Wednesday 13 November 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 232

We need to open this week's blop with a message of love and support to those suffering the effects of the hurricane that has wreaked such havoc across the Phillipines.  Peggy and Patsy are there, and us regular Deskers know that they will already be heavily involved in help, aid and crisis management, it is the stuff of which these two strong and loving women are made. But really..please, reach out if you can...the shock and trauma alone must be appalling for everyone, and to have to set that aside to help takes a major act of faith and will.  We're at your shoulder girls, and wish with every fibre that we could be a practical help.  Perhaps we can.  Please ask.

I have no desk to speak of - it is strewn, as last week with kit preparations for this weekend.  So instead, here's my lounge floor, showing the progress that the kit packing has made...the light is coming from my little workroom...I've run out of surfaces in there, can't help but feel that the trail will almost inevitably lead me eventually, to the kitchen!
Actually, it doesn't look as untidy here as IRL!
So tell and show us what you're up to this midweek will ya?  I know there's bags of Christmas underway, just to increase my sense of panic!  
Put WOYWW in your blog post and link here.  Tis easy, there are instructions at the top.
And don't forget to refresh this page after you've added your may not be the number you think!  


Create With Joy said...

I've been enjoying your scrapping posts and activities outside of WOYWW and today's post - with the kits - make me miss my scrapping days when it was all the rage here in the States!

The devastation in the Phillipines and that entire region was terrible. I'm glad Patsy and Peggy are safe - but my heart goes out to all who aren't.

Have a wonderful day and how exciting to be at the top of the WOYWW list today!

Create With Joy

Krisha said...

The devastation in the Philippines is about all I have been reading about, and counting MY blessings every single time I read an article. Besides the Red Cross do you have any addresses of where we might be able to send things to? I am very interested.
Krisha #4 I think will re-load one more time.

Bridget Larsen said...

Your floor looks like mine. I am sure OH&S isn't happy with us crafters and there aren't many more accidents. Yes it is very sad in the Phillipines, currently we have friends there who have told of the sadness being right there
Bridget #6

Daniella said...

Yes, they are in my thoughts and I hope people are pitching in to help those affected.

JULIA, I didn't take the words GIVEAWAY out of my name! Is there a way you can remove it?

If not, a lot of people will be a bit pissed off at me this week!!

Have a lovely week!

peggy aplSEEDS said...

Thank you so much, Julia for your love and support. Thank you for bringing attention to our country's situation right at the top of your WOYWW post. It is a very difficult time for our country but we are so thankful that there are many people willing to help.

Unknown said...

The devastation in the Philippines is incredible. I'm so glad to hear that Patsy and Peggy are safe.

Don't feel too panicky. I have started my Christmas crafting either. #13

Robyn said...

So glad to know they are safe- I;ve been praying!
I often live on the floor as well- love my dust mop and glitter dust!
Thanks for the community!
robyn 14

Laura said...

Best of luck with the preparations for your weekend event and also for the event itself. Thank goodness for the floor when all other flat surfaces are full! Happy WOYWW from Laura #16

shazsilverwolf said...

So wonderful to know they are OK.Glad I'm not the only one who makes trails around the house- at least we can find our way back. Have a great week, hugs, Shaz ~21 xx

sandysewin said...

Thank you for the report that they are safe. I can't even imagine the devastation.

Definitely please let us know if there is any practical help we can give.

Happy Woyww,

Sandy #12

HeARTworks said...

Overwhelmed with the love of the blogging community! Yes, Peggy and I were far from the destructive elements of the storm, but even just looking at the pictures, you can't help but cry. My husband is from Coron, one of the hardest hit. It is a miracle that their house is still standing when other homes near them blew away! Even the mountain near their home was flattened and the monkeys came down because the trees are gone. If any of you want to help, there is a list of reputable organizations on CNN/impact. Any little bit will go a long way like drops of water make the ocean!
Julia's floor is sooooo neat! One day I will take a picture of mine. I buy gifts the whole year and as Christmas nears, the pile on my floor gets more and more unmanageable!!!! Thank you for your concern and prayers! patsy

Nan G said...

You're looking very organized in your trail through the room. :) I'm sure the attendees this weekend will appreciate your efforts. Have a fab class. WOYWW hugs! Nan G #24

VonnyK said...

I can't believe the devastation in the Philippines, so sad but I'm glad Patsy and Peggy are safe and well.
At least if your trail of packing goes to the kitchen you won't have far to go for a cuppa. Have a great class.
Von # 26

Claire Grantham said...

The typhoon devastation is beyond's so bad that it is hard to understand. Trying to help in a small way is a good thing for everyone to do. I would pay good money to see your actual desk! Cx #29

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

Although I'm not playing this week because I can't do AEDM and WOYWW, too, I am very impressed with your floor. I am sure those kits will be gone by the weekend.

