
Friday 3 March 2017

Doing the RAK

RAK - Random Act of Kindness

I read on Facebook about RAK week. Or day. I don't remember. I don't remember when it was either. Ugh, hopeless. Anyway, I decided it was a nice thing to do,  a real lesson in 'do unto others.....'
At some other time, I did something very unusual. A recent friend had posted a marvellous picture of herself and her sister on Facebook. It's a lovely picture. I decided it was too good to be filed on a computer, and so I lifted it off Facebook and last time I ordered photos for scrapbook purposes, I had a copy printed. I was going to give it to Liz anyway, but decided the RAK idea needed more than that, so it was my first job at the recent Coven Crop.
Funny story - I've known Kirsty, Liz's sister for yonks, through crafting. I met Liz in an entirely different context and did not know they were siblings for quite a long time.

I made it an 8x8 LO because hey - Liz may not want to be forced into displaying stuff just because I like a certain photo! As you can see, I've kept to my standard format and stuck the photo and bits in bottom right. The tulips and little labels were part of a gift baggie full of hand stamped pieces from Sally at Ohhh Snap!. It is entirely appropriate to make them part of a forward RAK, even if I did hesitate before I used them! Then I bought a little box frame and pouf! Little gift ready and now received. It's the first LO I've made for ages and ages, so it's a double pleasure for me really.
I really have to reassure you that I don't make a habit of stealing your photos off Facebook. Ironically though, I had to lift this picture off Facebook because I forgot to take my own photo of it!


  1. Hi Julia, Loving your RAK for your friend.

    I run a group on FB where the members send RAKs out.

    Hope you have a fab Friday. Sue

  2. Some friends and I got together once and decided a RAK sounded like a sick animal, so we came up with ART, or Acts of Random Thoughtfulness. The rest of the world has been slow (OK, nonexistent) to catch on.

    I love your gift, whatever you choose to call it. It is thoughtful, kind, handmade, and caring. OH, and it is beautiful, too. Just like you, dear Julia.

  3. I think that's totally appropriate way to use them, I love that PTI set, they are gorgeous tulips! And very pretty page!

  4. Great RAK well done, Julia, it really is a beautful shot and you've showcased it beautifully ...
    Thanks for sharing!
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  5. That's a kind thing to do. I bet you had fun making the layout too.

  6. A real win all round there, beautiful layout you had fun making, using some lovely pieces you were sent and a beautiful gift.

  7. loving the photo, layout and tulips!

  8. It's gorgeous. What a lovely RAK.

  9. Aren't you sweet? I think that is a wonderful RAK. :-)

  10. LOVE this!! You certainly put those embellishments to good use : D. I always forget to put that bit of yellow cardstock in to tie things together.

  11. Julia, what a super nice thing to do for your friend. And you're right, it is a lovely photo of the two of them. I'm sure she'll treasure your RAK gift.


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