Taken in the dark this morning, so not a bad attempt I think! As you can see, I've been playing with the Basic Grey papers 'Origins'. I love 'em. But as usual, they scare me to death. I love the double sided-
ness - especially as a lot of them have grids and blocks on and I'm a sucker for anything office-y. I'm not sure there's much else of interest to be honest - a new set of stamps (for me) by
Kanban of all people, and the image on the card-in-progress is one of them...so far so nice. You can see my patterned paper scrap box at top left. Again, since I
stopped throwing them in flat and have them all standing up nicely, they are much easier to flick through and access and so are being relatively well used - very well used if you consider the lack of use because of the previous storage option. Now, Shopkeeper Gal has suggested we swing our cameras a bit, and show our top drawers next week as well. I will. But only if you will too. And of course, by top drawer, I mean another part of your working space...like the sofa, Ann!
'This is where I'm going with the green cord'If you joined the WOYWWers last week, you'll know a little about this fabric project already. Of course, my gifted and waaaay more patient sister Stephanie seems to be winning in the organised sibling stakes too. This was waiting in the inbox this morning for WOYWW. I'm impressed. At the organisation sure, but hugely and mostly at the colour-the-cord-yourself-and-then-go-to-the-trouble-of-sewing-it-around-the-existing-patterns. Wow, that Steph sure got the patience gene!
Join the madness then, so we can all trot around and see what you're currently working on. And what you've got. And how tidy you are. These seem to be the three things we all like to find out about each other! Photo your surface, put it on your blog (with a disclaimer if you feel it's untidy!) and leave a comment here. Then put the kettle on. Quite a few of us will be around for a rummage! There's a button in the left side bar if you want to go public as a member of this circlecultthing!
Just a quick post from me today cos it's manic here. Will aim to get back later to read through all other blogs.
A x
Oh .. I've got most BG papers, but not those - might have to investigate. Glad to see the scraps box is handy and being used - and, yes, mine is nearby - it's just on a pull out shelf to my right, which you can't see in the photo. My WOYWW is here x
Hiya, thought I would play along again.... My desk is tidy again but boy look at the rest of my room!!!!
Here it is!!!
Love Hazelxo
Top drawer????????? I may pluck up courage to share that next week!
I have added my desk today to my blog but you will have to scroll down a post cos I have joined in with OWOH which will stay at the top of my blog for the duration.. have a look if you dont know what I am blethering on about xx
Love those bright colours Julia they remind me od a tropical summer ...oh in my dreams
My DESK is quite tidy for me today, but lets see if miss Vikki will be joining us on the right day this week !! he he love a little banter with her !! he he
Hugs Susie xx
Morning Julia
Your desk looks like all efficient and work-like - artisty (are you sure its not a stage set) tee hee. I've never gone for BG papers (and others either) - I just wouldn't know where to start, I suppose thats why I go for CD's and print out what I want when I want it - I tell you that its easier and tidier to store anyway!! I do like the scraps standing-up-rather-than-laying-down idea. I can see why that would work. I've got a scrap box and don't think I look in it from one month to another. Now, I'm off to nosey round those who have posted here already and will be back later as you get more posts. Would love it is people would drop by mine for a browse - sorry can't do the link think but please visit http://paulaspaperplayground.blogspot.com/ - all welcome
x x x
I eyed those papers up last night ... they are yummy! My desk is here just off to grab a coffee and then visit everyone ... Do I need to keep this hat on all day :0)
I said last week that the wedding invitations I was working on would probably be done by today. You gals made me feel guilty and I'm glad to say it was just the catalyst I needed to get me going!I DID get them done yesterday!
I was in Bath for a long weekend holding the fort with my granddaughter, who had a terrible cold, whilst my daughter went into hospital. Both are now better I'm happy to report!
I'd better get on with a little crafting 11.25am and nothing done so far today!
I forgot my link.
You can see my workspace here
Your desk looks very productive - well I know the desk isn't but you know what I mean :) I'll pop round to visit others later 'cos I need to get dressed!!! Mine's quite tidy today nothing exciting on there though. I have managed to tidy my offcuts and need to make a concerted effort to use some of them up. Loving all the colour on your sis's workdesk :)
Anne x
Oh meant to do a 'proper' link today :) Mine's here
Anne xx
Hmmm top drawer, I'll have to think about that one ;)
My cluttered desk of non craftiness is on my blog, off to put little un to bed, kettle on then will go hopping to see y'all :) x
Good idea about storing papers upright - and I'm another Basic Grey fan too. Just been playing with Ambrosia, and the brads were almost too gorgeous to use!! Can't see the bin properly this week at all .... very disappointing :-( Just as I was getting quite fond of it.
