Wednesday 10 April 2019

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 514

I am at Jan’s, getting a top up of erm, soft water, landscapes, seaside, another language, shopping, home cooking, laughter and chat. I do not have a desk to offer you, and I know that Jan is sharing the crafting section of this visit on her blog today. Honestly, I’m so laid back about being here I haven’t taken any photos! Which is silly, because yesterday, we went to a charming town called Narbeth and met Ali W for lunch! Fun! Lots of you will meet her at Crop, all being well with her. Bring it on!
But, I thought I might share a photo that I took way back in February when I was away with the Coven for a weekend of scrapbooking. All the crockery was ‘stamped’ with lovely phrases.  The weather was vile and I was safe and warm inside, scrapping. No guilt attached because I wasn’t at home to do chores or wholesome Suzy Homemaker work, outside-y jobs or bracing country walks were out of the question because of the weather. So I present...a perfect day:
Arty, huh! the pencil is called Black Cherry because that’s what it used to smell of. It came in a fragrance saving tube with a lid. Long lost. The LO I was working on involved a sunset over a Canary Island, and the mug was full of coffee. See - perfect!
I’m travelling home this morning, so gimme a chance to catch up won’t you. Meanwhile, please show and tell, it’s the name of the game. Thank you very much!


Helen said...

I am glad you're having such a relaxing time.. From the pic Jan has shared you are looking really well. I do hope to work out getting to crop, it would be great to see everyone but the travel is proving a bit... eurgh! must do more research, and soon!

glitterandglue said...

Morning Julia. I'm sure you have had a fabulous time with Jan and G, enjoying long standing friendships, good air, scenery, sea, a new language... and maybe a little gin? A Canary Island - goodness, what an exotic life you lead... Love to Jan and G and yourself.
Take care. God bless.
Margaret #1 (somehow - must have clicked on update at just the right moment)

Neet said...

How wonderful to be spending time with your best mate in that lovely part of Wales. Well, I say lovely because of the photos Jan shows us - not first hand information if you get my drift.
What a fab cup and what a great pencil to smell, well, once of a day. The idea of being in the Canaries fills me with warm fuzzy feelings, I love the islands and am so sad that we had to cancel my birthday bash there this year. Just hope that "B" word does not have any effect on a future trip.
Hugs and stay safe on the journey home.
Neet 3 (I think it was) xxx

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Sounds like you've had a great time at Jan's meeting up with more Woyww(ers).. Perfect just like that smashing photo taken during your scrapping session.
Safe journey back home Julia & don't rush to greet that housework waiting for your return :)) WoywW Hugs Tracey (5?)

Lunch Lady Jan said...

That Margaret is a wise old did she know that gin was involved??! It's been wonderful. Let's do it again soon ๐Ÿ˜Š
Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

Annie said...

Oh how lucky are you. Hope you’re well topped up on all the essentials ๐Ÿ˜‰ have a safe journey home.
Annie x

Shoshi said...

Ooooh Bliss, Julia! I am sure you milked the last drop from this and had a great time. Wish I could meet up with you all as well! Love your photo this week with the low-level angle - very arty. Not sure I’d enjoy smelly pencils though... So good to be away from the pull of chores. I find it very hard that the creative stuff is always at the bottom of the heap and by the time I get there, I’m often too tired to do it.

Happy WOYWW,
Shoshi #11

Lynn Holland said...

“Perfect day” as the saying on your mug implies sounds like it was indeed what occurred. How lovely, there should be more of it Julia. And who’d ave thought it, smelly pens, that’s a new one on me. Hope your journey home is a safe one.
Lynn xx 13

Anne said...

Hi Julia - I saw that you had been at Jan's. Sounds simply wonderful. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the crop. Anne x 14

Marit said...

Being togheter with a kindred spirit, sharing love, laughter and crafting... that sounds like a perfect day indeed! Have a safe trip home Julia, love from Holland. Marit #17

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Bad weather can definitely have its own merits - as long as you don't have to go anywhere! Enjoy the soft water at Jan's LOL!

Glenda said...

So happy you are enjoying your visit! It's always nice to get to visit a friend! Happy WOYWW Glenda #9

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Glad you had a break away at Jans. I have no doubt a lot of chatting, drinking of coffee and other liquids took place with a little crafting.

Safe journey home.


shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, safe travels home. Know you'll have had a fantastic time with Jan & co. Yep, coffee makes everything perfect! And I love Black Cherries. Miffed lately as Muller seem to have discontinued their Black Cherry Corner yogurt, lol. Love & Hugs, Shaz XxX

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Hi dear Julia, ever so glad you’ve had a wee break over there in Wales with Jan.. how simply grand! Nothing like a top up and recharge ...
Love the replacement desk too, very clever of you to do that indeedy!
Well did everyone last week how to repeat this week too. It was really warm yesterday but today is quite cool which means it’s really aumnal weather indeedy! Trust you’re well and praying for safe trip.
Hugs Shaz in Oz.x #15

{Wonderful Words of Life - Shaz in Oz}
{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

Twiglet said...

Hope you had a fab time - all good stuff - sun, sea, sand and lots of laughter! xx Jo

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia, lucky you with no need for excuses to just relax. The cup is lovely and what a great idea. Never seen one of those pencils before either. Have a lovely time together. Happy woyww, Angela x16x

Christine said...

Why do we ladies have to make excuses for enjoying ourselves? You just go ahead and do it - guilt free - now the family has grown up you've earned it. Enjoy! Oh! you did! lol
PJ has bought his next project to work on at the Crop so he's definitely coming!
Safe journey home
Christine #20

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. Safe journey up the M4. Hope the traffic keeps moving. Lovely to meet you finally. I will go and look at LLJ's post now to see what you have been crafting. Ali x #22

Elizabeth said...

You'll probably be home by now, Julia, but your visit to Jan sounds just idyllic and the perfect break away. I'm sure you will have returned refreshed and ready to get back to your desk - whenever!!! Hugs, Elizabeth x #26

Stacy Sheldon said...

Safe travels Julia, ooh that does look like a perfect little still life shot :) ~Stacy #28

Lindart said...

Enjoy your trip! It sounds awesome! Give Jan a hug from me! Lindart #29

Sarah Brennan said...

Looks like a perfect day to me Julia. Nothing like a relaxing time without worrying about getting lots of stuff done. I look forward to finally meeting Ali W at the crop, hope she does make it. Happy WOYWW> Sarah #4

Darnell said...

Hope you had safe travels home, Julia, and the shock isn't too much after a decadently relaxing weekend with the always delightful Jan! Glad you had the getaway and great artsy photo of the perfect black cherry day!! Hugs, Darnell

MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

How lovely for you to ave that special time away with Jan, and I am sure you made the most of it. xxx Maggie (Silvercrafter) #27