Love your boots. They remind me of my days in industry, where steel toed boots were required. And I still have one pair. Let me warn you. They last FOREVER. You'll outgrow your foot size before those shoes give out (grin).

I have a friend whose wife is from the Philippines. I spoke to him last night and both my friend Sally and I are sending money to the Red Cross to help. It's not much, but as Patsy said, every little bit helps.

My friend's in-laws are safe, too, but they have asked for help for neighboring towns that were blown away. They said the photos coming in from TV show only half the story. Those who are left, can't go anywhere, and have little to no help coming to their aid. Thanks for sending out the call for help. It's really needed.

Sandy said...

Oh you do have a trail of happy crafty goodies.. The devastation in the Phillipines is just horrible and they seem to be so slow at getting help where it is needed.. Its all just so sad..
Sandy :(

ddazzled71 said...

The devastation that has occurred in the Philippines is hard to imagine, particularly when they have described storm surges as high as two story buildings and see entire towns flattened. My thoughts and prayers are with all those who have lost their loves ones and have been left homeless. I hope that the appropriate aid reaches them all soon so they can rebuild their lives, hopes and dreams. Thanks for keeping us posted on this Julia. xx

Eliza said...

Nothing wrong with spreading out on the floor and getting the kits done in advance. Great to see another surface.

Happy WOYWW & Happy Crafting
Eliza & Yoda 2

Ali H said...

So lovely to speak to you last night & to have supper with Jan - all through WOYWW ! Ali x 34

Sue from Oregon said...

Too tired to wiggle tonight so will be back to check it all out tomorrow!!!

fairy thoughts said...

So glad that patsy and Peggy are ok but watching the news later night and seeing the awfulness of it makes me feel very small. I hope help and supplies get to them soon.
When I saw the floor I thought I had gone to Helens post by mistake hope the workshop goes well .....if it wasn't for work I'd know wouldn't I grrr
Janet 38

glitterandglue said...

Good morning, Julia. Neat space this week, despite you thinking that the trail will just spread! Great to have read last evening that Patsy and Paggy are safe - we pray for that country in its hour of need.
Margaret #42

Donna Wheat said...

glad to know I'm not the only one who uses the floor as an overflow desk.

Its terrible what's happened in the Philippines, our thoughts are with them

Donna #45

Twiglet said...

I am sure we have all been thinking like you Julia - I can't imagine how I would cope with such devastation and our thoughts are with Peggy and Patsy. x Jo

Mrs.D said...

Morning Julia.
I don't think most of us posting here can begin to grasp what has happened in the Philippines, how it will change lives forever.
We had floods here a year ago and even though we were not flooded ourselves, the effect that it had on our friends has impacts for us. Nearly everyone had insurance and are back home now, but there's no insurance in the Philippines, no assessment of the damage, no one making the arrangements for repairs and new possessions.
All we can do for the Philippinos is dig deep in our pockets and pray, pray, pray.
Sorry this is rather long!
Chris #41

Mrs.D said...

Morning Julia.
I don't think most of us posting here can begin to grasp what has happened in the Philippines, how it will change lives forever.
We had floods here a year ago and even though we were not flooded ourselves, the effect that it had on our friends has impacts for us. Nearly everyone had insurance and are back home now, but there's no insurance in the Philippines, no assessment of the damage, no one making the arrangements for repairs and new possessions.
All we can do for the Philippinos is dig deep in our pockets and pray, pray, pray.
Sorry this is rather long!
Chris #41

Annie said...

I'm keeping all our friends in our prayers especially Patsy and Peggy of course.
I am imagining your trail of stash stretching the whole route between your craft room and the kitchen just in case anyone insists they get fed lol
A x

Helen said...

Of course I am joining in with the prayers for everyone in the Philippines. Such a tragedy.. On a lighter note, how tidy you are when you pack kits... lol! Have a good week. Helen 17

Lynn Holland said...

My trail starts in my studio goes I to the office does a u turn up the stairs into the living room where last weekends craft workshop took place and finally comes to a halt on the window sill near the settee before finally dribbling onto the floor.
Thank you for sending such good words from all of us to the people of the phillipines Julia x

JoZart Designs said...

I see you are in your living room just as I ended up this week , as well as in the spare bedroom..... any place is crafty space except the loo!

It's gppd tp have news of Peggy and Patsy amidst all the dreadful devastation going on in the Phillipines. I'm sure all our WOYWWers will do what they can.

Jo x

Sharon Madson said...

Yes, your floor is very neat! So a great place to work! :) Sending prayers to those in the Philippines.
Glad for news from Peggy and Patsy!

Sharon Madson said...