You are looking very productive there like the green papers not stopping long wanting to have a nosey at the rest, Christine x
Here's my mess
Your desk looks very busy and productive today. Mine is boring but tidy so apologies to those who like a mess!
You can see it here!
OMG what a pile of things to go through on your work area! Mine has "other" stuff that still needs to be sorted and put away.
Enjoy your BG papers they look yummy, so does your fabric. Thank you for such a lovely warm welcome when I played for the 1st time 2 wks ago.xx As you know I am a mobile crafter - still in the kitchen tho! DH says it's more of a craft room than a kitchen!! what can he mean!lol... Looking forward to visiting everyone tonight.
Here is my workdesk today!. Will have to think about showing you my drawers!!!!!
Love the fabric, very colourful! And, yes love BG papers too - they get stroked often!!!!
Heres my desk today, in fact the piccies were taken last night but it wont have changed since then (at work now!) - except the cat will have gone! (hopefully)
Keep well
Hmm well i did tidy mine up last week and added a tidy pic to the end of the post as I was giving some of my buddies coronarys....it didn't last long. I hope I don't kill off too many of them with this weeks piccies.
Sam x
Bugger my head isn't where it should be today either hahaha Here's my mess sorry creative chaos
sam x
WOw what patience to stitch that cord on!!! ooo loving those BG papers too!!!
You can find my desk here
Off to put the kettle on haha X
Oh Julia, I'm so glad you mentioned on my blog getting an easel at Hobbycraft - I'm probably getting a lift to Crayford HC tomorrow, so will look out for one x
Mines quite tidy today! lol
here's my desk carlyann xxx
Love BG papers.... never bought any though as they scare me half to death! Wouldn't know what to use them for and I'd pass at at the thought of taking a pair of scissors to them, lol, daft I know.
Here's my inky desk this week.
Blimey there's a lot of us forgetting to put our links on ain't there heheeehe The fiskars thing Julia I used to use it a lot - until I replaced the blade and now it won't work properly. Keep saying I'm going to treat myself to the new version with the squishy bits but I never got any money left by the time I get to them heheehe
Sam x
Sam (or someone), can you tell me how put a link on? TIA xx
Love all that fabric! Today I am mostly silk painting...http://twiglet5.blogspot.com/
Hi everyone,!! I love Basic Grey paper !! and your desk looks great! Love the fabic too very colorful well Here's my desk
i've got one thing to say missus.. HOOOOOOGE desk, teeny tiny actual workspace! love your style! xxx
Morning everyone - my WOYWW post is up! I posted late last week so you may all want to do a 2 for 1 if you missed out as last week, I jumped ALL the way in the pool and showed off my mess - but THIS week I cleaned up, lol!
You can visit me at:
Be sure to enter my One World One Heart giveaway while you're there too!
I'll be back in awhile to read and comment on all of your posts! I've been sick all week and need to go eat and try to start catching up on just about everything!
TTYS - Have a great Wed all!
What time were you up this morning Julia?? You were quick off the mark with your desk. I like the idea of having your scraps in easy reach.
My space is disgraceful, but then I do have a couple of weeks of catch up to do. I took photos of the rest of the room already so I guess I'm showing my drawers early!!
My mess is href=http://kazscraftbits.blogspot.com/>here
Oh I messed it up again here
have i sussed this link business?
Oh my god I can't believe how many brave people are out there, its going to take me ages to leave to nosey everyones desks this week! Ok mine is here Hugs Pam x
Hi again. I've just finished all the sewing I'm doing for today and have updated my blog :-)
Love your fabrics Julia. Look forward to seeing finished results :-)
A x
You certainly made me smile today knowing that there are other's like me out there! My space today is tidy...but I know is won't last. ikki
OK I'm keeping up with this again at the moment and a glimpse into my creative space can be found here http://craftamongthelandrovers.blogspot.com/2010/01/phew-its-wednesday-today.html
Can't figure the proper link thing out at the moment but am determined to find time this week to check out everyone elses posts
Thanks for visting my place - yes it is a bit of a relief from the dissertation but only snatched time now I am getting to the real work! See you have a peg in action!
here's my card
Lynn x
Oooooh at your papers and sorry but an even huger OOOOOHHHH at your sissy's desk. WOW and YUM! spring to mind.
I'm here - bit late but here :P I'm up for some swinging next week. Hur, hur, hur.
