We're waiting to see your work space please - photo it, upload it to your blog and use Mr Linky here to show us where - easy. Doesn't have to be papercrafts and it doesn't have to be a desk - just show us what you're working on, it's fascinating! See you in a minute or so then!
Tuesday, 25 May 2010
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 51
Wow - week 51! If you're going to enter the WOYWWAC then you have a week to pull it out. Or off. I don't know. I'm so smug about being ready and now too busy to worry about the other much better ideas I've since had, that actually, I'm quite looking forward!
Anyway, here's my desk at sundown last night, untouched by human hand this morning. It looks a mess as usual, but at least it's genuinely productive...I'd just finished two cards for a workshop and my next job is to do some checking and prepping for another workshop which involves using Miss Dunnit's '12 of 16' album as a sample; a great way to get it done! So that's what you see. And that's pretty much all I'm saying - keeping it brief is really helpful on a Wednesday! But look - it seems so much tidier from a different angle!
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Great to see you again this week! Have put mine up early too. Still not done my WOYWWAC - yikes!
I really look forward to this every week now:)
Now that is interesting. It does look very different from the two different views,
Have a great day, Julia.
It's not mess remember, it's creativity! I'd like to say mine was untouched but I couldn't help myself but tidy it this morning, it's a sickness!! Ho hum, off to work now, shall have to wait to blog hop till this evening :)
Julia, you get earlier and earlier! But no problem with me! I am up with the larks!Your desk looks brill, and love those little mini easels, and 12 of 16 is good.. I did a 21 page one , if you see what I mean,( here I am assuming the right thing?) and was the greatest fun! enjoy your day
you are like me hun up early,love the different views you have shown love those wee easels,too I have one,have a great day love hugs cheryl xxxxx
I like the angle on the camera work...it does make it look tidier lol.....You are right this woyww is certainly fascinating...taking a peek into fellow crafters' creative spaces. Thanks for doing this for is. Loving the idea of a 12 of 16 album.
hmmm, maybe i should use the different angle technique for my messy desk today!
Eeek! Only 1 week to WOYWWAC - where's the time gone? Great desk this week Julia, I like your 'change the camera angle' method of tidying!
Nicki, xx
Ooh nice and clear-ish - wish I could maintain that kind of effect more! and is that a jar of buttons I can see at the back?...every desk should have 1! (at least)
Have a good day
love the look of your album today and your desk looks pretty tidy today. Can't believe it's week 51 I've only just started my piece, think I will have to get a move on to finish it for next week. Have a good day Julia, Tracy Evans x
Your desk looks cleaner like you just polished it & that little album is a great idea :)
hugs Nikki
It's a lovely looking album, even though you can't talk about it. I guess it's a hush hush project. Your desk really IS neat today. And you are right about being brief. Something I need to learn, but haven't got the hang of yet, it seems. Happy WOYWW.
wow that is a creative desk, can't wait to see your anniversary project - i bet it's fab xxx
I really must get this done this week ... Me and my MUST DO'S , lol
Desk is very organised I must say .. and amazing how much more at an angle .. ( note to self , try it this way, lol).
What's in the spray can?
I think i neesd to alter my angle of photography too, I have a feeling it wouldn't make much difference tho.
Raw materials for my WOYWW52 on my desk,don't know if I will get it made though.
I was thinking just how tidy your desk looked this morning from both angles!!! and I see the table bin is still in use :) is the 12 of 16 album finished now?
that's the spirit, choose the angle that shows the best side, like in the fashion magazines =)
Morning Julia
your desk looks like it is in the middle of something good!
Oh Julia thanks for reminding me about week 52 I haven't started yet nor do I know what I'm gonna make, so I better get a wriggle on !! Off now for coffee and a think.....btw your desk and mini album look lovely
Hugs Susie xx
Morning Julia, wow your an early bird! Love your little album, so pretty! Love the photos this week, great angles, I might have trouble changing mine, would have to take them from the outside of my room, lol! Thanks for sharing with us as always, looking forward to next week, hugs Heidi xx
Oh Julia your desk does look tidy!! I have tried taking my pictures from different angles, but alas my craftiness stll looks like a heap! Oh and thank you for being early..(I sneaked a peek to see if you were here, as MR blogger can be sooo unreliable!0 Have a good day! (I'm off to work!!)
((Lyn)) late again!
Great desk - love the pink album but the jacket on earlier post is amazing!!
The paper pad is Basic Grey Sugar Rush. Your desk looks nice and tidy. Lovely little album.
I haven't done my project for next week yet... I'd better get my thinking cap on!
Not a lot of crafting is going to get done today... my pic will tell the story!
