Friday, 29 January 2010
Get a cuppa,
Thursday, 28 January 2010
Two states of shock
And so to the second shock: If you're a regular visitor here, you'll know about Wednesday and WOYWW and the sort of blog hop it causes. It's lovely, and getting lovelier, frankly. I'm in a state of shock over yesterday though - 58 comments meant about 54 desks to visit - and all very interesting to me. It is a great opportunity to 'pimp' your blog, and we all love visitors and comments - well I do - so keep it in the spirit of the circlecultthing, huh? It's fun, it's a bit crazy and it doesn't matter at all. The only membership card is the button you can pick off here and you don't get a might pick up some customers but mostly and more importantly, you're likely to stumble on a friend. This blogging thing. Shocking good!
Wednesday, 27 January 2010
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday
Tuesday, 26 January 2010
Celebrating the difference
Immerse yourself in a crafty community for a while, meet new people, paint, cut, stick, chat. And coffee, tea and biscuits sometimes. It's all good.
So recently and locally, I did this 'decorating the jumbo peg' workshop - if you visit here even vaguely regularly, you'll have seen a few of them. There was a point before Christmas when I couldn't stop doing them - and they made great stocking fillers!

Monday, 25 January 2010
The thing is..
So me and my notebook are stepping out. I've learned to make proper notes too - if I want my inspiration to be of any use to me back in my work room, I need to be able to read my own writing and have more than one stupid word to remember the idea from. I'm not after inspiring prompts here, I'm going to be penning the full on descriptions. Wish me luck. And ask to see the results in a handful of months!
Friday, 22 January 2010
Read these numbers
Thursday, 21 January 2010
Through the Window Thursday
Wednesday, 20 January 2010
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday

And then there's my desk. You can see snow again, it's falling thick and fast this morning, grr. Again Rosie, you can see the green bin....conveniently located by the door and the discarded christmas tree....a hint from one to another in this household that the tree needs to be er, trimmed to fit in the bin! Anyway, that's through the window and I should save that for Thursdays!
My desk is the usual mess after yesterday; no sign of the sewing machine - I set it up elsewhere in the house because I couldn't squeeze anything else onto the surfaces in here! I've added three packets of teeny Papermania buttons to my button jar - do you know that you get less of the polka dot ones in a pack for the same price as you do the plain..really - how cheap is that! SO to get my own back, I will decorate my own from now on with my trusty Signo white pen! Savings of that nature will make a significant impact I'm sure, on my 'Spend Less' intention. Which isn't going so well. You can see my box of Stabilo coloured pens - really nice thin nibs for journalling and drawing stitches on papers. I must say when they run out, they will be replaced, I use them a lot. There's also a bottle of Prima flowers at the back of the desk. In an effort to remind me to use some. I love what everyone does with flowers and I have resolved to try and include them here and there. Until last night, this bottle was all the flowers I own and they are old - the original little flowers, I fell of course, for the packaging and think it was about a year before I could bring myself to break the seal on them bottle! The white card on the glass mat is cut awkwardly because I'd embossed it with a wordy folder and used some of the words as separate little tags. You can just see the makings of a couple of cards, and the paint is part of the fixings for the canvas. I'm not too ashamed of it this week; at least I can, hand on heart, say it's a productive mess!
So it's your turn - leave a comment here and direct us to your blog so we can have a nosey at your workspace. It doesn't have to be a desk, it certainly doesn't have to be tidy! We wanna see what you're doing and what you're using. Make a habit of it and brag about it with the button you can snatch in the left margin - go on, it's harmless and it's free and well, you'll be in quite a large circle!
Tuesday, 19 January 2010
One of 'those' days...
