Thursday, 31 March 2011
Look here, doubters....
Wednesday, 30 March 2011
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 95
Monday, 28 March 2011
More basics..
Friday, 25 March 2011
Back to basics..
Wednesday, 23 March 2011
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 94
OEMMGEEEEE: I just completely forgot to add Mr Linky - canyou imagine how my life is with such a useless memory?! Sorry all, have rectified....! If you're returning to link - check the list, I've already done some!!
A dramatic and very satisfying return to form....oh yeah desk is cluttered, filthy and I am loving it! OK, maybe by lunchtime I'll be very fed up with it because I have to move on and kit thursdays workshop, but just now, I'm in my groove. Late into my groove though - I'm working on something for my sweet Sissy; it's her birthday on Friday. Yep, I am late because I have to get it in the post. And first class isn't going to cut it - she's in California. Gulp.
Sunday, 20 March 2011
Ribbon envy
Go ahead, be envious, I know I have a large selection of ribbon. This photo is actually over a year old....but things don't change much really - because of course, when one uses a piece of ribbon, it has to be replaced, mais non?! So over a long series of discussions with crafting bloggers, noseying around blogs on WOYWWednesdays and generally putting off making a decision, I've spent some time re-organising. And by 'some time', I mean bloomin' ages! It took at least five nights to separate the ribbons into colour groups, decide on how long a length was a real length and not a scrap and then loop them all. Put me off organising I can tell you. M
Thursday, 17 March 2011
On being the delivery driver..
Wednesday, 16 March 2011
What's On Your Workdesk Wednesday? 93
Tuesday, 15 March 2011
Well, colour me surprised!
Monday, 14 March 2011
Free time makes me impatient.
Thursday, 10 March 2011
Ok, so this may be a bit...suggestive..shocking...
Wednesday, 9 March 2011
What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 92
Tuesday, 8 March 2011
That was the Crop that was
Monday, 7 March 2011
Shameless self publicity...

Midsummer Madness Card Marathon
Saturday 4th June 2011
Tidworth, Hants
Midday to 8pm
£40 per person
We’re happy to announce another Marathon card making session in our usual format: we’ll supply everything you need - sample to copy, instructions, papers, glitters, stamps, inks, blah - to make a bunch of year round useful cards (one of each – about 25 if you do them all!). We’ll give you written instructions and be lurking to provide commentary and beverages, and because of some bright spark and demand, we’re doing supper; weather permitting, it can be outside and we can take it more leisurely because you’ll have finished your card marathon!
Booking is essential. There is an upper limit too, so don’t delay if you want to come with friends. We'd like a £10 deposit per person with your booking; if you want to, you can make an interim payment. Either way, any balance will be payable on the day, at the door. Payments can be made via Paypal or by cheque or cash of course. Once you've booked your spot, we'll confirm, and by email provide you with further details - route directions, what to bring. To book a spot, please email me - there's a link in the left column of this blog.
Please read the small print:
- your deposit is not automatically refundable. If we know in advance that you can't come, we will do our best to fill your space and therefore return your deposit. (7 days in advance, minimum)
- Your deposit can be transferred if you give us notice that you aren't coming. (7 days notice, minimum)
- Your deposit is entirely safe and 'ring-fenced'. We will not be using it to buy resources or pay costs in advance. In the unlikely event that we have to cancel the day, your deposit will be refunded within 48 hours of our cancellation announcement.
Sunday, 6 March 2011
Another (entirely sponsored) review. Crochet, anyone?
Love… Crochet is published by New Holland Publishers, price £12.99.
Enter the discount code Stamping at the checkout to receive 20% discount and free P&P.
(Free P&P to UK residents only!)
Offer valid until 1st September 2011