
Wednesday 22 May 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 781. Or 1.

WOYWW is not stopping... Sarah is taking up the mantle! The hosting will go on at a different blog, is all! Delighted to point you in the direction of Sarah Brennan's blog. It's just in case that link in that horrible blue link fails for any reason.

I don't know if Sarah intends to change the week numbers or anything else for that matter, but you will find it all going on at her very tidy, very organised and very comfortable place. We talked a lot about all sorts of things but naturally left out the important stuff until it was too late to talk anymore!

Your responses to my decision to step back have been so kind, positive and complimentary that I've been dazed and quite overwhelmed. Classic British speak...I've been in tears and absolutely lost for words at more than one point. Our fifteenth anniversary Crop, hosted by Sarah and Eva was great. We managed, with some pixelating and signal probs to talk to Jan and to Kathy. We had freshly made sandwiches and Oatcakes for lunch, more cake and biscuits than are sensible and a lot of chat. A lot. We exchanged ATCS. 
And then there was a fuss and a presentation of an extraordinary gift to me. I can't express my thanks in a blanket term for that; you will hear from me separately, probably not till my good eye stops leaking whenever I think about it. That beautiful Twiglet, she seems to possess the sort of organising skills that a government needs. 

I can't thank you enough for the enjoyment, knowledge and inspiration from the last 780 weeks of being invited into your space. Im still around, I still intend to blog and I'll participate in WOYWW when life lets me. Why wouldn't I? You amazing people are a huge chunk of my social life. Thanks.


  1. It was a great day at the crop and a great weekend (or part of) to spend with you and Cindy.. Who knew so many places closed on a Monday, eh?! still there is always another time... Happy WOYWW . Helen xx

  2. I am so honoured that you have allowed me to take up the baton Julia. Saturday was such a great day and it was good to be able to share Trentham Gardens with you on Sunday too. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW. Sarah

  3. Well, Sarah has a hard act to follow but good luck to her and here's to another year of fun and friendship when I hope to see you again at Penkhull. Thanks for everything, and I mean "everything" Julia. Just hope the two "J's" make it together next year at the Crop.
    Enjoy your later mornings in bed each day of the week whether they be in this country or somewhere a bit sunnier.
    Take care of YOU, and get that Mr D to take care of you too.
    Hugs, Neet xxxx

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. A big thank you from me Julia for all those wonderful WOYWW's over the last 15 years and everything you've done to make them happen! I'm really going to miss Wednesday, Woyww is the only reason I remember what day it is ...well, most of the time anyway! Good luck to Sarah, I know she'll be fantastic. Take care and here's me wishing all the best for you and your family as you take on your new adventure! Soooo sorry I couldn't join in with the crop, it was just too far for me, (I'd probably still be suck on some roundabout even now!)
    Hugs ((Lyn))

  6. You deserve all the plaudits and I’m so glad that your creation will live on (that sounds a bit like Frankenstein’s monster, lol!) It’s such a happy, supportive and creative place, what an achievement! Catch up very soon,
    Hugs LLJ 4 xx

  7. Thanks for the email and the info on here! Congratulations on 15 years although I am only into my 4th...Happy Crafting!

  8. Thanks and thanks again for the last 15 years. You deserve all you got for the effort you've put in. We love you lots. It was so good to see you Saturday [sorry about my raw emotions]. It was just what my Dr ordered to be surrounded by special friends.
    Annie x #6

  9. Ah Julia you are a treasure. It was so lovely to see you and we are so glad that you could help Sarah get her Mr Linky up and running. Now you can enjoy this wonderful creation without the pressure of keeping it running. All the best x x Jo

  10. I'm so glad it has all been handed over so smoothly. Now you can relax about it and join in when it you can. Like me lol. Loved our time together this w/e, and Trentham was the icing on the cake. Missing being force fed cake all day, but I guess that is for the good. Have a good week, love n hugs Cindyxx #7

  11. Hi Julia, it was lovely to see you Saturday, well everyone obviously. If it hadn't been for WOYWW I probably wouldn't still be blogging and I am so happy to have been part of this lovely friendly group. Thanks for everything. Sending the biggest woyww hugs Angela x13x

  12. Good morning Julia, hope the weather is better for you than it is here! It is wonderful to know that WOYWW is continuing and that you are continuing to be part of it. Have a great week and happy WOYWW. Angela #11

  13. Hi Julia, I was a bit befuddled this morning as to where to go but found it in the end. Thanks you for all the years of WOYWW it's been such a bolt hold and comfort to me. I'm assuming your link on Sarah's blog is "MrsD" but it links to MY edit page which is curious in itself as I didn't realise people could access this, no probs other than other people's confusion. Hugs BJ#3

  14. I'm so happy to read you have passed on the WoywW baton Julia, a very sweet group that brings so many together when ever they can without judgement. The meet up looked fabulous so nice to see so many smiling faces.
    I hope you now take time out for yourself and enjoy what ever and where ever life takes you. Take good care of yourself.
    Wishing you all the best Tracey (the hotchpotch one!!) xx

  15. Now that IS good news! I shall be back next week to join in! So glad you had a wonderful time on Saturday and I look forward to reading your continued crafty blogging. x

  16. Good morning, Miss Julia
    I've only been up a few minutes and not had time to contemplate linking up this week yet. I'll help Sarah have top showing and head over there, butnot before I tell you how much I've enjoyed getting to know you all these years. Silverwolf brought me here many years ago. I'll have to check how long, but I've always felt blessed in having the opportunity to get to know so many of you and being a part of such a wonderful, talented group. I don't always get round to folks, so I don't always post but in your honor, I'll try to do better.

    Much Love & Creative Blessings
    ~ Kelly

  17. I miss a week and it's all change! :O

    Ahh, well done for 15 amazing years. I missed a goodly chunk of them over the latter years for various reasons, but you and the rest of the deskers have never been far from my thoughts. You've been brilliant to keep it going for so long, and 15 years does seem a timely moment to mark in the sand and say it's time for you, now. I have no doubt that Sarah will be a very capable Captain for the WOYWW ship, but do look in on us from time to time...

    I'm also sorry to have missed the celebration last weekend but understandably, I was elsewhere clearing a house of a long life well lived (and hoarded, apparently).

    Sending you much love and hugs


  18. Dear Julia, it was a genius idea to invite us to share our desks 15 years ago and, I for one, cannot thank you enough. So much pleasure has been had from such a simple thing as getting so many of us together, albeit virtually. Through you, I have made many friends, even met a few in real life, and learned an awful lot, not just about crafting but so much more. Thank you, dear friend. You've been brilliant and I'm sure you will continue to be so albeit in a less hands-on role. Sarah, no doubt, will do a sterling job managing WOYWW and long may it continue. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  19. So glad to read your good news and hear that you had a great time at your meet up. I shall definitely be back to link up. Take care. Michelle x

  20. when our ships sail out of sight, it doesnt mean our journey ends, only that the river bends!
    now you can enjoy WOYWW as just a participant!
    much love not you and yours as we desk on.

  21. It's week 782 and I came looking for you but see you are having a week or two off. Guess you will link up in the usual way when you do but I didn't want to miss you out this week. Thanks for you know what.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  22. Fantastic that its carrying on, you have created an amazing platform and crafting family


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