Wednesday 19 June 2013

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 211

I'm going straight to the defence with this.  On Friday, I posted some nonsense about bad weather at the weekend giving me chance to tidy up and rid my desk of some stuff that's been hanging about.  Yeah, well, that didn't happen.  I conducted a scrapbook session at Kraft Crazy on Saturday morning and, before my eyes, two new-to-scrapbooking gals become hooked.  This of course, meant that I had to rush home and do some of my own - it's so inspiring! And so here is the desk, it's a mire really, and I didn't get very far with my LO before I was distracted by the need to go out and play.

And it remains untouched since - except for the addition of the plastic bag. That's where stuff gets dumped if it's even vaguely related to me.  And that bag has a ball of wool, and my fruit snack box in it, so it clearly it's in the right place!

Come on then, prove me lazy and untidy as usual, show us your desk and what you're playing with.  Or if you're in the garden setting fire to fabric....or colouring in on a lap tray...whatever, we would like to be included!  Put WOYWW in your post title and then link it here.  I will I promise, as soon as I can, edit the WOYWW info page to include instructions on how to actually is an FAQ. on..if you can!


Bridget Larsen said...

Welcome to scrapworld and that's how we all got hooked. I know what a dumping ground looks like, my desk is always a dumping ground
Bridget #1 {after a long spell I finally got the 1st spot again lol}

Nan G said...

well my hands still arent working properly...missed that #1 spot. darn! we do try for it, Julia. it's a real cudo! i hope you enjoyed your outdoor time. don't worry the dumping ground will still be there. :) nan g #3

Nikki said...

We all need a place to drop our stash and crafts and snacks go hand in hand lol have a wonderful day hugs Nikki #2

Krisha said...

LOL My Betsy looked just like that not more than an hour ago. Had to put things away to get started on a DT project and then THERE YOU WERE, so stopped and popped the picure on my blog. I can't believe I am made it in the top 10 considering I am in California, and the time difference, or did you pull a sneaky ;)
Krisha # 4

scrappymo! said...

Mine looks just the same...I did remove the plastic shopping bag from mine but that was because I needed somewhere to throw some garbage away!!!!

Anonymous said...

my whole table is a dumping ground, oh my gosh I almost said my whole table is a dump! ha ha, sometimes, sometimes, you always have good stuff going on, I love what you do,

Laura said...

OK, I'm downright giddy to be in the top ten! I'm so glad I checked for the post before heading to bed! How fun to have brought two new scrapbookers into the fold -- good on you, Julia! My non-craft desk that my laptop lives on is the dumping ground in my den -- everything from school papers to coupons to actual important stuff piles up until I can't stand it anymore and actually go through it. Hope you're having a great week. ~ Laura the Bookworm

Lisa Richards said...

Those of us across the pond thank you for the early linkage!!
Mess? What mess? That's what our workspaces are for!
Enjoy playing and have a great WOYWW!
#7 !!!!!

Daniella said...

Hi Julia! Is it a mistake that the party is starting early again? I was writing my post and came here to copy your blog address and I saw it open! I checked the date and everything to make sure it was right!! I am so happy to get to post early again!!

voodoo vixen said...

Oh my, you were on the ball this morning! I thought I had ages yet to sit and type and plan pics... then realised you had up and posted in the middle of the night!! LOL I love the look of those two lady stamps on your desk.. they look like fun!!

Crafting Vicky said...

Well you did play that's what's important right?!? Totally love those stamps that you have in the foreground!



MaggieC (Silvercrafter) said...

As you will see from the desk I am using this week, I am still carrying on the crafting tradition that your stuff expands to fill any space not already covered with six foot high heaps of other stuff. What you are showing us is just the start. If you tidied up, you would feel uncomfortable and inspiration would fail. Relax, you are perfectly normal. xxx Maggie #13 ish

SandeeNC said...

There's nothing more fun than being around someone who is so excited about a new craft, it is inspiring! Brings back that old feeling back when you first started! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina ♥

Neet said...

Looks as if we have swapped time zones. Can't sleep so am on here just for the duration of a cuppa and then - well who knows.
Lovely to see your (err) busy desk Julia.
Hugs, Neet xx

Neet said...

Looks as if we have swapped time zones. Can't sleep so am on here just for the duration of a cuppa and then - well who knows.
Lovely to see your (err) busy desk Julia.
Hugs, Neet xx

Bleubeard and Elizabeth said...

