Wednesday 24 June 2009

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday

Comes round quite fast this silly WOYWW!! It's insanely pleasing though, so please keep going!
My workroom is at the back of the house and therefore in full shade this morning. Bliss to work in but not great for photos! You can see evidence of some 'almost cute' cards that are a work in progress; the cute images are clear stamps. Stamping is my first crafting love. Introduced to it years ago by my sweet Sissy. She had selfishly moved to California (some 16 years ago now, so we're getting a little more used to the separation). For Easter, Sissy sent me a card embossed in gold with a PSX image on it. Inside the card was a note to say it was home-made, even the gold bits...well I was pretty much on the next plane out there trying to find out the what and the how! And that's how I got started. What about you?
I'm impressively (for me) on the ball this morning; Miss Dunnit (tired and little disgruntled) has to go into school this morning and I have to sit and wait because it's 'only for five minutes'. So I'm doing this now, secure in the knowledge that it'll be lunchtime before we get home!

Show us your work surface: floor/table/desk/lap tray - no matter,we just want to see what you're doing this Wednesday! Leave a comment so I and any others can visit your glory surface!


Teresa said...

Here you go Julia, my desk this morning! More up to my usual standard today :)

serendipity_viv said...

I really need to remember to take part in this one. I keep forgetting. I was just admiring the little picture of your scrap room and feeling extremely jealous. It looks lovely!

Mole said...

Nice to see a work in progress and a desk that actually looks like it ought to!!!!

Lyn said...

Other people's WOYWW are always more interesting than mine, but I have actually managed to make my debut - here! Managed to take photo just before I start clearing ready to climb Mount Paperwork, aided an abetted by a big box of tissues because of the cold/hayfever AND I'm supposed to be on holiday, mutter, grumble ......

Carmen said...

You're always in the middle of something productive Julia - mine is pretty much the same as last week... but no duckie this time ;)

Can't take a piccie as Craig nicked my camera to take fishing with him and has left it at work. Can you believe it? Not impressed. I hope to have my new desk up next week for WOYWW as we managed to squeeze my Ikea one in the back of my Dads car (with 5cm to spare) and as we didn't have to pay the del I got some drawers to go underneath too! Woohoo! Only thing was we dropped it on Craigs foot as we were unloading. Oops. He has a rather fetching bruise in a lovely purple & black hues there now. Going to slap some paint on the walls before we assemble though which is why it's not up yet. Craig also rather selfishly feels he should be able to balance his weight on both feet before he does it as well. Tut. :P

Angie said...

I love this WOYWW thingy .... have just blogged with a piture.

How lucky you are to have a hubby who is good with his hands .... maybe I should have worded that better lol

Paige said...

I'm really enjoying WOYWW!!! I love your cream buckets (i think thats what they are) that you store your pens in. it's lovely to go around the blogs and see what everyone is up to :)

ally fiddy said...

Here is my WOYWW blog. As you can see the desk is a little bit messier than last week. It would have been worse but I was temporarily thwarted by a non-sticky circut mat!

Off to see if its ready now, and check out some of the other WOYWWs.

Ginny said...

had to wait all morning for good light, sooooo overcast here
