Wednesday, 5 March 2025

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 822

A jaunty angle to throw off the fact of the mess. Even the floor is a bit erm, busy...I haven't unpacked my rolling cart after last weekend's crop and there's a bag of cardstock that I bought at the craft show last weekend's. That's not unpacked because of course, I can't quite face teabag syndrome that another wedge of cardstock will set off. Ah well. Instead, look at one of my favourite stamps...
I'm very into paper piecing  it at the moment, and was totally inspired by Shaz in Oz to pull out some scraps and then by Helen to use a stencil...I mean, I often say in their comment sections how I'd like to do more with scraps or use one of my handful of stencils. So I did. At last you yell,not just talking the talk!

Here's how it worked out...and I'm doing more. They're all going to be slightly different of course, card fronts and boredom force change, but essentially I've made a lot of small offcuts into teeny bits of waste and I'm happy about that, Shaz and Helen, I applaud you.
If you'd like to join us and this grand old show and tell, please visit Sarah's Craft Shed for the link and the list.


My name is Cindy said...

ooh get you being all arty and stuff! Thing is once you start with the er messier type of crafting you can produce quite a bit in no time at all. I have been inspired by a stencil technique seen on Jan's blog from last week - just need to find a bit of time........Happy WOYWW, love n hugs Cindy #4

Helen said...

Glad you've been inspired enough to stencil ! I do miss craft shows and briefly thought about Sandown, but Kew won out . Happy woyww Helen #1

Neet said...

The only show I get to these days is a local one and that is mainly to see a couple of friends from when I was on the circuit.
Glad you have been inspired by a couple of techniques new to you and merged them together. Wish I could get inspired but at the moment I am such a mess that i cannot craft until I get some semblance of order.
Why do your jaunty angle photos look good but mine make me feel giddy?
Hugs, Neet 12 xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

My theme for this year is 'Use it or Lose it' and that includes all the scraps I've kept over the years, stencils, embossing folders and stamps. I'm using up some scraps today as we speak. Love the card front you've made. Great photo too. Wishing you a very happy woyww, Angela x9x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

Ah, the old Teabag Syndrome rears its head again! We reference that all the time in our house, lol. The paper piecing looks fun but fiddly, glad you’re enjoying it though. I’ve just got back from my shift in the RNLI shop, thankfully no surprises sprung on me today!
Hugs LLJ 2 xx

Chana Malkah said...

I love paper piecing and yours is looking awesome! I find it to be the be way to use scraps, and one ends up with quite interesting combinations!
Have a fabulous week!
Chana, WOYWW #16

Crafting With Jack said...

Love your card. Dolly is still poorly so rushing around, hugs Angela

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Brilliant Julia at using your scraps, it's so satisfying isn't it?
Mind you I don't do it enough.
We're busy battening down the hatches here as its a cyclone (TC Alfred, apologies to all Alfreds) off Brissy that's causing high winds even this far south with lots of rain on the way. Some mucky weather on the way. Praying no loss of life. I get your posts even if don't comment much via Follow it, it's nice to keep up.
God bless your week, Julia,
Prayer hugs, Shaz in Oz.x

Mary Anne said...

Oh I do love that stamp! I would use the hell out of it in the same way - it would make lovely fodder! And the card turned out great. Funny, in my recent clean I found some birds I stamped with Helen's stamps at a long ago crop! Been hoarding it for the perfect use, but now I have the stamps myself, I can use them. Knitting yesterday so catching up on all who don't link before I go :)
Happy catching-up day WOYWW!
Mary Anne (8)

Susan Renshaw said...

That is a lovely stamp and well done on using the scraps. My current project is to make some snippet rolls...
Happy late WOYWW! Susan #17

Lynnecrafts said...

Hi Julia, what’s the old teabag syndrome? Lovely collaged cards.
happy belated WOYWW from me.
Lynnecrafts 3 xx

Twiglet said...

Oh I really love what you have done there Julia. Gorgeous colours and a great way to use up scraps. I've been busy in my room re- covering my chair seat pads. All good fun! 😃x x Jo 🌈

Spyder said...

I really love the colours you've chosen on that page at the top...I'd like to make it biggger and cover some boxes with it! (That's really all I'm doing at the /dog sitting and waiting for my kitchen to be finished! Have great weekend! HapPy WoYWW!?((Lyn))#13

BJ said...

Teabag syndrome??? You've lost me with that one. Love the stamp. Hugs BJ#6