HMMM! You caught me off guard. I'll be better prepared next week (grin). So when do we get to see the fruits (not THOSE fruits) of your scrapbook labor? Happy WOYWW and thanks for this earlier post time, even though I was caught off guard.

My name is Cindy said...

I'm here very early - insomnia strikes!! My desk is just piled this week, hoping to clear up sometime today so I can find the bits I am working on!!


Darnell said...

Bless you, Julia! How fun for me to have you post so early so I don't have to stay up until dark o'clock here on the US west coast!

Your desk is a bit of a, a, well, stamping ground, really. Clever you to have named your blog that. Just please watch the miscellaneous bag-dropping. We don't want to see the name changed to Dumping Ground!

Have a wonderful week! Darnell, oops, hold on, I forgot to refresh ... #20! twoot

Sue from Oregon said...

Hello Julia! Great desk this week...make sure you eat your fruit snacks, then you will have enough energy to use all your crafty the girly stamp!!!

HeARTworks said...

Amazing! How we do manage to work with all that mess is beyond me! But we WOYWW gals are miracle workers, aren't we? At least I like to think so! I like your desk as much as mine! (((BIG GRIN)))) patsy

Unknown said...

Your desk is fine. Wait to you see my desk, it's a HUGE mess. But that's what happens when we're creating. Happy Crafting #26

RosA said...

Hi Julia,
Your desk looks pretty normal to me, although when plastic bags are dumped on top of my mess I do tend to remove before taking a WOYWW pic, so I guess you could say my desk is "stage managed" :)
I like that odd lady stamp on your desk, but viewing from that angle is doing my head in :)
Have a good week,
RosA # 24

VonnyK said...

That's a normal desk to me, my whole room looks like that. If it remotely has anything to do with me they all dump it on my floor. Mine looks neat this week because I just wheeled one desk out into the family room and you can't see what I left behind :) Love those gorgeous lady stamps, so cool.
Have a great week.
Von # 27

Create With Joy said...

This is how I know you do not live with cats Julia. I cannot leave plastic bags like this on my desk untended too as Tsunami will lick the bag to death and Legend will either stick his head and suffocate himself inside - or worse yet, stick his head in the handle (from which there is no retreat) and then tear through the house like a tornado causing a path of mass destruction in his wake!

(see how much fun you are missing out on?)

Great job converting two new scrappers to the cause! My husband claims it's' a cult!

Happy WOYWW to you!

Create With Joy #28
(that's what I get for snoozing!)

Jackie said...

dumping area ........ i think most of our desks have been used for this at some time or other, makes them more fun to look at!!!! so great when new folk come along and fall in love with scrapbooking
Jackie 30

Shaz in Oz.CalligraphyCards said...

ah Julia think we must be vaguely related as so recognize your wonderfully interesting desk and yes dump things too that vaguely belong in crafty spot then wonder why it is so untidy!! thanks for sharing, and so cute the caricature girlie stamps kinda fun they are! Looks like a set what we can see.. happy WOYWW Shaz in oz.x #29

Claire Grantham said...

Happy WOYWW Julia! I too have random stuff on my desk - lint roller?! Unfortunately I think as crafters we secretly like untidy desks :) Cx #33

Claire said...

I love it - that we show our desks, warts (plastic bags!) and all!
Should we change to name to DA, do you think? Deskers Anonymous
I think we all understand each others' addictions to artmaking, to sharing our messy desks, and the commitment to showing up each week!
Happy WOYWW, dear Julia x
no. 32 (ish, it keeps changing...)

Chrysalis said...

Crumbs, Julia, you were up before the lark today! Enjoy WOYWW and a great week. x

Anne said...

I confess my workdesk is clear and tidy of things apart from my artboard as in my WOYWW. No Laundry today so you are spared that insult to your eyes & senses!
Anne #40

The Taming of the Glue said...

Respect! A desk just like mine!
Happy WOYWW. Pam#38

Unknown said...

Happy WOYWW Julia
At least your desk looks loved and used. Mine has remained bare and tidy for a few weeks cos I haven't done anything crafty!
Have a happy week
Lynda #41

Unknown said...

Hi Julia
At least your desk looks loved and busy. Mine has been bare and tidy for a few weeks cos ive lost my mojo on account of the nice weather and have been outside!
Have a happy week
Lynda B #41

Unknown said...

OOH sorry
Didnt think the first comment published...
Lynda B x

Francesca said...

No Matter, I did manage it all for 2 hours Ha Ha. Francesca #44

Unknown said...