I'm a bit late in the day joining WOYWW, it is my first time and my desk looks like I don't do any crafting.
My blog can be found here
Om my goodness, over 40 comments! I'm afraid I don't have time to check them all out at the moment as I've got to be at school in 25 minutes. Here's my desk http://jay-dailydeliberations.blogspot.com/, if you'd care to look.
Mostly just a furball...hehe. Here is mine http://tkelli.blogspot.com/2010/01/woyww.html
(I can't find the hyperlink code b/c my other desk is horrendous! lol)
Julia, your WOYWW idea is really exploding! I think I need to take Wednesdays off work to go see everyone's desks!
I'm a Basic Grey lover too. As for sewing.. er..can't get sewing machines to work for me, but I admire anyone who can.
If you're mad enough to want to check out my sofa next week, then who am I to refuse 'The Goddess of WOYWW'?
Here's my link http://cupboardcrafter.blogspot.com/2010/01/woyww_27.html
Your sister must have the patience of a saint!! I wouldnt have the patience to do that.
My desk is probably the messiest (is that even a word? lol) you guys have ever seen it.
Sorry I'm a bit late in the day. A least its still wednesday!!
Here it is
Beautiful fabrics! really beautiful!!! I'm late agin but I have an excuse miss ....please miss I'm poorly :)
Hi Julia you were right about the knife i keep long at the special bone things but my knife does me!!
I'm very late, just got in from work, and my desk is awful.
look here
you're looking very productive this week! I should have taken a pic of mine I FINALLY finished my 40 album, yay me..lol
p.s if you were referring to the bottom right corner it's actually a large merino ram, neither a dinosaur nor a mobile poo...lol
The paper is indeed propped up for pictures! There are just all the challenge sketches I've printed out behind it. The stamps are from the "you Rock" card that is posted below for the Papertake challenge. All my paper and other stuff is on the floor in containers, but I'm rediong my area this week to have more room!!!! Thanks for stopping by :D
redoing* lol
oh nuts!!!! I was thinking about WOYWW yesterday and when I could take a photograph and then today when I got home I was tidying up for Mum's visit tomorrow and then went to tap dance and then went to the pub for a quick drink and.....completely forgot about WOYWW until I got home and rummaged through my feedreader!!!! Oops - will try better next week.
Craig is indeed brilliant isn't he? I found me a star in him. What you don't see though is when I drive him up and down the country to pick up/drop off birdies. Take him to these weird back of beyond fishing spots and then have the car stinking of stinky old fish from his wet nets and gear, and get up to my armpits at the kitchen sink in a sheds worth of bird poo encrusted perches and feeders. That's my way of trying to pay hm back for all he does for me in my hobbies :P And I only moan a titchy bit about the bird poo and fish stink.
Lucky for me his Mum and Dad both used a sewing machine while he was growing up and where he actually took an interest (and I didn't and wish I had) he was a massive help today. He's really getting into a lot of the crafty bits I'm trying - going to have to watch out for my desk eh?
Thanks for the pedal tip - will try that tomorrow :)
Love all those Greens on your Desk and the BG papers YUM!! finally able to post but Late. My DH has been playing around with the electricity and it's been off and on all day so heres what's in one of my boxes my desk was neat cause who can work in the dark and haven't had time :( till now to start
hugs Nikki
Love those fabrics and wow at how long it takes to trace around each image with that thread I wouldn't have the patience
Duh -- Here's my post
Hi there everyone,
was a bit late in showing my desk this week but just about managed it!!! Julia yours looks fab as ever, you always have somthing fab going on... i wish i had more time to do the stuff i love... but then dont we all xx
you can see my messs here -
whops - having link trouble its silvercustard.blogspot.com
I just love to look at where people work! Unfortunately I can't show you my space (or lack of) a) because I don't have a desk, b) I don't have a digital camera or a camera on my phone - so you'll just have to imagine it - I work on the floor (poor knees, they ain't getting any younger, lol!) in my living room, surrounded by "stash" - its very messy, but (luckily?) I live on my own so who cares!!! If you want to see what I do on my floor, check me out here:
http://stampingbyh.blogspot.com and just picture the mess!!
another busy week and another messy workdesk LOL
Mine is here
Love the fabric with the cording, that is fab!
My first tour of duty after being challenged by the talented Sue of Sue's Stamping Stuff.
Here's my mess:
It's been a while! My desk is sadly clean!
I tried to post earlier, doesn't look like it worked....here is my desk, please visit. :) It's a bit tidier than normal.
It's fun to see who is Christmassy and who isn't!
MIne is here
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