Wednesday 24 April 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 777

My desk is as much of a blur as the days have been!
There have been a couple of sunny but cold days, cold because of some wind or windy that I had to put the ladder on top of the outside storage box to stop the lid lifting and banging and lifting and banging and lifting and....argh. You can just work it out through the window. Good distraction technique huh, you'd almost forgotten about the desk! The ugly box on the right with scrap paper on top of it (which really should be protecting the glass mat) is full of acrylic paints..odds and sods really, I don't have any newer than a few years old and the colour selection is pretty random! I was painting a tin (once containing kidney beans). I'm going to crackle glaze it and then decoupage the hen on to it. The hen is on the napkin at left. For no reason, except I had the medium on my desk and it's a great way to put off working on that workshop which has got me a bit scared!  You can't really tell but the bottle of decoupage stuff is in the centre of the glass mat, hidden under a souvenir baseball hat from Salt Lake Bees. In order to buy it, I had to have it filled with ice cream. Now that is taking one for the team is it not! I still use it as a bowl, but for paint and such now. 
Sarah has declared that WOYWW Crop is on, so please do consider joining us; it will be great to see Sarah and offer her our ongoing support in person, and of course, it will be great to see each other for real! Challenge number 1 - it may be an old chestnut, but please will you make yourself a name badge that also shows your blog case the two aren't the same!
So that's me, how about you? Do show and tell, send me some card making vibes because I haven't a single one! 


Helen said...

I can't see a baseball cap but I am working in semi-dark without a light and haven't got my glasses on (in the bag ready for work) but I admire your dedication re it's acquisition! I will make a note re the name badge. and probably forget! Happy WOYWW Helen #1

Sarah Brennan said...

I hope it tasted good at least Julia! Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #2

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

Oh "Happy" Day ! I'm ready to be tucked in and under warm blankets, It's cold here again, had a wonderful supper with his Arizona cousins Huge Shrimp, hashbrowns and a a plain salad. We haven't been out for a while.Your desk has signs of many things to help you create. I just need more time in a day.
Have a wonderful week Thanks for your WOYWW dedication.

Twiglet said...

Oh we know only too well about that sort of noise annoyance. There is a loose manhole cover on our road. G has got the water company on the case! Hope you get the right vibes for your workshop. I don't think I can help but will be willing you in. x x Jo

Mary Anne said...

I discovered a card in my stash that was from one of your old workshops! I may recreate it and share it. I loved every one we did that day! Enjoy the process. I’m sure whatever you make will be very well received.
Hugs and happy Woyww!

Annie said...

Hope the workshop goes well for you. Sorry I was missing in action last week....just wasn't up to joining in the fun with all we have going on here at the mo. It's funny how one thing leads to another isn't it....I'm now making a memory bear to go into the funeral directors office.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia. Name badge, right it's on the list. I'm trying to get some ATCs made at the moment. Intersting collection of stuff on your desk today. The weather has been all over the place here too but it looks as though it might be sunny today at least for a while. Wishing you a happy woyww, hugs Angela x8x.

BJ said...

Have to say I am making the most of the cooler weather although I have felt a chill at moments! The wind sure can get everywhere can't it. I'm taking the black thing on the bottle to be the baseball souvenir bowl thingy, what better place to use it. Actually drawn to the egg holder as the paint pallet and pondering if we have one somewhere, not that I need another pallet LOL. Shame I'm not good at traveling to enable me to join in the crop, bet you'll all have a blast as usual. Hugs BJ#11 said...

Hi Julia I hope your workshop goes well. I have a collection of random things that I think I will do something with one's just as well my garden is small because I would want to up-cycle so much and stick it in my garden. have a great day Michelle x

Christine said...

Awful repetitive noises . . . definitely an aaarrrggghhhh!
Just going to try napkin (babies? serviettes?) decoupage . . . do report back . . please
Enjoy the quiet week
Christine #14

Neet said...

Helen's comment caught my eye and I too couldn't find the baseball cap but then I think I did. Is it black and sitting on the corner of a red tray?Is it fabric? If so how do you fill it with paint (forget the ice cream) and wash it out.
Please keep reminding us about the name badge, I am likely to forget the way my head is these days. I'm having problems remembering I need to do ATC's.
Hubby has looked up the post code so he is in charge of getting me there, I just need to remember lunch, ATC;s and name badge.
Hugs, Neet 13 xx

Crafting With Jack said...

I hate noisy things. My neighbours chops wood just the other side of my craft room , Iknow it has got to be done, but it is distracting. I take it the baseball cap is plastic? Good luck with sorting out your workshop. Happy WOYWW. Angela #12

My name is Cindy said...

oh my I am slow today. I could not see a baseball cap and then wondered why anyone would make you eat ice cream for it .....I'm guessing it's some kind of ceramic cap? Perhaps the thing that looks like the back of Darth Vaders head? I too have to come up with a project for next Friday and at the moment I don't have a scooby. So cold this afternoon think I might go back to bed for a bit to warm up. My general confusion is n ot being helped by the fact google seems to think I am in France and everyone now and then gives me in French. On a day when I feel like a bear of little brain this is very confusing behaviour........Have a great week, love n hugs Cindyxx #15 ps do you need money yet??

Kelly said...

Good morning, Miss Julia!

Way later than I'd planned this morning.
Your desk looks full of productivity. I've linked to my Monday blog in today's post if you need some card inspiration.
Hugs & Creative Blessings! ~Kelly #16

Lindart said...

I love the tin and I can "see" the rooster on it - so cute! I have a few roosters in my kitchen. My SIL made a commercial that took place in a kitchen filled with roosters! I have really been enjoying making cards from my collages, maybe that would help? Make a collage card? Have a lovely week, Lindart #17

Lynnecrafts said...

I love your rooster. The tail feathers are particularly interesting.
Crop name badge, ok.!
I hope you can summon up your mojo for your course.
Lynnecrafts 9 xx