There is always so much to be doing Julia, that is how we roll!
Karen #45

mamapez5 said...

If you've actually got some decent weather in UK, I don't blame anyone who 'goes out to play' rather than crafting indoors. And I promise you, if it wasn't for the resident fluff-ball in my room, my desk would be in more of a mess than yours. Arwen has at least taught me to clear up, or have my work/materials ruined! Have a good week. Kate x #45

fairy thoughts said...

morning Ms Dunnit
If only life would just let us get on and play.... maybe our desks would never be a dumping ground.... or maybe not. have a good week, oh and love those wooden stamps

Ginny Maxam said...

Julia, I love reading your posts, I think I'm reading about me!! Setting fire to fabric in the garden! HAHAHA can't tell you how many times as a professional contract sewer I've wanted to do that! Your desk is crazy today especially at that angle, love all the creative mojo there!
Have a great week! Ginny M _ I need your address too, to send you ping prize!! >

Robyn said...

you can always tidy!
here's to going out to play!!!
Robyn 54

Redanne said...

Morning Julia, I am not saying good because it is not here...... I do like to see a desk that is even messier than mine! Enjoy the outdoors - the crafting will wait a day or two more. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #51

sara j said...

I love the stamp of the lady with the skinny legs!! And what a great excuse for not cleaning up - you were creating!! Sounds good to me!!!

BJ said...

Just wondering whether YOU were actually ON the table too from the angle of the photo! Nicely located plastic bag. BJ#55

KatzElbows said...

Today I am happy to prove you messy and lazy. Oh yeah, my desk rocks. But then again, there's lots if good stuff to see on your desk. I love the stamp, and what I can see of the layout looks great. But what's with the photo angle? Makes me feel a little ill!

Have a great Wednesday,
Love Rachel.

Spyder said...

Well at least it's tidy Chaos, wish mine was... I saw dog on the box ... I have walked so many miles this week (walking dogs) I should be as thin as a stick! (Not happening) have a great crafting week

((Lyn)) somewhere near #52 I think

Fiona@Staring at the Sea said...

Perhaps I had better come to one of your scrap book classes and be inspired too. Scrapping has been relegated around here. I just can't do it without a desk. I need to be able to leave it all out and ponder before returning to stick it all down. You're right though I love to the ladies in my class getting inspired when they realise that card making is so much more than QVC kits!

Twiglet said...

Mine looks a bit like that but I covered it in linen bunting and it looks quite pretty now!! x Jo

Annie said...

Looks like you've certainly been enjoying yourself there this week and that's what crafting is all about surely.
A x

Debbie Frost said...

Your desk looks much like mine this week! I'm not even going to think about tidying as I know it's going to get worse before it gets better!! Have a good week!

Julie Lee said...

Thank you so much, Julia, for sharing that! I feel much better about my mess now! Fantastic to hear about those scrap-booking converts. You must do a great job inspiring people both online and in the real world, if you see what I mean! Julie Ann xxx

Anne said...

It's good to be inspired and play. Don't blame you for leaving it! Plenty of time to tidy up when the rain comes back - tomorrow I think :-)Happy WOYWW Anne x #65

Maisie Moonshine said...

You've got to go with the muse when it strikes - and tidying up is soooo last year darling! MMx

ria gall said...

Hi Julia
it looks like this weekend you may be in there sorting out your desk of stash, just a tad worried that we might lose you under that little lot
Have a great WOYWW and enjoy the rest of your week
Ria #47

peggy aplSEEDS said...

that's what i love about WOYWW, you don't have to tidy up to post about your desk!

Marit said...

Tropical weather and thunderstorms overhere... I am glad that I took/uploaded my desk photo yesterday as today it is not possible to sit either in the studio (too hot) nor in the garden (heavy showers...) Hmmm... shall I clean the bathroom then? Naahhhh....

Hope your day is good with sunny weather and laughter and creativity!

Silvia said...

I am so very happy to see your desk look a mess. Makes me feel good that I am not alone:)
But it looks like you enjoyed yourself immensely.
Silvia #72

Lunch Lady Jan said...

You could get an Arts Council Grant for that....Tracey Emin, eat your heart out...... ;-)
LLJ xxxx

Sandy said...

Those stamps look so great with the funky women love there shoes.. Love all the glorious busyness on your desk its awesome.. I did post about what I did with my journal page you asked about last week, but its not on today's post but a few back from it. I ended up putting an owl on the bright page and was really happy with the way it came up with all its layers and bright colours.
Sandy :)

Lynn Holland said...

