So we're starting with Stephanie Dunnit's today because there's so much more to say about a nice tidy screen shot of her design work! She and Dori are working on a scrapbook kit design (I know, how cool already!). The theme is retro Las Vegas and will include embellishments, papers and all the real blah. The basis of the criteria is that the kit includes a pack of cards. So this is Steph's Queen of Clubs. I know she's my sister an' all, but golly gee isn't it bang on retro Las Vegas style? Doesn't Liberty look gorgeous in pinks! Can you imagine making a mini album with these cards as the pages? If you had to re-design a pack of cards, would you just worry about a new pattern for the obverse and kinda reproduce the familiar characters, maybe in different colours? Amazing the ability that these designers have to see the end products before they put a pen on paper. Hopefully Dori will share one of hers too, so you can see how in sync these gals are. Wow.

And so the the SNAP! of a reality check. You can see that I've a problem with decent light this morning. And apparently, a problem with throwing anything away; having a bin at my feet and a
nicely sized one on the desk doesn't always help! The white clippings, strips, pieces, snips on the right are all rubbish. Mostly offcuts from my decoupage triumph(!) over the weekend. You can see that I'm making slow progress with the red and white
Clockhouse. There's a neat stack of ink pads being protected by a Fimo dragon. Made by Miss Dunnit and suffering a broken wing, he appeared on my desk with a note asking to be mended. Good old Diamond Glaze, huh! There's a small handful of cards at back left; of course they aren't standing in the 'finished' card holder - there isn't enough room! It's not 'push back' so much as 'have everything you want to work with on the desk so that you don't forget'.....and it's not a huge success!
So why don't you show us your work surface. You don't have to have a dedicated desk, you don't have to be a paper crafter; we'd like to see what you're doing this Wednesday, and what you do it with. I think! Post a picture on your blog, come back here, leave a link and we'll pop around. No rules for joining - just join in. There's a button in the left bar of this blog if you want to join in publicly, but you don't have to. Here's the thing though - lots of us are doing WOYWW now, so it may take a while for the whole coven/circle/cult to visit. Be patient!
Hi Julia,
You have taken over my Wednesdays, but in a good way!
I hope the poor dragon gets mended soon.
Clare x
I like your desk this morning ... what a lovely kept garden you have. As for the keep everything out on the desk method ... you have hit the nail on the head ... that is definitely my style ... Have a good day X
So pleased I have today off work :) i love joining in early in the day :)
So fancy meeting up soon? now I'm a free women I can come over any day during the week :) :) I plan to have a relaxing day crocheting today.
Know what you mean about having everything on show so as not to forget!
Love the card, definately very talented. Now on to your desk looks a bit like mine off cuts everywhere, my excuse is the bins full mainly with choc wrappers -well it is easter!!!!
I must say the design of your sister is lovely...yes I do admire the ideas of designers and yes the ability see the end product! Your desk is nice and messy - like a crafters desk should be! Still much fun to have a snoop!
The Clock house is looking good, can't wait to see it finished!! As Linda said...everything on the desk is definitely my style too!!! Happy Wednesday.xxx
Grr.... just wrote a zillion page thesis on your desk and then my internet went down....
Shorter version - I love you desk and I am with you all the way on the 'keep it out' theory, I know it sounds an excuse but I can't work properly if its too tidy
Like the keep everything out style :0 mine is mmmm a bot like that , but on the other hand not like that at all...lol
Great workspace Julia, you have taken over my Wednesday morning's too now LOL. I work in exactly the same way, keeping everything out so not to forget, works for me, well that's my excuse. Happy Wednesday Julia. (www.craftaddicts-tracyevans.blogspot.com)
Can't stop now, will be back later.
Hi Julia love the pink Liberty. :) Good idea to keep everything out.. you can find it then! Hope you can fix the dragon. Love the idea of him guarding your ink pads tho.. hehe. Have a great Wednesday. Gez.xx
Ooooooh I've always had a 'thing' about the Statue of Liberty, even did my final art project on school based around her... wanted to call Devvie Liberty too, was jumped on from every side and over ruled! Bah! How cool though - there is a girl in her class called Justice. We could have said with certainty that Liberty and Justice was alive and well in England! Couldn't we? Couldn't we? But I digress... I loooove the look of what's being designed there. Tell her to hurry, hurry, hurry it to England :D
The Fimo dragon is so cute! Everyone is so talented in your family aren't they?
Having a massive catch up today. So behind with everyone. Bliming teachers letting blimming kids have time off!
Morning Julia, your sister's card is perfect for deco style and the colours are yummy!! Your desk looks good too... lots to nosey at and it looks like you are busy, busy, busy!
