Wednesday 23 February 2022

What’s On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 664

Another late posting, sorry! I’m out of routine - came home yesterday after 2 days of cropping and felt secure that it was Sunday! 
Anyway… here’s a desk shot from our sojourn in the country:
Really not too bad. This is largely because over the course of the five days we had planned, there were only ever 3 of us scrapping. Work and family stuff kept one or other of us away for some of the time and oh, it got complicated! 
This was my space yesterday after we’d had a cooked brunch. We packed up and vacated at about five, so this was my penultimate LO. It was a slow process getting back into it, but I have at least for now, rediscovered the pleasure in scrapping. Even though we’ve had two daytime crops this year, I felt as though I’d completely forgotten how to, or if I even wanted to! We all agreed that  we’re better at social scrapping, so because we’ve all got far more kit than is decent, we will just have to go on having twice yearly weekends away! 
I hope you’re all safe and relatively undamaged from the chain of storms that have crossed Britain, I was unaware of the flooding until I was at home watching the news last night. I feel deeply for those affected - again. 
Tell us all then, let’s see what you’ve been up to whilst our backs were turned! Please put WOYWW in your post title and link here. Thanks!


Lynn Holland said...

Well that’ll never happen again where I’m top of the chart haha.
Things may not have gone to plan Julia but how nice to actually be with like minded folk chatting and crafting. I’m looking forward to being with craft friends again soon. I’m so grateful for my online zoom craft times, it’s been a real blessing.
Have a good week
Lynn - no. 1 haha

Mary Anne said...

If my kids didn't take after me and manifest their extreme dislike of the camera at every turn I might re-discover my love of scrapping. At this point it feels like it may not happen till I become a granny. If that never happens then scrapping will probably stay in my past. Sad, really, but there you go. Glad yo had fun and Happy WOYWW!

Mary Anne (4)

Neet said...

Gosh, you had me worried there for a minute. Glad it was just a bad memory and nothing else.
Yes, the floods have been awful in some parts, saw on Pearshaped Chris' blog some what could have been a lots worse photos.
Glad you had a good weekend away and rediscovered your love of scrappin' - the good kind of course.
Take care and stay safe and well
Hugs, Neet 3 xx

Annie said...

Looks like you’ve had a fun time at the need a week away next time to clear some of the stash.
Annie x

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Hi Julia, pleased you had a good time even if it was more social than crafting. I thought that was what generally happened as it usually does at our craft and chat club which has been my only means of meeting humans to chat with. Although I'm not really a scrapper I did win the most gorgeous handmade journal at our Christmas party so will be finding all those old photographs soon and mounting them up. Which reminds me I don't think I've shown it here as we only had our party at the end of January. Maybe you'd like to see some of it? Have a lovely safe woyww, Angela x5x

Lunch Lady Jan said...

I’m glad you managed to get away and glad that the scrapping was fun. Looking forwards to seeing you on Saturday!
Hugs lol 8 xx

Susan Renshaw said...

Glad you managed to get away and enjoy the scrap... Would love to see all the layouts. Our expat life has not been conducive to collecting books of photos or layouts. I think I have one or two LOs in my stash...

Kyla said...

Oh sounds fabulous, oh i miss social crafting, i can imagine it there was some logistical nightmares but bet you all had a blast.
Kyla #11

Sarah Brennan said...

Glad you managed to get some layouts completed and you had a good time while you were away Julia. Sounds like a plan to arrange these weekends away. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah #12

Ali Wade Designs said...

Happy WOYWW. Glad you had a fun and social weekend. I reminded myself yesterday that I am off to one of the IndigoBlu weekends in May - in Cardiff - that will be fun and inspirational. Ali x #14

Crafting With Jack said...

Good morning Julia :). Glad you enjoyed your scrapping time. Pre Covid I was part of a buddy support group, two of the ladies in my group did crafting and when it dwindled to the three of us we met and crafted instead. Angela #2

Anne said...

Good to hear that you got away to craft. I am hoping to later in the year. it was good to do my class last Saturday as well. I was feeling as though I might not do another. Take care. Anne x 16 ( if I've liked properly.)

BJ said...

Oh look at me all typed, published and ready to link at 8am but nothing to link to. Thought I'd do another test and it turns out positive! Been stuck in test and trace loop on-line and phoning my contacts ever since then remembered I hadn't linked in the end. EDITED post to reflect my new status - LOL. BJ#19

Helen said...

Thanks to Jan for linking me again glad the weekend went well if not quite to plan . Well done on achieving something!! I hope we can get together soon xx

Spyder said...

Afternoon, sounds like you had fun and it also looks that way too! I was up late but didn't worry about joining I only did my post 8 o'clock this morning and then didn't really have anything to show....again! Anyway!! Happy WOYWW! ((Lyn))#17
( I remember those days. oh to be 17 again, long boots and short skirts!

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I am so glad you were able to get out and about and enjoy some time away. I think we all need others to kind of get back in the swing of being somewhat free. Here it will be spring before it happens. Way too much ice/wind/cold to enjoy. I was so blessed to have the energy to take 2 days over a 3 wk period to drive alone to see my son/family, short but wonderful. Now our gas is going sky high. Your trip away looks like a great place, lots of windows to get that natural lighting. I opened ALL the curtains today, I don't care how cold it gets I need BRIGHT. Enjoy a great week getting back to normal Thanks for doing this.

Stacy Sheldon said...

oooh YAY for that time away Julia, it looks like you had a really peaceful view when you needed one of those too. :) and even if another page is not assembled I would keep going too. ~Stacy #22

Tracy said...

Helloooo Julia, soooo glad you enjoyed your scrapping time away with friends ... nothing worse than when you wake up and have no idea what day it is! The storms are awful, feel for those who are having a terrible time of it ... scary how long it`s been lasting for ... up here on and off for weeks. Alex`s work on the reserve ... thousands of trees came down with the first storm ...with more it seems daily ... years to restore and make it safe again.
Stay safe, stay warm, and thank you so much for the warm welcome last week.Happpy scrapping.Tracy xxx

Caro said...

So pleased that you had a wonderful time with friends crafting. Perfect! Stay safe and warm. Take care & God Bless, Caro xxx (#10)

Sharon Madson said...

Glad you had a great scrappy time. I always loved scrap retreats. Haven't been to any since before COVID. 24

craftyani said...

Glad you enjoyed your time away,I do miss the workshops I used to go to in the UK. I suspect we all go for the social side of it, I know my Wednesday morning group is definatley that. Ani

Carmen said...

I'm so sorry to read about your Mum Julia - such an awful cruel disease. And the news with Ukraine is overwhelming at times. It's such a scary time.

I know exactly how you feel about the wedding - can you believe Devvie is getting married this year too? And she is a fully fledged teacher now.

I am just dipping my toe into blogland again and haven't actually done a post so no need for a return visit. All my arty stuff is packed up while we await keys for an imminent move! Eek!

Been missing you all x