Tidying is up is definitely a nasty weather job. Says me who went outside to work on the garden and spent the time taking pictures of it instead with my new iPhone.

Unknown said...

Morning Julia. I love your new bright and breezy background.....I have missed a couple of weeks so I am having withdrawal symptoms! I am ready to hop ......if I can just miss that plastic bag on your desk.....oh and pick up those cute stamps on the way past! Tee Hee Happy WOYWW to you from Helen 78

Anonymous said...

Happy WOYWW. My desk shots may look reasonably tidy, but you don't see (well not very often - I have been brave and shared them before) the 'other desk', the piles of stuff on the floor and the many boxes waiting for our house move. I spy some cute stamps amongst the creative chaos! Ali x #79

Helen said...

oh if only I'd thought to check at 3.30 on my way to the loo... the joys of mid-life late night waking.... lol!! - I could have joined in earlier. Your desk (taken from the doorway I know now...) looks very - um - busy today! Love the stamps though! Helen 31

Carole Z said...

LOL in my post this week my desk looks fairly tidy, but you don't see the other desk in my room..and even worse the floor! Trouble is I just don't want bad weather!!! Happy WOYWW everyone, Carole Z #80

Diana Taylor said...

I love the rubber stamp with the stripey legs - so cool! I've been known to leave carrier bags on my desk for weeks, just dipping into them when I need one of my new purchases! Have a great week!

Unknown said...

That's a good idea Helen. I was up and about for the same reasons as you around 3.00 a.m. ish! Mind you, if I stopped to put on my computer and then add a post I'd never be able to get back to sleep so will just have to happy with #81. :-)

Jacqueline said...

Hi Julia, you think YOURS is bad?...just take a look at mine *sighs* ! There is just no hope for me I'm afraid! Mine has been so sadly negflected these past few months!

Take care and it's good to be back because i have missed this terribly!

Jackie x

The Scrapbook Lady UK said...

scrapbooking is most addictive!!! glad you had a good un. happy woyww jenx

Gibby Frogett said...

Great desk Julie, wish I could have a rummage around - love the stamps especially. Glad you pointed out about carrier bag, because if I sit back it looks like it could be a sculpture - part horse and ardvark - yes? no?... ok maybe I need to clean my glasses..happy WOYWW Gill x #89

Joanne said...

Well, one thing for sure, I recognised your desk straight away.

Winnie said...

Such a fun filled desk there, Julia! I find that no matter what the weather, I cant find time to clear off my desk on the weekends. Just too much to do (both errands, and fun things!). I see some fun stamps with some fun looking ladies on your desk. They look like a hoot! I see even your button jar top is askew! I can't wait to see what you made! Enjoy the day! Winnie#93

Karen said...

Lots of things going on - a true crafters desk then!!! LOL!!! Don't worry, just have a bash at clearing it when the rain comes. Happy WOYWW! ♥ Karen ♥

Jan said...

I felt right at home on your work space lol! xx Jan

JoZart Designs said...

In the words of a song, like Jan.... "well I guess it doesn't matter any more" It really doesn't. We manage to create when we want to no matter what the tsate of the desk. You've been creating despite it all and will continue to do so! Beautifully!
Jo x

Unknown said...

I think at least 90% of us have busy desks like that. Mine currently has a pile that is about to topple over and kill a small civilisation.

Glenda said...

Always glad to see your little mess! I could never find anything if my space looked like yours. It seems I lose everything and then it winds up right in front of me. Scrapbooking.....haven't done that for years!

Unknown said...

wow! lots going on here already today. well, I'm kinda late anyway ;)
That's just how it looks at my 'messy table' all the time, Julia.
Happy woyww,
Jana #93 today

Unknown said...

ooop, just updating my number for reference purposes: when I refreshed the page I was #100!
Many woyww lovers active at the same time, I'd say :)
Jana #100

glitterandglue said...

Hi there, Julia. So nice to see a desk full of thimngs - mine, should you be able to see it, is stuffed full of all sorts NON craft related today! Have a great week.
Margaret #93

CraftygasheadZo said...

Morning! Lots to see as usual on your desk, I find that too, anything that could be related to me is left on my desk, usually by me then I forget and wonder how it got there!! Lol Take care Zo xx 77

The House of Bears said...

Mess? No, we're sure we can spy a half inch of space to play with!

Annie said...

Happy WOYWW Julia. I have to say that your desk looks fab next to mine !!!! I am quite ashamed of it today although I have made some really nice projects.

