Wednesday 2 August 2023

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 739

In order to avoid talking about a portion of photo that you can't actually see, I've focussed the camera over the *cough* most interesting section of my desk.
At left, where it looks as if it could be tidy, there's a basket of pens, so not so much of a miss if you don't see them. Of course, balanced on the basket is a bunch of cards made and finished yesterday. I used a Brayer to make a casual inky background. I almost couldn't believe it myself, even as I was actually doing it! You can just see the edges of the inking on my scrap paper, under the crabs. The crabs are waiting to be finished...slightly boy/male variety birthday cards I hope! Some of the stamps I've used in the last couple of days qualify as NBUS; I do hope Darlene will be proud! No doubt that I'm incapable of working in any way other than a mess,  but I am actually clearing up between card sets. Yesterday I had the french doors open and a gust of wind just as I was shaking embossing powder onto an image caused me to have to clear up and actually sweep the desk off with a dustpan and brush - working on a gritty surface would make my teeth itch! Made me a bit sweary for a minute too, lost quite a lot of embossing power! Please show and tell then, weather 💨 stories and all! 


Neet said...

I know just how you feel about embossing powder. So annoying when you have a spill and so messy to clear up but better than trying to work on a gritty surface.
Love the crabs. I can just imagine a row of them snaking with that sideways walk of theirs going across the page in one of my Journals.
Love the close up view - what's the egg cup for though?
Hugs, Neet 1 xx

Helen said...

those crabs look fun! I'd have sworn too if the wind blew away a load of embossing powder. well done on using NBUS too! Happy WOYWW

BJ said...

Oh my the embossing powder incident what a pickle. Reminds me I need to sort that drawer out too. One I came to use during the fodder challenge "after years" didn't smell so great! but it still worked so I guess the heat would kill anything lurking in there. I need to reassess. Super crabs, you must make loads of cards! I only made one this week and it isn't even finished off.... Hugs BJ#3

Mary Anne said...

Cute crabs! I love to craft with a bit of fresh air but a breeze car be so disruptive lol! NBUS? Not a clue…
Happy Woyww!
Mary Anne

Kyla said...

Ooh i can almost feel the embossing powder, thats so annoying (takes ages to clean up too, bit like glitter!). Loving the idea of the brayer background for the cards too.
Kyla #6

My name is Cindy said...

I reckon it takes about5 mins for my clean crafting space to default to piles of stuff. I am really trying to be tidy (not because I am a tidy freak but because the default settings leads to mega frustration and things getting stuck together. But it is hard. I just like to get a lot of stuff out!! My only wind related incident lately was when I walked on to my drive the other day and on the floor found one of the 'eyes' from an owl themed dreamcatcher I made a year or so ago. The sisters and granddaughte4r met up to meet them after mum died - she loved owls and dreamcatchers so it was appropriate. Anyhoo it had obviously been blown out the window. Decided I didn't much care for the eye bits anyway so haven't stuck it back. I suppose I had better get round to removing the other one. Well done with the NBUs, at the last count I had over 50. Not going there again. Cute crabs though I'm a little concerned where you might be going with a n hugs Cindy xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

I can imagine the words that came out when the embossing powder was blown away, just hope you have enough to finish the job. I am wondering what the egg cup is for? More rain today so we will probably need to lower the pond again. I have an awful dream of fish swimming around the garden! Wishing you a very happy woyww. Hugs Angela x8x

Annie said...

A BIT sweary? That was controlled 😂😂 I hate it when things like that happen when you’re in the flow of something good. Love the crabs
Annie x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I bet your language was dirtier than a sailor’s jockstrap! What a pain about the embossing powder, I bet everything will be sparkly for ages now. Fun crabs (now there’s a phrase I wasn’t expecting to write this morning (1) but they will make great cards.
Hugs LLJ 5 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

I always like to use a NBUS!!
I am just about to vacuum my craftroom - my floor is a little gritty!
Hugs! Sue

Crafting With Jack said...

Sounds intriguing inking with a brayer,did you just wipe the ink pad on the brayer? Those crabs look happy. Shame about the loss of embossing powder. Happy WOYWW. Angela #9

Lynn - One I Made Earlier said...

Morning Julia, you’ve just reminded me I need a card for a male friends birthday. Not that he’s crabby, well not all of the time heehee

Catriona said...

Someone once turned on a fan at our craft group and the embossing powder is probably still in the rafters of the church hall! You may must have put me in the mood to do some embossing as I haven’t done any for years. Catriona

Sarah Brennan said...

That was so annoying - especially if it is a favourite embossing powder Julia. The crab images are cute. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #15

Anne said...

Love embossing powder but hate, hate, hate when it goes everywhere. The
crabs make fun cards.
Anne x 17 ? I think

Christine said...

It takes a lady with a lot of guts to tell the world she has crabs! . . . and to SHOW them . . . well!
They are rather cute though . . .
I will not mention the glitter, oh! I did . . . sweep it away and buy new is all I can say and if you want to reward yourself with some other stash while about it . . . that's ok by me as well! lol
have a fun week
Christine #18

Lynnecrafts said...

Cute crabs and I imagined you having to dust the embossing powder off yourself 🤣. Everything must’ve been so sparkly! Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia, I'm trying to get back in the mood for some real crafting. We've not been on holiday but we have been going backwards and forwards to clear my mother's house now she is in a Care home permanent which has taken up much of my spare time and I was feeling a bit tired too as the house is about an hour away so the travelling didn't help either. Although it's done now there are other things that need to be sortyed for her and she's not been very well recently but she has settled in at the Care Home. Pleased you are enjoying making the Masterboards. Although I tend to make them with A3 card they can be any size and don't forget you can scan them and then you've got them for good. I have some lightweight card which still works in the printer which is quite useful. Take care sweetie and sending hugs, Angela xXx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

I meant to stop by earlier today, but life got in the way. As I told you in an e-mail, I didn't play this week because I am hosting my own link party and didn't want to confuse anyone. See you next week for sure.

BTW, I know what you mean about knocking embossing powder over. I had it happen twice. Now I am more careful. I hate clean up and rework!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Happy Glitter Day, haven't been home long enough to get a post even scheduled. Not much work down the steps yet. Such a cute little crab. We have 3 Local Fairs going on AND humid days bowing out of todays events, just not fun with all the fog. And I have garden veggies to work with........... I love seeing a 10x10 workspace....enjoy a good week