Its only 8'30 and I'm No34 !!!!!...wow ...it is so great to be back amongst you all ...hope the back holds out as I make my rounds of writing comments.
You sound as though you have been a very busy bee and the desk does look so different from the two angles lol ....is that a doodled cover on your note book ? ..couldn't make it larger to have a better nose lol xx
I'm intruiged by that book. Let's have a look then. Joanne xx
Looking forward to seeing the book complete. I haven't even thought about a project for next week - shame it coincides with the school break and the kids will be underfoot. LOL!
The book looks gorgeous.... let's have a look inside!! Not made anything for next week yet. Guess I had better get a move on :)
RATS I forgot to snap a photo of my desk having just finished the card - only because a) I am blond b) I decided to go for the Pretty photo version of a card this time - but trust me - your desk is far from messy compared to mine last night. BUT not any longer - I cleaned it this morning to be ready for more cards for soldiers - HAVE to clean before that - to avoid any stray glitter getting stuck on these cards.
Julia Oh interesting interesting. Love that little yellow easel.Every week I just wish I could get my mits on what you've got on your desk and have a rummage!Little yellow easel caught my eye.Hugs BettyXXX
Sorry but I will have to come back to actually read your blog Julia cos at the mo I can't stop my eye stinging and streaming :-(
A x
Dragged myself from my sick bed today... to show you a totally horrendously awful piccie of my desk ROFL Tis shocking LOL Can I come play at yours please? Your desk is sooo much nicer than mine ;O)) x
Morning Julia ,
Hope your well nearly a year wow!I have uploaded some blog candy especially so please pop by and enter.Have fab day.will try get project sorted for next week!
hugs judex
MESS???? MESS??? You call that a mess??
I could teach you a thing or two about making a mess LOL
Morning Mrs Dunnit ... you are sounding tres organised this morning ... me??? I am still asleep ... but hoping the caffeine will kick in at any minute :0)
Wow! it is busy here already! Love the album for Miss Dunnit. Have not even started my WOYWWAC project yet!!AHHHH!!!
WOW your desk looks really tidy today. Love the album it looks great, I still can't decide what to do for next weeks Challenge!!! Argh!!! Thanks ffor hosting the fun again, HAzelxoxox
Morning Julia, I'm back after being AWOL for a couple of weeks and I dont find your desk messy at all. I've got a lot of PIOTW (push it out the way) going on at the mo, so much so some is one the floor but thats just my guillotine and fiskars trimmer so no photos of that! Think I'll give the make a miss as i'm away next week with hubby and friends. No laptop for 3 or 4 days what am I going to do?!
Anyway take care hun
Sam x
Love the camera trick - I will have to remember that one for when it's particularly needed! I'm in the category of a week to pull it out or off, fingers crossed that inspiration will strike over the long weekend...
It's only 9.40. I've only just got back from the school run to take photos and 54 people were earlier than me! This is really taking off. I won't get an anniversary rojct made, but looking forward to seeing what thers get up to
Gosh I am going to have to get to the computer earlier in the morning me thinks lol all looks very interesting here. My Anniversary project is ready for next week and I am looking fwd to seeing every ons creations
Love Dawn xx
Looks like a couple of interesting little books there.
** Kate **
It looks good from any angle Julia :) I know what you mean about having other ideas, I'd decided to stick to mine once I'd decided to save time, but having faffed about with that fabric paper I found something else that I just had to use so need to get my skates on now to finish it ;)
Anne xx
Great looking desk Julia! Maybe I'll try a different angle next time, one that doesn't show my pushback! x
I love the album book it looks great. Looking forward to seeing your week 52 desk.
Cheers Elaine
Hi Julia, I've not a lot of time today but will try to do the rounds. Your desk does look tidy and you seem to be in a very organized mode - planning and getting that album done! Agree about the short posts, you can get more visits in! Wonder what advertisers will be around today? ikki
It's true it does look tidier in the second photo! That mini album looks lovely, I would like to see more of that! Have a great week! Tracey x
I think I'm going to have to take my photos from the second angle as it really does look better like that!
i also think that to celebrate next week, I may get ALL of my stash and pile it on my desk just to keep you busy!! xx
p.s flowers duly noted on the desk!
That little album looks interesting.....some close ups please!lol
How many are we gonna get this week?!
See you all after work!
wow i can't believe you've been doing this almost a year...i better start working on the thingamabob to celebrate!
My word so many already, can't wait to grab a coffee and get a hoppin'.
Another vid from me this week, as I had comlaints that twas just piccies last week.