Best wishes and crafty hugs

Annie xx

sandra de said...

Now that is a well used desk with lots of goodies amongst all that stuff. It just goes to show how much we all have .... and how busy we are.
Sandra @105

Andrea said...

I'm sure you wouldn't have it any other way and sounds like you had a great time scrapping so was worth it!,and we get to see more,although the plastic bag is in n the way of my nosiness!..I'm also loving the stamp her legs are fab!
have a great week
Andrea #104

SMYLING said...

hi julie, not proving you lazy at all, my desk has been abandoned for kitchen work top, its in such a state!!!

Rossella said...

Good morning Julia. That's a busy dedk there. I'm so impressed that your snack box contains fruit.
Happy Wednesday
Rosie x

Lisa-Jane said...

LOL! I get that too, sudden inspiration and the clearing gets forgotten in the pursuit of art! Quite right too xx

Becky said...

Mine needs picked up as well. And dusted!! You can see the dust in the photo I think! Ack!

Annie Claxton said...

hehehe I love your messy desk - it looks just like mine when I'm in the throes! ... well, I would have stuff all over the floor around me as well - maybe you have too but it's not in the photo?! Annie C #114 :o)xxx

RosA said...

I suppose I have repressed childhood memories of seeing Hitchcock's "The Birds". One of the scariest movies ever :)
I could only bring myself to use images of birds sitting still :)
RosA #24
(Thanks for dropping by.)

Jules said...

My desk has looked like yours more often than I like to happens!

Julie #117

Tammy said...

Love getting inspired by watching others get hooked onto something new! Hope you get to finish your page and enjoy your fruit snack today! Happy Wednesday. :)

Dianne said...

I think it looks productive on your desk, well we will call it that, the fruit snacks are needed so have fun doing "it", I'm off to waterfit and will snoop around when I get back..

Laura said...

How awesome to convert two ladies to scrapping
Well done you :)

Monique said...

Actualy, I can't proove you lazy, as I didn't even dare to post my workdesk this week, after creating loads of booklets last weekend. Besides the sun is out, so I need to say hi to the sun, or she might go away again =).

Have wonderful week, Happy WOYWW. xx

Brenda B said...

Where would we all be without our good intentions Julia!?? Good that you were inspired, if only for a little while, good that the other ladies were similarly hooked too! Maybe they will become woyyers in good time! I'm completely ignoring the mess you notice, yes I am!

Brenda 112

Kim said...

Uhmmm, yeah, I can't get past the setting fire to fabric in the garden....of course now would be the time, as everything else is so wet from rain...but???
Kim #125

Unknown said...

Julia, what is Kraft Crazy? It sounds absolutely like a blast! So fun that you went to teach and then got all inspired yourself. LOVE your desk today! Happy WOYWW! Sandy Leigh #22

Katie said...

Thanks for hosting!!

Katie 127

Eliza said...

I don't know what happened to my last post it disappeared on me.

It is so good introducing people to the art of scrapbooking and watching them discover a new world, not only for the craft but for the history that they are going to hold in the pages they create. good for you, you're a champion.

Hugs Eliza

Craftychris said...

Loving your lady stamps! I still haven't tried scrapbooking yet! xx

Angela Toucan said...

cute stamps, and I'm looking forward to seeing your layout when you finish it.
Blessings to you from Angela

Christine said...

Dumping ground or not - it's yours........ you had a play.....
Hope I can get my desk to look similar next week!

Bishopsmate #125

Sarah Keerie said...

I seriously don't know where today has gone! my post for today plus my guest :)

Serendipity Stamping said...

Maybe if you just remove the bag it will straighten right up. Oh well we all have days when we just think we need to get to picking up. I spy a stamp that I have also. Have a wonderful day Julia.
#133, I think.

MiniOwner said...

LOL Julia you should see the carnage I left at home! So nice to be in a tidy hotel room. :o)
Happy Wednesday. :o)
Sue x (miniOwner@111)

Sarah Leonard said...

Well, I think I may have bested you this week! I am sharing my desk clean up in progress. It's pretty messy!

Sarah @ A Cat-Like Curiosity

Claire Grantham said...

Julia - here is a link to where you can buy the NY paper - but I'd be happy if you wanted to come and visit :) Cx #33

Dorothy said...

Awww you did have to have a play outside. Get in that good weather while you can...the craft room will Hugs, Dorothy #133

Karin said...

