
Tuesday 14 May 2024

What's On Your Workdesk? Wednesday 780

Fifteen years! The community that this desk show has unwittingly created is like an iceberg; lots of the activity goes on beneath the surface of the weekly desk show. At the desk, we have a lot in common. Under the desk, we've connected, chatted, got to know each other and met. Not all of us, not all the time. I know that friendships have been struck and have stuck, and even if the parties aren't joining in with WOYWW any more, the friendships persist. It's delightful.

So gentle Desker, this is a perfect time for me to bow out. Doubtless you will have noticed that I've struggled for the past couple of months to keep up, keep my act together and play a full on part. That isn't going to change in a jiffy, so I'm going to stop. I would be delighted to pass the WOYWW 'home page' to someone else. If you're able, let's talk!

Meanwhile, lots of us are so looking forward to our day in Stoke on Trent with Sarah and Eva as our hosts for this anniversary's Crop. If you can't come, please tune in at some point to see pics and read about it, we'll assemble between 10am and 4pm BST. If you can work that out and would like to, let's use Messenger to visit! 

So here's a hurrah type picture. No changes or surprises about the state of it all!


  1. I am SO sorry to read you are bowing out. I, too have struggled trying to keep up with AJJ and my T Tuesday group. I can assure you, I completely understand. Have a good time at the crop. I hope someone will pick up the mantel and keep WOYWW alive, but if not, you have definitely had a great run. I still hope we can meet someday in person. Thanks for being such an amazing and very caring friend these past 14 plus years.

  2. I completely understand that leadings come and go. Grateful to celebrate this day, no matter what tomorrow brings. I do hope some folks want to continue the ATC swap for this anniversary.

  3. Sorry to read that you feel you need to bow out...but 15 years is such an achievement! Well done ! Enjoy the crop - I will be there in spirit!

  4. It’s been an amazing run. I’d volunteer if I didn’t fear I might struggle as well in time. If no one else steps up I’d probably give it a year and see. Let’s talk at the crop. No matter, you can be very proud of the community you built. Such a simple idea, and yet so uplifting. Many hugs and of course, Happy WOYWW!
    Mary Anne

  5. 15 years is an amazing achievement. I am not sure I could commit to running it either but let's see. Some young desker may be able to take it on! It has been lots of fun to make and continue friendships and I know they will continue. See you Friday. Happy WOYWW Helen #6

  6. Such a wonderful community Julia and 15 years of weekly linking and hosting is a long time. I understand you needing to stand down. Stay safe and Happy WOYWW anniverary. Sarah #?

  7. Well Julia, you started something that became a platform for friendships and it has been a pleasure to meet so many like minded people across the globe over the past fifteen years (I've not been in it since the beginning but pretty close). Thank you for bringing us all together in the way that you have,
    I've met so many lovely people, some in person both here and abroad and it is all down to one person's idea to introduce WOYWW to the internet. Many many thanks Julia, you deserve your retirement but you will be missed and I hope that someone a bit younger than me can take over but that you will still be able to join in.
    Thanks for everything, and I mean "every thing".
    Hugs, Neet 7 or 8 as I am a doofer!

  8. Oh my life, I was so excited to be awake early and remember it was Wednesday and then to read that this may indeed be the last one my heart sunk. I've been so encouraged by your comments over the years and tell people of my internet "friends", so really sad not to have met you in person now. I totally understand though, I ran an on-line craft group for 12 years and it does wane somewhat doesn't it! Thank you for all the years of turning up and being there for everyone. I'd offer to take it on but I'm not sure it would be the same. If anyone backs me, I'd give it a go. On a happier note love the rainbows on your desk, I'm copying those... Thanks again Julia much love and hugs BJ#11

  9. What a brilliant thing you started and managed wonderfully for all this time. You deserve a happy retirement! I hope someone can keep it going but I am sure that the friendships will continue. Looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. x x Jo

  10. I'm so sad to hear you are bowing out but do understand. You have been amazing for having kept it up so long....its such a commitment and we love you for it. Thank you soooooo very much. See you Saturday.
    Annie x

  11. Um, think I'm having a brain fade. Do we swap below us or above us? I feel like maybe we've done both before and I don't see that mentioned in the post. Sorry I'm a numpty!
    Happy 15th Anniversary WOYWW!
    Mary Anne (5)

  12. Ooh so sad to read this but totally understand you created a great community and through it i have met so many amazing people i now call friends. Hopefully, the baton for the weekly event can be handed on.