Sorry I am # 52

My name is Cindy said...

Had to laugh at you moving into the lounge. I have noticed that I am starting to have little crafty piles in every room - hubby is sure to notice soon! Happy WOYWW Cindy

Unknown said...

Hi Julia, I'm happy someone else uses any surface available. I sometimes take over the driveway when I'm painting. Happy Crafting & WOYWW De De #37

Bernice said...

Terrible images from the Philippines. I hope they get help there soon.
Your crafting is taking over this week - my craftroom floor is piled high with stuff, but at least it hasn't migrated elsewhere (except for my knitting and wool)!
Bernice #56

sara j said...

Ah Julia - I love your sensibilities. So well - sensible. Tragedies of this magnitude are mind boggling. I was glad to see a post from someone there who tells us where to go to add what little assistance we can.

Good luck with your workshops this weekend. I'm sure they will go swimmingly. Sara j #43

Cardarian said...

I have been watching the news this week and have been really sad for all the people suffering there! I see you have been preparing kits! Maybe in the future I will be able to join you at one of these workshops! I wonder when we will have our crop next year!
Lots of hugs

Unknown said...

You can't beat a bit of Crafters Spread!
Karen #62

quirkyhannah said...

I'm already in the kitchen crafting :)

Julie Lee said...

It looks like the whole of your house is about to become your Workplace today! Great idea to spread! The kits look great by the way! Happy WoYWW! Julie Ann xx

Glenda said...

I have started my Christmas crafting but at my age, I really should have started in July! I seem to get slower each and every year!

Claire @ Gemini Nutrition said...

hehehehe my craft supplies usually are in a few rooms too :)

thank you for hosting have a great weekend x

Caro said...

I love the trail marking progress from one room to the next! So glad Peggy and Patsy are safe. Xxxx Caro

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. I was in tears watching the news this morning. This world is a cruel place. We certainly cannot complain about our weather. We are so lucky to live in such a settled climate. Ali x #73

The House of Bears said...

Ooh what's on your work floor could start a whole new trend!

Love and wishes to anyone affected by events in the Philipines

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

My prayers to those in the Philippines as well. Blessings!

Unknown said...

My prayers are with the people in the Philippines, too. Such tragedy.
Your trail on the floor is interesting. Hope you get all you want accomplished! Happy WOYWW.
Carol N #76

Dianne said...

Hello My dear Miss Julia, my heart and prayers are with the people of the Phillipines... Your living look so busy, looooove your leather couch,, I would love to see your kitchen too, not to add more work your way :)Bless you and all those affected by the awful weather, ((( BIG HUGS )))..

Debs Willis said...

Snap! My desk (and floor!) are full of kits being prepped - even worse, also leftovers from last class not yet put away - never gonna win 'tidy crafter' award!

also thinking of those caught up in the Phillippines disaster - my heart goes out to all of them


Debs #78

CraftygasheadZo said...

Loving the trail around your house, I do wonder how far you've managed to get by now! When news so catastrophic is shown, it reminds us just how small we are in the grand scale of things. So awful. Just got to hope help gets there sooner and can at least do some good. Take care lovely. Zo xx 79

Carmen said...

It's truly awful what's been happening over there - we've been watching in kind of horror struck disbelief. it's like one of those horrible disaster films come true :( My heart goes out to everyone over there.

Robin said...

So glad to here Peg and Patsy are doing well. My sister-in-law's son and wife and baby live in Manilla. They were in the states and returned to home the day before. They also are doing well. So many were not as fortunate.

Julia, as long as the trail does not reach your bedroom, where you can grab some shut eye, you might be ok!

Hugs, Robin 79

Jackie said...

Once our desks are full we start on other areas of the house don't we..... I do just the same:)
Thanks for the update good to know the ladies are ok
Jackie 15

Marit said...

Thinking of the people suffering and sending waves of strength their way...

... I love to see your 'paper trail' on the floor Julia. It somehow is deliberating to see stuff on the floor!

Lisa-Jane said...

I can't imagine where to start with clearing up and rehoming all those poor souls in the Phillipiness. We are trying to raise money in the school to go to ShelterBox who have been recommended to us.

As for your trail, well why not head for the kitchen, its the best place! #49

BJ said...

Still managed my post despite having had a Wisdom Tooth out yesterday and feeling rather horrid. I think it is funny how you have spread yourself - LOL BJ#64

Brenda B said...

So the wonton trail of destruction and mess in your house eventually leads... to you??! What are you, a teenager lol! I was so very glad to see Patsy's post go up a few days ago. Shocking and tragic images on a scale completely unimaginable to us in the West.

Brenda 13

Sylvia/LittleTreasures said...