Hi Julia, Wednesday is certainly becoming a busy day, but so very rewarding getting to know fellow WOYWW'ers. AND, we have you to thank for this, so a big thank you from me for all your hard work in keeping the WOYWW going. Love the card design, super colours and image - look forward to seeing more. I know what you mean about bits of paper, I have them everywhere but the bin! Have a great week, ikki x
Loved seeing your desk today - particularly pleased to seeing the bin is doing fine as well!!
The red house is looking superb - can't wait to see that finished. Your sister's design work is just beautiful.
I am envious of the fact that your desk is just under a window! Hope the dragon can be mended, lol....x
I just posted the state of my desk and room - quite tidy this week, but not for long I am sure....x
I'm in the everything on the desk club too. I can see the flower jar is moving forwards on your desk, does this mean you're planning on using them?? xxx
Where to start ....your sisters card is awesome ....at first glance ...before I read your text ....I thought it was an album cover.
What a busy desk ...I want one that is so huge that I can have everything I use at hand ...I can dream. I see your clock house IS progressing ...and that the right direction.
I've done my post and now I need coffee ....later I will start to make my journey through everyones desks ....it may take a couple of days as the covern...oops club is growing so huge .... so bare with me xx
Ok you have been warned my desk no whole room is a mess.... But I am hoping this will shame me into doing something. I am sure! it will be tidy by next week and look like some of the great spaces I see here each week.
Love your sister's design. What talent. Love the fact you are slowly taking over the world Julia...its a bit like swine flu :-)
A x
hahahaha I am usually in the 'everything on my desk at the same time' group too!!!! How cute is that dragon...hope the poor little guy gets his wing mended soon.
WOW at Liberty...what amazing talent, you must be sooo proud, HUGS XXX
I'd say your sis is a bit of a star. That card is terrific.
Glad to be back among the WOYWW folk again, after my absence in NZ. I'm off for a nose around!
Loving that card design...tis just fab! Your desk looks a bit tasty today...hoping the dragon is out of surgery now LOL My offering - yes - another boring desk shot, is also accompanied by the "above the desk" shot...which is interesting...cos it is full of other peeps' art..not mine ROFL .. hugs x
how fun, this is my first week at joining in! I'm learning a lot about myself I must say!
'Morning Julia, wow that design for QOC is fabulous, love the colours too :)
The dragon is fab. Love the clockhouse :) I know what you mean about the bin, I keep moving mine to make room for other things either that or I use it to pop little bits in that I'm not sure where to put so it rarely gets used :-/
Anne xx
wow your sister's card is stunning - really gorgeous.
Love the dragon, can't wait to see the finished clockhouse. My bin is totally full at the moment - and sort of overflowing on to the floor.
great stuff on your desk today Julia - scraps mean creativty!
I'm playing with the kids today, and they want to go to the library this afternoon. Then hopefully I'll finish getting my latest kit in my store this evening.
I'm wih the girls hun...your sisters design is awesome and as for your desk - well I think I went to the same school of chaos!
I'll try and get round to some of the girls but my girls are over this week and keep stealing my lappy from me.
Sam x
Awesome Queen of Clubs from your sister! Love the view from your desk, what a beautiful garden.
Hi it has took me 2 hrs already to get here, and that only some on the list, its taking over wednesday, im still in my dressing gown.
Your desk is look very productive, love the house coming along nicely, wow isnt your sis very clever gorgeous colour, off now to have another nosey, only woman can say that.
Christine x
Your sister has done a beautiful job with that - I love the colours and the radials of the design (I think that's what they are called!)
Your desk looks great - and so does the view out of the window, what a joy it must be to sit there and have that view to ponder on while deciding on the way your project should go! Or as would be the case with me, procrastinating!
I've added a couple of pics today - I've dared to show beneath the work surface....aghhhh
Ok, got a bit more time now! I'm going to have to negotiate not working on Wednesdays, so I can take all day to go round all these great desks - yours is looking good today, Mrs D! - rather than rushing during lunch hour (now) or tonight when I get home....
Your Sis is a clever girl , love it and the colours are Ace !!
Look forward to seeing the clockhouse finished
Great colours on Stephanie's design, very glitzy/sleazy yet somehow compelling, Vegas!! Looks like there a lot on your desk but not a lot going on? Love the little dragon watching over things, hope you can fix his wing!
It's Wednesday again, the one day of the week, I know what's happening, usually!! Your desk as always looks very productive and I'm loving your 'picture' house thingy,
Hi Julia
I'm loving the Queen of Clubs, your sister is very talented too I see.