  13. We exchange with the ONE * ABOVE our name right? Man I'm like not with it today.

  14. Hi Julia, sorry forgotten the asterisk so done it again but looks like I'm not the only one Lol! I am so sorry to hear you must end this. If it wasn't for being introduced to all these lovely people it's unlikely I would have continued blogging but life must change when it has to I know that as our family here is about to change sadly. I hope though that we might still conect with each other at least sometimes. Happy 15th woyww anniversary, Angela x17 at the momentx

  15. Congratulations on 15 years my lovely! I wasn't surprised to read your message this morning & I can totally understand your decision, but it's still sad at the same time. Maybe whoever takes over can do it as a kind of job share but perhaps using the same blog site, so that when life throws curveballs and desk sharing isn't the priority there is always someone ready to step in? You've created an amazing community, lifelong friends, and oh so many memories. You should SO VERY proud my lovely friend. Enjoy your 'retirement'! Lisa-Jane #18

  16. It’s the end of an era but look at all the friendships that WOYWW spawned, you should be proud of that - the friendships will continue onwards. Thanks for the fifteen years x
    LLJ xx

  17. Just a thought but how about moving to a monthly hop instead for whoever takes over?

  18. I am sorry you are going to stop, but I completely understand and you have done a sterling job over the last 15 years. WOYWW has been the only online activity that I have been consistent in joining in (5 years now). I am sad I am not able to make the crop, I had such a wonderful day last time. Thank you for creating such a lovely place to meet up with lovely people. Angela #19

  19. Dear Julia, you created something wonderful and kept it going for so many years. It’s a shock but unsurprising, if you know what I mean, that you’re retiring. As you say, so many lasting friendships have been made under the desk as well as on it. I’ll look forward to seeing you on Saturday, when we can celebrate this anniversary in person.
    Happy anniversary and big hugs
    Lynnecrafts 14 xx

  20. Hi Julia, you have done an amazing job over the last 15 years, and you will be sorely missed. A big Thank You to you for your dedication in keeping this up and running and being so welcoming and friendly. The desks have seen me through some tough times and some great times and despite having breaks from blogging, I have always felt welcomed back. I have met some fantastic people on-line and in real life and I sincerely hope the group continues.
    Take care, enjoy your new direction and thank you again.
    Diana xx

  21. I completely understand the need to retire - as you know I have been unable to join in with the weekly hop for a while now, but do value the friendships that have built up as a result. Happy Anniversary and I am very much looking forward to seeing you on Saturday. xxx

  22. Hi Julia, 15 years is an amazing achievement! You've created a space that has brought like-minded people together and lasting friendships have formed over the years. In the short time that I have participated, I have certainly enjoyed linking up with you all, as it pushes me to be more active with my blog. Happy WOYWW Anniversary and I wish you all the very best - Michelle x

  23. I’m sad😢. I tried to make another trip to make this crop! The price of airfare was so out of the question! Little did I know this would be the last. Thank you my friend for all your love you have put into this.
    Will try to use messenger.
    Kathy #1

  24. I'm really really going to miss woyww...well, its about the only thing I can manage at the moment! But hopefully that will change! I've loved doing all the swaps over the years! I'm late again...but couldn't miss out on this week and am actually at the Professors house, 'sitting!' with my laptop in tow!! It really has been a fabulous journey!! Well done you! Happy WOYWW ((Lyn)) #22

  25. 15 years is quite the accomplishment! I have come to rely on WOYWW as the only place I show my work, and I thrive on the comments! I really hope someone picks it up, but I totally understand why you have to give it up. It's been a wonderful run! I feel I now have a bunch of friends "across the pond" and other places in the world that I never would have "met" if it weren't for you, and I'm so glad I found you when I did. I am very grateful. Is today, then, the last day for WOYWW? Have a wonderful week, Lindart #24

  26. Juggles 15 years is amazin and umbeliveable. So proud of you and your all round awesness. The gal some good LY XXXXX

  27. Sorry i will try that again ..... Juggles 15 years is utterly amazing. I am so proud of you (For many reasons) and your all round awesomeness .........The gal done good. LY xxxxx

  28. Good Morning Julia, I came over to wish you a Happy 15th WoywW in the tiny space of free time so sad to read you are ready for retirement. I've not been able to participate for a good few years now due to increased care duties for both Moms and now with my Mom's Alzheimer's diagnosis trying to get extra help is another hoop to jump through...
    You gave me a sense of belonging, a safe space to express and share a little piece of me in a world that is not always kind... Thank you for those open arms.
    Forever on my Christmas card list (((Hugs))) Tracey xx The hotchpotch one x
    P.S ENJOY that CROP!!!

  29. Oh my dear, Miss Julia!
    I so get it. You've are amazing and I'm sorry to see you bow out. Time to rest and enjoy life.
    I'll keep checking back. In the mean time, keep an eye out for happy mail.
    Creative Blessings & Hugs! Kelly

  30. I totally get this but hope we haven't met for the last time!, we are away in France at the moment and gutted to be missing the crop! We have been internet-less for the last 5 days but back on line now. Thanks for all the connections you have enabled over the 15 years! Big Hugs, Chrisx (pearshaped)

  31. Hi Julia, sorry to hear you’re bowing out just when I thought I’d try to join again! I stopped joining when I had an open heart surgery in Dec 2019, the reason being I couldn’t do my usual art anymore. I turned to digital and used my iPad so there wasn’t anything to show on my messy desk. But I regret not checking in, although I think it was that I felt guilty I couldn’t join. It’s nice to see that there are some familiar Deskers!


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