Toodles and Binks
Far tidier than my workspace this week, although technical issues mean I can't show it LOL
I've just bought one of those easels from IKEA. Looking forward to next week. Will have to get my skates on! Kathleen x
I am posting earlier this week and I am still 81st on the list lol Thinking I will need a few pots of coffee to help me make the rounds this week :)
Busy but productive desk Miss Julia :) And not at all boring like mine :)
Have a great day :)
You've been busy! What is supposed to be displayed on the easel? Got me curious! Patsy from
Mines on my blog but cannot see Mr Linky on your blog Julia and I do have my glasses on lol.
Have got no further with my piece but will have it finished. Your desk looks tidy to me Julia.
Thanks so much for this mid week break. Something to look forward to and to take part in.
Thanks also for your comments on my blog, I love reading what people have to say.
Ummm the xcut paper crimper well.....it broke the first time I used it. You can only put thin card through it. I have a very old crimper that takes 3 pieces of thick card with no hassle but this new one looked so nice and shiney I just had to buy it. Fingers crossed that they will replace it as it does state "lifetime guarantee"
now, i love the arty shot and agree that it looks sooo much tidier!!! Might try that one on a particularly messy week!!!
Paula x x x
back again! The cherry image, is a freebie!! In the post below WOYWW is a cherry topped card and a link to where you can down load it. Hunt out their newer pages too, for more freebies!!
What a fantastic desk!! Thanks for your comment hope to be back next week!! Love Chanelle xx
Lovely album, quite a busy desk! Ha, ha I bet you can be smug as you already finished the WOYWWC! I will finish it today and then I can be smug for the next week ha, ha
Have a lovely week and happy crafting!
LOL Julia I just read your comment, I thought of that as soon as I had uploaded the piccy! I will try harder and do better next time lol.x
Amazing what a bit of perspective does to make your space look tidier! x
Why have I not heard of this before today! It would so motivate me to clean up my space.
This week your desk looks tidy but at the same time productive, a shot from a different angle changes everything, amazing.
fab desk have you seen mine now you nagged at me - in a nice way regarding my pens -Is it ok?
oooh Julia your desk is very very exciting this wek. Yes it does look spookily tidy, even with your stuff out but that album looks delicious! I'll be back to see if you show more photos of it opened out!
I have been out this morning and bought something that will be decorated on and my desk next week!!
Very tidy desk - though sounds like you have been creative - can't wait to see your WOYWWAC, and the album you are working on looks great.
The aerial view makes it look much more cluttered than the face on view. LOL.
You asked who plays guitar... well in theory it's me, but... well that's a long story.
I added my woyww blogpost to Mr. Linky http://wickysticket.blogspot.com/2010/05/where-to-begin-load-day-256-woyww.html
Thanks for doing this. The mental health break is much needed chez moi!
Love your space...always! Off to take pics of mine! xo Lisa
Julia I had to come back and tell you ....you were wrong darling, he was thrilled pop over and see the thrilled grin on that boy's face !!! lol
Hugs Susie xx
Defo not a mess, you need some more clutter concentrations like my desk to get anywhere near messy status :)
Not messy at all Julia...in fact it looks really tidy...your album loos fab...an't wait to see more of it.
Deebbie x
Whats going on that desk is very tidy! I can't believe how many people are joining in now, I seem to loose whole wednesdays!!!! Hugs Pam x
Wow what a fab idea! x
Hola Julia - I'm back in the WOYWW loop! I've missed you all during my extended blog land abscence - what's all this anniversary challenge talk about? Could you send me a link? I want to play!
ooh, I do like how it looks tidy from a different angle! will try that from now all, wonder if that works all through the house? hugs Debx
Hi Julia. Ive just read your blog :-)
Have just written an update on my eye on my blog and it looks like I will be laid up with it for a few days. Please apologise to one and all for me as I doubt I will be able to check out blogs this week. My anaesthetic is wearing off now and my eye is really painful.
Hugs to all,
A x
Hi Julia.
Great desk this week. You are good having your WOYWWAC done already. I know what I want to do and have everything to do it, but it hasn't happened yet. Hope to make a start tomorrow as I've got a day off work and the Monday's a Bank Holiday so here hoping lol!!!
Have a great week.
I am back for my 2nd week, now off blog hopping!
Desk looks interesting and Ilove the album!
looks tidy to me! x
Hi Julia
I love your very sunny crafting desk. It looks like such a warm and cosy spot to craft in...
Not too much going on at my desk but I hope you like my new beads.
I rounded your followers total up and began #300.
It's my first time playing WOYWW. Have been wanting to play for a while but nothing ever happens on my workdesk on wednesdays. Until today that was ;o)
Maybe I should have stoped by your before I took my pictures, maybe my desk would look better from an different angle to - but then agian - I don't think so!
your desk is ready to create!!!
And boy the # 0f desks is growing!!!!
Such creativity!