Great desk. I'd love to be able to leave everything out on my desk, but if I did this the cats would nick everything - I'm sure they think they can craft too LOL!!!
Love your sister's Liberty the colours are so cool.I think it's a good idea to keep everything on the desk that way you know what you have and then like me don't buy it twice.
Hope Fimo Dragon is back to normal.
Pat xx
You are one busy and talented lady. I am so glad we "met." I look forward to joining you next week, although I doubt I'll have anything as lovely as your art to show.
I am definately with you on having everything in sight, however stuff just gets pilled up and i still cant see what I have. Especially as i end up not having enough room to work, so i retreat to the soaf and work on my knee, or on the floor...so no where near my desk full of stuff that i need to see lol
I live by creative chaos. I can't think or design without having everything visible. I'm learning that in my crafting style and so things are coming out of boxes and hanging all over my room. Can't wait to see your clock house finished. It's looking really good.
Another crafty pair I see! Love the card design - sounds like a great project.
Have just HAD to join in! lol!
Sorry there's 2 links Julia, my 1st one was for Craftsulove - as you do! Sorted it now though!
Lovely Queen of Hearts by your Sis, just goes to show that youve both got the same creative gene!
Keryn x
Love the shot of your desk and the house project looks interesting. I love the colours on the Statue of Liberty.
9:56 am CA time! I am just starting my day and off to see what's on your desk!!!
Diamond glaze is a favorite of mine. I use small round tip brushes to put the glue on directly from the bottle. The tip always seemed to clog so now I just take the top off a dip the brush in! Brush goes to water bowl when done!
oh your sis is so talented - that design is beautiful. would love a set of those! keep us posted if we are able to get them.
Keep it all out - yes this is employed by me too with push back-the two really go in tandem don't they. Who can remember what is hidden in drawers etc - on display it needs to be! with more than one pair of scissors as you say!
Oh the shame! :)
Like your 'push to the side' method Julia! Why interupt artyness with mundane tidying?! x
Gorgeous card design. Very talented sisters.
I won't mention all my bins of things that are too good to throw away and not good enough to keep. I could spend all day doing this!! But, my cards won't get made by themselves, HA! Thanks! Kat
What a beautiful view you have from your desk and I am loving how your clock house is coming on! Your sisters digi image is stunning too! Tracey x
Haha! You'll never guess, and why after quite a while that note pad turned up I have no idea! the C, D and L stand for Cream, Dark and Light...I was laying a new top for my kitchen using tiles and wanted to make some kind of pattern and that was the first scribbled 'chart' I had a better one in the end that was colour coded...I know, I'm sooo sad...I don't get out much!!
I am late linking mine up....we are just back from Glasgow!
well Julia - your sissy is a very clever gal - i really wish her all the best in her new venture - did she get a name in the end? I thought i'd go visiting before i commented... i can't believe that i've actually sat here and visited every single one - but i wasn't exactly doing anything else was I???
Thanks to everyone who came to visit me and commented on my lovely **shark bite**... the cut was just above where my chest was opened up (ribs parted) but the scar itself gives me no pain... its the insides that hurt and ache.
anyway - thank you for hosting another WOYWW - and isn;t it brill how many continents/countries are involved... it would be great if you could find an interactive map for your blog (a bit like something on facebook where you can stick a pin in the places you've visited) so that we can see where desks have been shown from...
I love WOYWW...
Paula x x x
Julia I'm a joinin in! Since any kind of crafty stuff is allowed :-). Love the card, looks fab x x
Phew, only just made it! Love the clockhouse.
mine is barely a WOYWW..it's from late last week after I did my reorganizing... I have presents in progress that I can't take pics of today, so this will have to do until next week :)
oh and btw, it's still Wed here :P
Liverpool Lou twisted my arm today and made me take pics of my desk! Fun to see all the entries!
Very industrious desk Julia - I love it when I spot things that I have too - I have that ruler!!! Yayyyhh!! Love your sister's design work!! Juliex
Hi Everyone,
I've been under the weather all week so I am posting here VERY late (it's now THURSDAY!) but hopefully you'll forgive me and stop by anyway - there's a new face waiting to greet you if you do! And Julia, love the desk today - it looks so pretty and colorful!
you have such a lovely view of your garden from your desk....it always looks so creative!
First time playing...thanks for the idea!
I love this challenge! What a hoot. It is great incentive to see how others manage their creative process. Thanks!
What an awesome challenge. A real hoot! It is great incentive to see how others manage their creative process. Thanks!
well, i'm proud to report that I visited everyone - each and every 80 desks (obviously that includes your desk - and discounts mine)!!! LOL... is this a record Julia?
Paula x x x
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