So, share your space..desk, floor, tray, arm of chair, kitchen worktop..wherever and whatever you are creating, we like to see. Use WOYWW in your post title so we can find it easily, and link your post here....we'll visit if we can. But you have to visit too...reciprocal nosiness is very much a part of this thing!
**Ahem...step onto soap box**
Because of our expanding numbers, adverts and posts dated prior to Wednesday or un-related to WOYWW will for the most part be's much easier to click away than to really 'police' this. There aren't many rules, but for the sake of your hit rate/comments/reputation, you should reconsider doing WOYWW if your intention is to gain from it in any other way than by becoming a part of this very friendly, silly, artistic, inspiring and sometimes tidy community. Thank You. Please scroll right down for the edit!!
Janet accuses me of 'do what I say, not what I do' and it's taken me a while to work out why...and I realise it's because I say in the soap box section that posts dated prior to Wednesday will be ignored....of course it's not at all what I mean....I mean that if you link any post other than a WOYWW one (for example, your regular Tuesday post that is unrelated to WOYWW) then it will for the most part, be ignored. Too many real WOYWW posts to visit. The time you load your post for WOYWW is of no consequence, and if it suits y'all better for me to post for about 1am (GMT) on Wednesdays, then I will..but I won't be doing it live!!