Amazing what a bit of photography can do ha ha xxx Enjoy being crafty in a crafty sort of way ol xx
Love the view from your desk Julia, this is such a fab idea for nosey folk like me...LOL
what a fab desk ,,, and having it in fromt of a window is much better than me ,,, I have my back to it ,,,, might have a rearrange :-) I should have a brand new desk by the nexr WOYWW !! hope so :-)
Lols x x
thanks for your lovely comment on my blog ,, I do love getting down and dirty with Tim lol :-)
Looking forward to week 52!
Oh yikes - a week away and let's just say - I am not gloating, lol! Ah your desk is looking neater and neater each week - better watch it Julia, you might get a rap as being ORGANIZED if you aren't careful, lol!
tee hee hee hee hee
Have a great week Julia!
I'm a WOYWW virgin too, and scraping in at the eleventh hour by the looks of it. Haven't quite figued what the AC stands for...guessing anniversary creation?? So guess next week's gonna be a biggie. Here's an early congrats to you all! Leandra
Phew! I just made the Wednesday deadline as I have been away to visit my mummy for her 96th birthday! *Ü* Love the little book Julia. I have the same metal ruler - is that 18" with a cork backing?...and what are you using the spray can for? TFS. ~Glen~
Phew! I just made the Wednesday deadline as I have been away to visit my mummy for her 96th birthday! *Ü* Love the book Julia. I have the same metal ruler. Is it 18" with a cork backing?...and what are you using the spray can for? TFS. ~Glen~
Right who's stealing days! :-) i'm sure it was Saturday yesterday and now the weeks almost over again,! well if i keep telling myself that, it will soon be! I love how your desk sits right next to your window ours are too high to see out of when i sit at my desk, perhaps when we win the lotto we can build a craft room to my specifications and i can visit everyone's desk/floor and rooms on here and take all the good ideas :-) Have a fantastic week and see you next week, Michelle xxx
You're absolutely right: brevity is the way to go on Wednesdays. Now if only I'd read your post before writing mine! Great looking work. Thanks for sharing.
OK Mrs Dunnit it has taken me 20 minutes to clam down and stop laughing ..... as an innocent crafter I see no wrong in the syringe and spoon ..... but thinking about it the syringe full of gel glue and the spoon covered in mica probably cost me more ... no doubt I will be found hanging around outside shops shortly with schluppy puppy on a bit of string, "craft stamper Mr?" - after all only 2 weeks ago I was willing to sell a bit of my body to get my hands on a Cinch. The Rubbah Elf wishes the Cinch would arrive too, he is fed up of my banging on about it!
Your desk looks fabby as always Julia, I've left a little award for you on my blog too :)
Hiya Julia Just popped back to say I've been reading about the jacket/iron saga and had to chuckle. Men eh! Hope the convention goes ok. Even at my age I know what Manga are. Do my best to keep up. Am now calling a halt to desk visiting as neck bad and no crafting done. Was attempting all before next week but think it will have to stop or my b** will stick to the chair. Hugs bettyXXX
Hi Julia
Ty for the comment, just wanted to say that the tin on my deskwas made for me by my DD for my birthday the year I first started scrapping. It has plaster paris with sea shells stuck in it. They then sprinkled it with seasand and varnished the whole thing! Will try and post a closer picture.
Julia, Looks like good things are happening on your desk :-)
Wow Julia, I dont know how you do it every week?!
Id been feeling really low and because I got so many cheery comments on my woyww and they cheered me up no end so I decided I would visit everyone. Its taken two days but Ive just finished!
I think there might have been one blog that I just couldnt leave a prob as I dont think it was blogger.
Well done you on getting to see everyone each and every week!
Keryn x
Thanks for your lovely comments on my blog. I've been meaning to get here sooner, but there are so few hours in the day now that I have WOYWW.
I am brayer challenged. I can't seem to make the one I have work properly. Of course, I've had several people tell me it's not a good brayer, so that may also be my problem.
I'm using the double sided scrapbook scraps (they are tiny pieces given me by a scrapbooking friend) to cover the holes in the top of the pages in my Hands spreads, as well as making little tabs that extend off the top of the pages. They are purely accent pieces, since most are no wider than one inch.
Have a lovely weekend. We have a holiday coming up in the States. I read several WOYWW blogs reference a bank holiday. Hope you have a great extended weekend. Thanks again for your suggestions.
first time I've joined in and I think I'll be hooked. Maybe it's cos I'm nosey?! or maybe cos it definitey brightens up the week having such lovely comments. x
Will you please come and sort my desk out?
you might even find my camera...........!
Here I am! I did it! I am a copleat tidy freak, so its a real task for me to show you my untidy crappy old table!
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