When Miss Dunnit was a tot, Grandma HAD to have her to stay overnight every now and again. It still is Grandma's Law. We do not fight this. In those early days though, we used to deliver her, come home and then faff about trying to decide what to do with our unusual free time......and then, finally when we'd decide, it was too late to go anywhere! It's been like that today..I've moved from room to room (kitchen to workroom and back, really) and sort of well, faffed. Not helpful. I've made some stuff though and even finished a tiny canvas in one sitting - which involved getting the sewing machine out! Can't now, but will eventually show it here. Am feeling greatly motivated now though, time to shower and change and get ready for a nice evening out. Do you think subconsciously I've been waiting to do this all day? Gawd. Just thought of that!
Meanwhile, this card made with Papermania Capsule papers and Chatsworth stamps. The birdcage is mounted on gingham vellum which I stamped with a scrolly arty image before laying it over white card. You can't tell, but now you know!
And the Pegs - thanks so much for admiring them - they are 4" high (10cm) x 1" wide (2.5cm) and come in pairs, by Creative Imaginations. Shopkeeper Gal will mail order them if you want her to - ask me, I'll put you in touch.
Monday, 18 January 2010
Gettin on'
Friday, 15 January 2010
Movin' on...
OK and here's a pedantic PSA. Public Service Announcement. I like an acronym, as y'all know. But it has to be a properly used one. Here's the one that currently drives me mad.
ETA It has, in common usage, two meanings:
Edited To Add or Estimated Time of/to Arrival
It doesn't, hasn't and I can't find evidence that it ever meant anything related to drawing your attention to a matter in the written form. In those cases, NB is the acronym to be used. (Nota Bene, latin for note well, or please note or pay attention to this bit, blah blah). I don't know why I've suddenly started noticing this, and it shouldn't bother me, but it does. Lecture over.
Oh and PS - the card features Basic Grey papers (Sugar Rush) and a stamp by Hero Arts.
Thursday, 14 January 2010
Wednesday, 13 January 2010
EARWIGO What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday
There's a plastic bubble from the new printer cartridge I had to install at about 10pm when I finally decided the subject of the mini album you can see as a work in progress. Well, you can't see much actually, 3 pages under my glasses and the chipboard covers and tabs are conveniently located under the tape and stuff at the right. My mini bin is having some success, so am claiming an intention fulfilled with that one! The papers of course, are from Basic Grey - the Sugar Rush collection pack. I end up with the packs because I simply am unable to decide by the sheet, what I might want. Pathetic huh! My card holder is actually in use too, with a few ideas for a future workshop.
If you'd like to see what Sissy Dunnit has been up to, go look at her photo on this lovely blog: - scroll down a teeny bit, she's pictured next to the 'tablecloth' she's currently sewing. WoW! Just in case you can't tell, she's the one hiding behind the bolt of fabric! How kind of PKM to post in time for WOYWW!
So that's me, what about you today? What's on your workdesk, tray, table, lap, floor? We would very much like to have a nosey; we like to see what you've got that we haven't (unless you're Susie - there's NOTHING left for her to get!). Leave a comment here and we'll whizz round for a rummage. Thanks for sharing. If you like, there's a button to snatch in the left margin. It will kinda mark you out though.
Tuesday, 12 January 2010
The challenge thing...
Oh and just to reinforce the image you have of me - Lady Nurse commented yesterday from the photo that I might have been about to clean my scissors - you can see a sachet of extremely good sticky stuff removing thingy. Don't panic everyone...that's been knocking about my desk for so long now I don't even notice it. When I did need to clean my scissors over the holiday, I used the bottle of stuff I keep under the kitchen sink. Slovenly? I prefer ironic!
Monday, 11 January 2010
It's such a challenge..
Friday, 8 January 2010
Am I late?
Have a safe warm and fabulous weekend. It's Ludgershall crop tomorrow, so I'm gonna get my act together..I wanna have a crack at The Creative Type challenge - thanks to Pam.
Thursday, 7 January 2010
..and then I'll blog
Wednesday, 6 January 2010
FWOTY! What's on Your Workdesk Wednesday
What is she putting off by making all these improvements?
Tuesday, 5 January 2010
Well, I kinda had the cleaning 'bit' between my teeth so I ended up making good on one of my non-resolutions! Hurrah! It took me a couple of hours but look: