Wednesday, 9 November 2016

What's On Your Workdesk? Wedneday 388

Strange angle to see the mess from! The table is, as you know, on castors in front of a barn door. Access has been required to the garden for building purposes. And so, my desk has been moved.
I was working at my desk yesterday morning (despite appearances, I had some space and was writing letters). Without warning, Mr Dunnit came home with machinery that he'd hired for the day. The machinery was to lift a ridiculously heavy steel lintel into place. To hold up the side of my house. We're extending, see, now that there's just the two of us at home. So of course, I had to drop everything, drape dust sheets and move furniture. Again. And because I didn't think it would be too bad this time, I didn't throw an old sheet/curtain/bedspread over the desk. Mistake. It looks as if someone emptied a tin of gritty talcum all over the desk. Argh. But, hey. The lintel is in place. The lifting machine has been returned without excess to pay. My house is still standing. When I've dusted them off, I'll show you the cards I made. Yep, I really did.
Share your desk sights and stories with us please....put WOYWW in your blog post title and link it here. Fab.


Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Well, life is certainly never dull in Dunnit land, is it Julia??
A shame about the talcum grit..l am totally surprised that I've managed to be número uno! You just never know, I had posted about five hours ago of course.
I look forward to those cards and trust the rest of the extension goes as smoothly.
Happy WOYWW! Thanks for sharing,
Shaz in Oz.x

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Helen said...

quite like the extended view outdoors with this angle - I know we are meant to be looking at your desk but I got distracted! Your post made me smile; only you could extend now your household gets smaller! (but you'll have room for Jan to stay) Look forward to seeing the dust free cards soon.

glitterandglue said...

Oh dear, Julia. Brick and building dust does rather get everywhere, doesn't it? I hope you manage to rescue your desk and your cards!!
Trust the building works all go ahead well and smoothly. We did just the same - the house got bigger the less of us lived there! Seemed crazy, but we soon discovered that as they left home the family started returning on masse - brought loads of friends with them...
Take care, dear girl. God bless.
Margaret #3 How on earth did I manage that??!

Anonymous said...

I know that feeling of thinking it wont be too bad and then see you was wrong. Good luck cleaning!

Nikki said...

Like the new view to your space and yuck at building dust at least it's done and you'll be able to tidy up. I find it amazing how far it gets carried through the house even with doors closed. When my DH was fixing something I didn't realize how far the dust carried it managed to make it in our closet. Congrats on making some cards during the construction and may it go smoothly hugs Nikki 5

Neet said...

Isn't it surprising how gritty dust gets everywhere. I am sure, had it been covered, there would have been some of the stuff on your desk. Did wonder what was going on when I saw your last post but thought I had just missed something. Good luck with the alterations.
Sounds as if you have been busy in the craft department, looking forward to seeing your cards.
Neet 4 xxx

Beverley Baird said...

Glad all went well. Best of luck with all the alterations.

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Dust. I hate the stuff. Good luck with the removal. At least your house is still standing. If you have got the winds like us, then just open the doors and it will blow your room clean! (Hubby has just come down from the milking parlour, which we decided to build on top of a hill - and too windy to do some treatment on the cows.) Ali x #12

Elizabeth said...

Hello Julia, interesting goings on at chez Dunnit! I don't envy you the gritty talc but I expect it will be worth it once the extension is done. How you kept calm and kept on crafting beats me - I'd have made a hasty exit. I see I'm coming in at lucky for some #13 this week - that has got to be my earliest in a very long time. I'd like to say I sat up all night just waiting to add my link but I'd be telling porkies :) I'd say have a good day but you have all that dust to remove so I'll just say happy WOYWW instead and have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #13

Annie said...

Trust me when I say the dust and mess will be so worth it in the end. Ours seemed to go on for ever but it's now just a distant memory and I'm such a happy bunny in our new home now.
Sending you big hugs....and a duster.
Annie x

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Glad your house isn't going to fall down now.

So now your desk has been contaminated, it might be a good time to take everything off, dust it down and try to put things away. Before you scream 'Are you mad!' at me, I did say maybe:) LOL

Hope you have a lovely WOYWW.

Sue #18

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I know it will all be worth it in the end. We had our loft converted some years ago and going away for a week was definitely the best option when they knocked through. You really do need to pack as much away as you can when they start making holes in things. Nice view of the desk today. Have a great woyww, Angela x 19

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope the rest of the work goes well. I'm amazed that you managed to get anything done in the circumstances. Sarah #21

Anne said...

House alterations always messy, dusty etc etc but so worth it in the end - but glad we've done it now. I keep thinking we should downsize but when our two plus their families arrive here we could do with more space :-) Hope all goes well with rest of work. Anne x #22

RosA said...

Oh yuk to the dust all over your desk :( I suppose that means another unscheduled desk tidy? Something else to interrupt the creative flow :)
Have a good week anyhow,
RosA # 23

Glenda said...

Good luck with your building project! Hoping you don't get too much dust in your space! Glenda #24

Diana Taylor said...

Good luck with all the building work - it's going to be so worth it at the end, and you'll have all that extra space for Jan to stay!
Hope you have a good week,
Diana #25

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia,OMG, there is nothing more invasive than the dust from building work of ant sort. Just keep repeating the mantra- It will Look lovely when it's finished! lol.Love and Hugs, Shaz xxx

Marit said...

Oooh, a lot of dust indeed! I'm surpised you are able to create in the middle of constructions... I myself am 'in shock' at times like that and cannot do a thing... Hang in there! Happy woyww, big hug from Holland. Marit #15

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

I'm sorry about the mishap, but glad your cards will be OK. Blessings!

