Sunday 24 February 2019

Sunday. In sentences.

This morning was bright and quite lovely for the time of year. It changed my plan. I was going to skulk about and do housework stuff till after lunchtime and then sit at my desk an immerse myself in something involving colouring and cutting. I don’t quite know what I was going to make, but my stock of cards is very low. And I need a stock. Because I’m so last minute that I can’t actually plan to send a card. Anyway, the sunshine made me fickle. I put on my wellies, picked up the secateurs, did a lot of dramatic huffing and puffing to get the garden waste bin out of the garage and into the garden and set about a bit of tidying. I consulted the RHS website and pruned. I cleared the dead wood from erm, some bushes. I revealed a frog who scared me almost as much as I scared him. I picked up all the fallen branches from next door’s beautiful weeping laburnum. And then, like a fool, I sat in the lounger whilst trying to determine whether the grass was dry enough to cut. Apparently, this took me about half an hour because Mr Dunnit came home and found me lounging in the sun! We had a coffee and a sandwich outside, it was glorious. So then we sat a while. He got all fidgety and wanted to get on with something, which made me feel guilty. So I gave up and came in and pottered about a bit. Then I decided on a big old roast supper, so prepared that. Sat at my desk and pushed stuff around for about an hour. Not hugely productive on the card front.....but, in the spirit of a lovely sunny day, there is a sunset tradition to uphold.....

Hope your week starts well. 


Sue said...

Hi Julia, Glad you made the most of the nice weather and got outside.

Love the bright card.

Hope you have a good start to the week. Sue

Kristi said...

That sounds like a delightful day! I like nothing more than a weekend day without plans that just lets me putter around my house. It wasn't warm enough in Colorado this weekend to be outside (we just got 6 inches of snow on Friday night into Saturday) but I still managed to go to the store to look at garden stuff and we bought new cushions for our patio table. Spring is just around the corner it seems!

Sue Jones said...

Yes I am liking your day - so much better than mine - back to work!

Darnell said...

Thank you for taking us along on your very pleasant and productive day in the garden and enjoying a sammie at lunch with the hubs, Julia. Life's too short not to be spontaneous! Love your punny summery card! Now how can I use wodka in a punny way ...! Hugs, Darnell

Neet said...

Love your card - G&T in the garden in this weather ... sounds wonderful ... joining me?
Hugs, Neet xx

Helen said...

I don't know how I missed this post until now! I am sure I checked... must have been before you posted! It sounds like a great way to spend a day to me.

ShazInOzCardsCalligraphy said...

Chuckled as always over your post Julia, so glad you some sunshine to enjoy and a sunshiny Card as well, well done!
Shaz in Oz.x will come back for WOYWW my post done ages ago of course.. ❤️

Claire said...

LOVE the card!! Isn't officially evening till a gin n tonic :D