Wednesday 27 October 2021

Whats On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 647

I’ve had a long weekend away with the Coven which has been marvellous. We rented a barn conversion on a farm near Devizes, a lovely market town in Wiltshire. I made a good start on an album for my great neice, and did a handful of LOs for my own albums. I talked a lot, and stayed up ridiculously late. All this is a totally understandable reason, don’t you think, for this:

I haven’t quite unpacked. Well, actually, I unloaded the car and shut the door on the workroom, haven’t been back in at all since…even the photo was taken from the threshold! It’ll come good, and then you’ll have to put up with looking at pictures of what I did. Still, it’s been so long since I made any scrapbook LOs that I’m not sure they’re fit for showing! So while I unpack and put away and feel a it smug about the new arrangement in this room, please show and tell. As we approach full on autumn, it’s important that you all keep me going, please!


Mary Anne said...

Oh lucky you! A weekend away with crafting mates sound lovely. Wh can blame you for holding on to the fun by not unpacking! You can pretend you are still away with the suitcases all around you. Love the new space and yes, the days are darker soon so we can all light each other up, at least on Wednesday…
Happy Woyww!
Mary Anne

Helen said...

Glad you had a good time with the Coven, and got some crafting done, I should never have doubted you.... I look forward to seeing the results please! Happy WOYWW Helen

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

So Happy you were able to get away. It helps our mind and soul. Now catch up on your sleep and back at real life ! Wishing you happiness in that new area. Hard to believe October is almost ended. ENJOY the spooky festivities.

Neet said...

I well remember going away for weekends with the girls and just dumping my stuff when I got home and then leaving the door closed on the room. What does it matter? Catch up on all that missed sleep and get ready to record the memory in another LO.
Have a spooky weekend - can't believe it's almost November!
Hugs, Neet xx 7

Sarah Brennan said...

Seems like the perfect excuse to me Julia. Can't wait to see the latest LOs and glad you had such a good time. Stay safe and Happy WOWYW. Sarah #5

Kyla said...

ooh fantastic and love Devizes some great indie shops and market too. Bet you had a blast and well overdue and nope, do not blame you dumping and running, the stash will still be there later in the week :-)

Annie said...

Sounds like we both enjoyed a weekend away but yours sounds rather more productive than mine 😀 Glad yours went well. Thanks so much for my card...being part of this Wednesday gang really makes me feel loved.
Annie x

Crafting With Jack said...

I love seeing a messy craft room - it makes me feel right at home! Dump stuff and close the door? That’s something we all do when it suits us, unpacking is such a chore! Happy WOYWW Angela #9

Lynnecrafts said...

So glad you had a good weekend away to recharge the batteries

Take care and happy WOYWW
Lynnecrafts 12

Lynn Holland said...

How lovely to be with real folk and not virtually with them.
I wouldn’t have for anything done for sure.
Never mind the mess, you’ve made great memories instead
Lynn xx

Felix the Crafty Cat said...

Sounds brilliant to me and so pleased you had a good time. Everything else can wait sounds like you might need an early night Lol! Happy creative woyww....when you feel in the mood obviously. Hugs Angela x15x

Diana Taylor said...

Glad you had a fun and crafty weekend - sounds just the thing to brighten up these darker, wetter days.
Hope you have a lovely week,
Diana xx #16

Zsuzsa Karoly-Smith said...

Sounds like a lovely retreat! Do show us the layouts next time! Tidying the craft room can wait until you feel compelled. I seldom feel compelled though, that's my problem LOL! Have a lovely week, Julia! xx

Spyder said...

Oh dear Julia, I'm here, let re-a-range your crafty space! (don't!!!) [Inner voice, shut up, she can't hear you!] How fabulous to get away and play. And now you're back and at last I'm in, I have been trying for days. Lord knows what Hubby did this time!
I have two trollies but there's no room for them, but they are soooo useful, they have found other jobs about the home, to do. There's not even room for a bin's called the floor! Have a great week.Catch up, keep crafting, Happy WOYWW #((Lyn)) #20

Lunch Lady Jan said...

When have you ever come back from a Coven weekend and unpacked straight away?! Lol. I’m glad you had such a good time with the girls and got such a lot completed as well, sounds like the perfect time away. Hope all is going well with everything and you’re keeping ok.
Hugs LLJ 4 xxx

Lindart said...

Hi Julia! Sounds like you had an awesome time! I'm jealous! Looking forward to seeing what did, have a great week, Lindart #22

Catriona said...

What joy to be away crafting with friends! Looking forward to seeing the results.💕

Elizabeth said...

Your retreat sounds perfect, Julia. I remember Devises as a military camp from my time in the army. I loved my posting in Wiltshire and would have been happy to settle there had the opportunity come my way. I think we all are all guilty of dumping everything in our craftroom when we get home. I'm looking forward to seeing your scrap pages - you do yourself an injustice, they will be lovely. Have a great week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #23

Susan Renshaw said...

Glad you had a good crafty weekend!
(My craftroom looks like that and I haven't been away!)

Spyder said...

Hi Julia! Yes the plates arrived! The day we left for our 9 days away and a neighbour looked after them for us. I did email and also left a message here but maybe I didn't get it through, I said that my big shot was very happy!! Also asked if I could have your address too!

Marit said...

Aaah... a weekend away, lucky you! You're totally forgiven for the mess and please show the LO's... I haven't created one in ages and feel rusty so I can do with looking at other's, really I'd love to see what you made! I went to bed ridiculously late yesterday (beloved and I still have long conversations in the middle of the night, even after 23 years... and I love it but why don't we do that in the afternoon?) I hope your space is decluttered by now and ready for creating this weekend, enjoy whatever you do! Love from Holland. Marit #19

Shoshi said...

Thank you for your visit, Julia, and for your congratulations on my being discharged from oncology. It was certainly a lot quicker this time than with my previous cancer, and we are both very relieved about that. Regarding Halloween, I'm afraid it has everything to do with the occult, despite people thinking it's merely fun and dressing up etc. I don't expect you to agree with me but you might find this article of interest:

I am glad you like my patchwork card efforts. I did some hexagons yesterday, with gold between - I'll post them next time. Lovely way to use up all those scraps, particularly of papers one doesn't particularly like!

Happy belated WOYWW,
Shoshi #13

StampinCarol said...

I'm finally visiting after getting nailed with extreme fatigue. I bet you're unpacked by now!
Have a great weekend!
Carol N #21

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