Wednesday 13 February 2019

What's On Your Workdesk? Wedeneday 506

Untouched by human had since Sunday..
You could be forgiven for thinking that you're seeing double, and you are! I'm working on cards for a workshop using some fun and a couple of snarky stamps, and I like them. So decided to make two of each. The pleasant looking woman in her dressing gown (next to the sticky tape) are images destined for the bin, badly coloured and too heavy. You can just see the edge of a card with a doily on it at right, this pleasant woman appears on that, but coloured differently. Impressively for me, only one pair of glasses and one pair o of scissors are visible. Good going. I haven't been anywhere near the old desk since then, struck down, almost literally, on Sunday evening with a temperature and a cough that destroyed Monday; this is scheduled on Tuesday because I'm very confident that I wont be up at the normal working time tomorrow! Am very pleased that I can't spread these germs on the interweb! Determined that Wednesday will be a little more productive, so please link in when you've blogged about our desk! I thank you.


Helen said...

scheduled but no Mr Linky... hope you feel better soon!

Claire said...

Mr Linky's done a runner...

Sarah Brennan said...

Hope you are feeling better soon Julia. I've posted but can't link in as Mr Linky appears to be feeling under the weather too and hasn't made it up yet. If someone could link me in later when he's feeling better I would be grateful. Hugs, Sarah #?

Sarah Brennan said...

glitterandglue said...

Morning Julia. Sorry you have been feeling so rough - trust you soon start to feel more like yourself! Loving the colours on those "seeing double" pieces!
Can't link as Mr Linky has done a runner this morning...
Take care. God bless.

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

Okay Julia I’m feeling tad under weather too with out your nasty bug. Lost first two comments, think my brain is fried!
Love your desky share and pray you’re soon over your bug whatever it is.. soon!
Prayer hugs Shaz in OzX

{Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}
{Wonderful Words Of Life - Shaz in Oz}

Tracey@Hotchpotchcreations said...

Sending (((Hugs))) to you Julia, I hope when you wake you are feeling better than you have been. I'll pop back over later to link in as you have enough on your plate. Enjoy that lie in & hope you can find some time to craft to take your mind of that horrid bug.. Your cards look all so colour coordinated.
Happy WOYWW to you all Hugs Tracey xx

Neet said...

Mr Linky joined me in a longer sleep this morning. Hope you are getting a longer one too and that dreadful lurgy you have is being fought off.
Hugs, Neet xx

Annie said...

I’m beginning to wonder if these viruses ARE spreading through the blogs cos there seemsso many of us coughing....I’ve heard of lots of us. Really hope you’re feeling much better very soon.
Annie x

Diana Taylor said...

Hi Julia, so sorry to hear you are not well - so much of it going round at the moment - keep warm and cosy and I'll pop back and link up later.
Diana xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Gosh that was a surprise to be so low in the numbers! I'm guessing Mr Linky had a lie in this morning. Pleased to see I'm not the only one whose desk has been having a rest. Still the cards look good. Hope you're feeling better soon. Happy woyww, Angela x5x

shazsilverwolf said...

Hi Julia, hope you're feeling a bit better today. Doug had this a couple of weeks ago, luckily I managed to avoid catching it this time. Like how you're brave enough to consign stuff to the bin. Takes me ages to admit I'm not going to use something cos I don't like it! Love & hugs, Shaz #1 XxX

Annie said...

Me again....sorry about the two links today. The second one Shaz in Oz linked me up so feel free to delete link number 12 if you want to save the confusion.
Annie x

Marit said...

Ohdear... hope you are feeling a lot better... that nasty virus seems to here to stay and just when I thought everyone had that flu, YOU are next... please be kind to yourself! I LOVE quircky stamps Over at "Las Vegas Stamping" - an online stamping shop/company, they have a 'naughty section' and I find myself going there when I look for stamps ;) I send you good healing vibes and some rays of sunshine, Hug from Holland. Marit #17

craftyani said...

Oh dear hope you are recovering and receiving tlc. Love the colours on the cards and they look like fun cards. Ani

Christine said...

Hope you're feeling better soon, it's taken some time for me so REST is all the advice I can offer.
Love the ladies.
Take care
Christine #18

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Hope you are better, warm honey with fresh lemon water or hot honey in a shot of hot whiskey. GINGER tea and lots of rest. Love your desk and that fun lady Have always been going to add some of those stamps for all my OLD friends !!I also like the little purple flowers and sparkle. After all the medical visits we are avoiding winter illnesses, which is almost unheard of. Have a good week.

Kelly said...

Oh, Miss Julia! Please do feel better. Three things I love about WOYWW 1) we can't spread germs 2) we can always find comfort amongst friends here when we don't want to be near others in real life 3) the weather is always pleasant. Hugs and Creative Blessings! Kelly - # to be determined.

Heather M said...

Hi Julia, hope you feel better soon - I hate having a cough, drives me batty! I love those snarky stamps ... Not sure when I would ever use them on a card though. Have a lovely, restful week and look after yourself xx Heather #23

J said...

Hi Julia, Hope you feel better soon.
I love those stamps but not sure I would get much use out of them! I like the colours you've used.
Take care
Jan no 22

My name is Cindy said...

Oh here at last bettr late than never! Hope you are getting better - I'm glad you can't spread those germs via the internet too!! Cindy x

Jan said...

They look great I will investigate those stamps lol.
Sorry to hear your under the weather. Get well soon xx Jan (22)

Lindart said...

The images that you are getting rid of - one of my favourite stamps! I have used her so many times! Your cards are looking lovely, she looks just where I want to be right now, on the beach in the sun! So sorry you are sick, sounds like what hubby has had all last week. Feel better soon! Lindart #26

Caro said...

There are some really nasty bugs around at the moment - i hope you are getting better. Thanks for hosting us all again. Love and God bless, Caro x (#27)

Ohhh Snap said...

I hope you are feeling better! Snarky stamps and lots of shiny things, two of my favorites : D. The appearance of one on pair of scissors and one pair of glasses! What are the others up to I wonder lol.

Sue said...

Hi Julia, Sending heaps and heaps of positive healing thoughts ands huge hugs (((Julia))). Hope you feel much better soon.

A busy desk as usual.

Sue #16

Helen said...

thanks to whoever linked me (I completely forgot to check at lunchtime but can't do much from my phone anyway due to not knowing how to!) and I forgot to say, I too love that stamp you've rejected for being too heavily covered; I have several and love them!

StampinCarol said...

Oh no, not you, too! Hope you get better quickly! Get lots of rest, drink... yea, I'm sounding like a mother... but then, I am one! LOL!
Carol N #20

Kathryn Frantz said...

I have the “pleasant looking woman” too. The important thing is that she has her coffee,! Right? I also have that bold woman in her bathing suit! And a “matching old man.” Are these the ones you refer to as snarky? (what does that say about me? Or the company we keep?)
So how are you feeling now? So much better, I hope.

Stacy Sheldon said...

Hi Julia, I hope you are feeling better and that is cool that you like the design enough to duplicate it :) I think I have that same gal is she holding a coffee mug, :) it will be fun to see the whole reveal of the card later. ~Stacy #30

Mrs.D said...

Oh dear, hope you are feeling better soon. That colouring looks much better than I can do. Hope this comment 'takes this time.

Monica said...

Mr Linky is rejecting me. Happy to see everyone and will try later today to visit sites.