Hope you had a wonderful day.

505whimsygirl said...

Hi Julia,

Ha! I had to clean off my table to eat for Father's Day so my "desk" is totally without craftiness. That's one reason I'm not joining in this week. Can't stay away though....


Bernice said...

At least its all confined to your desk - the whole of my spare bedroom gets buried under all sorts of clutter - what a job clearing it up when Mum comes to stay!
Bernice #66

Caro said...

LOL! My desk looked like that over the weekend, but is looking better now. I love the carrier with the all important things in it. Thanks for sharing & hosting us all again. Happy WOYWW. Caro x (#137)

Unknown said...

Julia, I am liking that dog tag box. It could lead to a lot of fun I am certain. Love the day shots of your desk. I know exactly what you mean about the plastic bag. Crum! I cannot remember how many lost things that have been found around here because I know that they are in that let's see...I know it was here...this one?...nope, this one?...nope. And so it goes. But I always know it is in one of the plastic bags around here. I'm still looking...N, xo

Queen Lightwell said...

lol My desk has looked like that many times! :) Thanks for hostessing us, as always, so graciously and really let us be us, the messy and the OCD, all are welcome and loved here! Deeyll #141

Rachael said...

Haha! If a crafter has a tidy of empty desk then its something to worry about. Its a well known fact that us crafters work best in organised chaos ;)

Rachael of

Lucy said...

I feel your pain with desk mess. The reason why I decided to make a chair my workdesk this week is because I seem to have completely shut down to the idea of cleaning my actual desk as it has gone past that 'point'. I'm looking at it now in despair, but am resigned to trying again tomorrow. Thanks for popping by and have a great week, Julia! Lucy #34 x

susibee said...

My desk is a dumping ground for anything that is vaguely crafty whether it's mine or not so I know the feeling.

Have a great week.

Happy WOYWW. Susi #85

Ali H said...

Hi Julia who ever made anything worthwhile without making a mess ! Just chill out & find a square inch to be creative in is my motto !! Thanks for calling by earlier ! Ali xx #36

Kezzy said...

I love how you tilt your pictures lol, my other half just asked what I was looking at, I told him, I'm imagining I'm at the queen of woywws desk, he shut up then lol. Lots to look at on your desk this week, it is great when newbies start craft, when I have had friends around and they want to know everything it really is inspiring and makes me want to play play play. Happy Woyww hugs :-) Kezzy xxx

Unknown said...

Isn't chaos what it's all about?

Cazzy said...

I have never seen your desk like that! Happy WOYWW!

I'm here on the right day this time.

Cazzy x

Neesie said...

Your desk may appear a little messy but I bet if anyone was to take anything you'd know straight away!
It's a healthy kind of mess :D
Happy WOYWW and thanks for visiting me earlier.
Neesie #49

April said...

Now that is one good lookin desk. I like to see piles of treasures. And that stamp with the lady in the blue dress- too cute.
April #143

Dainty Diva said...

I sometimes just throw stuff in my studio.

Tracy said...

I think your desks look like creative art :)
Summer is so short, that when it is nice, we should go out and play ;)
So exciting to share our passion with new blood, lol.

Jeanna said...

Happy WOYWW, Julia!

Gill Edwards said...

nothing doing on my desk this week so will hopefully join in again next time.
I love those stamps at front of shot with the skinny ladies on, if you get my drift.

Gill x

Arnoldo L. Romero, MLA said...

My wife loves to dump stuff that is "related to me" on my drafting table too. LOL!

trisha too said...

Well I'm gone for a few weeks, and it's like a whole new Stamping Ground around here! Nice new blog look, Julia--and the desk is as busy as always!


Marit said...

Did I leave you a comment last Wednesday or not? I can't remember - the heat must have gotten to my head... but I am here again now, the weather changed and thank goodness it is bearable temperatures right now... Happy solstice and happy ~ belated ~ woyww. Hug from Holland, Marit #70

♥ Liz ♥ said...

Love the desk. It's not untidy it's a work in progress. Thanks for letting me tag along :0)

Belinda said...

Hey girlfriend! Here I am late. Didn't have to serve on a jury. Yeah. I hope not to be called anytime soon.

My desk was clean Wednesday but if I took a photo today, a mere two days later, you would have to hire a search party to unearth my desk. It's filled with works in progress, stuff oh and some new flavors of jelly beans of course!!

Good to know your human too and can have a messy desk like the rest of us!

Thanks for the visit.

See you next week.

Belinda (105)