
Wednesday 2 October 2024


Buried at the bottom of a random blog post on Wednesday 3rd June 2009, I found this:
I hit on an idea last night that I thought may be fun - particularly in view of the cathartic nature of sharing. I thought we (that's you interweb, and me) could do a 'what's on my work table this wednesday' feature thingy. Yep. From me, a sort of down market and probably badly photographed version of the sort of thing that real big celeb scrappers do - but theirs involve finished items, links, articles and sponsor giveaways....none of which will happen here. I just wanna see what you're all doing that I'm not...I really like the idea of seeing your work in progress; specially as your finished stuff is always fab.
The down market and badly photographed comment was very far sighted of me! The greatest change has been that my desk is in a different position in my workroom following some building work, rather than my attitude to clearing up or learning lighting skills for photos. Ah well. 
So we formed a community via looking at our work spaces;  we've celebrated with each other and we've mourned the loss of friends. Such a strong community; when I announced that it was time for me to step back, instead of moaning and pulling away, you brought me a present and celebrated my time. That is one of the nicest things that has ever happened to me. 
And now we continue under Sarah's much more organised watch, and I love that too, that WOYWW meant enough to the collective contributors to 'move' rather than finish. 
The trawl through my old blog posts has caused me embarrassment and hilarity, but it brought to mind so many of you lovely Deskers, maybe we don't regularly see so many people any more, but the beauty and grace of this community is that it doesn't matter, once a year, or never again, you are running through my mind on this of all days. 


  1. And what an idea it was! I bet you never imagined in your wildest dreams that this sharing malarkey would still be going strong 800 episodes later xx Kudos to you for the initial idea but also having the stamina to maintain the interest and enthusiasm, there was a lot of behind the scenes communication as well as the Wednesday stuff. You’re a star xx
    I enjoyed the delving of the back catalogue and did well to keep it to only 36 pics, lol. But I shed tears too, happy, grateful and sad, all part of life’s rich tapestry eh?
    Thanks mate, Happy 800!
    LLJ 4 xxx

  2. Hi there gorgeous gal...what a great idea it was too. For that I for one will be ever thankful because what you did was give us crafters a reason to link up each week and just look at all the wonderful friendships that have built. Jo and I had a good chuckle last night looking back at some of the things we posted [and some of the things we made came as a huge surprise to us never mind anyone else lol].
    I hope you know we are all here for you in good times and not so good...give us a shout if you need a friend.
    Annie x

  3. HELLO JULIA !!! I've been thinking of everyone and what a time going back. SIMPLE / EASY life...Things have changed here !!!! Forgot even how to post/sign in etc no current photos today Maybe next week. Hope all is well your way . IT's one day at a time here for sure. Haven't blogged for a LONG TIME. BEST WISHES and BIG HUGS.

  4. Hi Julia, lovely girl! What a brilliant idea you had way back then.Now just look at all of us - older and wiser with a few more grey hairs but still linking up sharing and keeping in touch with some wonderful friends. Bless you - you are a treasure. It was lovely to see all the photos on Jans post. What a bunch! Sending a big hug x x Jo 🌈

  5. From the bottom of my heart Thank You. I never realised just how big a part of my life your idea would become. I just wish I had been there from the beginning instead of week 60.
    It was Dolores I have to thank because she introduced my dear friend Jo who wore me down eventually and got me to join in - and I have never looked back since.
    So many memories, so many sad moments when we learned of a friend passing, or of someone being very poorly but mainly so much joy when we see one another albeit virtually.. Then we have had the cherry on top of the cake when we meet up at crops. Again it took a lot of nagging for me to go to one but now I don't want to miss one.
    You mean so much to so many, thank you so much for bringing together a community of crafters, we love you so much for it
    Hugs, Neet 1 xx

  6. And what a wonderful idea it was! It is, it still is. I've been reading back on my own very early blog post (written 20 years ago!) and I agree with you, it's been interesting... to say the least!

    Happy October!

  7. Hi Julia, and you are at the very forefront of my mind too. It was, and remains to this day, a great idea to have us bare all, so to speak, on Wednesdays weekly. It's brought me much vicarious pleasure and through it I've met, both virtually and in real life, some of the nicest people on the planet. And I've learned such a lot through you all too. I need hardly tell you that the two crops we attended were, for both Alan and myself, thoroughly enjoyable. Thank you, once again, lovely, clever woman that you are! Love and hugs, Elizabeth x #17

  8. I can't remember how I stumbled across your blog and the Wednesday desk malarky but what fun it has been - thank you so much for the first 15 years and then willingly passing the baton on to Sarah. Meeting up with so many deskers has been wonderful, never let it be said that meeting someone from tinterweb is right dodgy! I am so glad you joined in to celebrate with us today. Love'n'hugs. Happy WOYWW Helen #2

  9. Such a brilliant idea, Julia. Thanks so much for that inspiration and all the effort and networking to get it going and keep it rolling. I read LLJ’s blog for ages before I dared join in, especially as I don’t often work from a desk. I bet you had no idea we’d still be going 800 editions later!
    Enjoy our 800th WOYWW anniversary
    Lynnecrafts 3 xx

  10. Such a simple but brilliant idea, no hassle, no pressure just a lovely bunch of crafters always ready to say hello whenever you pop along. Love it, it keeps me sane and helps me remember what day it is! Hugs BJ#6

  11. Such an inspirational idea Julia, that has brought together like minded individuals from far and wide and bonded them in friendship. A great blog hop, Happy 800th WOYWW - Michelle x #13

  12. Hi Julia, sorry I'm late had a busy day. It's been great looking back at the early post. When you thought about starting this you could never have imagined how long it would continue, amazing. Wishing you a very happy woyww anniversary. Hugs Angela x10x

  13. love seeing the origin post! right now I dont know if I have a desk or not- my home was badly damaged by Hurricane Helene and I had to evacuate! not too many art supplies were on my essential list- I and all friends and loved one are safe- and our communities will carry us through. when I can I will share a post with all deskers

    1. Please let us know how you got on, and how you're doing after Milton!

  14. I am so grateful that you had that brilliant idea and brought it to fruition! Lots of us have ideas, but it takes a special person to actually start it up and keep it going! I have met so many wonderful people in this group, I really think that if I hadn't found this group I might not be blogging at all, so thank you very much! Lindart #17

  15. I am but a keeper of the flame Julia - you were the one to ignite such an enduring and wonderful idea. Thank you so much for getting this fabulous group going and I hope you will make it to the next crop - it is always good to see you. Hugs and Happy 800th WOYWW. Sarah

  16. I joined i in November that year (right around my birthday LOL!) and am still here. It wass a great idea and the community you allowed us to create has been a constant in my life for a very, very long time. Thank you for the start, thank you for passing it on rather then shutting it down, and thank you for all your friendship (and rides :D ) over the years. The misdirected email that brought me to Ludgershall has always been a loverly but of serendipity.
    still recovering but a bit brighter!
    Happy 800th WOYWW.
    Mary Anne (9)

  17. I was so pleased to see this post based on the original idea of WOYWW. What an amazing thing you started!! Happy 800th!

  18. From tiny acorns….. a great idea and well executed through the years. Sending hugs x

  19. I sense an overriding theme of "if it wasn't for you and your idea" amongst the comments - friendships made, creativity inspired, entertainment had, enabling incited and everything else you can possibly think of. I've missed not doing the regular blog hop and am happy to be back , for however, long it may be, but I know that once a desker, always a desker... thank you, Julia, for all you did for all of us xxx Happy 800!


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