Christine said...

I know what you're extending - your Studio! Lots of room to spread your stash .....
Look forward to seeing the dusted off cards.
Have a good week
Christine #27

Christine said...

'cheeky' Annie C jumped in before I could refresh .... I'm now #28

Shoshi said...

Oh dear, Julia, you certainly have my sympathy, having building work done at your house. Such a lot of mess and disruption... but I am sure it will be great once it's complete! Your desk really doesn't look too bad under the circumstances! What a good idea to have castors on the table.

Have a great week, and happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #29

pearshapedcrafting said...

Building dust has a way of getting in where it shouldn't for sure! Still, glad you had time for making some cards too! Hugs, Chris 31

Kyla said...

Oh the dust!!! Good luck

BJ said...

Phew! Nice to see your desk moved to get access to the door as my visions of you all clambering underneath it was all too much!

Yep - work dust get everywhere. I made my hubby cover nearly EVERYTHING when he was doing the ceiling the other week. He wasn't going too but the fine layer left on the side table afterwards proved it was a good move. You couldn't even see the layer left on the table but just running your fingers over it!!!

I so hope your desk de-dusting isn't too difficult. BJ#33

Kathyk said...

GOOD LUCK with the extension, that sure is one interesting desk this week


No. 35

misteejay said...

Mr D likes to keep you on your toes, doesn't he LOL.
Very strange angle to see your desk at but glad to hear the building work went without a hitch.
Toni xx

Chidkid said...

Oh my word! I've been there.. and you're still talking? lol

ednamburgess said...

Sorry but your desk looks as bad as my whole workroom. Trying to do so many things at once and it's a mess. But look at the beautiful cards you turn out. Good luck with all you have to do. Edna

Unknown said...

Good morning Julia. How exciting to be extending your house......minus the clean up. Hope everything goes smoothly and quickly for the two of you. Congrats on getting some cards done. Have a fantastic day. Hugs always ~Anne L#6

Sharon Madson said...

The nerve of Mr. Dunnit! LOL I am glad your house and craft room are still standing. Good luck with the dusting, Julia! #43

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I can only say I love the window panels, I'd love to have them in my space. Not so much the mess of a redo. However sometimes the end result is so worth it. Have fun with the mess. Thanks for the reminder. I need to cover my totes in the garage BEFORE the road dust settles upon them. But I do feel organized with their new home. Have a great week Julia.

Princess Judy Palmer said...

Always cover the desk! It doesn't matter if you are working in the other room or not someone the grit always finds the desk! Interesting shot of your desk today, getting to see it moved out of its usual spot.

Lynn Holland said...

All the best ideas come from your desk Julia.
A desk on casters, just what I could do with.
As for extending I know all about that, we doubled the size of our bungalow by going upwards. Its mahoosive now and theres only the two of us.
Philip says "you do realise one day we will probably downsize. And what will we downsize to - something we already had"
Good luck with your extension.
LYnn xx

Lynne Mizera said...

Oh Julia, I feel your gritty Joy and Pain! (Joy over another big reno task completed but pain over the mess!) having lived through three home renos myself, and having discovered just how pervasive drywall dust is, especially if the furnace comes on and it gets into the furnace ducting! Can't wait to see those Christmas cards... Lynne In Canada WOYWW #45

Lindart said...

Sounds like you took it all in stride! Good to actually get things done that need doing. I wish I had a Mr Dunnit at my house! My hubby is Mr Didn'tDunnit. But that's OK, he has other qualities :-)

Stacy Sheldon said...

I honestly only giggled a little bit because, YES, I know exactly how that goes... we are working on our house again too. :) ( no mug shot yet) that is so handy to have the table be on wheels YAY for you! and hopefully the dusting does not take too long. ~Stacy

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

My hubby did some plastering this weekend and my stuff ended up with the same dusty coating on it. Worse still, be breathed it all in, even though he's already got bronchitis. It was too late when I noticed what he was doing! A bit of foresight would have gone a long way - a dust sheet and a mask - but I didn't get any advance warning to prepare! Oh hubbies, they're all the same, aren't they? Happy WOYWW, Julia! I'm slowly working my way through the list.

Monica said...

Dragging myself from my bad at 1 1m CST I was SHOCKED, no MORTIFIED to find you had not posted!!!! So I snuck back to bed. This morning headlines were enough to gag a maggot so I forgot to mail this . My head while not fully cleared(is it ever)has now come to check out the rest of the world. Life goes on.

I know that "I just rented... can you just move..." It must be a universal DH trait! use a hand held vacuum and suck up that dust. The other alternative is a cat with a huge fluffy tail capable of sending anything out and about.
Monica #49

Sharon said...

Oh no! Hope you get that dust cleared up soon so we can see your cards.

Sharon K #39

April said...

My goodness! I would love to see the cards you made. Glad to hear the house made it through. :-)

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

This looks like controlled chaos. I remember when I renovated my kitchen, I made the mistake of washing everything, boxing it up, covering it, and dust still sifted in. A second washing taught me not to clean until after the job was complete. Your desk was a different story, though, since you probably use it daily.

What got me curious is what appears to be a wooden doll house or maybe a bird house against your fence in the back yard.

Hope your week is going well. I really miss playing, but life prevents it at the moment.

Heather said...

Sorry I'm so late this week after being gone for a couple weeks! Hopefully you'll forgive me... hope your expansion goes off without a hitch. Can't wait to see the cards you made. :) Have a great week! ~Heather~ WOYWW #51