I smiled a bit when I saw your floor!! My hubby and I stopped at a new food/bar after visiting both our parents in the 2 different nursing homes last night. Needed refreshments, but also hungry and NO one else was in this NEWLY remodeled place and I thought how many of us WOYWW friends would like to have this space. BIG windows, a long L shaped bar, perfect to being working on numerous projects with storage underneath,many tables to throw a whooping scrappers day. Beautiful bathroom, perfect for clean up and wall space for inspiration pieces!! I was in dreamland. And when I mentioned this to my hubby, he said you need another drink lady.
Well maybe, but I still think I'd like the building too. #82 Enjoy the week, I'm hoping for a lottery win. I'll throw a party in that purchased building and invite you all.

Hettie said...

Hi there Julia. Back to comment now. This morning when I was trying to load it up our internet was soooo slow I was afraid of being late for work. Are you going to share what you are doing with those kits then?
Have a good time. Wish I lived closer.

Winnie said...

Sending lots of thoughts and prayers to those in the Phillipines. I am glad the ladies got there safetly. The law firm I work for is doing fund raising for them, and hope it helps in some small way. Enjoyed looking at your fun floor! Lots of kits and I bet a lot of fun on the weekend! (Love the papers!!) Winnie#69

trisha too said...

Made it. Going to see how things are going with Patsy and Peggy . . .

Thank you for the woyww, Julia!


Cazzy said...

Hi Julia, the kits look very orange! Yes the disaster is terrible, and let's hope that the people who survived can be kept alive and well and get shelter.

Cazzy x #87 (nearly put 77, that is what it said before I pressed refresh again).

Angie said...

The kitchen is the heart of the home, only makes sense for the trail to lead there! Happy WOYWW!
Angie #89

Unknown said...

thank you for your love for those suffering in the philippines because of the supertyphoon. i am a filipina now based in ireland. i do not have family in the devastated region, but i grieve for my fellow Filipinos who have to go through such a trying time. I only have praise for those who reach out and help.

Liz B said...

Happy WOYWW. My prayers are very much with everyone in the Phillipines, especially Peggy and Patsy.

Lindart said...

#94 jumping in! Love your trail!! I have one too, except it stops in my hall, and is waiting to go somewhere else. Maybe. Lindart. Will visit everyone with a "4" in their number on my next break!

Unknown said...

Another fab. week checking out your space!

Lorraine said...

God bless all those in the Philipines affected by this terrible tragedy

Christine said...

You are not alone in using the floor ..... how uplifting was that bit of information!?!
Do you walk up and down this trail putting the kits together? I suppose it is cheaper than going to the gym - bend - walk - bend - walk .....

Princess Judy Palmer said...

I failed to note that it was Wednesday, which is terribly sad because I have a real wing ding of a mess to show off. I'm totally pro-floor. The floor is always there for you, things can't fall off of it, and it has more space than any place else in my house.

Art Joy of Sharing with Peg and Shel said...

Hi Julia,
Thanks for bringing me back to reality. I forget about the outside world when I get in my art zone. Guess that is why I create. Sending prayer, love and support. Peg R #102

famfa said...

Love your working boots. I'm glad you are all health and safety'd now. Nothing better than a big floor for working on though I find it cold as we have no carpets.
Tragic what is happening in the Philippines and glad the ladies are okay.
Famfa 11

pearshapedcrafting said...

Just getting around to comment. Love your message of support to Peggy and Patsy - just seeing the pictures on tv make you realise how scary it must have been and how much work will need to be done! Love the trail on your floor btw! Chris 61

Alexandra MacVean said...

It's very, very sad to hear of yet more devastation for the Philippines. Lots of prayers going up now.

You've got alot going on there but looks like fun! And I LOVE your red/white polka dotted tissue box. :)

Unknown said...

Thanks for your wonderful comments Julia,much appreciated. I'm glad I'm part of this wonderful community.... Have a fab week De De #37

Kezzy said...

Lots of thought and healing hugs for everyone in the Philipines, such devastation, it's so awful and I hope they get all the help they need. I am so loving your kids, love the Autumn colours, and I had to laugh that you are spreading out and may end up in the kitchen, I can just imagine a trail going from craft room through to other areas, a bit like when hansel and gretal dropped the crumbs :-) Kezzy xxxxx

She Who Doodles said...

the floor is such a big part of our work area. if you are like me there is no area of the house that i don't use for my crafting at one time or another.

Mary said...

I had to laugh at you kit comments. Until this morning, my kits had taken over my house. I had to laugh last night as my honey and I sat with our dinner plate perched on our knees. Why? Because there was not a flat surface in my house that didn't have a project waiting to be completed. Today I actually packaged everything and hauled out the vacuum to clean up all the snips of paper that managed to miss the bin!

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