and lovely artwork....I think I will visit more often. Haven´t gotten around to photographing my desk yet...the camera is under the pile SOMEWHERE....as soon as I shuffle through everything I will take a snap.....
Cynthia....a.k.a. Cynnie
Love the extremes between your home desk & your work desk Julia :D & I had to chuckle at the bit about you sleeping with the boss lol
Sorry for being late but life got in the way of WOYWW which was pretty rude of life if you ask me :D
Hi Julia
Thank you for the lovely comment on my blog about my post for DCM. Just got to say though that the doodling is not mine! another lady had commented saying she liked the doodling - wish I had been that clever!!! ;)
Nope, can't see my christmas stamps here, you must have them well hidden ;-) Hope the Health and Safety Policy didn't send you to sleep x
Julia, thank you for stopping by my blog and being so kind. I absolutely love WOYWW - I've already seen so many different work spaces, got so many ideas. This is wonderful!
i'm addicted to woyww!! helpp i need therapy!! i come to your block once every hour..and i love the card u've made it looks beautiful!!
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