So a scrapbook LO, just to make the title of the post seem accurate! |
*Ahem* excuse the shouty title, I need your attention.(No change there, then.) Me and Lunch Lady Jan are having a meeting about next weekend's WOYWW Crop. We would really like to hear from some of you ..there are a handful of gals who suggested at the point of announcement that they would plan to come who haven't yet confirmed or otherwise...email me: juliadunnit@me.com - your lunch depends on this! Likewise, if you need driving directions, please email me and I'll send them by return.
As predicted, the hall hire and food charges will be covered by our £10 for the day fee. Any profit after food costs will go to our chosen charity, the Salisbury Women's Refuge. We will also be holding a raffle to help boost the donation that we make.
The lady in charge of hall hire has reminded us that the Central Heating will be switched off and there isn't an over-ride function. Normally, on the first weekend of June, we wouldn't consider this a problem, huh. So, we recommend layers. If it turns out to be the hottest weekend, we can move the tables outside. I don't expect to be breaking a sweat over that activity!
And another one, because I can! |
That lovely Shaz has said that she'll bring along her die collection so that we can cut some shapes to take home. It includes TH, spellbinders, blah blah. Bring your own card stock and speak nicely to the writer of this blog - she might cut for you to save your cropping time.
Jan, as you probably know, is crafting for the benefit of charity this year. One of her current projects is to supply zippered clutch style bags to the hospice, into which she's putting basic toiletries and handy bits. Women who enter the refuge often do so without even a toothbrush. If you have new toiletries hanging about in the unwanted gift drawer and feel you could donate them, we will happily take them off you. The same applies if you're a knitter and have odds of ball ends collecting in your baskets - patchwork style knit or crochet blankets are a great idea for the Refuge too, so Jan will use them if you probably aren't going to. Thank you!
If you've been collecting the plastic bottle tops for our Sam, don't forget to bring them. And ask her what they're for, it's quite amazing how much good a quantity of plastic can do.
Have a look at the WOYWW Crop page (link in the top left margin) for other info. And don't panic. It's a week tomorrow, 1st June.
Have a super weekend.